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what games do you want for switch online?
On 2024-06-07 at 14:04:08
(the player uses swords to attack other players)
I like the Idea of zelda pvp,
Like in TFH i would spend some Hours fighting my Brother / Friends, but if we ever get a zelda 99, where would you fight???? how do you get there??????
A Question to jumps
On 2024-06-19 at 19:01:25

And put the height of the wall
I get that, but i don’t understand how to open that menu on mobile (sorry if i wasn’t specific with my question

On 2024-06-19 at 18:24:31
(on Mobile)
On 2024-06-19 at 18:21:59
I have a question for the track maker (complete mode) HOW DO I PREVENT JUMPING OVER SPECIFIC WALLS???? it would help AND save time 

What should we add to MKPC?
On 2024-06-06 at 18:11:10
I want a option (in battle mode) to activate the Bomb-omb transformation from N64 

Pvp bomb-omb thing
On 2024-06-04 at 20:11:56
I don’t know if this game still gets worked on, BUT PLEASE add a option for the weird Bomb-omb transformation that happened when you die in Battle mode ( the one out of 64 ) Idk if this works, just wanted do say this