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Me and My Brother are the Only People Who Have Issues with the Mario Movie.
On 2023-03-23 at 20:35:23
But Guess what? There are Some Things Most People don't realize about it.
So, First. Donkey Kong Talks. That is Not Normal Compared to the Real DK.
Second, He Uses the Fire Flower. DK Uses the Fire Flower. DK USES THE FIRE FLOWER???? Why does DK use the Fire Flower? That is even more Not Normal than Him Talking.
They Have Every Mario Kart Character but Wario and Waluigi.
Third, Wario, and Waluigi. C'mon, Wario and Waluigi would be Perfect for the Movie.
Forth, Luigi Gets Captured, but Not Peach. Woah Woah Woah! Hold the Phone! Peach doesn't get Captured? And Luigi Does? What is this? Opposite Land? Peach Always Gets Captured.
Fifth, A Luma is acting Dark. So, in the Movie, Luigi Says, "How Do I Get Out?" A Luma says, "The only way out is the best way of Dying!"
That's Very Dark. Even For a Mario Thing!
Sixth, Why is Mario Kart in it? This isn't a Mario Kart Movie. It's the SUPER Mario Movie. Even if It was. Wario and Waluigi Should be in it. They are known for Being in Mario Kart.
Seventh, Bowser Talks. OMG! Why! Bowser Only Talked in Super Mario Sunshine and the SMB show!
Eighth, Also, Compared to how Accurate Sonic Sounded in the Sonic Movie, Mario Doesn't sound that Accurate in the Movie.
Ninth, Compared to the Mushroom Kingdom in the Games, and to the Movie. There are Way Too many Mushrooms in the Movie.
Ten, Toadsworth (the Mushroom Kingdom Helper), and Toadette (Another Mushroom Kingdom Helper) aren't Present. That's Shocking!
Eleventh, Yoshi Isn't there. WHAT? WHAT? RAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He's always there.
Twelfth, Mario And Luigi Don't Know they are Brothers. I feel Like Exploding. That is InAccurate to the Video Games.
Thirteenth, Wario And Waluigi aren't there. C'mon Nintendo, They would add a lot of Humor to the Movie!
Fourteenth, Bowser doesn't Know What spinies are. He said, "Spiny's Who every You are." Bowser, You should know what Spinies are. Movie Bowser, You are as Dumb as Patrick Star.
That's All. I'll add more Reasonings When I think of It.
Hold my beer. (I never have drank beer I'm just saying it)
1) DK talking isn't weird have you not watched that one DK series but also it would be weird for one character to not talk.
2) He could use the fire flower but he hasn't been in a Mario main-line game. If he was added to Super Mario 3d world deluxe and could use the fire flower would you complain?
3) Wario and Waluigi could be added to the movie but not shown in promotional material. Also does it really matter, they could be added in a sequel.
4) It makes more sense for Luigi to get kidnapped because Mario wouldn't care about Peach.
5) Too Dark? Bowser literally dies in one of the games. What, is star wars too dark because stormtroopers get shot?
6) Why can't there be karts. Not only will it potentially make sense in the movie but also acts as a good reference.
7) So what if Bowser talked? He can and he will to make the plot make sense.
8 ) They wanted to get Chris Pratt to do it and the actual Mario voice actor is in the movie for a cameo.
9) It's a style choice. Also multiple levels feature loads of mushrooms.
10) Once again they may be featured but not shown or be in a sequel
11) Yoshi is there and also sequel. Did you complain about the sonic movie not having Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, Shadow, Metal Sonic etc.
12) Mario and Luigi do know they are brothers so I don't know where you got this idea.
13) See 3
14) So what if Bowser doesn't know what spinneys are. He didn't make the species and they appear unable to speak so does it matter.
Edit: The video is mostly as a joke however you are factually incorrect.
It's Dark because a Luma says "The only way out of Jail is to Die."
And Bowser Never Talks. He Roars.
And Tails and Knuckles were in the Sonic Movie. The Second one.
Number 2 electric boogaloo:
1) And? It's not that dark. Did you not understand my point kids watch darker stuff?
2) So what. If bowser didn't talk in the movie the plot wouldn't make much sense and we wouldn't know why he kidnapped Luigi
3) I meant the first one
Achuickakuickyally Tails Was In The First Sonic Movie

