Challenges list of Teon5072
Hard Mode
Ice Maze : Finish the game in the 1st position without losing any balloons, without touching any pipe, Thwomp, snow ball, snowman, fire bar, tree nor pendulum, without drifting
With 8 participants, no teams
Just Some Coins
Pipe Maze : Collect all coins in 50cc class, by losing at most 3 balloons, in less than 2:00
The Maze
Pipe Maze : Reach the end of the maze in less than 50s, without touching item boxes, with 1 participant, without touching any pipe
No teams
Waluigi but not gud
Waluigi Pinball but it's "good" : Complete the track in less than 1:40 in 50cc class, with Waluigi, without using any item