Challenges completed by Mkpc_Lover
The Return
Choco Mountain Returns : Complete the track without making tricks
With 8 participants
The Crappy-er Circut TIme
Crappy Circuit : Complete the track in less than 1:00
With 8 participants
1st 120 Seconds
Crappy Circuit : Finish in the 1st position in less than 2:00
With 8 participants
Not Quarantining
W I D E Coast : Test the Track!
Baby Kart
Baby Park : Complete the track in less than 1:10 in Time Trial mode, in less than 1:10
Wrong way !... or... is it ?
Quartier Naturel : Just find a shortcut ;)
Nous allons vous tester.
Coronacircuit : Nous devons vérifier si vous avez la COVID-19 ou non, veuillez entrer dans la salle de tests.
Traitement en cours...
Coronacircuit : Vous êtes atteint de la COVID-19. Veuillez vous rendre dans la salle de traitement, on vous soignera
Admission à l'hôpital
Coronacircuit : Si vous présentez des symptômes, hop! dans l'hôpital sur-le-champ!
Jump on the Mushroom
Rainbow Road : So let's all jump up super high! High up in the sky! There's no power-up like dancing... I'll stop.
Reach the fox's nose with super sonic
Reach the fox's left eye with super sonic
oooooooooomamma mia
Reach the fox's right eye with super sonic
Reach the fox's right ear with super sonic
Reach fox's head top
just head
maybe there's gold
hyper circuits : Complete the track in less than 2:00 in Time Trial mode, with Wario
BK1303-Drift 'n' Trift
BK1303-Blurple's Turnpike : Complete the track in less than 1:00
BK1303-Starting this...
BK1303-Blurple's Turnpike : Test this circuit out.
Takin' Dem Shortcuts
Big Blue : Take one of the off-road shortcuts.
Bup 5
B U P : Go to Bup's Mouth with Toad