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(Jeu) Je donne une vie a Bowser...

Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
FK_Lely wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
FK_Lely wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
FK_Lely wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
up to boxser and bad track are canceled
but you can't share "good" tracks

bruh :I You are supposed to make a wish after You kinda broke it but whatever

up = Bowser and everyone play very well the game.

Wish granted, but there's not many people playing the game anymore.
I give a up to bowser, in exchange for having a new high-end processor and motherboard installed into my pc with insurance. My current one isn't all that good, and I can currently only downgrade it to one that can barely order french fries online :s

Souhait exaucé mais le processeur ne s'allumera jamais :/

up à Bowser et les contrôles parentaux de la Switch disparaissent. J'ai acheté SM3DW + Bowser's Fury et il me reste dix minutes alors que j'ai à peine eu le temps d'en profiter...

Wish granted, but the only way this was possible was a factory reset of the switch...
I give a up to bowser in exchange for giving bowser a up cause why not

Souhait exaucé, mais le champi up est un poison déguisé, et Bowser te le fait avaler de force, et tu meurs...

up à Bowser et je peux être admin...

Wish granted, but you can't interact with people online, only make your own stuff.

@osc-omb vous êtes censé dire up à Bowser et...

bon bref ok souhait exaucé mais je trouve une parade à ton truc

up à Bowser et je peux être admin (quelqu'un va-t-il trouver autre chose...)

Wish granted, but it lasts for a second.
I give bowser a life in exchange for nothing happening...
wait i just realized someone else did this oh no I just caused an accidental
time paradox...
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
FK_Lely wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
up to boxser and bad track are canceled
but you can't share "good" tracks

bruh :I You are supposed to make a wish after You kinda broke it but whatever

up = Bowser and everyone play very well the game.

Wish granted, but there's not many people playing the game anymore.
I give a up to bowser, in exchange for having a new high-end processor and motherboard installed into my pc with insurance. My current one isn't all that good, and I can currently only downgrade it to one that can barely order french fries online :s

Souhait exaucé mais le processeur ne s'allumera jamais :/

up à Bowser et les contrôles parentaux de la Switch disparaissent. J'ai acheté SM3DW + Bowser's Fury et il me reste dix minutes alors que j'ai à peine eu le temps d'en profiter...

Wish granted, but the only way this was possible was a factory reset of the switch...
I give a up to bowser in exchange for giving bowser a up cause why not
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
osc-omb wrote:
up to boxser and bad track are canceled
but you can't share "good" tracks

bruh :I You are supposed to make a wish after You kinda broke it but whatever

up = Bowser and everyone play very well the game.

Wish granted, but there's not many people playing the game anymore.
I give a up to bowser, in exchange for having a new high-end processor and motherboard installed into my pc with insurance. My current one isn't all that good, and I can currently only downgrade it to one that can barely order french fries online :s
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
FK_Lely wrote:
Souhait exaucé, mais votre Switch se fracture.

NOOO not my switch! I paid good money for that! :(
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
-Luigi- wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Realboy wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Wish granted, but no one plays the tracks :|
I give Bowser a life, and in exchange I somehow keep the life due to being able to perform the menu overload glitch from breath of the wild to duplicate the 1up mushroom.
(Basically, I give bowser a life to be able to duplicate anything as long as I have bows)

Je n'ai pas compris, mais bon, souhait exaucé, tu peux faire ça mais tu ne comprends rien à ton nouveau pouvoir, car rien ne se passe comme prévu

Je donne upupupup à Bowser, et je le bats dans Mario 64 (dans le niveau final)

Tu veux le battre mais tu veux faire le fameux glitch SM64 de l'escalier infini et la cartouche Super Mario 3D All-Stars a explosé... Du coup, no way for destroy Bowser.

up à Bowser et un nouveau power-up sort dans Super Mario maker 2 (de préférence dans le style NSMBU).

