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Your favorite YouTuber

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bruva alfabusa

I might add more later.

New Look

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
We can just use the advent calendar or an official topic. This does not need to exist.


Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Greetings, I have a warhammer addiction. Also I like to correct kids when they annoy me or say anything in an incorrect manner.

Share your experience in the country you live in

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
PixelMK wrote:
England is very boring, I want to leave

What do you mean? England is a great country.
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
ChocoM1lk wrote:
ChocoM1lk wrote:
Living in the UK isn't that bad actually. And before you say, no there aren't people who say stuff like "bri'ish" and "how you doing m8" who carry around knives. Anyways, when the recent storm, named Storm Ciaran hit, all it did was make a few lights flicker and it was over in a heartbeat. Just goes to show how good of a place the UK / Britain is.

1: You can't use a single Storm to describe how a place is weatherwise. You have to account for the last 20-30 years at a minimum.
2: Sounds more like Australia, not UK wtf?

ok yeah you're right but there still isn't anyone that says "bri'ish" and stupid things like that.

In London there are a lot of similar people who do carry knives and do use an accent like that.

[Fanfic] Alien Invasion 2: World Chaos

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This is all of us when see Max at the scene of a crime
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
TheOuchy1 wrote:
Me trying to figure out who the traitor is:


Seeing as the traitor didn't say mayfly I think it's not me for once and I'm not the villain, unlike Illuzhion would seem to suggest. :$

If we look through the entire series and see who says hehehe at any point it could be them?
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
-Kirby- wrote:
Aegis, why did you thumbs down the prologue?

Probably because you corrected him on the topic "favourite mkpc user and why"

You know how many immature kids go on this site. :s
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ssg-132 wrote:
Only complaint is have pretty much no lines maybe just at least 4 or something is fine (also i came back)

Welcome to the club mate.

Share your random thoughts here

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Snapton wrote:
How Does Sponges Hold Water If They Have Holes...:s:s:s:s:s

Physics. They specifically need the holes to hold the water for a reason I forgot.

What are you guys greatfull for?

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
1up72 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
SuperMega7 wrote:
1up72 wrote:
Im greatful for yall banning me and fun on mkpc lol i alway come back hahahhahahahhahahahah

I literally said I always come back in William Afton's voice...:s

I don't think he's similar to William Afton though. One is a mass child killer, the other is so pathetic he had like 10 alt accounts.

True but maybe i can be like him

You aren't British and I'm going to assume you aren't able to run a large pizzeria business.
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
SuperMega7 wrote:
1up72 wrote:
Im greatful for yall banning me and fun on mkpc lol i alway come back hahahhahahahhahahahah

I literally said I always come back in William Afton's voice...:s

I don't think he's similar to William Afton though. One is a mass child killer, the other is so pathetic he had like 10 alt accounts.
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mkpc, warhammer, family, Britain.

Thanksgiving Track Contest!

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nodac64 wrote:
Aven wrote:
Gobble Gobble!
Thanksgiving is near the corner, so let's make a track contest! Make a thanksgiving themed track until December 1st, and I will rank the top 12!
It's not 2 days it's 1 week and 1 day

Not like Aven edited the message after expanding the deadline.

He definitely didn't did he?
Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 days to make a complete track with decor that is fully functional? That's rather a tad little time isn't it?

Hello forums

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina

It's not that bad here. I hope you enjoy your time on mkpc.

Custom character thing

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Daisy stats are the meta but you can just use other ones if you want.

What Could make MKPC the biggest game

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
There's no point as we have complete mode and can make them ourselves and it would force Wargor to spend time making tracks when he could make other things that more people would like or would allow for better tracks to be made of these tracks without him having to make the tracks.

Favorite FNF Mod

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
None of them. I don't like the game and won't play it or it's mod.

The problem on reverse drifting

Messages 1219 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Just don't touch grass (must be easy for some of you)

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