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[Gameshow] Christmas Cooperation

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Okay screw the limit, you can sign up until this evening
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Hello everyone, welcome to my Christmas gameshow !
I still wanted to do a gameshow at a point in my life, and then wi thought it was the perfect opportunity.
People that might want to join (I need 10 people) :


The difference with most gameshows ? We will all cooperate together. In every round we'll try to win as much points as possible, to see how good we did at Christmas's Eve.

List :
- VC
- Lely
- Hampter
- StarSplizz
- Noob07
- Popplio
- DarkLemon
- MisterCringeh
- Max
- MysteryMan
- Bj
- xrunner48
- osc-omb
- DaisyPeachandKeeby

Send me Your Worst tracks

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Dry Dry Pyramid
This track used to have a very bad gameplay, and honestly, it's still bad. The visuals aren't very relevant and the ruin theming could have been explored further with more original ideas ; the desert part is super boring, and it is an open track, so it had chances of being messed up, but it's definitively on the bad side of open tracks if you ask me. It's not terrible like my deleted old tracks ; but that's still very meh for me.

[FANFIC] L'enlèvement de Peach (8 épisodes)

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Ah et aussi je vais essayer de faire quelque chose :

Pour la suite que doivent faire Mario et ses coéquipiers pour la suite de la FanFic :

Aider Daisy, Kamek et Bowser Jr a réglé leurs problèmes


Les combattres


Ne rien faire
(La suite arriveras après quelque votes)

J'aime bien la deuxième option, ce n'est pas que j'aime le combat, mais la fanfic manque d'action, et ça aiderait vraiment à apporter un peu de piment je pense.
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
C'est nul je pense pour ma première fanfic mais bon :

Mario : C'est embétant sa, depuis ce matin, Peach n'est pas réveiller

Luigi : Bah allons voir dans sa chambre

Mario : Bon ok

*Dans la chambre de Peach*

Peach n'est pas dans son lit? Je vais vérifier dehors et partout dans le château

Luigi : Et moi?

Mario : Euuuuuuuuuuh
Spoiler [ShowHide]

Bah... vérifie


Mario : ...

Luigi : ...Bref

*Mario et Luigi fouillent le château*


Mario : Oui?

Spoiler [ShowHide]

Luigi : J'ai trouvé une lettre devant la porte du château :

"Cher Mario et Luigi, votre Peach a été enlevé, pas la peine de chercher, sauf si vous trouvé Bows...bref, bonne chance"

*Ils sortent du château*

Yoshi : Bonjour

Mario : Salut Yoshi, tu as vu Bowser ? Il va toujours dans des endroits je n'en parle pas

Yoshi : Non désolé

??? : Bonjour cher Mario et Luigi... et Yoshi

Mario : Oui?
Luigi : Oui?
Yoshi : ???

??? : Je suis MisterC... Non rien, vous me voyer pas hein? J'essayerais de vous aider quelque fois, mais avec une condition, je pourrais vous aider a trouver quelque chose, mais UNIQUEMENT avec une énigme.Toi Mario, il me semble que tu es malin. Peut-être que tu va savoir en 2 secondes mes énigmes, par contre je pense pas Luigi

Luigi : Bah merci

A suivre...

Plutôt bien, mais par contre en général Mario c’est « le sauveur » et Luigi c’est « le cerveau », à moins que l’inverse contribue à la suite de l’histoire

Oui, mais justement, être un peu original, ça ne fait jamais de mal je trouve ^^' Ce serait ennuyeux s'il suivait juste la formule de ce qui a été fait, refait et re-refait... D'ailleurs je ne vois pas trop en quoi Luigi est un "cerveau" :s
La fanfic est plutôt okay, ce n'est pas mon type de fanfic, je trouve que ça manque d'action, un peu d'humour aussi, mais comme c'est ta première fanfic je pense que c'est un très bon début.Bon courage pour la suite ! Sinon quelques couleurs sont bof pour moi, je te propose de voir ces couleur-là :


les bugs de MkPC

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Lely wrote:
RS_Senko68 wrote:
Quand vous créé un circuit ou une arène, créé le, et dans l'url modifiez circuit par arena ou inversement.

J’ai essayé, mais cela n’a pas fonctionné
Est-ce normal ?

C'est lors de la création, avant le partage

Ah ben dis donc, cela explique le circuit "énigme" que tu avais trouvé il y avait plusieurs mois ! 😂
Content de comprendre comment ce phénomène a pu se produire :)

Probablement, mais j'en ais fait plein alors tu parle du quel ?

Je ne sais plus trop, par contre j'ai essayé avec une forme carrée (oui, je ne le publierai pas) et on reste bloqué dans la "tuile" où on apparaît :s
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
RS_Senko68 wrote:
Quand vous créé un circuit ou une arène, créé le, et dans l'url modifiez circuit par arena ou inversement.