Pretty sure the blj was patched in the sm64 version of sm3d all stars :(
Wish granted, but the item is the mini mushroom and doesn't help much.
I give a life to bowser for the blj to be able to be performed in super mario 3d all stars because i wanna speedrun sm64 without needing to buy a Nintendo 64

Douhait exaucé, mais les commandes de N64 pour faire ça ne sont plus les mêmes : il faut que tu appuies sur A et A en même temps ! Impossible de réussir ce bug caché, aussi tu jettes le contrôleur, et voilà.

up à Bowser et je suis un serial killer en termes de speedrun.

How do you need to press A the exact same time you press A? To do that, you'd basically need to hold down A, or perform it with tool assistance.
Wish granted, but someone starts serial killing your serial killing of speedruns, therefore basically nullifying the wish that was granted... :|
I give bowser a life in exchange for not needing to do my homework because it's now all exempt from my final grade :D

Souhait exaucé, mais votre travail en classe est 10 fois plus dur.

up up up à Bowser, mon prof de techno n'est pas c*****, ma prof de maths non plus, et je n'ai plus de devoirs (quoi, vos idées sont touts bonnes !)

If my wish was granted, then the classwork won't need to be done if it's exempt. Does that mean that I beat the system?
Wish granted, but because you didn't need to do classwork, you didn't end up doing it, and when the final exams came you realized "oh s**t, I didn't end up studying" and get f's :(
I give a up to bowser in exchange for being unable to be stolen from (I don't want to take any chances with my $300 switch)
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
-Luigi- wrote:
Realboy wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Wish granted, but no one plays the tracks :|
I give Bowser a life, and in exchange I somehow keep the life due to being able to perform the menu overload glitch from breath of the wild to duplicate the 1up mushroom.
(Basically, I give bowser a life to be able to duplicate anything as long as I have bows)

Je n'ai pas compris, mais bon, souhait exaucé, tu peux faire ça mais tu ne comprends rien à ton nouveau pouvoir, car rien ne se passe comme prévu

Je donne upupupup à Bowser, et je le bats dans Mario 64 (dans le niveau final)

Tu veux le battre mais tu veux faire le fameux glitch SM64 de l'escalier infini et la cartouche Super Mario 3D All-Stars a explosé... Du coup, no way for destroy Bowser.

up à Bowser et un nouveau power-up sort dans Super Mario maker 2 (de préférence dans le style NSMBU).

Pretty sure the blj was patched in the sm64 version of sm3d all stars :(
Wish granted, but the item is the mini mushroom and doesn't help much.
I give a life to bowser for the blj to be able to be performed in super mario 3d all stars because i wanna speedrun sm64 without needing to buy a Nintendo 64

Douhait exaucé, mais les commandes de N64 pour faire ça ne sont plus les mêmes : il faut que tu appuies sur A et A en même temps ! Impossible de réussir ce bug caché, aussi tu jettes le contrôleur, et voilà.

up à Bowser et je suis un serial killer en termes de speedrun.

How do you need to press A the exact same time you press A? To do that, you'd basically need to hold down A, or perform it with tool assistance.
Wish granted, but someone starts serial killing your serial killing of speedruns, therefore basically nullifying the wish that was granted... :|
I give bowser a life in exchange for not needing to do my homework because it's now all exempt from my final grade :D
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Realboy wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Wish granted, but no one plays the tracks :|
I give Bowser a life, and in exchange I somehow keep the life due to being able to perform the menu overload glitch from breath of the wild to duplicate the 1up mushroom.
(Basically, I give bowser a life to be able to duplicate anything as long as I have bows)

Je n'ai pas compris, mais bon, souhait exaucé, tu peux faire ça mais tu ne comprends rien à ton nouveau pouvoir, car rien ne se passe comme prévu

Je donne upupupup à Bowser, et je le bats dans Mario 64 (dans le niveau final)

Tu veux le battre mais tu veux faire le fameux glitch SM64 de l'escalier infini et la cartouche Super Mario 3D All-Stars a explosé... Du coup, no way for destroy Bowser.

up à Bowser et un nouveau power-up sort dans Super Mario maker 2 (de préférence dans le style NSMBU).

