Challenges completed by BFDI_Ahmad17
DS Twilight House 2
DS Twighlight house 2 : Find the turn that isn't in a corner of the arena in less than 1:00
No teams
Piracy Is No Race...
Snes Mario. . . : Finish in the 1st position in 75cc class, with 2 participants, in impossible mode, with Mario
beat sonic in a race with mario
beautful beach : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 1st place
inside of every road is a rainbow
smile flowers rainbow [jp] : Finish 1st 1 time in a row in VS mode, in 1st place or better
Finish in 1st without touching item boxes
Resort Island Sonic R : Finish in the 1st position without touching item boxes
Finish in 1st position with 500cc
Resort Island Sonic R : Finish in the 1st position in 200cc class
1VS2 Race: Mario & Luigi
Bowser's Castle : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc class, without touching any Thwomp, fire bar, fire snake, fire triplet nor tree, without reverse drifting, with Bowser, with 3 participants, in extreme mode
No teams
the swoop challenge
banshee boardwalk : Complete the track in 50cc class, without touching any DS swoop
99 mii
Tomodashi circuit : Finish in the 1st position with 99 participants
In difficult mode
Tomodashi circuit : Finir un tour en 1:30 in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, in less than 1:30
Painfull 25 seconds in the highway :'D
Purpleverse Highway : Reach the end of the highway! in Time Trial mode, with a Despicable Partypooper, in less than 25s, without touching any Spike
Pas Through 5 Zones in Order Without Falling
DX Tick Tock Clock 1 : Complete a Lap? in 250cc class, in VS mode, without falling, with Donkey-kong, in less than 45s
With 8 participants, no teams, in difficult mode
llega hacia la ultima zona de agua en galeon wario
galeon wario : rapido with MARIO DE MK8, in less than 30s, by driving backwards
pasa por las zonas de senda arcoiris de nintendo 64
n64 rainbow road : vamos with CARRO DE MEXICO, in less than 6:10
Thwomp Mayhem 2.0
Thwomp's death castle : Finish the game in the 1st position in 150cc class, with Bowser, with 24 participants, without losing any balloons
Finding The Lost Gamba's
Lakeside Park : Find the secret ledge of three Gamba's and Use any ramp to get to them by falling at most 5 times, in less than 1:00
Itemless Middle Point Reach
Toad Shore : Get to the middle of the arena in 200cc mirror class, by starting with 1 balloon, while in rear view
Volez les cadeaux sans qu'on vous arrêtes !
Route du père Noël : Volez les cadeaux sans qu'on vous arrêtes ! in VS mode, in 1st place, in extreme mode
Quand est-ce qu'on le mange ? / When are we eating it ?
Gâteau-fort city : Yummy , I'm hungry ! in VS mode, in 150cc mirror class, in impossible mode, in less than 0:03:852
With 8 participants
Au plus court !
Ruins of chaos : Passez les raccourcis in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class, sans passer par le trajet habituel, in less than 30s