Challenges completed by BowserJr03
Vite va
Impossible spécial été : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, in less than 3:00
Aurélie PASCAL
GCN Parc Baby : Complete the track in less than 50s in Time Trial mode, with Bowser Jr
Ruée ver l'or DS
GCN Parc Baby : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in less than 10s, with Mario
Arène Wario : trouver le passage secret in Time Trial mode, with Wario, by performing 1 trick
Bowser's Bounce Castle : Complete the track in less than 1:00 by performing 25 tricks, without falling
Insane Korean Arena : Test The Arena
Sonic Labyrinth Blast
Labyrinth of Sky Zone 3 : Collect all coins in 50cc class, in less than 45s, without using any item
With 8 participants
PAC-MAZE : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 256cc class, with Toad, in medium mode, by starting with 2s delay, with 13 participants
squelette à 8 élixir
parc pekkaland : casser toutes les tours with Dry Bones, by losing at most 2 balloons
With 8 participants
3:00 time for brawl stars
Overlord Road : Complete the track in less than 3:00 in VS mode, with 12 participants
Everlite manor : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, in less than 2:27
no cheater's
8-1 circuit R : Collect all coins in 100cc class, in less than 1:00
fast collectors
lava keep : Collect 20 coins in less than 2:00
With 8 participants
Tokyo Drift
TON 618 : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, by performing 40 Mini-Turbos
Shy Guy
Koopa Kart : Finish 1st 1 time in a row in VS mode, with 4 participants, with Shy Guy
désert dingo-dino : Complete the track in less than 1:10 in Time Trial mode
Bateau Cassé : Complete the track in less than 1:00 in Time Trial mode
You Just Got Coconut Malled
Wii - Coconut Mall : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in extreme mode
With 8 participants, no teams
Fascinating Time Trial
Fascinating Island : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, in less than 42s
1-1 Luigi Kart Rush
Luigi Kart Stadium : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, in 150cc class, with Mario, in easy mode
With 8 participants