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Mario100 Awareness Day
On 2024-04-23 at 16:44:42
What do you even mean ??? This is as unclear as the Mississippi water.
The context is that Mario100 send me a long text basically sending that we felt unappreciated so I made a topic just for him and also a day
And why does he feel underappreciated?
Because he feel like he doesn't exist or irrelevant
Then message more so people know about you?
On 2024-04-23 at 08:42:47
What do you even mean ??? This is as unclear as the Mississippi water.
The context is that Mario100 send me a long text basically sending that we felt unappreciated so I made a topic just for him and also a day
And why does he feel underappreciated?
On 2024-02-25 at 11:15:39
Master cheif went on a killing spree (fired multiple shots into them, stabbed one through the neck, multiple head shots) then just had a little nap.

Battle For Internet Supremecy! [BFIS]
On 2024-04-18 at 16:22:36
So many of these names are so bad like "Fiery Jr" or "Double Pee"
The fanfic is completely disorganized even if I knew what was BFDI I would probably not have understood. Too much is going on at the same time and everyone is on everyone
The fanfic is completely disorganized even if I knew what was BFDI I would probably not have understood. Too much is going on at the same time and everyone is on everyone
one Fiery.Jr is a BFB contestant and 2 just wait till u see the teams for TPOT like The S and ARE YOU OKAY
I believe he is okay. Are you? Your writing doesn't seem to be that good and it was quite hard to understand some of what you were saying. Such as in this message where you say
the teams for TPOT like The S
That makes no sense. The S??
On 2024-04-17 at 08:34:53
Well no I don't feel like it and it isn't like I can understand one bit of what is going on in your story
ok just wtach BFDI if you wanna understand oh my gosh
Not everybody wants to watch a YouTube series that may not be suited to their tastes.
Also not joining.

Miraculous ladybug describe episodes badly
On 2024-04-19 at 22:22:11
Bro this has nothing to do with MKPC can somebody move this to another category?
I think something simpler is this should just get locked
erm actually this isnt a useless topic because it actually exists for something thats not cringe

Is quite cringe actually.

On 2024-04-02 at 16:15:28
Guys i have something to say...
Sorry but April Fools actually ends on April 1st at 12pm
Sorry but April Fools actually ends on April 1st at 12pm
BREAKING NEWS: Time zones exist.
BREAKING NEWS: He lives in the same country as us
BREAKING NEWS: No one time zone can contain the whole US
BREAKING NEWS: A decently sized chunk of the mkpc community is from the United Kingdom, which is all within a single timezone. This aforementioned chunk includes Fiery, pixel and Coolmonkey.

share your MKPC holidays here
On 2024-04-10 at 11:30:12
the day when popular creators got banned on the same day like Limey and coolbear
Not sure they were that popular (or at least coolbaer wasn't) and it isn't a great thing to celebrate the removal of people.

Ask me anything (I will probably respond)
On 2024-04-11 at 10:49:24
It's crazy how this trend actually comes back. In short spans of time, the concept blows up, then is criticized and then disappears, only to resurface later. It is like the flu coming back every winter.
I know but I find it fun and felt it could be interesting to see what kind of questions people would ask.

On 2024-04-11 at 10:47:55
It's crazy how this trend actually comes back. In short spans of time, the concept blows up, then is criticized and then disappears, only to resurface later. It is like the flu coming back every winter.
Well maybe as long as it's different people doing it each time it'll be ok.
Anyway @Dietsoda. Book recommendations?
I only read black library books but
(for sci-fi/(40k)) I would recommend the Ciaphus Cain series, as it is quite light hearted and humorous, and The night lords omnibus, although it has themes some might find disturbing (includes rape, torture, enslavement, that kind of thing) and has Villain protagonists but it is easily my favourite series of books (which you can get in one book)
Edit: If you would rather have a fantasy book Do not read the end times like just I did. I would recommend Gotrek and Felix for fantasy for simular reasons to Ciaphus Cain, except I personally like it a bit more (might be because the first two omnibuses were my first black library books)
On 2024-04-10 at 20:26:17
Seen a few more of these topics showing up and decided to make one myself.
what is the best nintendo character?
On 2024-04-05 at 17:02:21
Mostly because of BogBoy's wii sports series, even if it is unofficial, but still. Miis.
Yes this is just advertisement for the series
Description of the season one full "movie":
Tennis? Bowling? Chambara? No, for 'Pipe', Wii Sports Baseball means everything. He believes there is no better feeling than picking up a bat and hitting the ball high into the sky for a home run. Pipe's dream is to win the illusive 'Golden Nintendo Wii': A prize like no other, given to the winners of the Wii Baseball World Cup. Pipe's new team, The Stoke-on-Trent Steamers have never even got close. But, this year, with a team full of super star Mii's like Captain Engine Room, Tactician mind Brain, Wildcard Xavier and many more, they may just have a shot. With very little experience, Pipe will be hoping to speedrun his way to number one, all to get his hands on the most coveted prize in Nintendo history.
Join the steamers as they face the thrills and spills of Wii Sports most prestigious competition. Battles against old rivals like Lucia's baseball team, tricky fielders such as The Gary Barlow Fan Club Baseball Society and World Beaters like The British Museum Association Baseball Team all stand in their way. Will the steamers overcome all the odds or will Pipe face the prospect of going back to his homeland of the Mii Plaza.
Join the steamers as they face the thrills and spills of Wii Sports most prestigious competition. Battles against old rivals like Lucia's baseball team, tricky fielders such as The Gary Barlow Fan Club Baseball Society and World Beaters like The British Museum Association Baseball Team all stand in their way. Will the steamers overcome all the odds or will Pipe face the prospect of going back to his homeland of the Mii Plaza.
Link to full season one movie:
It is actually such a good series you should all watch at least part of it and see. There are even spin-offs and season two is currently being released episode by episode.

