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/!\ Report / Signalements /!\
On 2023-06-16 at 16:09:42
@osc-omb arrête d'être aigri un peu déjà que t'es nul à mkpc alors qu'il faut utiliser 3 doigts
je crois qu'il sait rd lol
rd= retarded?
bon whatever, si vous voulez régler ce problème à l'amiable ne comptez pas sur moi, je dois faire d'autres trucs, et puis on verra si le reste du staff saura se montrer compétent
merci de me couvrir encore une fois mon grand ami senko, je ne suis pas dans le tord encore une fois
qu'Allah te guide, mazel tov
On 2023-06-16 at 16:07:33
@osc-omb arrête d'être aigri un peu déjà que t'es nul à mkpc alors qu'il faut utiliser 3 doigts
je crois qu'il sait rd lol
rd= retarded? si oui, il le fait très bien
On 2023-06-16 at 16:06:50
DM from
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
@SAH_Fways @RGX_Vandal ah ouais j'insulte jamais les gens de nword ![hap](images/smileys/smiley39.gif)
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
bon c'est pas le moment de foutre la merde merci
je me défend, ce n'est pas la meme chose /srs /blacklivematters /bbc
On 2023-06-16 at 16:05:46
DM from
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
@SAH_Fways @RGX_Vandal ah ouais j'insulte jamais les gens de nword ![hap](images/smileys/smiley39.gif)
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
you can't just call me the N word out of the blue then deny it
i mean you're the one who did F12 inspect to add the nword, who's racist now
want me to send a video of me reloading the page then opening the DM? If you call it fake when I do show me the splice
you'll just use capcut/an editing software
you're just jealous i'm a sexa loca de la morta en fait sel noir
On 2023-06-16 at 16:03:02
DM from
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
@SAH_Fways @RGX_Vandal ah ouais j'insulte jamais les gens de nword ![hap](images/smileys/smiley39.gif)
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
you can't just call me the N word out of the blue then deny it
i mean you're the one who did F12 inspect to add the nword, who's racist now
On 2023-06-16 at 16:01:18
DM from
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
@SAH_Fways @RGX_Vandal ah ouais j'insulte jamais les gens de nword ![hap](images/smileys/smiley39.gif)
photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this
Raconte tes meilleures blagues ! Tell your best jokes !
On 2023-01-25 at 21:08:46
Quel est le fromage qui ressemble le plus a une banane mon vieux ? La Vache qui rit parce-que maintenant elle s'ouvre plus facilement !
Alors déjà :
1 - En quoi c'est supposé être drôle ?
2 - Ce qui est encore moins drôle c'est que tu as up un vieux topic mdr, je vais mettre à jour ton avertissement pour que ça soit clair
Je comprend pas comment c'est possible d'être autant aigri sérieusement chacun a son propre sens de l'humour et vu ton comportement de pseudo-dictateur sur le forum je me doutes pas du fait que l'humour c'est pas ton truc
"aigri" je note qu'il avait up un vieux topic et ce n'était pas la première fois, il l'a fait quasiment une dizaine de fois donc bon
"pseudo-dictateur" j'essaye juste de faire respecter les règles, après pas la première fois qu'on me reproche d'être trop strict mais bon
"chacun a son sens de l'humour" je ne dis pas le contraire, mais srx c'est quoi qui est drôle dans ce truc, on dirait presque une pub lmao
"l'humour c'est pas ton truc" ok j'ai peut-être un humour de merde mais au moins j'essaye d'être drôle au moins
(sans offense
J'ai pas compris grand chose, mais je vois "virilité", "chad", "homme alpha", bon ok mais nobody asked for your opinion
le "nobody asked for your opinion" on peut aussi le sortir pour ton intervention foireuse sur la blague du mec, on aurait pu se passer de ton opinion + que pourri, ce genre de trucs tu peux le garder pour toi je pense
Et je me doute pas du fait que tu comprennes pas grand chose bizarrement
Alors le message était surtout sur le up de topics (puis pour le nombre j'ai confondu avec un autre membre mais lui ne doit pas être loin non plus)
Et sinon si j'ai pas compris c'est avec cette formulation bizarre et certains mots incompréhensibles
Et tes remarques tu peux aussi les garder pour toi, je rappelle que tu as un averto donc voilà
"formulation bizarre et certains mots incompréhensibles" Non non la formulation de mes phrases est correcte
Et puis l'averto j'en ai pas grand chose à foutre honnêtement, malheureusement tu peux pas me mettre la pression avec ça car je n'ai ni 10 ans ni qqch à faire de mon compte sur ce forum foireux rempli de cas sociaux
bref on va arrêter la conversation ici, c'est pas l'endroit pour et t'es sensé le savoir je pense
On 2023-01-25 at 21:07:05
Quel est le fromage qui ressemble le plus a une banane mon vieux ? La Vache qui rit parce-que maintenant elle s'ouvre plus facilement !
