Challenges completed by Senator_Armstrong
Carnival of Carnage : Complete the track in VS mode, without touching any BONUS DUCK!!!
Assist Mode for a few seconds
Super Probably Track : Collect all coins
Kawaii Daisy (Fall Outfit) : Hit 2 opponents with Daisy, without losing any balloons, without falling
With 8 participants, no teams
Flower earring finder!
Kawaii Daisy (Fall Outfit) : Reach Daisy's earring with Daisy, in less than 5s, without losing any balloons, without falling
With 8 participants, no teams
Don't use the items!
Kawaii Daisy (Fall Outfit) : Survive more than 20s without losing any balloons, without falling, with Daisy, without using any item
With 8 participants, no teams
I can't do a front hairdo.
Kawaii Daisy (Fall Outfit) : Reach his hair (Not the back one) with Daisy, without falling
With 8 participants, no teams
Starbucks reference lol
Kawaii Daisy (Fall Outfit) : Reach his latte with Daisy, without losing any balloons, in less than 4s, without touching item boxes, without falling
With 8 participants, no teams
Mission 2-Boss: Stomp the Whomp King
Whomp King Battle : Stomp the Whomp King by losing at most 2 balloons
Mission 1-Boss: King Bob-Omb Battle
King Bob-Omb Battle : Survive more than 1:00 in 150cc class, with 2 balloons or more
Mission 2-3
SBOK2 Luigi's Rainy Circuit : Play with the puddles, dodging the crowd in VS mode, in 150cc class, in less than 19s, with 36 participants
No teams, in difficult mode
Coin Collecter
Mario Circuit 1 : Collect all coins in 150cc class, with Koopa, without drifting
SNES Bowser Castle 2 : Find The Secret Passage
really man, you have to
monty airship : go out of bounds. in VS mode, without drifting
Donut Plains 3 : Collect all coins
Koopa Beach 2 : Collect all coins
Normal challenge on a normal track. (OR 2FPS TO MAKE MEMEMO HAPPY)
a perfectly normal quick mode track, definitely not scaled down absurdly : Collect all coins
Ghost Valley 3 : Collect all coins
Rainbow Road (Destiny Road) : Collect all coins
Reach the shortcut without falling or drifting.
GBA Rainbow Road (Remastered) : Reach the shortcut in VS mode, in 150cc class, without falling, without drifting
In difficult mode, with 8 participants, no teams
Street Chayannge
Busy Town : Finish in the 1st position in 200cc class
In difficult mode, with 8 participants