Pretty sure the blj was patched in the sm64 version of sm3d all stars :(
Wish granted, but the item is the mini mushroom and doesn't help much.
I give a life to bowser for the blj to be able to be performed in super mario 3d all stars because i wanna speedrun sm64 without needing to buy a Nintendo 64
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Realboy wrote:
Realboy wrote:
Desti_FNAF wrote:
Realboy wrote:
Desti_FNAF wrote:
Je donne une vie à Bowser pour avoir des spaghettis demain midi. up

(Imitation de Mario dans SMG4)

Oh, quelle chance, il est presque midi !

Je vais les manger à ta place miam

up à Bowser pour que mes déceptions connues soient effacées de mes souvenirs... (Un peu de soutien psychologique, svp)

Ok mais tu perds la mémoir :)

up for Boswor :) pour que boswor :) arête de kindnaper peach mais qu'il s'interesse à mario plutôt :) #sadique/20:)

Souhait exaucé, mais Mario se chapimorphose grâce à Cappy et devient à la place un Koopa, et Bowser ne le remarque pas et justement, Bowser Jr se retrouve transformé en Mario (on ne sait pas pourquoi)

up up à Bowser et mon amoureuse m'aime (je me suis fait plaquer l'autre jour, voyez)

En échange de ton poids en chocolat ! (Mon Dieu, mais j'ai trop faim)

up à Bowser pour que MK9 soit sorti avant 2022.

Souhait exaucé, mais c'est un flop total : la console est microscopique, tu ne peux jouer que Peach d'or rose, une seule course hyper difficile longue et tout.

upupup à Bowser, mon amoureuse m'aime, j'ai des spaghettis bologanise (quoi, vous m'avez donné faim ! miam) et ...
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DES SUSHIS ! miamcrepetchingyoupimagic

Okay, tu reçois ton poids en spaghetti bolo mais tu dois tout donner à ton amoureuse pour qu'elle t'aime (I am unstoppable, yeah)

up à Bowser et je deviens le plus grand dessinateur de map que la Terre ait porté.

Wish granted, but no one plays the tracks :|
I give Bowser a life, and in exchange I somehow keep the life due to being able to perform the menu overload glitch from breath of the wild to duplicate the 1up mushroom.
(Basically, I give bowser a life to be able to duplicate anything as long as I have bows)
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Wait a minute, in messages I'M Bowser?!?!?
So confusing...
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
I give a life to Bowser, and in exchange, my Inkling friends in Smash (:)) become a bit more powerful. (Deal more damage and take less in return)
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Meowser wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Meowser wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Mr_L wrote:
Wish granted, but everything will go wrong in your life from now on.

Je donne une vie a Bowser en échange je veux que les podcasteurs savent enfin si on a remarqué...

Wish granted, but it lasts for a day.
I give a life to Bowser, and in exchange
I want my life to not be horrible for the rest of my life. (Now I'm taking away the consequence from my last one! :o)

Whish granted, but you are died.

Je me donne une vie... (whhaaat)
Et je suis content d'écraser Mario

Why am I dead? :s
(Wish granted, but you attempt to and it goes horribly wrong.)
I give a life to bowser (you) and nothing bad happens to me.

Whish granted, but nothing good happens to you.

Je décide de me donné une vie,

Rien ne ce passe.

Wait a minute...
if you had said that in the first place, none of this could have happened!!!
Wish granted, but you cause a
time paradox...
I give a life to bowser (you) and in exchange everything good happens to me and nothing bad.

Whish granted, but the time paradox but the time paradox but the time paradox... hum... but i'm the king of the world and Mario is dead.