Super Mario Wonder Related Tracks (possible collab?????)
On 2024-01-11 at 17:44:45
If you show me a level to base a track on I might make it.
On 2024-01-11 at 08:52:09
can it be in quick mode?
f#$%^ you then
Complete mode is much better.

What are some foods you want the world to try?
On 2024-04-04 at 11:23:49
number 19: mouse in baked beanz
number 18: black widow spider
number 17: Razor
number 16: human tooth
number 15: snake head
number 14: human skin
number 13: Pizza-Hut Band-Aid
number 12: COCKroach
number 11: blood inside BEE EL TEA
number 10: glass in baby food
number 9: ᶜʰᶦᶜᵏᵉⁿ ʰᵉᵃᵈ
number 8: severed finger
number 7: dead frog inside Pepsi can
number 6: serrated knife
number 5: syringe needle sandwich
number 4: bullets in hot dog
number 3: ice cream surprise
number 2: clam chowder condom
number 1: TAMPON IN STEAK 😤
Top 20 British meals.

share your most mkpp moments
On 2024-04-04 at 12:57:04

How mentally ill do you need to be to send that? What he said is bad and should result in consequences but all I'm saying is he shouldn't be the only one getting a warn/ban for what he said. You have said something that is about as bad as what he said. That is a serious crime and even referencing intent to do it will make you enemies here. Just ask @Alyssa-no-akenomyousei about what happened with Lemon a year or two ago. I would suggest you stop acting like an edgy 14 year old who just learnt some bad words and think before you type.

Alyssa's Place
On 2024-03-26 at 18:37:16
Can be overwhelmed by anger and hates most people
Can be overwhelmed by anger and hates most people
Good day to anyone except ____
On 2024-03-25 at 19:51:04
Everyone except most other 8th graders ,MrBeast, James Charles, Donald Trump, and the presidents of North Korea, Russia, and the Taliban.
Mr beast?? Why?
Overrated lol.
I don't see why that means he shod not have a good day. I mean he does do some good things with his money.
I'm willing to bet that he earns way more money than he spends. If he cared, he wouldn't always talk about how much money he gives out. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason is still bad.
How is he doing it for the wrong reason? I bet you have money but you don't give it all to charity do you?
Edit: Oh wait. You must be a twitter user.
I don't use twitter, and I don't have much money. I'm a kid. I have less than $100
1) I was referring to the people on twitter who say Mr beast is bad even though he does good things, such as supplying water to villages in Africa.
2) So? The principle remains. If he had £100 after all essentials and gave 80 to charity then spent some for himself would he need to give the remaining 20 to charity? Is he being selfish? No.
On 2024-03-25 at 16:57:25
Everyone except most other 8th graders ,MrBeast, James Charles, Donald Trump, and the presidents of North Korea, Russia, and the Taliban.
Mr beast?? Why?
Overrated lol.
I don't see why that means he shod not have a good day. I mean he does do some good things with his money.
I'm willing to bet that he earns way more money than he spends. If he cared, he wouldn't always talk about how much money he gives out. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason is still bad.
How is he doing it for the wrong reason? I bet you have money but you don't give it all to charity do you?
Edit: Oh wait. You must be a twitter user.
On 2024-03-25 at 08:35:32
Everyone except most other 8th graders ,MrBeast, James Charles, Donald Trump, and the presidents of North Korea, Russia, and the Taliban.
Mr beast?? Why?
Overrated lol.
I don't see why that means he shod not have a good day. I mean he does do some good things with his money.