/| Mario Kart PC |\

Challenges completed by Christmas_Daisy68

2-2: Max-Bros doit se téléporter au plus vite!

Mario Kart Deepnight -Stade de Max-Bros (Max appelé par Invu)/ Max-Bros's Stadium (Max called by Invu) : Max-Bros has to go to Chiminie, but he has to spider because it's at 8 p.m. So he teleports in VS mode, with Toad, without drifting, by driving backwards, in less than 5s

Easy Easy
By LemonFan370

DaisyandPeach, le/la rapide/DaisyandPeach, the fast

Mario Kart Deepnight -Château de DaisyandPeach/DaisyandPeach's Castle : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 999cc class, with Daisy, by starting with 12s delay, in less than 1:30

In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams

Difficult Difficult
By LemonFan370

Faire le circuit sans dérapé

Pixel Space : 3 zones a traverser en arrière in VS mode, without drifting

Easy Easy
By Lenny

Attention sa glisse

Circuit Glacé : Collect all coins by performing 10 Mini-Turbos, without touching any snow ball nor Chomp

With 8 participants

Medium Medium
By Lenny

Toad se téléporte au plus vite/Toad teleports as fast as possible

Mario Kart Deepnight - Circuit Mario/Mario Circuit : Toad needs to get to Peach's Castle ASAP so he teleports using a pipe in VS mode, in 150cc class, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, without touching any pipe, Goomba, fire plant, fire circle, Cheep-Cheep, box, Monty Mole, pinball nor oil spill, with Toad, in less than 15s, by starting with 7s delay

Easy Easy
By LemonFan370

Peach s'est fait kidnappé!/Peach got kidnapped!

Mario Kart Deepnight - Circuit Mario/Mario Circuit : Oh no, Peach got imprisoned by Bowser! The crates should therefore be destroyed in Time Trial mode, with Peach, in less than 3s

Easy Easy
By LemonFan370

Mario veut écraser les Goombas/Mario wants to crush the Goombas

Mario Kart Deepnight - Circuit Mario/Mario Circuit : I believe Mario wants to crush the Goombas in VS mode, with Mario, by starting with 5s delay, in less than 15s, without touching item boxes

With 8 participants, no teams

Easy Easy
By LemonFan370

Trouver une zone secrète

Ferme : Trouver une zone secrète, il suffit de réfléchir et connaitre les éléments du terrain

With 8 participants

Difficult Difficult
By Lenny

Sortez de votre carré / Get out of your square

Separation : Get out of your square

Difficult Difficult
By Wal68

Pièce !

Plage des pixels : Collect all coins in VS mode, by performing 5 tricks, by starting with 10s delay, without drifting, without falling

Difficult Difficult
By Lenny

Invasion de goombas !

circuit mario 1 : Destroy all Goombas in VS mode, with 1 participant

Medium Medium
By totovidéo

Luigi veut offrir un cadeau à Daisy, mais.../Luigi wants to give Daisy a present, but...

Mario Kart Deepnight - Circuit Mario/Mario Circuit : Luigi wants to give his little Daisy a present. Alas, he loses it on the way! Where can he be? in VS mode, in 150cc class, without drifting, without touching item boxes, without using any item, with Luigi, by falling at most 1 time, without making tricks, in less than 30s, without going backwards, by starting with 5s delay, without touching any Monty Mole, pinball, oil spill, Goomba, fire plant, pipe, fire circle nor Cheep-Cheep

With 8 participants, in difficult mode, no teams

Easy Easy
By LemonFan370

Luigi doit rentrer chez lui

Mario Krt Deepnight- Circuit de neige/Snow circuit : Luigi a fini sa promenade. Il a fait un si long tour il s'est perdu. Aidez Luigi à rentrer chez lui in Time Trial mode, in less than 5s, with Luigi

Easy Easy
By DaisyFan370

Peach est en retard !

Mario Krt Deepnight- Circuit de neige/Snow circuit : Peach doit se rendre à l'école mais elle est en retard ! Emmenez-la avant que le maître ne hurle! in Time Trial mode, in less than 10s, with Peach

Easy Easy
By DaisyFan370

Le cadeau de Peach

Daisy Hills 3.1 : Find Peach's Present in VS mode, in 200cc class, with Peach, in less than 8s

With 8 participants

Medium Medium
By DaisyPeachandKeeby

inspéction de @FireToad

Forêt Des Fantômes : cette zone est difficile à trouver mais une inspéction de FireToad vous suffiras à le trouver... ;)

Extreme Extreme
By Desti


Forêt Des Fantômes : Touche un arbre

Easy Easy
By Desti

Bienvenu dans... L'enfer !

Château de l'enfer : Vous devez restez une seconde dans l'enfer.

Extreme Extreme
By Mbk76

Preum's sous la tour eiffel !

Paris circuit Toto Kart Tour : Sous la tour eiffel ( représenté par des arbres sur une route ) in VS mode, in 150cc class, in 1st place

In difficult mode, with 8 participants

Medium Medium
By totovidéo

Beat My Time!

(Complete) Drag Race : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, in less than 4s

Extreme Extreme
By -Luigi-

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