Alors déjà :
1 - En quoi c'est supposé être drôle ?
2 - Ce qui est encore moins drôle c'est que tu as up un vieux topic mdr, je vais mettre à jour ton avertissement pour que ça soit clair
Je comprend pas comment c'est possible d'être autant aigri sérieusement chacun a son propre sens de l'humour et vu ton comportement de pseudo-dictateur sur le forum je me doutes pas du fait que l'humour c'est pas ton truc
"aigri" je note qu'il avait up un vieux topic et ce n'était pas la première fois, il l'a fait quasiment une dizaine de fois donc bon
"pseudo-dictateur" j'essaye juste de faire respecter les règles, après pas la première fois qu'on me reproche d'être trop strict mais bon
"chacun a son sens de l'humour" je ne dis pas le contraire, mais srx c'est quoi qui est drôle dans ce truc, on dirait presque une pub lmao
"l'humour c'est pas ton truc" ok j'ai peut-être un humour de merde mais au moins j'essaye d'être drôle au moins
(sans offense
J'ai pas compris grand chose, mais je vois "virilité", "chad", "homme alpha", bon ok mais nobody asked for your opinion
le "nobody asked for your opinion" on peut aussi le sortir pour ton intervention foireuse sur la blague du mec, on aurait pu se passer de ton opinion + que pourri, ce genre de trucs tu peux le garder pour toi je pense
Et je me doute pas du fait que tu comprennes pas grand chose bizarrement
Alors le message était surtout sur le up de topics (puis pour le nombre j'ai confondu avec un autre membre mais lui ne doit pas être loin non plus)
Et sinon si j'ai pas compris c'est avec cette formulation bizarre et certains mots incompréhensibles
Et tes remarques tu peux aussi les garder pour toi, je rappelle que tu as un averto donc voilà
"formulation bizarre et certains mots incompréhensibles" Non non la formulation de mes phrases est correcte
Et puis l'averto j'en ai pas grand chose à foutre honnêtement, malheureusement tu peux pas me mettre la pression avec ça car je n'ai ni 10 ans ni qqch à faire de mon compte sur ce forum foireux rempli de cas sociaux
On 2023-01-25 at 21:00:09
Quel est le fromage qui ressemble le plus a une banane mon vieux ? La Vache qui rit parce-que maintenant elle s'ouvre plus facilement !
Alors déjà :
1 - En quoi c'est supposé être drôle ?
2 - Ce qui est encore moins drôle c'est que tu as up un vieux topic mdr, je vais mettre à jour ton avertissement pour que ça soit clair
Je comprend pas comment c'est possible d'être autant aigri sérieusement chacun a son propre sens de l'humour et vu ton comportement de pseudo-dictateur sur le forum je me doutes pas du fait que l'humour c'est pas ton truc
"aigri" je note qu'il avait up un vieux topic et ce n'était pas la première fois, il l'a fait quasiment une dizaine de fois donc bon
"pseudo-dictateur" j'essaye juste de faire respecter les règles, après pas la première fois qu'on me reproche d'être trop strict mais bon
"chacun a son sens de l'humour" je ne dis pas le contraire, mais srx c'est quoi qui est drôle dans ce truc, on dirait presque une pub lmao
"l'humour c'est pas ton truc" ok j'ai peut-être un humour de merde mais au moins j'essaye d'être drôle au moins
(sans offense
J'ai pas compris grand chose, mais je vois "virilité", "chad", "homme alpha", bon ok mais nobody asked for your opinion
le "nobody asked for your opinion" on peut aussi le sortir pour ton intervention foireuse sur la blague du mec mdrr on aurait pu se passer de ton opinion + que pourri ce genre de trucs tu peux le garder pour toi je pense
Et je me doute pas du fait que tu comprennes pas grand chose bizarrement
On 2023-01-25 at 20:42:52
Quel est le fromage qui ressemble le plus a une banane mon vieux ? La Vache qui rit parce-que maintenant elle s'ouvre plus facilement !
Alors déjà :
1 - En quoi c'est supposé être drôle ?
