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/!\ Advent Calendar 2023
On 2023-12-12 at 17:07:47
Don't you love it when the creator of an advent challenge decides it's a good idea to delete the challenge restricting people who haven't beaten it yet from completing all 24 challenges?
Which one was deleted?
I need some colabs for a game!
On 2024-02-23 at 08:38:55
At least they use an good track building method that actually takes effort. Quick mode is good but it is very limited and complete mode is just infinitely better. Also who is the "we"
(Rebooted) Blover Racing Season 1
On 2024-03-01 at 15:58:32

Fixed your message for you

Thank you very much.

Fixed it again.

ok but no one is sumbitting tracks, also you made this topic after it was locked

I didn't make this topic and I haven't ever asked anyone to make tracks for me, finding it to be rather rude personally. Does my profile picture look like a pvz Zombie to you? Does my name look like WeAreTheUndead? Maybe use your eyes for once. I'm just someone pissed off at your antics, not a victim of them.
Do not compare me to a young child again, or I will make your time here much worse. That isn't a threat but rather a promise.
(No offence @wearetheundead, I just don't agree with what you do but I do not dislike you as a person.)
On 2024-03-01 at 08:34:00

Fixed your message for you

Thank you very much.

Fixed it again.

On 2024-02-29 at 08:53:40

Fixed your message for you

mario100 and me
On 2024-02-29 at 15:58:13
@x_XSuperCariotsX_x, you're being weird. Stop. This gets old fast and then starts making enemies.And @Mario100 maybe you should tone it down a bit. I don't know if you've actually sent that kind of threat but you have been a bit ... aggressive before. Please keep in mind there's very little a nine-year-old kid can actually do to someone on a Mario fan game forum.
I swear I have never seen a time where K was not a voice of reason.

item creator
On 2024-02-29 at 18:02:10
Attacks The People Who Are In First Second And Third
That sounds like one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. That is largely unbalanced and will cause many people to get annoyed.
On 2024-02-29 at 17:58:33
you want an item maker? well, think about this, how long does Wargor take to code updates? A very long time! plus, more items = unbalanced, so, to put it shortly, no
The closest I would say to an item creator is making it so you could change what it looks like, nothing more.

On 2024-02-29 at 08:43:59
That makes no sense as an item, as it will only effect you if you go backwards, throw it forward (which has a high chance of it going off the map) or on the next lap.
Besides, I don't think it is an essential feature to get new items.
Besides, I don't think it is an essential feature to get new items.

hi why do I have likee 150 tracks
On 2024-02-28 at 19:27:52
Do you have a sibling or someone else in your household who uses mkpc? If so then all their tracks will be shown on your account as well.
Edit: That explains it. Good to know I was right.
Edit: That explains it. Good to know I was right.
school kids. tier list
On 2024-02-23 at 08:41:05
smart kid: Waffen SS
You would also be an f teir and you are likely too young to be using that ranking for an overated group.

What are the best tracks in MK history?
On 2024-01-11 at 08:46:24
Wii: coconut mall
Wii: grumble volcano
Wii: rainbow road
Wii: grumble volcano
Wii: rainbow road
On 2024-02-07 at 08:37:57
Magic because nobody could trace where the fire started from. No it wasn't a fireball.
Also magic leads to necromancy and I want to become Nagash

Also magic leads to necromancy and I want to become Nagash

スーパープリンシエッスカードズ(MKPC Trading Card Game)
On 2023-12-31 at 13:35:16
Regarding game design if you want any help I might be able to. I mean I've played quite alot of card games (but I'm not good at them).
My main question is whether it would be like the pokemon tcg or ones like hearthstone? They both have fairly different games design and it would be interesting to see which style you go for.
My main question is whether it would be like the pokemon tcg or ones like hearthstone? They both have fairly different games design and it would be interesting to see which style you go for.

On 2023-12-30 at 21:38:58
bro so why do you think this is shoudn't exist so why is it dietsoda people can do whatever they want so why is this in this topic shouldn't exist I think it's kind of rude how you think that this shouldn't exist the girl who made this is the person that likes to make card games and it's for virtual points so why?
All I said was that an epic type wasn't mentioned. It's kind of rude of you to assume that I was mentioning the entire thing rather than just what Mario100 said. That implies you haven't read what I said, or didn't care to remember it, and just assumed the worst from me.
Also it has been resolved and Mario100 told me that Princess told him that it would be added.

Scratch Show and Tell
On 2023-02-09 at 08:43:23
You guys act like kids. just create a discord people if you wanna be mature and not make it on scratch or guilded.
Explaining to a child why they're wrong 2: eletric boogaloo
You guys act like kids.
Yeah right. The irony dripping from that statement could feed a family of 4 for 7 years. Perhaps, I know this sounds crazy, you're the problem. Maybe you should try to grow up, grow a spine and start to not dismiss everything that doesn't suit you perfectly. Also us being childish? I admit some members of the MKPC community are kinda childish but not all of us, and not the ones trying to explain why you should stop being so childish. Your statements bring me back to primary school and all the stupidity from there.
just create a discord people if you wanna be mature and not make it on scratch or guilded.
Also there are other platforms than discord that people may use. What's wrong with guulded or scratch? Oh you don't like them so no-one should use them. That's so childish the family of 4 would get another 2 years of free food from it. Why can't you let people be and not harass them for things they like. Also, us, immature. How will going on a discord server help? Discord is full of immature people. That's like saying 'oh you've been slapped, you need to slap yourself again to feel better'
Oh, who cares about coding... XD
Also what's wrong with scratch? It's useful software for kids who want to learn to code. It was part of my primary education. It also has its own community like we do here. So stop whining, stop trying to deflect blame and grow a spine.

On 2023-02-08 at 19:58:36
this is just another useless forum topic. move along people, nothing to see here.
How is this useless when we all find use in this. Once again maybe you should stop being childish and thinking others opinions are unimportant and that your opinion is the only correct opinion.
On 2023-02-08 at 19:55:57
Oh, who cares about coding... XD
This was made due to coding so maybe you should just stop acting childish and dismissing things if you don't like them.
Oh What Is Warhammer Oh
That sounds
(This is just an example)
Why not respect others opinions and stop being such a child.

On 2023-02-08 at 19:11:25
What is this?
Did you not read? Look at the first message.