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Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Could anyone redraw this image in their style? I know everyone has a unique style for drawing and I want to see how people will represent them.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
FieryToad wrote:

Its Zelda? Btw its good

No itโ€™s Dietsoda 8)

I mean it isn't me but it is my pfp.Fun fact: it's the character Kerillian from the vermintide series
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
FieryToad wrote:

Its Zelda? Btw its good

No itโ€™s Dietsoda 8)

tell me how I confused this 2 guys...?

Not sure, and Zelda is a lady, not a guy

Yeah I forgot that, at the same time I hear more zelda than link

I can explain. The hair would have probably made you think of Zelda but that is as far as any similarities go.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Not half bad.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Is anyone up to drawing my pfp again? You can locate it by following the instructions at the top of page 2.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
FieryToad wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
Did 1 for Fiery as well :}

He was in FNF and now he's a plant ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

bro im a test subject now ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

You also wielded an axe, can't forget about that.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Did 1 for Fiery as well :}

Do me aswell I guess.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Did 1 for Fiery as well :}

He looks like a plant. ๐Ÿ’€
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
FieryToad wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
Try drawing boop from shy guy squad but scary.

I'll find a way to add it as an Easter egg.

crap i dont know how to draw a shy guy

They are kinda hard to draw so I'll let that slide. For now.
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Praise the almighty shy guy, the best Mario+Mario kart+mario sport+yoshi character

Fun Facts

Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
BluePikmin wrote:
Did you know @DragonXFox is banned?

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I know this is fucking useless or notfacepalm

Did you know that your banned? Also it is useless bruh

I don't think he can really respond if he is banned. Also, is your message not also useless in the same way?
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Did you know that Vatican City is the smallest country in the world?

But that it's actually part of Italy?

No, it's a country.

But well, it's still Italy's though, because it's official language is, you guessed it......

.....Italian! (Bonus fact: it is a city-state in Rome as well, IYKYK:p)

Canada, the United States of America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand etc etc all have English as an official languages. Does that make them part of Britain? (Yes I know Canada also has French and South africa has 10 other languages, but still.)
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Did you know that Vatican City is the smallest country in the world?

But that it's actually part of Italy?

No, it's a country.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fiery wrote:
Twilight wrote:
did you know that in the spanish alphabet, W is called "ooveh doobleh", which tranlates to "Double V"


Two mouse is mice
Two house is hice โŒ

beer ๐Ÿบ

Fly ๐Ÿชฐ
The fly flyed out the window โŒ

Bro since when does beer have correlation with a beard

Well say it out loud Beard is just beer with a D

How many did you drink?
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
TE_mkfanYT wrote:
Fun Fact: Im Tendokiddo

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im tendo
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im not

Fun fact: you used spoiler spam wrong (thankfully, spoiler spam is just extremely annoying.)
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fourner wrote:
lead is edible

I own some lead but it has sharp points and some paint on it. Should I try this fun fact that is definitely not fictitious.

(Not my paintjob by the way, bought these a while ago but haven't painted them)
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fourner wrote:

They grass Is green

The sky is Blue

The Sun is Yellow

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and you are broke

Grass grows,
Birds fly,
Sun shines,
And brother,
I hurt people.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fun fact: the developers of helldivers made another game series, Magicka. It has one of the best suited dlcs for any game, very fitting for the nordic theme. (It gets better the more you read)

The game:



Magicka is a satirical action-adventure game set in a rich fantasy world based on Norse mythology. The player assumes the role of a wizard from a sacred order tasked with stopping an evil sorcerer who has thrown the world into turmoil, his foul creations besieging the forces of good.

The first dlc:



Magicka: Vietnam is the first mission DLC for the highly popular PC action/adventure game Magicka. Nowadays it seems like every game is getting a Vietnam add-on and Magicka is no exception.
Magicka: Vietnam features a lengthy challenge scenario that puts you in the boots of a Wizard GI. Venture deep into the Goblin-Cong jungle, with up to three fellow soldiers, to liberate prisoners from a POW camp. Then you must destroy enemy positions, escape the perils of the jungle and return safely to the evacuation helicopter.
At the request of the community, Magicka: Vietnam also features a new challenge map with increased difficulty.
In the Magickal jungles of Vietnam you'll have an array of Vietnam-era weapons and a special Magick that calls in a napalm strikes on enemy positions. Players will of course still have access to what makes Magicka truly unique โ€“ the dynamic spell casting system and a healthy dose of humour.

Key Features:
Vietnam themed game world with a twist.
2 Challenge maps (1 scenario challenge & 1 survival challenge)
New Vietnam themed enemies.
Many new Vietnam era weapons
Stylish GI Wizard robe
New Magick โ€“ Napalm strike
Innovative and dynamic spell casting system with thousands of possible combinations.
Up to four player co-op in all game modes as well as single player option.
Experience the parody and satire of a clichรฉ fantasy world/jungle war.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fun fact: Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Messages 1218 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fun fact:

When I was reading the first horus heresy book (there are like 65 ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€), when Samus' dialogue started (shown in the spoiler)
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Samus. I am Samus. Samus is all around you. Samus is the man beside you. Samus will gnaw on your bones. Look out! Samus is here.

I looked up and saw my Samus amibo, definitely not about to gnaw on my bones.

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