2 - Ce qui est encore moins drôle c'est que tu as up un vieux topic mdr, je vais mettre à jour ton avertissement pour que ça soit clair
Je comprend pas comment c'est possible d'être autant aigri sérieusement chacun a son propre sens de l'humour et vu ton comportement de pseudo-dictateur sur le forum je me doutes pas du fait que l'humour c'est pas ton truc
stop faire crari t'es un chad on sait tous que t'es un homme soja qui a pour seul recours de faire l'homme alpha sur le forum d'un jeu tourné vers les enfants pour essayer d'affirmer ta virilité non existante de weaboo coincé derrière un clavier d'ordinateur
(sans offense
Ah et d'ailleurs c'est pas lui/elle qui a up le topic, il a été up il y a quelques jours déjà sauf que les messages avaient été supprimés
si tu veux pas que ce soit up souvent, t'as juste à lock le topic monsieur le modérateur
On 2023-01-25 at 20:42:06
Quel est le fromage qui ressemble le plus a une banane mon vieux ? La Vache qui rit parce-que maintenant elle s'ouvre plus facilement !
Alors déjà :
1 - En quoi c'est supposé être drôle ?
2 - Ce qui est encore moins drôle c'est que tu as up un vieux topic mdr, je vais mettre à jour ton avertissement pour que ça soit clair
Je comprend pas comment c'est possible d'être autant aigri sérieusement chacun a son propre sens de l'humour et vu ton comportement de pseudo-dictateur sur le forum je me doutes pas du fait que l'humour c'est pas ton truc
stop faire genre t'es un chad on sait tous que t'es un homme soja qui a pour seul recours de faire l'homme alpha sur le forum d'un jeu tourné vers les enfants pour essayer d'affirmer ta virilité non existante de weaboo coincé derrière un clavier d'ordinateur
(sans offense
Mario Kart PC Emulator
On 2023-06-20 at 17:05:34
1. They are NOT missing any "market value", no one in their right mind is going to buy Mario Kart on a PC. It'd get stomped by Forza, Need for Speed, Asphalt & basically everything else because it stinks, because everyone already owns a Switch, they aren't gonna buy the same game twice with 0 improvements. The only reason that it even makes money on Nintendo consoles is 1) Mario, and 2) because everything else is literally unplayable from being downgraded to fit their system. It's a genius tactic. All incoming 3rd party games need to be butchered up to play, and since they build their games solely for themselves, they don't need to downgrade it, which is why they run great.
2. You need to download Yuzu or Cemu, both of which require a stacked PC, and a copy of the game ROM, in which case you could save yourself the trouble and just use the Switch: I hardly imagine you'd own the game but not the console...
You'd have to get it illegally otherwise, breaking the law no less, so...
3. Sharing information on where to actually download the ROMs directly is ALSO illegal, so you'd have to look it up yourself. 9/10 your PC won't be able to run the damn thing after all the trouble. I already had trouble downloading Brawl for Dolphin, I doubt it'd take less than double that time for Odyssey or Breath of the Wild.
4. I completely forgot that to even use Yuzu, you need to own a Switch in the first place, preferably an old /unpatched one, at which point, again, just play it normally. Wasting a lot of time, and for what? 60FPS? Seriously?
if you had trouble downloading a rom then it's your problem lol, it's so easy to find roms, and same for installing roms on emulators
there's plenty of tutorials about this on youtube
I meant the length of time it took to get Brawl. My PC is fairly average(I think), but it was still a while. And that was a Wii game, not a modern one.
like, the time to download it? has nothing to do with your computer's specs, only your internet speed
On 2023-06-20 at 16:37:48
1. They are NOT missing any "market value", no one in their right mind is going to buy Mario Kart on a PC. It'd get stomped by Forza, Need for Speed, Asphalt & basically everything else because it stinks, because everyone already owns a Switch, they aren't gonna buy the same game twice with 0 improvements. The only reason that it even makes money on Nintendo consoles is 1) Mario, and 2) because everything else is literally unplayable from being downgraded to fit their system. It's a genius tactic. All incoming 3rd party games need to be butchered up to play, and since they build their games solely for themselves, they don't need to downgrade it, which is why they run great.
2. You need to download Yuzu or Cemu, both of which require a stacked PC, and a copy of the game ROM, in which case you could save yourself the trouble and just use the Switch: I hardly imagine you'd own the game but not the console...
You'd have to get it illegally otherwise, breaking the law no less, so...