On 2023-03-23 at 20:27:17
But Guess what? There are Some Things Most People don't realize about it.
So, First. Donkey Kong Talks. That is Not Normal Compared to the Real DK.
Second, He Uses the Fire Flower. DK Uses the Fire Flower. DK USES THE FIRE FLOWER???? Why does DK use the Fire Flower? That is even more Not Normal than Him Talking.
They Have Every Mario Kart Character but Wario and Waluigi.
Third, Wario, and Waluigi. C'mon, Wario and Waluigi would be Perfect for the Movie.
Forth, Luigi Gets Captured, but Not Peach. Woah Woah Woah! Hold the Phone! Peach doesn't get Captured? And Luigi Does? What is this? Opposite Land? Peach Always Gets Captured.
Fifth, A Luma is acting Dark. So, in the Movie, Luigi Says, "How Do I Get Out?" A Luma says, "The only way out is the best way of Dying!"
That's Very Dark. Even For a Mario Thing!
Sixth, Why is Mario Kart in it? This isn't a Mario Kart Movie. It's the SUPER Mario Movie. Even if It was. Wario and Waluigi Should be in it. They are known for Being in Mario Kart.
Seventh, Bowser Talks. OMG! Why! Bowser Only Talked in Super Mario Sunshine and the SMB show!
Eighth, Also, Compared to how Accurate Sonic Sounded in the Sonic Movie, Mario Doesn't sound that Accurate in the Movie.
Ninth, Compared to the Mushroom Kingdom in the Games, and to the Movie. There are Way Too many Mushrooms in the Movie.
Ten, Toadsworth (the Mushroom Kingdom Helper), and Toadette (Another Mushroom Kingdom Helper) aren't Present. That's Shocking!
Eleventh, Yoshi Isn't there. WHAT? WHAT? RAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He's always there.
Twelfth, Mario And Luigi Don't Know they are Brothers. I feel Like Exploding. That is InAccurate to the Video Games.
Thirteenth, Wario And Waluigi aren't there. C'mon Nintendo, They would add a lot of Humor to the Movie!
Fourteenth, Bowser doesn't Know What spinies are. He said, "Spiny's Who every You are." Bowser, You should know what Spinies are. Movie Bowser, You are as Dumb as Patrick Star.
That's All. I'll add more Reasonings When I think of It.
Hold my beer. (I never have drank beer I'm just saying it)
1) DK talking isn't weird have you not watched that one DK series but also it would be weird for one character to not talk.
2) He could use the fire flower but he hasn't been in a Mario main-line game. If he was added to Super Mario 3d world deluxe and could use the fire flower would you complain?
3) Wario and Waluigi could be added to the movie but not shown in promotional material. Also does it really matter, they could be added in a sequel.
4) It makes more sense for Luigi to get kidnapped because Mario wouldn't care about Peach.
5) Too Dark? Bowser literally dies in one of the games. What, is star wars too dark because stormtroopers get shot?
6) Why can't there be karts. Not only will it potentially make sense in the movie but also acts as a good reference.
7) So what if Bowser talked? He can and he will to make the plot make sense.
8 ) They wanted to get Chris Pratt to do it and the actual Mario voice actor is in the movie for a cameo.
9) It's a style choice. Also multiple levels feature loads of mushrooms.
10) Once again they may be featured but not shown or be in a sequel
11) Yoshi is there and also sequel. Did you complain about the sonic movie not having Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, Shadow, Metal Sonic etc.
12) Mario and Luigi do know they are brothers so I don't know where you got this idea.
13) See 3
14) So what if Bowser doesn't know what spinneys are. He didn't make the species and they appear unable to speak so does it matter.
Edit: The video is mostly as a joke however you are factually incorrect.
It's Dark because a Luma says "The only way out of Jail is to Die."
And Bowser Never Talks. He Roars.
And Tails and Knuckles were in the Sonic Movie. The Second one.
Number 2 electric boogaloo:
1) And? It's not that dark. Did you not understand my point kids watch darker stuff?
2) So what. If bowser didn't talk in the movie the plot wouldn't make much sense and we wouldn't know why he kidnapped Luigi
3) I meant the first one