Je me donne une vie et time paradox
Je me donne une vie et ce paradox temporelle disparaît

Wish granted! The world doesn't spontaneously combust! Instead, everything goes back to normal, and you aren't the king of the world and mario isn't dead.
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If you didn't undo the time paradox, then this whole game would have come full circle and start at the beginning.

I give a life to Bowser (you again) and in turn, Luigi is #1! :o
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Meowser wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
-Luigi- wrote:
Mr_L wrote:
Wish granted, but everything will go wrong in your life from now on.

Je donne une vie a Bowser en échange je veux que les podcasteurs savent enfin si on a remarqué...

Wish granted, but it lasts for a day.
I give a life to Bowser, and in exchange
I want my life to not be horrible for the rest of my life. (Now I'm taking away the consequence from my last one! :o)

Whish granted, but you are died.

Je me donne une vie... (whhaaat)
Et je suis content d'écraser Mario

Why am I dead? :s
(Wish granted, but you attempt to and it goes horribly wrong.)
I give a life to bowser (you) and nothing bad happens to me.

Whish granted, but nothing good happens to you.

Je décide de me donné une vie,

Rien ne ce passe.

Wait a minute...
if you had said that in the first place, none of this could have happened!!!
Wish granted, but you cause a
time paradox...
I give a life to bowser (you) and in exchange everything good happens to me and nothing bad.
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
-Luigi- wrote:
Mr_L wrote:
Wish granted, but everything will go wrong in your life from now on.

Je donne une vie a Bowser en échange je veux que les podcasteurs savent enfin si on a remarqué...

Wish granted, but it lasts for a day.
I give a life to Bowser, and in exchange
I want my life to not be horrible for the rest of my life. (Now I'm taking away the consequence from my last one! :o)

Whish granted, but you are died.

Je me donne une vie... (whhaaat)
Et je suis content d'écraser Mario

Why am I dead? :s
(Wish granted, but you attempt to and it goes horribly wrong.)
I give a life to bowser (you) and nothing bad happens to me.
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Mr_L wrote:
Wish granted, but everything will go wrong in your life from now on.

Je donne une vie a Bowser en échange je veux que les podcasteurs savent enfin si on a remarqué...

Wish granted, but it lasts for a day.
I give a life to Bowser, and in exchange
I want my life to not be horrible for the rest of my life. (Now I'm taking away the consequence from my last one! :o)
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
No idea if this ended...(tell me if it did.)
I give a life to Bowser, and in turn, I get whatever I want for free for 24 hours and nothing goes wrong.

Which OS is better Windows or Mac

Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
-Luigi- wrote:
If I have to pick one, it would be...neither.
But, if I had to list one that was better than both, it would be Chrome OS (chromebook).

do you not like both

I like both, but neither is better than the other.
Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
If I have to pick one, it would be...neither.
But, if I had to list one that was better than both, it would be Chrome OS (chromebook).

Who is your favorite character in MKPC?

Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
I'd use Luigi more, but since his stats are all speed and no handling & accel, I have to use Link (as a custom character).

Why Waluigi was unable to participate in Smash Brod or Mario Kart 7

Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
You mean Waluigi68? I've seen him delete the account, but I wanna say he got it back.

Ideas for new updates

Messages 222 - Toad Toad
vs12175 pts ★ Champion
battle5203 pts ★ Novice
United States
Hmm. I really like the idea about the third drift sequence, if the team could implement it in! You're also definitely onto something with the speed modifications, although getting that into the system might override and throw off the platforming, especially with online races.

Myself, I'd really like there to be an option to play offline knockout tournaments (you're last, you lose, in a tournament of races that you can choose) as well as online if the possibility of room requirements could be slightly shifted.

Yeah, but if it's offline how will people leaving work? Will you just not be able to leave, or will you be able to but you are placed in last so that others don't get removed? Idk.
Also, the speed settings at higher values encourage braking, so ;)

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