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Ryubix - Ask me anything!

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
hi ryubix   im princess u dont know me but i was wondering if it was possible for you as a admin  to give us  the ability to be able to customize our tracks and arena backgrounds the /snes /gba /ds backgrounds are good but i just wish we  had the ability  to  upload our own images snifsnifsnif

I'm not Ryubix, but I think he's not able to give that to you.
All I can say is : be patient :)

What do you use to make mkpc complete mode tracks?

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
I'm currently using Paint.NET, it has a lot of features.

I'm unbanned! But there's a problem..

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
You have been unbanned. However, please refrain yourself from impersonating banned members next time, even for a prank.

Im new

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Welcome to Mario Kart PC ! toad

Ryubix - ???

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Ryubix wrote:

Hmm, no, my videos is NOT on your tracks... I don't see why it has to be yours anyway?

Torrance pense que tu vas tester des circuits de la commu dans ta vidéo.

Why was Miku banned???

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Since Kirb got his response, this topic can be locked.

Urban apprécie ceci.

Propositions : Personnalisations défis et multi-coupes

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Toad64 wrote:
Pour, par contre je ne comprends pas très bien la fin de la première proposition : si on obtient plus de 2 personnages, où ira le premier perso obtenu (puisque l'historique ne contient que 2 persos) ?

it wont be shown you have to press the thing with yellow mario and a plus

This is an old topic, Waluigi68 has already responded to me.
Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Pour, par contre je ne comprends pas très bien la fin de la première proposition : si on obtient plus de 2 personnages, où ira le premier perso obtenu (puisque l'historique ne contient que 2 persos) ?

Vote For My Next Video Game Review

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Miitopia ? Why not !

I am back .

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Hewwo. Haven't been on for a week

I have 30 notifications, its unbelievable how much you can miss out on in a week. :)

Welcome back ! toad

Gartic Phone event !

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Today, at 7:00 P.M.
, we will organize a Gartic Phone event ! ;)


In the first round, each person will have to write down a sentence, which someone else will have to make guess with a drawing. Another person will try to explain the drawing, and so on.
There will be two groups : one in french and one in english. If there aren't enough people in a group, there will be one big group in english.
For a better experience, you can join the Discord server. You will be able to talk with the other members in a vocal chat or in a text channel if you have no mic.

Links will be given on Discord but here as well.

Please avoid inappropriate drawings and inside jokes.

Un Malware attaque les smartphones sous android !

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
toadpc wrote:
MARIO KART PC ON PHONE :) qr code. how to it go to chrome top icon qr download print.:)

This topic is old and this post is off-topic.
That's why it has been locked.

I've been in MKPC for 13 months!

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Happy birthday (on MKPC) ! toad

i'm making a multicup

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
i've made 3 tracks so far
i'm planning on making 32 tracks in total (16 nitro and 16 retro)
feel free to give suggestions

In my opinion, Toad Town is quite simple and doesn't have a lot of decoration, but it's nice.
I'm not a fond of the black walls in the three track. I think that they would be better if they fit the track's colors.
In the last track, the frozen lake is also very punishing : if you fall in the lake, you have to go back at the beginning of the ice section.
Other than that, these tracks were quite fun to play !

Track Builder Contest : Winter 2020/ Concours de création de circuits : Décembre 2020

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Vous avez tous reçus vos points VS ;)
You have all received your VS points ;)
Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
C'est l'heure des résultats !
It's results time!

(R : RHcks; Tox : ToxTurtle101; T : Toad64; U : Urban)
Le classement est dans l'ordre croissant.
Spoiler [ShowHide]
@ Miku
R : 5
T : 2,5
Tox : 6
U : 3,5

Note moyenne : 4,25/20

Spoiler [ShowHide]
R : 7
T : 5
Tox : 3
U : 2

Note moyenne : 4,4/20

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R : 5
T : 6
Tox : 6
U : 1,5

Note moyenne : 4,62/20

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Snow City
R : 6
T : 4,5
Tox : 5
U : 13

Note moyenne : 7,12/20

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électro road
R : 9,5
T : 7
Tox : 9
U : 9

Note moyenne : 8,62/20

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Mt. Snowcap
R : 7
T : 10
Tox : 7
U : 11,5

Note moyenne : 8,9/20

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Alphine Mountain
R : 8
T : 9
Tox : 11
U : 8

Note moyenne : 9/20

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Christmas Circuit
R : 13
T : 15
Tox : 11,5
Urban : 15,5

Note moyenne : 13,75/20

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Snowy Town
R : 15
T : 14
Tox : 14
U : 13

Note moyenne : 14/20

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montagne enneigée Izucrario
R : 18,5
T : 13
Tox : 16
U : 12,5

Note moyenne : 15/20

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Sentier Hivernale
R : 17,5
T : 16,5
Tox : 17
Urban : 12

