Challenges completed by Azoumix
Yoshi's Racing Legend
Yoshi's Sky Island : Complete the track in less than 1:50 in VS mode, with Yoshi, in 1st place
With 8 participants, no teams
Super star rouge !
Arène de l'étoile arc-en-ciel : Vous devez ateindre la zone rouge de l'étoile.
Super star rose ! (Mode chrono)
Arène de l'étoile arc-en-ciel : Vous devez ateindre la zone rose de l'étoile, in less than 10s
Hurry Up Yoshi
Cheep Cheep Rivers : Complete the track in less than 2:10 in Time Trial mode, with Yoshi
Défi de vitesse
Désert sec-sec : Complete the track in less than 2:00
1 km en kart, ça use...
Désert sec-sec : Roulez juste pendant quelque secondes...
Plateforme Maléfique
Bowser Castle DS : Atteindre la plateforme tournante in Time Trial mode, in less than 15s
Inauguration de Mario
I Circuit Mario : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with Mario
With 8 participants
M comme Mario Kart
I Circuit Mario : Atteindre le fameux logo in VS mode, with Mario, in less than 3s
With 8 participants, no teams
Test Défi
Mini Défi : Complete the track in VS mode, without touching item boxes
The Neighbour's Lane
Bowl Alley : Atteindre la plus haute piste de bowling with Mario
In difficult mode
Luigi Circuit Race Challenge
Wii Luigi Circuit : Complete the track in VS mode, with Funky-kong
With 8 participants, no teams
Funky Fast @ The Beach
RA Beach Day : Complete the track in less than 2:04 in Time Trial mode, with Funky-kong
Why Items?
Yoshi Roadway : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with 20 participants, without using any item
Win or Extinction
Koopa Island : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with Koopa, in medium mode
With 8 participants
Super Spicy!!
MKS: 4-2 Frozen Edge : Complete the track in less than 1:20 in VS mode, without drifting, without using any item, without falling, with 15 participants, without making tricks
Yoshi vs. the other 7
MKS: 4-1 The Great Garden : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in less than 1:00
With 8 participants
easy stuff
MKS: 3-4 AIrship Travels : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, without drifting, with 10 participants, without making tricks
New Record!
Yoshi Roadway : Complete the track in less than 3:00 in Time Trial mode, in less than 3:00
Banned Kingdom
Cotton Kingdom 1 : Complete the track in VS mode, without drifting, without making tricks, in less than 3:00, with Bowser Jr
With 8 participants, no teams