On 2023-03-23 at 19:54:43
But Guess what? There are Some Things Most People don't realize about it.
So, First. Donkey Kong Talks. That is Not Normal Compared to the Real DK.
Second, He Uses the Fire Flower. DK Uses the Fire Flower. DK USES THE FIRE FLOWER???? Why does DK use the Fire Flower? That is even more Not Normal than Him Talking.
They Have Every Mario Kart Character but Wario and Waluigi.
Third, Wario, and Waluigi. C'mon, Wario and Waluigi would be Perfect for the Movie.
Forth, Luigi Gets Captured, but Not Peach. Woah Woah Woah! Hold the Phone! Peach doesn't get Captured? And Luigi Does? What is this? Opposite Land? Peach Always Gets Captured.
Fifth, A Luma is acting Dark. So, in the Movie, Luigi Says, "How Do I Get Out?" A Luma says, "The only way out is the best way of Dying!"
That's Very Dark. Even For a Mario Thing!
Sixth, Why is Mario Kart in it? This isn't a Mario Kart Movie. It's the SUPER Mario Movie. Even if It was. Wario and Waluigi Should be in it. They are known for Being in Mario Kart.
Seventh, Bowser Talks. OMG! Why! Bowser Only Talked in Super Mario Sunshine and the SMB show!
Eighth, Also, Compared to how Accurate Sonic Sounded in the Sonic Movie, Mario Doesn't sound that Accurate in the Movie.
Ninth, Compared to the Mushroom Kingdom in the Games, and to the Movie. There are Way Too many Mushrooms in the Movie.
Ten, Toadsworth (the Mushroom Kingdom Helper), and Toadette (Another Mushroom Kingdom Helper) aren't Present. That's Shocking!
Eleventh, Yoshi Isn't there. WHAT? WHAT? RAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He's always there.
Twelfth, Mario And Luigi Don't Know they are Brothers. I feel Like Exploding. That is InAccurate to the Video Games.
Thirteenth, Wario And Waluigi aren't there. C'mon Nintendo, They would add a lot of Humor to the Movie!
Fourteenth, Bowser doesn't Know What spinies are. He said, "Spiny's Who every You are." Bowser, You should know what Spinies are. Movie Bowser, You are as Dumb as Patrick Star.
That's All. I'll add more Reasonings When I think of It.
Hold my beer. (I never have drank beer I'm just saying it)
1) DK talking isn't weird have you not watched that one DK series but also it would be weird for one character to not talk.
2) He could use the fire flower but he hasn't been in a Mario main-line game. If he was added to Super Mario 3d world deluxe and could use the fire flower would you complain?
3) Wario and Waluigi could be added to the movie but not shown in promotional material. Also does it really matter, they could be added in a sequel.
4) It makes more sense for Luigi to get kidnapped because Mario wouldn't care about Peach.
5) Too Dark? Bowser literally dies in one of the games. What, is star wars too dark because stormtroopers get shot?
6) Why can't there be karts. Not only will it potentially make sense in the movie but also acts as a good reference.
7) So what if Bowser talked? He can and he will to make the plot make sense.
8 ) They wanted to get Chris Pratt to do it and the actual Mario voice actor is in the movie for a cameo.
9) It's a style choice. Also multiple levels feature loads of mushrooms.
10) Once again they may be featured but not shown or be in a sequel
11) Yoshi is there and also sequel. Did you complain about the sonic movie not having Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, Shadow, Metal Sonic etc.
12) Mario and Luigi do know they are brothers so I don't know where you got this idea.
13) See 3
14) So what if Bowser doesn't know what spinneys are. He didn't make the species and they appear unable to speak so does it matter.
Edit: The video is mostly as a joke however you are factually incorrect.

[fanfic] MKPC Heroes
On 2023-03-01 at 16:53:20
Anyway I am considering reviving this fanfic starting with a recap of the first five chapters. It was very fun and since I'm kinda still half-here (barely any messages but still watching) why not finish. If you want to see this fanfic completed plz react with 👍. If not,👎.
Oh and I'll continue it if this gets saaay, five thumbs up
When you get almost double the required amount.