3. Sharing information on where to actually download the ROMs directly is ALSO illegal, so you'd have to look it up yourself. 9/10 your PC won't be able to run the damn thing after all the trouble. I already had trouble downloading Brawl for Dolphin, I doubt it'd take less than double that time for Odyssey or Breath of the Wild.
4. I completely forgot that to even use Yuzu, you need to own a Switch in the first place, preferably an old /unpatched one, at which point, again, just play it normally. Wasting a lot of time, and for what? 60FPS? Seriously?
if you had trouble downloading a rom then it's your problem lol, it's so easy to find roms, and same for installing roms on emulators
there's plenty of tutorials about this on youtube
On 2023-06-20 at 16:36:07
If you want mk8 wii u use Cemu, if you want mk8 deluxe use Yuzu or Ryujinx
They're not missing market value, it's just an exclusive game for their consoles so they make more money because people buy the consoles to play the games they offer
What are the worst tracks in MKPC
On 2023-06-18 at 00:50:58
Rainbow Dash by Mayro923
Castle raceway by Mayro923
Road rage by Mayro923
Chocolate cake raceway by Mayro923
Circuit City by Mayro923
Castle showdown by Mayro923
Rainbow showdown by Mayro923
Sad blackout by Mayro923
Water showdown by Mayro923
9 weeks by Mayro923
Water battle by Mayro923
Sky battles by Mayro923
Sad town by Mayro923
Last battle by Mayro923
Raceway madness by Mayro923
Madness superstar by Mayro923
LOL thats all the same person, do you have any track links
it's basically all the tracks from OP, just being annoying as always
~ Lely's Script Channel ~
On 2023-06-19 at 00:29:51
My overall thoughts about the forum lately : arguments, the good, the bad and the clueless
The forum isn't in the best state ever lately. I feel like there is a lot of arguments and even if it's okay right now, I'll address it anyways.
- orchid : his trolling definitively trigger some people. Personnally I got over it with time. Saying the n word in DMs is breaking the rules, but I do not think a permaban will be the solution since that probably means complaints from Pianta, Fways, Mudky and Kirio. He deserves a warn. Why am I not harsh ? Because it's orchid. We all know he is part of the people who won't give a fuck if we send disagreement about his actions and that he will be defended by the quatuor I named earlier. So let's sanction him a bit so he understands, and Jey will stop crying, but let's not permaban, and apparently he apologized.
- Jey is back in a complaining state of mind. He's got the right spirit, trying to stop a troll from trolling and all of that stuff, but there is no point in that. He is complaining too much and not minding his own business about the current situation. He's got the right spirit but he should adapt to the situation, and we all know orchid is gonna stay that way. Plus he's accusing without proofs and butting onto other people's businesses.
- Max is part of the problem here. Although he doesn't harm anyone in any way, the lack of confidence he has in his decisions is a problem since he doesn't take any action when small action is needed because he's scared if the criticism he will receive. He's a mod after all, even if he receives backlash, he can still take action in that case and if it's not that unfair people shouldn't be complaining. Max has got too much backlash overall but he still needs to work on his confidence about this because it's purely and simply part of his job. Knowing how and when to take action.
- Nudge is strangely evolving in a very good way. I thought he would be either agressive towards the trolls or trolling towards Max and stuff, but he's actually looking at everything in a smart way and trying to help, so his way to act is welcomed in this kind of situation to be honest.
- SCG (the bee guy) is posting a lot of irrelevant content and overreacts a lot to anything, which is simply very annoying and childish behavior.
- Cinnamon is a greag member. So sure, before coming back, his last action was one of the stupidest things ever done and you can't pretend he's a perfect guy without thinking about his past. Although his recent interventions are rather mature overall, so its a positive evolution.
- Coopa and Cringeh just chilled down on their activity and it's a breath of fresh air.
Overall the forum is just in a very arguing state, which is frankly not a good thing. March was low F tier, April was high C/very low B tier, May was low C/mid C tier and this month is low D/mid D tier. It is not fatal but things need to be done, notably around the moderation team.
The forum isn't in the best state ever lately. I feel like there is a lot of arguments and even if it's okay right now, I'll address it anyways.
- orchid : his trolling definitively trigger some people. Personnally I got over it with time. Saying the n word in DMs is breaking the rules, but I do not think a permaban will be the solution since that probably means complaints from Pianta, Fways, Mudky and Kirio. He deserves a warn. Why am I not harsh ? Because it's orchid. We all know he is part of the people who won't give a fuck if we send disagreement about his actions and that he will be defended by the quatuor I named earlier. So let's sanction him a bit so he understands, and Jey will stop crying, but let's not permaban, and apparently he apologized.
