Challenges completed by BFDI_Ahmad17
Chocolate County : Sorry, just had to break that box.
SBK 1 - Time to Practice!
SBK - Raceway A : Complete the track in less than 1:35
The Loopy Way
vineway : Complete the track in less than 1:10 without drifting, with Yoshi
No teams
Hurry T
T Track : Complete the track in less than 11s
Waluigi goes to the middle
Jhffvrtv5 : Reach the middle in Time Trial mode, with Waluigi
Crazy Duel
High-tech : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with 2 participants
In difficult mode
La base pour commencer !
The Azoumix's Arene : Finish the game
Plus on est de fou, plus on rie !
The Azoumix's Arene : Finish the game with 100 participants
C'est l'heure du suicide !
The Azoumix's Arene : Tombe dans le vide
Où est la lumière des lucioles ? (elles te feront envolé quelque par...)
The Azoumix's Arene : Va sur mon serr-tête lumière (sa s'appelle comme ça dans ACNL)
Trouve le canon caché (j'ai mis moyen car il est caché mais facile a trouvé... je crois)
The Azoumix's Arene : Un canon est caché (bon j'en ai mis aussi sur mon serre-tête)
Alerte : COVID-19
The Azoumix's Arene : Protège-toi de COVID-19 en allant sur le masque !
Va sur la lettre "A" de mon pseudo
The Azoumix's Arene : Le "A" de "Azoumix" (mon pseudo pour ceux qui ne savaient pas XD)
Going down a specific endless void.
Ghost Road : Fall near the bridge in less than 10s
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Frozen Freeway [PK] : Finish in the 1st position
The Completioner
Frozen Freeway [PK] : Complete the track
The Completioner
GBA Cheese Land : Complete the track
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
GBA Cheese Land : Finish in the 1st position
The Completioner
Odd Oasis [PK] : Complete the track
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Odd Oasis [PK] : Finish in the 1st position