On 2023-01-21 at 17:40:32
We last left our heroes doing battle with a huge dog-like monster at the arena ‘Bowser’s Catwalk.’ Now they must defeat it.
Fiery; I’m going after Popplio.
Nudge; Me too.
Melee; OK bring him back quick. We need to get out of here before this dog thing kills us all.
Dietsoda; It won’t be able to.
Dietsoda began firing arrows into the creature, but most of them stuck in its tough skin, doing little damage.
Noob; We can do this… Look, it’s being distracted by Dietsoda’s arrows. Maybe we can sneak up to it and kill it.
Melee; Dietsoda and I can try to drive it underneath some of those thwomps.
While Melee and Dietsoda shoot at the dog mutant, some of the others sneak around behind it.
MisterCringeh; Noob this was your idea, you kill it. Go on.
Noob; (gulp) alright…
Noob managed to get right behind the creature and stabbed it in one of its back legs. It whirled around and lunged at him, but he backed away and fell down.
Dark; Noob! Get away from there!
Just as the dog was about to end Noob, one of the thwomps came down on its back.
Xrunner48; O that is disgusting!
Fiery; We’re back! Can we leave this place now?
MisterCringeh; Happily.
IlluhZhion and StarSplizz are chasing the flying machine through the air.
StarSplizz; It’s heading for another track!
IlluhZhion; Wow, I didn’t know that! Oh wait, I did. Follow it, genius!
StarSplizz; What is this place anyway?
IlluhZhion; Whatever it is, I don’t like it. We’re flying through darkness. Watch out for lightning strikes.
StarSplizz; There’s the flying thing!
IlluhZhion; Let’s just call it a plane. Close enough.
They flew after the airplane (I’m just gonna call it that cuz “flying machine” is just awkward) IlluZhion summoned flying spirits, and they possessed the machinery, forcing the plane to land.
IlluhZhion; StarSplizz, go back for help. I’m going to rescue Knoah (sigh) Why am I rescuing him?
The others have set off to try and find IlluhZhion and StarSplizz.
Sorbet; Where have they gone? There’s no way we can track them now!
Xrunner; Actually the tracker is following that flying thing. Follow me.
Dietsoda; Gimme that tracker. FOLLOW ME MAYFLIES!!!
Popplio; He’s. Going. So. Fast. Slow down Dietsoda!
Fiery; He’s going to leave us behind!
Toad; He must stop.
Toad tackled Dietsoda and everyone gathered around.
Toad; Dietsoda, you can’t go without us. We need the tracker to know where to go.
Xrunner; If we split up, we’re vulnerable. You won’t be able to stop the flying machine alone.
StarSplizz; Come on guys IlluhZhion needs your help!
Dietsoda; I’m going. Now. *runs off*
Nudge; Forget him. Let’s follow StarSplizz.
Everyone followed StarSplizz to the track where IlluhZhion was. They went through the portal and appeared on the starting line of a cement raceway floating in what seemed to be the middle of a storm.
Popplio; At least there’s water. Anyone see a slide anywhere?
Dark; Look it’s IlluhZhion
Toad; And he’s in trouble…
IlluhZhion was lying on the ground surrounded by a crowd. The people were beating him and starting to drag him to the plane.
Melee; There’s a bus coming, if we ride it we can reach IlluhZhion faster.
Dark; Got it.
Dark jumped into the bus as it passed and made the blue toad driver stop it. Then everyone got in.
Nudge; I’m driving. *jams the accelerator down*
Noob; I didn’t know buses could drift around corners. *goes back to screaming*
The bus plowed into the crowd, scattering people everywhere.
Nudge; Look at them fly!
Melee; Are they… Knoah?
Popplio; They’re the clones!
Blue Toad Bus Driver; What is going on here😭😭😭?!?!?!
Dark; Wait… Knoah is… What? Who?
Xrunner48; No time for that. We need to help IlluhZhion!
Melee; Die, puny Knoahs!
MisterCringeh; I’ll get IlluhZhion. *vanishes*
Melee, Nudge, and Dark fought the clones, while Sorbet started sneaking toward the plane. The Blue Toad started slinging a variety of bob-ombs, green shells, and profanities at the clones as well.
Fiery; That’s the last of the clones, is IlluhZhion here?
MisterCringeh; He’s here, but unconscious.
Xrunner48; Sorbet is sabotaging the plane. Soon we’ll find Knoah.
Knoah; It’s too late for that!
Dark; Oh no
Knoah; Now that you know who I am, let me personally give you this message. K and Toad99 are dead, and soon you will be too! I forced K to create a weapon that will destroy MKPC city, soon my clones will have placed it.
Popplio; O come on.
Blue Toad Bus Driver; Green Shell!
Knoah; Ow! You will pay for that. OOF! *sees arrow sticking out of his back*
Dietsoda; Get him!
They all ran to grab Knoah, but he locked himself into the plane. However, it wouldn’t start, and he couldn’t make it take off.
Knoah; Not good
Knoah; Fortunately there’s the backup system. *flips a switch*
The plane began to fly away.
Fiery; Aw BLEEP
Dietsoda; You lost him! After all that! Stupid mayflies!
Nudge; Hey, Sorbet was supposed to stop it from working!
Sorbet; Sorry, I didn’t know there was a backup.
Dietsoda; SORRY isn’t enough!
As Knoah flew away, the heroes argued on the track. They were frustrated that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t stop Knoah. And he’d been pretending to be a friend all this time.
Will the heroes be able to mend the hard feelings and work on stopping Knoah? What is the weapon and how can they find out about it? Is anyone else mixed up in the villain’s plot? Find out in episode #6!
Sorry Dark😢

For a second I almost thought I shot an ally in the back and realised that would be very on point.