Note moyenne : 15,75/20

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Snowy Village
R : 18
T : 19
Tox : 18
U : 17

Note moyenne : 18/20

Troisième place
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UMK - Sherbet Volcano / Volcan Sorbet
R : 18,5
T : 17,5
Tox : 17
U : 19,5

Note moyenne : 18,12/20

Tu reçois 1250 points online ;)

Deuxième place
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Glacial Outpost
R : X
T : 18,5
Tox : 19
U : 19

Note moyenne : 18,83/20
Tu reçois 1500 points online ;)

Et le gagnant du concours est...
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toad toad @ToxTurtle101 !!!! toadtoad
Glacial Roca Picuda
R : 19
T : 19
Tox : X
U : 19

Note moyenne : 19/20

Tu reçois 2000 points ainsi qu'un titre spécial.
félicitations ! magic

The ranking is in ascending order.
Spoiler [ShowHide]
@ Miku
R : 5
T : 2,5
Tox : 6
U : 3,5

Average rating : 4,25/20

Spoiler [ShowHide]
R : 7
T : 5
Tox : 3
U : 2

Average rating : 4,4/20

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R : 5
T : 6
Tox : 6
U : 1,5

Average rating : 4,62/20

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Snow City
R : 6
T : 4,5
Tox : 5
U : 13

Average rating : 7,12/20

Spoiler [ShowHide]
électro road
R : 9,5
T : 7
Tox : 9
U : 9

Average rating : 8,62/20

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Mt. Snowcap
R : 7
T : 10
Tox : 7
U : 11,5

Average rating : 8,9/20

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Alphine Mountain
R : 8
T : 9
Tox : 11
U : 8

Average rating : 9/20

Spoiler [ShowHide]
Christmas Circuit
R : 13
T : 15
Tox : 11,5
Urban : 15,5

Average rating : 13,75/20

Spoiler [ShowHide]
Snowy Town
R : 15
T : 14
Tox : 14
U : 13

Average rating : 14/20

Spoiler [ShowHide]
montagne enneigée Izucrario
R : 18,5
T : 13
Tox : 16
U : 12,5

Average rating : 15/20

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Sentier Hivernale
R : 17,5
T : 16,5
Tox : 17
Urban : 12

Average rating : 15,75/20

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Snowy Village
R : 18
T : 19
Tox : 18
U : 17

Average rating : 18/20

Third place
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UMK - Sherbet Volcano / Volcan Sorbet
R : 18,5
T : 17,5
Tox : 17
U : 19,5

Average rating : 18,12/20

You receive 1250 online points ;)

Second place
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Glacial Outpost
R : X
T : 18,5
Tox : 19
U : 19

Average rating : 18,83/20

You receive 1500 online points ;)

And the Track Builder Contest winner is...

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toad toad @ToxTurtle101 !!!! toadtoad
Glacial Roca Picuda
R : 19
T : 19
Tox : X
U : 19

Average rating : 19/20

You receive 2000 online points and a title ;)

Congratulations! magic

Je tiens à remercier tous ceux qui ont participé ou soutenu cet événement. C'est grâce à vous et c'est grâce à votre investissement que la communauté de Mario Kart PC est si merveilleuse.

Le critère de notation est le suivant. Pour les personnes à partir de la 4e place, votre note est multipliée par 125/2, ce qui vous donnera le nombre de points gagnés.  Si vous voulez avoir des points batailles à la place des points VS, contactez moi. ;)

Même si vous n'avez pas obtenu la note que vous auriez voulu avoir, n'arrêtez pas de créer des circuits ! C'est en pérséverant que vous pourrez améliorer vos créations. (et puis, vous pourrez peut-être demander des conseils aux autres créateurs, qui sait ? :p)

Si vous avez des questions, si vous avez eu des problèmes avec quelque chose, des suggestions, des idées ou si vous avez tout simplement apprécié le concours, vous pouvez me contacter en MP ou sur Discord (Toad64#2795). ;)

I would like to thank everyone who participated or supported this event. It is thanks to you and your involvement that the Mario Kart PC community is so wonderful.

This is the scoring criteria : For people in 4th place and below, your score is multiplied by 125/2, which will give you the number of points earned.  If you want to have battle points instead of VS points, contact me ;)

Even if you didn't get the score you wanted to have, don't stop creating tracks! Perseverance will help you improve your creations. ( you might be able to ask other creators for advice, who knows? :p)

If you have any questions, if you had problems, suggestions, ideas or just want to tell me that you enjoyed the contest, you can contact me in DM or on Discord (Toad64#2795) ;)

Messages 884 - Mario Mario
vs61440 pts ★ Titan
battle14173 pts ★ Champion
Wave wrote:
Today is Saturday so it is the last day to submit your course.
The topic will be locked for a few days, until the results come.


When every submitted track has been rated.

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