- Jey is back in a complaining state of mind. He's got the right spirit, trying to stop a troll from trolling and all of that stuff, but there is no point in that. He is complaining too much and not minding his own business about the current situation. He's got the right spirit but he should adapt to the situation, and we all know orchid is gonna stay that way. Plus he's accusing without proofs and butting onto other people's businesses.
- Max is part of the problem here. Although he doesn't harm anyone in any way, the lack of confidence he has in his decisions is a problem since he doesn't take any action when small action is needed because he's scared if the criticism he will receive. He's a mod after all, even if he receives backlash, he can still take action in that case and if it's not that unfair people shouldn't be complaining. Max has got too much backlash overall but he still needs to work on his confidence about this because it's purely and simply part of his job. Knowing how and when to take action.
- Nudge is strangely evolving in a very good way. I thought he would be either agressive towards the trolls or trolling towards Max and stuff, but he's actually looking at everything in a smart way and trying to help, so his way to act is welcomed in this kind of situation to be honest.
- SCG (the bee guy) is posting a lot of irrelevant content and overreacts a lot to anything, which is simply very annoying and childish behavior.
- Cinnamon is a greag member. So sure, before coming back, his last action was one of the stupidest things ever done and you can't pretend he's a perfect guy without thinking about his past. Although his recent interventions are rather mature overall, so its a positive evolution.
- Coopa and Cringeh just chilled down on their activity and it's a breath of fresh air.
Overall the forum is just in a very arguing state, which is frankly not a good thing. March was low F tier, April was high C/very low B tier, May was low C/mid C tier and this month is low D/mid D tier. It is not fatal but things need to be done, notably around the moderation team.
lets goooo i'm in there woohoooooooo!!! first in the list
On 2023-06-18 at 00:54:49
The current state of the forum.
The forum is in a bad state at the moment. This is why:
Problematic people:
EndOfAnEra - Spam Spam Spam spMa Parma Spam spam a spam snaps a Mapms Samoan sampasmmOaamOMsoMsoazmoemOsamoSmapOSpaonamPsoamMPsPm
KirbyBoy - Crying about useless things via spamming of useless topics
*N word lover* (I forgor his name) - Toxic Trolling
Tendo - No more alts, right?
Max - Doubts himself
Tox - On 1 minute a day because he’s upside-down
Ahmad + Infi - Forgot the forum exists
Ryubix - Busy with more important stuff
Wargor - Busy making the gameplay better
Me - Sending this message
Jey - Hack the website in order to ban them
Lely - Act as bait
The forum is in a bad state at the moment. This is why:
Problematic people:
EndOfAnEra - Spam Spam Spam spMa Parma Spam spam a spam snaps a Mapms Samoan sampasmmOaamOMsoMsoazmoemOsamoSmapOSpaonamPsoamMPsPm
KirbyBoy - Crying about useless things via spamming of useless topics
*N word lover* (I forgor his name) - Toxic Trolling
Tendo - No more alts, right?
Max - Doubts himself
Tox - On 1 minute a day because he’s upside-down
Ahmad + Infi - Forgot the forum exists
Ryubix - Busy with more important stuff
Wargor - Busy making the gameplay better
Me - Sending this message
Jey - Hack the website in order to ban them
Lely - Act as bait
On 2023-08-29 at 01:08:17
Your topics aren't even making any sense lmfao 💀 if you got nothing to say don't speak at all..
everglow try to not be grumpy as fuck (impossible)
just let people do whatever they wanna do, i don't think they asked about ur opinion :3
if you don't like shitpost then it's not our problem, just deal with it
your answer was about as useless as the first message of the topic
I'm not grumpy and I honestly doubt this is shitpost, I really think OP's intention was to create a topic because he wanted to and I don't see any joke intent behind it
But whatever you say lol yup I'm embittered
And yes I do lowkey agree with your views but it's been several useless topics made and I really don't think that's sarcasm, just pure irrelevancy
blah blah blah
it is shitpost, seems about as clear as water to me
silly posts like those are trending on the internet, you can see it as irrelevancy if you want who cares tbh
Okay fine, I'll take the L, you're right. I don't feel like arguing tonight and you're right, and you'll probably find better arguments than me. I didn't really know that this was trending, sorry if I don't keep up with silly trends but anyways I'm off, sorry for disturbing
i never tried to seek approval idk why u're saying this, i was just saying my opinion just like you did lmao
anyways have a good night