On 2023-01-05 at 10:04:46
Dietsoda; So, everyone listen up. The others, mayflies, losers, and psychos all, are still stuck in the cave at Toad’s Riverside Park track. You need to get them out. I’m going to go find whoever rigged that trap.
Popplio; Huh?
Xrunner48; He said we have to rescue the others while he goes alone to find whoever blew up the official track’s entrance and trapped the others.
Popplio; Oh no you don’t! *he grabs Dietsoda’s collar* We’re going to need everyone to get our friends out of that cave, and you’re not going to go off on your own, d’you hear me?! And you will not be so rude to MKPCians, got it?!
Dietsoda; O-o-ok.
Noob; Nice work, Popplio!
Popplio; Was it? It feels so weird. I was mad just now.
Xrunner48; Aaand that’s settled, so let’s figure out how we’re going to get our friends out. Popplio, can you go get K and Oskar? We might be able to use their explosives to break open the cave and confuse those water-creatures.
Popplio; I think I can do that.
Popplio left to find K and Oskar.
Noob; Popplio’s been gone awhile now. Maybe we should go after him.
Dietsoda; Alright, let’s go find the yelling mayfly.
Noob; Enough!
Dietsoda; Alright alright! Let’s go.
Knoah; Yes, quickly, hurry
At GBA Riverside Park by Toadboiiiii
Sorbet; OK, does everyone know what they have to do? As soon as we’re out, we head across the track and into the trees.
Fiery; I’m terrified.
Nudge; Ya, you go ahead and be terrified. Let’s just get this done.
Sorbet; Alright. Melee, Dark, can you start breaking the barricade?
Melee; Hoho yaaa!
Melee and and Dark blast away at the wall of collapsed rock, Melee with lasers, while Dark touches them and they melt and fall away.
Melee; Here it comes!
Fiery; Outta the way quick quick!
IlluZhion; *cough, cough* The dust! Whoah! Look at that!
Toad99; What are those things?
Toad; No time to figure it out. Get to the trees!
Everyone runs out of the cave toward the trees. The blue-green creatures swarm up the track toward them. Melee fired laser shots into the mob, and some of the monsters fell with black-edged holes in them.
Toad99; We’re almost there! Let’s go through that gap in the trees!
StarSplizz; Yes! We’re here! Are they close behind us?
MisterCringeh; Yes, and there are only about thirty of them.
Nudge; Well then let’s have some fun! I found a nice sharp stick over here.
MisterCringeh; Can you only think of killing right now?
Nudge; Yes.
Dark; Guys, they’re here!
StarSplizz; It was nice knowing you guys. 😢
Nudge; HAHAHAA! *thwack* Take that, funny guy! Get your hands off me, slimebrain! *smack, squelch* creatures die.
Toad; Let’s go help! I’ve got a stick! *smack* creature dies
A moment later
IlluZhion; These are not good fighters. We seem to have laid them all out already.
Dark; Well, there’s enough of them to whoop our-
StarSplizz; to beat us in a fight.
Dark; Ok, There’s enough to beat us in a fight. It doesn’t matter if they’re not very good fighters, there are just so many.
MisterCringeh; He’s right. We need a plan, and quickly. The rest of those monsters are coming now.
Fiery; S-save us… WHAT’LL WE DO?
Xrunner48, Dietsoda, Noob, and Knoah are searching the official tracks entrance.
Dietsoda; There was a fight, something big. Look at these paw-prints. K and Oskar aren’t here. What is this metal box thing?
Xrunner48; It’s a tracking device. Gimme. Hmmm, it’s damaged. I’ll need to fix this and we can see what it is tracking.
Noob; Well, we need to go help the others escape from Riverside Park. We’ll figure this out later.
Knoah; We need to find out what’s up here though.
Xrunner48; No time now, come on!
In the trees at the racetrack, the MKPCians have built a barricade to keep the attackers away.
Nudge; Never thought I’d say this, but I don’t think I can hold these things back anymore!
Dark; We need to get out of here!
StarSplizz; We can’t.
Fiery; WE”RE GONNA DIEEEE!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
MisterCringeh; Stay calm, there has to be a way out of this.
Melee; Die, foul fiends! *shoots lasers* creatures die
IlluZhion; If I could get a moment without distractions, I could help. Can you all try to keep them away?
Fiery; Everyone give him some room! Please please please!!! Hurry it up lads!
MisterCringeh; Yes, make some room. IlluZhion, I hope you can help with this. We’ll hold these things off.
Fiery; They’re coming through! HELP!
IlluhZhion; Not yet they aren’t.
IlluhZhion pointed at the swarm of water-creatures, and a group of wraiths rose out of the ground. Shimmering silver-white, they attacked the enemy and drove them back, flickering as they warped from one place to another.
IlluhZhion; That will buy us some time. Dead people are so... helpful

Xrunner48; Well hurry up and use it!
Explosions blew through the larger groups of enemies, and the MKPCians charged again. The creatures fled back to the water, and the MKPCians made it through and escaped the track.
Fiery; Whew. Thanks IlluZhion, that helped. And thanks Xrunner48, Dietsoda, Noob, Popplio, Knoah, I thought we were gonna die in there!
Popplio; *blows bubbles happily* I’m so happy you all survived!
Dark; Well, that ‘parting gift’ you gave those monsters helped a lot!
StarSplizz; Now we just need to track down whoever is responsible for all of this.
Noob; Where is Toad99?
Popplio; *stops blowing bubbles*
Meanwhile, at another track…
Oskar; What are you doing?! You can’t kill us!
???; Really? And who will stop me? You and K have gotten in the way of my plans, you and all your friends must die. You first.
K; Whatever your “plans” are, our friends will stop you.
???; But you don’t understand, I am in their group. I am one of your “friends.” No one will suspect me. You poor peace-loving MKPCians are about to get a rude awakening. Oskar dies now, K will die soon. His skill with technology will be useful to me before I remove him.
Then the person threw Oskar over a cliff, where he landed on a pile of dirt, rocks, and thorny bushes. Then he boarded an armored flying vehicle with K and flew away.
"Nudge; HAHAHAA! *thwack* Take that, funny guy! Get your hands off me, slimebrain! *smack, squelch*"... I think I've been reading too much Brian Jacques

I assume whenever popplio isn't near me I will continue to be rude?

