Challenges completed by LuigiDawg
Thin On Ice!
Icey Ice Land : Complete the track in VS mode, in 1st place, without falling

labyrinthe mario sspecial circuit : attrape l'etoile

SNES Koopa Beach 2 : Finish the maze in less than 25s

Take the Ramp Shortcut
Hyrule Circuit : Near the beginning

Being Punished for Appreciating the Nintendo Switch Online Subscription Thingy
Bathaniel Nandy : Survive more than 1:00 without touching item boxes, without losing any balloons
With 8 participants, no teams

le défi est trop dur, toi meme
toi meme : Survive more than 1s
With 8 participants, no teams

Waluigi's defi
Il est possible mais très difficile : Complete the track with Waluigi

Il est possible mais très difficile : Trouve les accélerateurs

plagiques : Complete the track without drifting

what the kappa says
Waluigi's pinball machine Version kappa.0 : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, by falling at most 3 times
With 8 participants

Get 1st Place!
Mario Circuit GBA (Battle) : Finish the game in the 1st position

ne pousse que les pousses
route d'harmonie : Complete the track in VS mode, with 100 participants

Maybe a mushroom
Scarlet Devil Mansion : Find a way to get to the shortcut in Time Trial mode, with Mario

Boing Boing Blue
🍄 Wii Mushroom Gorge 🍄 : Rebondis sur le champignon bleu mais avant ça, je te conseille de bien attacher ta ceinture !!!

🎶 You Spin me Right Round 🎶
Electrodrome : The things that make you Spinnn... In MK8 not MKPC.

Larry Lights
Electrodrome : Get to the Light Up Section of the Track (the Dark part that makes Rainbows when you drive on it) in less than 5s

DK's Jungle Island : Smash Into a Crate in less than 10s

Koopa King
N64 Kalimari Desert(OG) : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with Bowser, without making tricks, in medium mode

1er arrivé, premier servi
MKPC come killeur : Finish 1st 1 time in a row

aller !
MKPC come killeur : Make at least 1 points in 1 race