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Question for all!
On 2023-02-01 at 01:25:12
What's the best thing to happen to you on this site? It can be anything!
Learning how to reverse-drift (Even though I'm the worst out of all of them)
You're better than me and Max
Btw the best thing that happened to me on MKPC is just finding MKPC for the first time, if that counts.
Toad Needs Help With MK9.
On 2023-01-31 at 02:27:49
Before I make my FIRST Complete Tracks for MK9, I just need to know what I use. If anyone is a pro for complete tracks, then you can help me.
A lot of popular track makers use
Remember the 2007 game Duck Life?
On 2023-01-31 at 02:42:08
I think I played DLTH on a school computer a while back, but I don't remember playing the original
Did you know that Angry Birds and Duck Life were both bird mobile games in the 2000s?
That's probably why I haven't played it then (I don't have a mobile phone)
Off topic: You have Toad rank on the forum
On 2023-01-31 at 02:30:01
I think I played DLTH on a school computer a while back, but I don't remember playing the original
[Game] Guess the track
On 2023-01-31 at 00:37:55
SNES rainbow road
On 2023-01-30 at 23:29:15
GBA battle course 3
On 2023-01-30 at 23:20:09
(Traduction) Welcome, I hope you have a great time here
[Gameshow] HAMPTERS vs LELY'S
On 2023-01-20 at 23:36:33
Oh sorry didn't see that until after I posted the comment
On 2023-01-20 at 23:22:40
I'll join on team Lely
Should i leave mkpc ?
On 2023-01-28 at 12:23:35
say: yes if you want to me to leave
say: no if you want to me to stay
Please join my Discord
On 2023-01-27 at 23:02:58
sorry everybody my old account stopped this is my new
You clearly aren't Lemon
What evidence do we have to prove them right, and what evidence to we have to prove them wrong ? We don't really know yet. Maybe this is just another impostor trying to frame us ; maybe taht's truly Lemon. I'm suspicious about both cases.
It's an impostor, the real RemoNeko doesn't speak in lowercase letters
thanks everyone for participating
Is this message a joke to you ? One of RemoNeko's particularities was that she often spoke in lowercase letters...
Oh I didn't notice that lol, anyways it is still very suspicious
On 2023-01-27 at 22:57:53
sorry everybody my old account stopped this is my new
You clearly aren't Lemon
What evidence do we have to prove them right, and what evidence to we have to prove them wrong ? We don't really know yet. Maybe this is just another impostor trying to frame us ; maybe taht's truly Lemon. I'm suspicious about both cases.
It's an impostor, the real RemoNeko doesn't speak in lowercase letters
On 2023-01-27 at 22:45:53
sorry everybody my old account stopped this is my new
You clearly aren't Lemon
About Tendokiddo
On 2022-11-17 at 23:57:16
Ok Tendo est en train de me rendre fou, Jey m'a montré des screenshots de Ralsei parlant sur Guilded en train de spam Amogus et Revive, et copiant l'idée de Jey de rendre hommage à Waluigi68, il a partagé une piste non finie de Brob2nd, littéralement saccagé une piste de Invu68, non mais le le mec il fait chier son monde uniquement pour s'amuser, mais putain après voys dites que 3 mois c'est trop mais vous êtes fous ?
Désolé mais je parle avec le cœur et les insultes doivent sortir, j'ai pas la capacité de les retenir, je manque de respect par rapport à d'habitude mais en fait c'est le plus gros toxique que j'ai vu, et je ne compte plus ses non-respect du règlement 😭
Désolé mais je parle avec le cœur et les insultes doivent sortir, j'ai pas la capacité de les retenir, je manque de respect par rapport à d'habitude mais en fait c'est le plus gros toxique que j'ai vu, et je ne compte plus ses non-respect du règlement 😭
It's actually not Ralsei who removed Invu's track
Why Doesn't GBA Rainbow Road Have All It's Jumps?
On 2023-01-28 at 02:02:07
Probably A Useless Topic but Why Doesn't It? It's So Weird Because the Jump Bars Are Still There!
It would break the checkpoint system
What If You Only Had Checkpoints in The Area with Walls?
Then it would say you were in 1st when you were actually in 8th, and give the person in 1st bullets
On 2023-01-28 at 01:58:50
Probably A Useless Topic but Why Doesn't It? It's So Weird Because the Jump Bars Are Still There!
It would break the checkpoint system
[FANFIC] The Fall of MKPC
On 2023-01-10 at 23:38:47
Popplio has just woken up. He is enjoying his breakfast while watching the news.
Popplio: *while chewing toast* Wha s et? Eatn brkfst hre.
News lady: We have received reports that an unknown MKPC member is trying to destroy MKPC! We are unsure of the details at the moment, but a member named Lely may have more info. Lely witnessed this unknown member murder an MKPCian named Pianta!
Lely: *on the other end* What is it?
Popplio: *takes another bite of toast* Nws sed yu sw MKPC mmbr kll Pianta. Any othr info?
Lely: No idea what you just said.
Popplio: I was watching the news. Apparently you saw someone kill Pianta. Do you have any other info you could tell me?
Lely: Well... I didn't see much. The member was wearing full black with no openings.
Max: I was there too. I think I saw more
Popplio: Oh hi Max. Wait how do I know it's not one of YOU?
Max: Because we're your friends?
Lely: Why would I, Max, Nudge... any of us, kill Pianta?
Popplio: I don't 100% trust you guys anymore... I'll get in touch with you later. Bye. *hangs up*
Lely: Wait! Popplio! *sighs*
Meanwhile, the member is plotting his next move...
???: First Pianta, then Lely and Max. Next we pick off Popplio, and then take the stronger ones.
???: Uh, I'm not sure we should underestimate Lely, Max or Popplio... they're all pretty strong...
???: N-n-no s-sire
Meanwhile at Popplio's place...
Popplio: Maybe I should go for a walk outside to get this off my mind... *leaves house*
Random passerby: Oh hi! Want to see my dog?
Little did Popplio know that Wariopolis was the home of the killer!
Sorry if it was a little short, I plan to make the prologues shorter, then when I start making episodes they'll get longer. Any feedback?
Just pointing out a minor mistake
On 2023-01-06 at 23:44:01
You know