On 2022-12-31 at 18:46:34
At the entrance to the quick mode tracks;
Fiery; The tracks lead through the entrance. Something was dragged through here.
Nudge; So we follow them. Who’s with me?
Illuzhion; Okay, let’s go.
Melee; Alright. The marks are leading toward the portal leading to the track called ‘GBA Riverside Park.’ It looks like the one Toad made.
Toad; Oh you guys are gonna looove this track. We should stop for a race!
Popplio; Did you install a waterslide? Cuz I’ll totally go!
Knoah; HERE WE GO!!!
Nudge; What the… Why are you yelling so loud, you idiot? If someone involved with that bomber is at this track, now they know we’re here.
Knoah; Uh, sorry.
Illuzhion; Well, let’s just go in and get it over with.
StarSplizz; There’s no one here, as far as I can tell.
Sorbet; There’s some sort of pounding noise coming from the tunnel. We should go see what’s up.
Everyone goes to the cave.
Dark; Well then, here we are.
MisterCringeh; Wow, that pounding is very loud. What's going on in there?
Knoah; Go on, we’ve got to go look.
Everyone goes in. Knoah creates a clone and sends it in. He waits outside.
Noob; AAAHHH! Thwomps! Everyone get out of the way!
Xrunner48; Move!
Toad; What are these things doing here? I didn’t bring them! YOWCH!!!
StarSplizz; Toad’s been crushed!
Nudge; He’s half vampire, he’ll be fine.
Noob; What? OOF.
MisterCringeh; Noob, are you okay?
Fiery; He’s just unconscious. Let’s get out of here.
Xrunner48; I’ll carry Noob out. StarSplizz, can you get Toad?
Melee; I’ve got him.
Then the thwomps at near the entrances started hitting the ceiling instead.
MisterCringeh; Aaaand the ceiling is coming down.
Illuzhion; Great, just perfect.
The entrances collapsed, trapping many of the MKPCians inside. Xrunner48 managed to get out with Noob. Popplio slipped out through a gap before it closed.
Knoah; What happened in there? Are you alright?
Dietsoda; No time for that. We need to get out of here. There’s some sort of army coming out of the water.
Noob; Ooow. Wait, what about the others?
Dietsoda; We’ll come back for them. Now move, shorty.
A mob of green-blue creatures walking on two legs approached from the water. Their eyes were pale white and their huge hands held clubs. The MKPCians ran toward the portal, but some of the creatures reached it first.
Dietsoda; We’ll have to fight our way through.
Popplio; Uuuh, I don’t know about this.
Xrunner48; EEEYAAAH!
Xrunner48 charged and killed the creatures before they could capture the MKPCians. Dietsoda fired an arrow and hit a distant one between the eyes.
Xrunner48; Let’s go. We’ll get K and Oskar and they can help us free the others.
They went through the portal. Behind them, Knoah looked at the creatures bodies and snarled angrily. Then he followed.
Meanwhile, at the entrance to the official tracks;
K; We’re almost through. If we can just repair the control mechanism we can reactivate the portal.
Oskar; It’s kinda late, can we just go to sleep and finish in the morning?
???; You’re never going to finish this job. No one must see what is on the other side of the portal!
Oskar; Huh? Who’s talking?
A cloaked figure appeared out of the shadows, leading something that looked like a huge, hairless dog.
K; What is that thing!? Aaargh!
The dog attacked them, pulling them down and dragging them away. K dropped a small metal box on the ground before the dog beat him.
???; Quickly, we need to get these two to ‘Bowser Catwalk.’ We will dispose of them there…
Inside the cave, the MKPCians are confused and worried.
Dark; At least the thwomps have stopped. We need to get out of here. Anyone got a plan?
Sorbet;I've got an idea. Listen, here's what we need to do...
What in the name of Wargor is going on in MKPC?! Who is this person to control particularly ugly mutant dog-monsters? Will the trapped MKPCians be able to escape the cave? And what is up with Knoah?
So since the vote was very much in favor of not changing the colors, all colors are the same, except for when people wanted their own colors changed. Hope you liked this episode, #3 should be a bit better. Right now I'm sorta just getting the plot moving.
A great episode, I finally get to kill something in a fan-fic

On 2022-12-29 at 14:01:53
I know it takes ages to write fanfics, but I do want to know when the next episode releases as it was an extremely great first episode.
Also could my personality have the addition of warming up to people if I work with then for ages and begin to genuinely enjoy their company.
Also could my personality have the addition of warming up to people if I work with then for ages and begin to genuinely enjoy their company.
On 2022-12-24 at 11:18:21
nah i dont like that color
Yeah it is kinda wierd. 💀
On 2022-12-24 at 10:51:27
On 2022-12-24 at 09:49:35
My character is perfected. This is just great.
It's almost as if you play vermintide, not that I do. I've watched too many vermintide dialog videos.
It's almost as if you play vermintide, not that I do. I've watched too many vermintide dialog videos.

