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Meme of 2023
On 2023-11-02 at 08:30:56

this b**ch is a f**king load of s**t
He said that almost 2 months ago. Get over it. You were incorrect by assuming that there was a rule that you can't swear and then stood by that when everyone told you you were wrong and ridiculed you by using swears in their responses.
Edit: @exrio, using the faceplam reactions just makes you seem immature as I had stated fact. Get over the fact that people called you a bitch as a joke. Although maybe they were onto something ๐ค.

On 2023-10-24 at 20:18:59

As an owner of a cat I can completely agree.

On 2023-09-20 at 08:25:51

On 2023-09-18 at 21:23:57
Here's a childhood favourite of mine!1!1! I didn't understand the "historical context" until later.

(This is clearly a joke but it is a decent song)
Bro thatโs The German Reich ๐ฉ๐ชโ๏ธ๐๐๐๐

On 2023-09-16 at 23:34:52
Here's a childhood favourite of mine!1!1! I didn't understand the "historical context" until later.

(This is clearly a joke but it is a decent song)

On 2023-09-11 at 16:41:38

There is no rule against swearing. As such he can choose to swear if he wants to.
On 2023-09-06 at 20:27:07

Very bad advertising for bad game.
This is one of the physical models for them.

On 2023-08-18 at 21:16:04
You mean you are getting better slowly. That's a bit biased.
Also to add a meme:

On 2023-08-17 at 20:33:23

Didn't warioman post this before?
Here is a Meme. Check My Profile for more Memes.
Some are good. Some are bad.
Here is a Meme. Check My Profile for more Memes.
Some are good. Some are bad.
I use the Same IMGFLIP Account as WarioMan.
how + why
Because they are the same person

On 2023-08-08 at 10:40:22

Humanity is superior.

[MPM] Anthology I - The House of Terrenus
On 2024-08-26 at 15:28:17
People make countries and interact with each other's nations, and then you @--Cosmic-- write a little story/intro to the next chapter of history. Yes?
Taking advantage of the absence of order in the wake of nuclear winter, the Fenrisian tribe under K emerges from their underground habitations and begins colonizing the area around Sitka, Alaska and moving northeast. The tribe creates mines and collects oil and ore from underground, preparing it for shipment back to Sitka for an unspecified project. The Empire of Fenris is formed. At the moment it covers only about 300 square miles (wtf is a kilometer!?!?) with Sitka near its southern border..
Let me guess, your nation likes wolves?

On 2024-08-25 at 10:35:25

Sure, but I warn you, russia has been really damaged by a nuclear plant explosion
RAH! Who could attack Mother Russia? It is glorious

communism bad
racism good
pls dont take that out of context. Pikmin are separated by color, so racism
and i dont even know what communism is
Communism is unironically better than Racism
No matter how much I dislike Communism I have to agree here.

On 2024-08-21 at 21:59:54
Could I have Johannesburg please. (Who needs control of countries when you can have a few cities)

On 2024-08-19 at 19:34:04
Joshyan Empire: Carmo City
Nyanist Empire: Niaw City
Kimgdom of Leicester: Leicester (beh)-Wait it doent have leicester it is in Twilight WTF-
Realm of Twilight: Chocogham
Fiery Emirate: Fiers
Zachtumbria: Zackshire
Meanwhile my capital being Nottingham because that's basically all of the land I own.

On 2024-08-19 at 17:21:45
The Nyanist Empire Has Decided To Launch A Rover On One Of Earth's Moons, To Search For Life. It Shoots Sandicite At Any Possible Alive Being To Protect Itself, It Also Will Mine Some Parts Of The Moon Out. Hoping For New Materials. The Empire Has Officially Decided To Call This Rover "Envy Rover"
Wait wth do you mean one of Earth's moons did you create a second one what
Clearly referring to morrslieb.
On 2024-08-18 at 21:49:31
I am going to beggin researching super soldier technology that adds multiple organs to said super soldiers (including 3rd lung and 2nd heart) and create some basic armour alongside missile launching rifles, if possible.
i'm pretty sure that isnt gonna be possible cuz its unrealistic, but since i also did some unrealistic stuff in this rp i can't be talking-
And I wouldn't have put it unless most other people I saw were doing unrealistic things.
On 2024-08-18 at 21:39:30
I am going to beggin researching super soldier technology that adds multiple organs to said super soldiers (including 3rd lung and 2nd heart) and create some basic armour alongside missile launching rifles, if possible.
On 2024-08-17 at 23:18:35
A Rosa A3S Was Detected Moving At High Speeds (A Hectometer Per Minute), Expected To Reach Nox-Dominous In Half An Hour. What Are The Motives Of The Nyanist Empire? We Don't Know

edit: i just realized i misspelled nox-dominus the entire time-
Good thing I am in a defensive alliance with twilight and you have no just cause for war. Considering you would have to fly over twilights airspace, I don't think that the bomb would make it there. This unprompted attack will most likely cause most other nations to Ally with me, so I believe you should call off the attack or you will be the one begging for peace.