J’ai essayé, mais cela n’a pas fonctionné
Est-ce normal ?

C'est lors de la création, avant le partage

Ah ben dis donc, cela explique le circuit "énigme" que tu avais trouvé il y avait plusieurs mois ! 😂
Content de comprendre comment ce phénomène a pu se produire :)
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer

ce circuit est toujours a la même place|)|)

Je ne vois pas pourquoi tu te plains. ça a été déjà dit, ce circuit a gagné le concours de pistes officiel et va donc être premier sur la liste pour deux semaines : c'est un prix mérité et pertinent.
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Max-Bros wrote:
pingouin wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
pingouin wrote:

Peux-tu expliquer plus en détail ?
Et là tu as fait un spam d'emojis et c'est pas réglo, donc tu peux expliquer ce qui s'est passé ?


Tu as fait exprès de spammer des emojis ?
Pourquoi ?
Et j'aimerais savoir ce que tu avais fait avant que ton jeu bug (car ça pourrait expliquer ce qui s'est passé)

Euh ça paraît évident. Les spams d'emojis c'est pour exprimer une émotion

My friend was harassed and discriminated against on the MKPC Discord server.

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
40KsKool68 wrote:
Lely wrote:
I'm maybe late but hey, even if chucks is IP banned, if he does come back, or even if he doesn't, I still have a message to tell him.
Well fix yourself.
That might sound really harsh but you're just ridiculous. You've been spamming stuff about Sneed, chucks, etc. and it fairly annoyed people. Becoming an annoying person who broke the rules and annoyed everyone on a daily basis, you got banned for that. But that's not the end.
Since you're back, you've been causing several dramas, spreading the messages of "children shouldn't be on MKPC" while you're acting like a child yourself. You've been creating several alts of yourself to insult, to spam, to be annoying. And apparently you even tried to frame a lot of people into your weird shit. That is defamation you're doing here. Nothing to joke about, nothing to consider normal, nothing to consider good. You don't belong here. You just cause more and more problems. At this point you're just trying to ruin other people's time here, but MKPC has became wide enough to not give a crap about your nonsense stuff. You're alone, and you will always be, if you continue to be like that. Instead of becoming worse at every reproach you take, well think about why are you considered problematic by something that has now grew to be the whole community.
If as many persons as that hate you, you should be thinking "Hey ! Why are people hating on me? What's the problem ? What's wrong in my actions ?" And question yourself. Instead of thinking you are superior to everyone. Because this topic is a proof. We're not defending racism haha. You are. Homophobia is a form of racism you know. Hating on LGBTQIA+ persons is the same thing as hating on African people. That's the fucking same thing. The African people just went through more bashing, but hey. Racism is considering someone is inferior and doesn't have full rights because this person is different. Well that's something horrible. If anything, you're more racist than anyone here. So shut up.
And you are provoking, the same thing that got Ralsei banned and warned. You're mocking DarkLemon who is trying to defend himself against your fake threats and lies. You're going too far. You're hurting him. He's actually hurt, je tries to defend himself but you just pock him more and are basically laughing at his face. Happily nobody believes you. Nobody believes your nonsense shit. Just because it's utterly stupid. You're even arrogant at this point, you're acting like a superior person and you're really being detestable rn. So before calling other people racist while they aren't, and doing nonsense shit just because you're acting like a frustrated children (the same thing you don't want on MKPC) just because you got punished for all of this? Oh, poor man. Now since you caused enough problems here, if you ever get out of your ban, it's either being a better person or either getting out of here. And I mean that.

Lely is soooo right. Though personally I'm strongly against LGBTQIAwhatsit but I won't push it.If you're seeing this chucks know that you have two options. You can be nice; a person we all like, or you can find a way to continue your old way and get your... butt kicked right out of our lives. Believe me, I want to have you back as a kind, helpful, and fun member of this community, anyone can change for the better. But if you won't change, then every person here will be against you.

Spoiler [ShowHide]
and I do NOT want to start any arguments about LGBTQIAwhatsit here. I'm really sorry if you don't like my stance on it, but, religion. And that's another thing I don't wanna argue about.