On 2022-12-19 at 09:37:58
Name: Dietsoda
Colour: Crimson
Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)
Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)
Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.
Colour: Crimson
Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)
Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)
Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

[TBC] Retro Contest
On 2023-03-08 at 08:27:53
I'll try but I may end up not having all 8 tracks done. What does section based mean though?
On 2022-09-25 at 09:13:41

Nobody likes a hypocrite

(Fanfic) Chilli.Exe: The World To Win
On 2023-02-13 at 09:07:54
Name: Dietsoda
Colour: Crimson
Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)
Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)
Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.
Colour: Crimson
Species: elf (Wood elf more specifically.)
Personality: doesn't really like working with others and will constantly 'mock' them although actually consider it banter and not take anything said back too harshly. Will also call humans and other species with lifespans lower than 100 years 'mayflies' (An animal with an extremely short lifespan)
Skills/abilities: Very good eyesight, great with a bow, good at tracking.

[FANFIC] Super MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising
On 2023-02-17 at 09:01:27

IlluZhion: Raider, I still don't understand... How did you survive that explosion?
Raider: Anything is possible for you, my sweetheart.
*IlluZhion blushes*
IlluZhion: Uhhhhh... Should we get back to the others now?
Raider: Oh you, playing so hard to get~!
I know you, IlluZhion~
You can't stop without even trying to think about me~
IlluZhion: I- Raider, stop it...
Raider: Haha, I'm just kidding~
Yeah, let's go.
With The Resistance...
Lely: Wonder what's taking IlluZhion so long... He's usually back within 30 minutes... It's been THREE HOURS, FOR FUCK'S SAKE...
*Nudge files his claws*
Nudge: Probably simping on someone again...
Max: Do you honestly believe that when he said he was gonna catch up with an old friend?
Osc: Well knowing IlluZhion, he probably means 11037th partner...
Ralsei: Which one of you bitches is gonna break the news...?
With Lemon, xrunner and Dietsoda...
Kris: LEMON!!!
*Lemon gets zapped by electricity for the 11th time*
Dietsoda: You mayflies have no care for yourselves? Why care so much about your pathetic little friend?
*Kris' bloodied head turns to Dietsoda*
Kris: Mark my words, you cunt... IlluZhion is coming for us any moment... And he's gonna have an army...
*Lemon's eyes open and she sheds a silent tear*
xrunner: Yeah right... We'll OBLITERATE him if he comes anywhere near us, you guys included.
Dietsoda: And you mark MY words, you foolish mayflies... You. Are. DEAD.
Lemon (under her breath): IlluZhion... my love...
Back with The Resistance...
IlluZhion: Glad to see you guys didn't abandon us.
Fiery: Us?
Raider: Hi~
Nudge: Surprise, surprise, IlluZhion's simping on yet ANOTHER person...
Osc and Ralsei: Just why?
Ralsei: Yeah right bitch, he literally fell for you before...
Fiery: Can you guys not? Raider, come with us. We're gonna go rescue our friends.
They eventually found Dietsoda's private room. When they entered...
Dietsoda: Don't try anything, mayfly. Or ALL. YOUR. FRIENDS. WILL. PERISH.
Kris: IlluZhion...
Lemon: Ahahaha~
You think I'm gonna die?
Dietsoda: I know it, mayfly.
*Lemon's eyes blaze and she grows wings*
Lemon: Wanna bet?
Nudge: IlluZhion... You did NOT.
IlluZhion: Oh, you bet I did.
Lely: Oh forget that Nudge, let's fight this evil and save the Super MKPC Galaxy!
Raider: Seems like it's time for The Uprising.
Fiery: The Uprising, huh? I like the sound of that! LET'S DO THIS! LELY, CUE THE MUSIC!
Lely: You bet I will.
*Lely blasts Not Today on his MP3 player*
Dietsoda: Oh it's on, mayflies.
*Dietsoda's hands start burning and the flares become huge scimitars*
Max: You dare... AND I WILL END YOU.
Lely POV: Wow, Max is getting defensive... Haha cute...
*Max blushes*
*Max gets stabbed in the ribs*
IlluZhion POV: HOLY CRAP... IS MAX... DEAD...?! I will avenge him regardless...
At Club IlluZhion a few years ago...
IlluZhion POV: Hey, there's someone new here...
Max: Hey... Are you the owner of this bar...?
Nudge: Yeah he is... Who are you anyway? You don't look like anyone from around here. Mind you, basically everyone comes here in the MKPCverse...
Max: Well ummm... I'm kind of new here... My name's Max...
Lemon: Well uhhh... Hi Max!
Max: Oh don't worry... I'm generally quiet...
IlluZhion: Heh, I was like that a while back.
That night at the beach...
IlluZhion POV: Hey... Isn't that...
IlluZhion: Max?
Max: ...IlluZhion...? What're you doing here?
IlluZhion: I was just flying about and I saw you sitting here... What are you doing on these cliffs anyway? If you fall down here, you could easily perish...
Max: I was just thinking...
*IlluZhion walks up to Max and sits beside him*
IlluZhion: What's on your mind?
Max: I've been thinking... About you... This galaxy isn't that safe anymore... I barely survived... My friends all died around me...
IlluZhion: I... I'm so sorry to hear that...
*Max gets up and goes to leave*
Max: I was thinking something else about you, but I think it's better if it's kept a secret~
*IlluZhion blushes*
IlluZhion: Uhhhhh... Ok...
Back in reality...
IlluZhion POV: Wow... we came so far together... I'M NOT LETTING IT GO...
*Lely falls to the floor*
Nudge and Osc: LELY!
*They go after Dietsoda, only to immediately get shot by a laser*
At Toad Town around a decade ago...
IlluZhion: Welp... more shopping to do...
*IlluZhion hums Super Mario Bros.*
Nudge: Excuse me... Are you IlluZhion...?
IlluZhion: Uhhh yeah, why?
Osc: We're kinda new here and we want to go to your bar, but we don't know where it is...
*IlluZhion leads them to the bar, where they quickly become good friends*
Back in reality...
IlluZhion: Gaaah...
*IlluZhion's eyes widen as he remains corrupted, kneeling weakly on the floor*
Kris: Lemon...
IlluZhion POV: She's not going to die... NO WAY... Violence is no longer an answer... It's a question... And the answer... is YES...
Raider POV: Holy crap... IlluZhion's corrupted by darkness... I'm going to attack them before he gets possessed by it...
*Lemon and Raider attack Dietsoda and xrunner, but they get countered*
IlluZhion: NOOOOOOOOO!!!
*IlluZhion becomes possessed by darkness, at which point he rips apart into a swarm of clones*
Luckily, Lely, Krazey, Kris, Max, Dark, Lemon and Raider survived their injuries...
But their adventures don't end here...
Sword hands? Really?
Eh I suppose I get to kill the most popular users of the site so it evens our the wierd hand swords. Bit of an L tbh.
On 2023-02-13 at 08:43:06
Aight but she did do some breaking and entering. I'm just detaining her before the police can come and I can press charges.

