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Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
if you win's mr beast challenge + if you have knowed about mr beast that he gives you the hecking dollars when you win his challenges

I feel like you're being deliberately incoherent at this point
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Who likes limey?

What does Limey have to do with any of this πŸ’€
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Ain't no way the guy who insulted Coolmonkey and called him the n-word upvoted my message calling him out πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario

Okay "color brown species monkey" was funny for all of like a week, calling you an idiot is just low, but the n-word? Does the guy even know you?
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
dude do i look like i said that nah.

people pretending your the king if your not this is not an entitled game.

More of a king than you though tbh
No we don't idolize people here plus we're just saying it's hypocritical of you to call people "dumbos" when you're immature yourself
And you just proved my point by laughing at your own message
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
hey look i'm sorry but i wasn't bugging Miles and i wasn't stubborn.:(

Hmmm, to alleviate the situation, why not DM me the collab link for the track and I'll fix it for you?
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
yellowkoopa for gaslighting

You for ban evasion
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
@childmolesters69 (Reason should be obvious) What the fuck are these usernames coming to 😭😭😭

Hell Naw ☠️
It Went from Racist to This ☠️
What's Next??? ☠️

1) I am never saying that brainrot again
2) In all honesty Gen Alpha slang seems quite likely

You always say that but then you say that brainrot again

Context people context (no but seriously I wouldn't say it unironically unless I didn't mean it or unless I was quoting someone etc.)
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
@childmolesters69 (Reason should be obvious) What the fuck are these usernames coming to 😭😭😭

Hell Naw ☠️
It Went from Racist to This ☠️
What's Next??? ☠️

1) I am never saying that brainrot again
2) In all honesty Gen Alpha slang seems quite likely
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
MemeGuy wrote:
@Zebub has my tracks for some reason

Ah yes, the ardent power and mesmerizing beauty of the MKPCian alternate account. Such a phenomenon to behold.
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
@childmolesters69 (Reason should be obvious) What the fuck are these usernames coming to 😭😭😭
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Report Wal68 Boomtaksen jamestown Anthcnyz Drizzer Nodac64 YoshiMura flomnrmat2004 xrunner48

For Hacking And Cheating.

Uhm, screenshot for evidence that they're hacking/cheating in online or you're a skill issue

EDIT: Came to the consensus that you are indeed skill issue
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Exrio wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
@Exrio is an alternate account of @KirbyGoesPoyo, @MSMFanGamer and @Mario823.

there is no escape nowsnifraah):>

Hey at least you're accepting your fate rather than most members who'd pull a Leon Kuwata on the forums
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Invuverse wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
@Exrio is an alternate account of @KirbyGoesPoyo, @MSMFanGamer and @Mario823.

He really thought he was fooling with that 'NO SWEARING WEHHHHHHH' thing (fuck this shit honestly, don't make alts people it's not cool, you're just asking for a train ticket to Ban City)

The no swearing thing has notjhing to do with the old accounts

I mean with how immature the messages of all 4 accounts were
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
xrunner48 wrote:
@Exrio is an alternate account of @KirbyGoesPoyo, @MSMFanGamer and @Mario823.

He really thought he was fooling with that 'NO SWEARING WEHHHHHHH' thing (fuck this shit honestly, don't make alts people it's not cool, you're just asking for a train ticket to Ban City)
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Tenna wrote:

Why Tf Would Someone Choose That Name-

Wonder what happened to his pals, Ivana Pipi and Ima Moron
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Okay, so I've already told Max about this in DMs, but I'm getting spammed by what I think are PrimeTime alts because I rejected his character in MKPC Battle. Here's a few images to prove what I'm saying:
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fr tho it would be funny to actually see him as a character i dont see why a joke char cant be in a fanfic theres already jokes in fanfics a joke char would be good
#mikeislovemikeislife #fatlivesmatter

I guess, but can we all at least agree that at least I had no malicious intentions behind rejecting PrimeTime's insert? At the time I found the character rather immature to add to a fanfic, especially a fanfic that shifted to a more violent approach, and I still do. If there's anyone that can't agree with my choice, I'm sorry, but please at least acknowledge that I had no malicious intentions or was trying to discriminate. After all, in my fanfics most of you guys are foreigners (remember the ending of SMKPCG with the flashbacks, Max, Nudge, Osc-omb, Lely etc. all came to Club IlluZhion from outside) so there is in no way any form of discrimination behind this. Thank you for understanding my decision.
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
Okay, so I've already told Max about this in DMs, but I'm getting spammed by what I think are PrimeTime alts because I rejected his character in MKPC Battle. Here's a few images to prove what I'm saying:
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Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
KirbyBoy wrote:
Today at 10:18 by -beanbeankingdom-
How about KirbyBoy kills himself in a tornado because he likes tornado sirens and that's what everybody wants πŸ€“
Beanbeankingdom Said this to Me in One of My Courses! It is Very Rude to Wish Bad things on People!
If He doesn't get Reported For this. Then this needs a Better Reporting System.

That's probably a joke, but it's still extremely rude to wish death upon others. Also, people don't want you to die, just to stop posting bad memes (which to my knowledge you've already corrected). Also am I the only one who's surprised that Chilli hasn't been banned already? He keeps starting drama and quite frankly, it's pissing me off, and I'm sure some/most/all members feel the same.

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