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On 2023-06-18 at 19:51:16
Tbh the only thing we need to do is to warn orchid, that way Jey will stop crying, and he will still get away with something, but the risks that Max will get backlash will be lowered. Let's just close the debate here, because we are posting more and more messages on a topic that isn't originally made for discussions. Debating a little bit is fine, but this is getting too far. We should let the mods take action according and do what they feel is right. For now, closed debate.
On 2023-06-18 at 19:15:37
Je pense que orchid mérite un permaban. Je sais que c'est du troll MAIS il a enfreint trop de règles.
1. Il m'a insulté de juif sur l'ancien topic de report
2. La il créé des alt en masse sans permission pour downvote juste un seul message.
3. Je commence à avoir la flemme de citer toutes ses infractions
1. Il m'a insulté de juif sur l'ancien topic de report
2. La il créé des alt en masse sans permission pour downvote juste un seul message.
3. Je commence à avoir la flemme de citer toutes ses infractions
juif c'est pas une insulte mais une conviction, qui t'as dis que c'était moi qui avait downvote?
pour une fois je suis d'accord lol
bon par contre les insultes envers toto-video c'est un non, mais vu qu'en cas de sanction lourde je vais m'attirer des problèmes jsp trop
oui je me suis déjà excusé etc donc bon
On va demander alors @toto-video_68_63. Il s'est excusé ?
Mêle-toi de ce qui te regarde et arrête de fourrer dans les conversations privées des autres puisqu'elles ne constituent pas quelque chose que tu es censé savoir. Tu n'as aucune preuve qu'orchid est derrière ces alts et quand à ces conversations laisse toto le confirmer lui-même ou pas sans le ping etc. car ce ne sont pas tes affaires et tu devrais te taire là-dessus
On 2023-06-18 at 18:52:32
Je pense que orchid mérite un permaban. Je sais que c'est du troll MAIS il a enfreint trop de règles.
1. Il m'a insulté de juif sur l'ancien topic de report
2. La il créé des alt en masse sans permission pour downvote juste un seul message.
3. Je commence à avoir la flemme de citer toutes ses infractions
1. Il m'a insulté de juif sur l'ancien topic de report
2. La il créé des alt en masse sans permission pour downvote juste un seul message.
3. Je commence à avoir la flemme de citer toutes ses infractions
En quoi le mot juif est une insulte ? C'est toi qui fais preuve de discrimination ici !!@1@1@1@1@1
On 2023-06-18 at 18:13:15
Non sérieusement supprimez les réactions et le gars qui les a mis avec ses alts
je crois que t'as juste la rage car ton truc pue
Il cherche plutôt à savoir qui créé des alts en masse pour downvote des messages en masse ou donner des followers gratuits à certains
On 2023-06-18 at 13:09:00
Pour faire simple , il est raciste et manipule @max-bros ( si ce qu'il dit est vrai )
Voici un toxique de mkpc : Pour faire simple , il est raciste et manipule @max-bros ( si ce qu'il dit est vrai )
1 - Alors c'est de base supposé être du troll, mais bon là il va trop loin donc bon
2 - De toute façon j'essaye de régler le problème en privé
3 - De toute façon il ne faut pas toujours tout prendre au sérieux, si quelqu'un t'insulte de façon random, au pire essaye de le troller en retour, c'est pas toujours top mais c'est pas ce qu'attend celui qui insulte, ou alors encore plus simple tu ignore la personne, je ne comprends même pas pourquoi tu ne l'as pas fait après avoir report pour la première fois
1) Troll ou pas troll , c'est juste pas drôle , et faire ça à une personne qu'on connais pas c'est pire
2) Régler le problème en privé ne sert à rien ! Tu as lu au moins ce qu'il a écrit sur toi ?
3) Oui , mais il est clair que cette personne va trop loin , et insulter en retour ne sert à rien , juste à se faire plus insulter ( déso de ma franchise mais un modérateur qui propose cette solution c'est pas censé )
4) j'ai pas eu le temps de l'ignorer , j'étais occupé ces derniers jours
5) Et pour info , il dit quand même
je reviendrai pour te casser les couilles
Donc non , je pense que le bann temporaire est nécessaire
I'm not sure about a temporary ban, I think this is warranted enough for a permanent ban, because people who get temp ban like this would only come back and do it again, as I heard of trolls like Tendo, and how they've settled down, that's not as often as trolls who misbehave just to misbehave, they should be permanently banned
I think a permanent ban is too much for now. A warning or a very short ban should be good as of right now.
On 2023-06-18 at 02:28:40
I think we should ignore this user, although he goes too far, he is just trolling, and if you troll along he won't do shit
de toute façon en vrai jpp faire grand chose, pour ceux qui n'ont pas remarqué c'est orchid, ce qui veut dire que peu importe ce que je fais je vais être "victime" de vous savez qui
I did notice it was orchid, but something I will say is that you shouldn't be afraid to use your mod powers. And about being "victim" of that one person, just ignore/block him, like you said victims of Orchid should do
I honestly get being afraid though but still, this isn't 4chan
4chan isnt as bad as people think
I heard there was homophobia, sexism and racism in it though 💀
Oh that stuff is everywhere, I've seen it on YouTube and Discord. It's something that unfortunately cannot be escaped.