On 2023-01-05 at 08:43:18
Dietsoda: Playtime is over, mayflies...
Lely: Max, since neither of us may make it this far, I have to tell you something...
Max: Not a good time! Run!
Popplio: Holy- It sounds like chaos out there...
Lemon: IlluZhion, should we...
Elija/IlluZhion: Yes.
xrunner: Let's hope it's ok...
*Everyone grabs their weapons*
Dietsoda: Ah, how nice. More prey to hunt.
When they made it to the desert...
Dietsoda: You're too late. Your little friends will die.
Paratroopa: RUN!!!
Jey: I- I can't take this any longer...
*Jey hurls himself off a nearby cliff*
Ashton: JEY!!!
*Ashton runs to get help but falls into spikes at the same time as Popplio*
DarkDemon: D-Dietsoda... You don't wanna do this...
Dietsoda: I don't even know you, but I want you dead all the same.
*Dietsoda kicks Dark off a cliff and Dark gets impaled on one of the rocks*
Dietsoda: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Your pathetic friends are next.
Back at the valley...
Lemon: Oh there's some food here. Nice for some evil demonic elf lord trying to kill us.
*IlluZhion, Lemon and Paratroopa eat the food, but it was poisoned, so Paratroopa died*
Lemon: Holy- it was poisoned...
Elija/IlluZhion: We shall avenge you Paratroopa. But for now, we have to go.
*Lemon, xrunner, Nudge and Kris nod mournfully*
Nudge: We can't risk all of us dying. Let's take separate routes.
Elija/IlluZhion: Well I always agreed to go down with Lemon, so we're going together.
Nudge: I'll catch up to the other survivors. Stay safe.
xrunner: Guess I'm on my own then...
Dietsoda: How sad. Left alone.
Dietsoda: Oh he's safe... in my fortress. Now DIE.
*A portal opens through the floor and xrunner falls through it, killing him*
Everyone else survived, but for how long will they continue? Find out next time on Super MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising!
POV: you become the main villian for the second time and get 7 kills

Edit: I just realised that, not only did I get possessed by my new fanfic characterisation but also I said I didn't care if my character died, guess it also means I don't care if they kill.

On 2023-01-01 at 10:49:28
Moi, je trouve ça trop dure, les "Fanfics"
Bah faut juste trouver des idées et sinon bah la fanfic faut attendre 🤷♂️
Yeah but I had an idea but I couldn't think of anything to write. I think some people are good at writing fanfics while others aren't.

On 2023-01-01 at 10:35:23
By the way, I'm gonna release the next episode today as well because I probably can't next week.
Fanfics are hard to write and your doing it under the pressure of whats happening. I have alot of respect for you.