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Stupid Item Ideas.
On 2025-03-06 at 21:18:38
@TheTruePro100 talked about golden lightning in the MKPC update suggestion forum
Golden lightning is a lightning that you can spam like a golden mushroom
Golden lightning is a lightning that you can spam like a golden mushroom
That's way too overpowered and unfair to other players
On 2025-03-06 at 20:33:03
Infinite Ice flower that freezes everyone you hit until you get to the next lap
dont give me ideas
Whaddya mean

On 2025-03-06 at 20:27:00
Infinite Ice flower that freezes everyone you hit until you get to the next lap
The fun side of Math
On 2025-03-04 at 00:23:44

Imagine how much money people in math problems spend
the average cost of a watermelon is $3.60, however because watermelons could be bought left and right they could possibly increase the price by 50%, and let's say the amount of watermelons is 150 (i know i didnt count but it's just an okay number), so how much money did THAT guy just spend?
So, that guy just spent $810 on watermelons.
You made a math error, the correct answer is $540 spent on watermelons
(use a calculator)
True nerds don't use calculators.

Yeah, (but maybe not) but I'm a geek.

I like html coding, math, and Mariokart.

On 2025-03-04 at 00:15:56

Imagine how much money people in math problems spend
the average cost of a watermelon is $3.60, however because watermelons could be bought left and right they could possibly increase the price by 50%, and let's say the amount of watermelons is 150 (i know i didnt count but it's just an okay number), so how much money did THAT guy just spend?
So, that guy just spent $810 on watermelons.
You made a math error, the correct answer is $540 spent on watermelons
(use a calculator)
True nerds don't use calculators.

On 2025-03-03 at 00:36:44
A satellite in a nearly circular orbit is 2000 km above Earth’s surface. The radius of Earth is approximately 6400 km. If the satellite completes its orbit in 12 hours, calculate the speed of the satellite in kilometers per hour.
(Round to the nearest km/hr)
now I realize I confused circumference and area for the fourth time...
Problem: Calculate the sine of 85 degrees to the nearest thousandth.
Impossible math 💀
It's honestly not that bad. Just find the circumference and divide it by the number of hours.
I'm a coding nerd, and I figured that out

On 2025-03-02 at 22:46:09
Unless you're talking about place value, 1+1=2
If you're talking about place value, you are correct!
On 2025-03-02 at 22:29:58
Can you hit an opponent with a green shell without missing while in a glider?
Answer: Yes. Aim at [blank] above the opponent's head and you will hit him.
What angle am I talking about?
Answer: Yes. Aim at [blank] above the opponent's head and you will hit him.
What angle am I talking about?
On 2025-02-09 at 23:10:35
I'll answer you sometime on a weekday, bro.
Edit: Somewhere between 3:00 and 4:00? Sorry for taking so long. It's Tuesday.
To Fiery: Bro, you can't stop swearing for 5 minutes???
Edit: Somewhere between 3:00 and 4:00? Sorry for taking so long. It's Tuesday.
To Fiery: Bro, you can't stop swearing for 5 minutes???
On 2025-02-09 at 22:48:33
It's the weekend, I'm not doin' math!
Edit: This is old stop reacting pls

Edit: This is old stop reacting pls

Post your Favourite Song Lyrics
On 2025-03-21 at 22:26:52
Hue, hue, hue, hue!
About MK9
On 2025-03-23 at 22:16:05

Hey, Nintenduo! I've seen this YT channel- oh, I got a notif about this from YouTube.
On 2025-03-23 at 01:59:05
Y'all are running out of things to talk about.
Yeah MK9 starting to wear o— (finds out switch 2 in 2 weeks) WAIT THE SWITCH 2 IS IN 2 WEEKS! APRIL 2!!! WEDNESDAY!

On 2025-03-23 at 01:47:06
Did you notice there's grass?

i may be wrong, but i'm pretty sure there's grass in mk8 as well... a LOT of the offroad on that game is grass

On 2025-03-23 at 01:00:07
New boost pad is CRAZY. Looks like GCN Rainbow Road's boost pads now that I think about it.
Need help with YoshiKart PC MultiCup
On 2025-03-24 at 22:18:33
I need help with custom characters for YoshiKart PC. Is anyone skilled at custom character making?

Educated Yoshi
(needs no image we all know what he looks like)

Gold Yoshi

So yeah.
Characters I Need
Educated Yoshi
(needs no image we all know what he looks like)
Gold Yoshi
So yeah.

What is your favourite number?
On 2025-03-21 at 03:35:46
Fave number? 2. 'cause it's the base of math I think
Worst track in mario kart history
On 2025-03-11 at 21:34:43
Moonview Highway if you don't watch where the other cars are driving and end up on the wrong side of the road