Exact. Sadly its just how social media is..
On 2023-06-18 at 02:14:26
I think we should ignore this user, although he goes too far, he is just trolling, and if you troll along he won't do shit
de toute façon en vrai jpp faire grand chose, pour ceux qui n'ont pas remarqué c'est orchid, ce qui veut dire que peu importe ce que je fais je vais être "victime" de vous savez qui
I did notice it was orchid, but something I will say is that you shouldn't be afraid to use your mod powers. And about being "victim" of that one person, just ignore/block him, like you said victims of Orchid should do
I honestly get being afraid though but still, this isn't 4chan
4chan isnt as bad as people think
I heard there was homophobia, sexism and racism in it though 💀
On 2023-06-17 at 20:49:03
I think we should ignore this user, although he goes too far, he is just trolling, and if you troll along he won't do shit
On 2023-06-16 at 17:14:02
This was just stupid and unnecessary tbh
On 2023-06-07 at 17:14:05
Idk if it's just me but this track shape is looking kinda offensive (im not the one offended by it but I know others may think that)
Looks a Bit Too Wide To Be That One Symbol
Yeah, if nobody told me about it I would not have thought about that
On 2023-06-01 at 21:27:01
no but in online he comes to insult me just because I said "gg I'm first"
He should specify the reason of the report then...
On 2023-06-01 at 21:23:02
On 2023-05-31 at 20:03:53
Ah because now the poor little Yoshi is a victim of slandering ? Lmfao I can't 💀
Nobody ever slandered you, you always do and then you spew nonsense about "doing the same thing as the other" well if you're smart, prove it by being smarter and act smarter than the other person ! Slandering by nicknames is throwing shade on someone. That's empathetic, you aren't even slandered here... and you're throwing shade on others. Be for real. Give me a proof of you being slandered and then we will have a serious talk, because for now I legit cannot believe that I have to tell you that. 😮💨
Nobody ever slandered you, you always do and then you spew nonsense about "doing the same thing as the other" well if you're smart, prove it by being smarter and act smarter than the other person ! Slandering by nicknames is throwing shade on someone. That's empathetic, you aren't even slandered here... and you're throwing shade on others. Be for real. Give me a proof of you being slandered and then we will have a serious talk, because for now I legit cannot believe that I have to tell you that. 😮💨
On 2023-05-27 at 10:09:02
This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message.
Yes, but this is off-topic.
Yes, but this is off-topic
Yes, but this chain is off-topic
Then don't keep it going.
bruh, can't you take a FUCKING JOKE COMBINED WITH A-
Oh, sorry, was that a joke ? It was so bad that I couldn't even tell it was one. I can't take jokes ? Learn to make them, and stop talking to me as if you were on what you imagine to be your pedestal. And then we will talk 😘
Mate it isn't r/worship because you were just being a dumbass and he wasn't trying to roast you. Stop being such an immature child.
I did try to roast him, but I think I was better at it than himself
On 2023-05-27 at 09:53:08
This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message.
Yes, but this is off-topic.
Yes, but this is off-topic
Yes, but this chain is off-topic
Then don't keep it going.
bruh, can't you take a FUCKING JOKE COMBINED WITH A-
Oh, sorry, was that a joke ? It was so bad that I couldn't even tell it was one. I can't take jokes ? Learn to make them, and stop talking to me as if you were on what you imagine to be your pedestal. And then we will talk 😘
You thought you ate but the plate is full and the food is cold. Even my dog doesn't want your leftovers. Stop wasting food please, there's world hunger out there.
On 2023-05-26 at 21:10:13
This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message.
Yes, but this is off-topic.
Yes, but this is off-topic
Yes, but this chain is off-topic
Then don't keep it going.
bruh, can't you take a FUCKING JOKE COMBINED WITH A-
Oh, sorry, was that a joke ? It was so bad that I couldn't even tell it was one. I can't take jokes ? Learn to make them, and stop talking to me as if you were on what you imagine to be your pedestal. And then we will talk 😘
On 2023-05-26 at 20:21:02
This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message.
Yes, but this is off-topic.
Yes, but this is off-topic
Yes, but this chain is off-topic
Then don't keep it going.
On 2023-05-24 at 15:11:48
What is the language pwease :O
Why did you need to copy me 💀
On 2023-05-24 at 15:05:33
Hello ! Can you please tell me what language it is, I'm eager to learn it !
On 2023-05-23 at 23:01:20
Because gump Has A Inappropriate Pfp (At The Time Of Writing This Message. It Could Change At Any Time)
I deleted his pfp, and he will receive a warning, thx for report
Interesting, I Didn't Know That Mods Can Delete Pfps! I Guess I Should've Known That
Also, If You Are Wondering Why I Deleted The Message, Its Because The Pfp Was Gone So The Message Was No Longer Needed
Yeah I know that myself, one mod did it not ONCE but TWICE as an accident, once I took his pfp (that was before) and he took it out because it was pfp stealing, but both times he deleted it it was accidental (don't know how the missclick was truly possible though)