Here it is, this man is the example of what I was saying "you can hate/dislike someone but be respectful about it"
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
I'm maybe late but hey, even if chucks is IP banned, if he does come back, or even if he doesn't, I still have a message to tell him.
Well fix yourself.
That might sound really harsh but you're just ridiculous. You've been spamming stuff about Sneed, chucks, etc. and it fairly annoyed people. Becoming an annoying person who broke the rules and annoyed everyone on a daily basis, you got banned for that. But that's not the end.
Since you're back, you've been causing several dramas, spreading the messages of "children shouldn't be on MKPC" while you're acting like a child yourself. You've been creating several alts of yourself to insult, to spam, to be annoying. And apparently you even tried to frame a lot of people into your weird shit. That is defamation you're doing here. Nothing to joke about, nothing to consider normal, nothing to consider good. You don't belong here. You just cause more and more problems. At this point you're just trying to ruin other people's time here, but MKPC has became wide enough to not give a crap about your nonsense stuff. You're alone, and you will always be, if you continue to be like that. Instead of becoming worse at every reproach you take, well think about why are you considered problematic by something that has now grew to be the whole community.
If as many persons as that hate you, you should be thinking "Hey ! Why are people hating on me? What's the problem ? What's wrong in my actions ?" And question yourself. Instead of thinking you are superior to everyone. Because this topic is a proof. We're not defending racism haha. You are. Homophobia is a form of racism you know. Hating on LGBTQIA+ persons is the same thing as hating on African people. That's the fucking same thing. The African people just went through more bashing, but hey. Racism is considering someone is inferior and doesn't have full rights because this person is different. Well that's something horrible. If anything, you're more racist than anyone here. So shut up.
And you are provoking, the same thing that got Ralsei banned and warned. You're mocking DarkLemon who is trying to defend himself against your fake threats and lies. You're going too far. You're hurting him. He's actually hurt, je tries to defend himself but you just pock him more and are basically laughing at his face. Happily nobody believes you. Nobody believes your nonsense shit. Just because it's utterly stupid. You're even arrogant at this point, you're acting like a superior person and you're really being detestable rn. So before calling other people racist while they aren't, and doing nonsense shit just because you're acting like a frustrated children (the same thing you don't want on MKPC) just because you got punished for all of this? Oh, poor man. Now since you caused enough problems here, if you ever get out of your ban, it's either being a better person or either getting out of here. And I mean that.

You Can Name Flabebseth

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer

I already said one.

the goal is not to give a name to Flabebseth?

No I meant that I already gave him a name today so you have to wait till tomorrow.

its is Flabebseth will put it tomorrow Roh

That’s not how it works. Flabebseth says that submissions are in and then someone says it, and the first person who says a name, that name will be selected by Flabebseth.

yes but I proposed

But you need to wait for the new submissions to happen, it doesn't matters if you proposed a name or not, what matters is if you post the name first after the submission's starting

Favorite Mario Kart stage

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
SNES : Mario Circuit 2
N64 : Mario Raceway
GBA : Sky Garden
GCN : Rainbow Road
DS : Delfino Square
Wii : Rainbow Road
3DS : Rainbow Road
WiiU/Switch : idk ? Dolphin Shoals, Sunshine Airport, Electrodrome, Mount Wario
Tour : Vancouver Velocity 1
Mario Kart (O) : Paradise Islands
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
circuit111 wrote:
Super Mario Kart (SNES): Mario Circuit 2

Mario Kart 64 (N64): Yoshi Valley

Mario Kart Super Circuit (GBA): Cheese Land

Mario Kart Double Dash (GCN): Wario Coliseum and Yoshi Circuit

Mario Kart DS (DS): Rainbow Road

Mario Kart Wii (Wii): Maple Treeway

Mario Kart 7 (3DS): Rainbow Road

Mario Kart 8 (Wii U/Switch): N64 Rainbow Road

Mario Kart Tour (Mobile): Merry Mountain

Honorable Mentions:

N64 Luigi Raceway
GBA Ribbon Road
DS Waluigi Pinball
DS Delfino Square
Wii Koopa Cape
3DS Piranha Plant Slide

I am really conflicted between GCN Yoshi Circuit and GCN Wario Coliseum, because GCN Wario Coliseum is memorable for it's unique lap count, while GCN Yoshi Circuit is memorable for being actually in the shape of Yoshi.

But Wario's Colosseum is exciting, Yoshi Circuit is a bit bland after all.
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
SNES : All of them are shitty but I will say Mario Circuit 2 due to the jump who are the only funny thing in this game. Rainbow Road is TRULY overrated and music breaks your ears.

N64 : All of them sucks your ass except some ones, I will say Yoshi Valley and Koopa Troopa Beach.

GBA : Rainbow Road / Sky Garden (I believe I can fly)

GCN : All of them are good but I will say Mushroom Bridge, Daisy Cruiser, Mushroom City, Sherbet Land (god music), Wario Colosseum, DIno DIno Jungle and Rainbow Road

DS : Waluigi Pinball / GBA Sky Garden

Wii : Rainbow Road, Koopa Cape, Maple Treeway, Grumble Volcano...

7 : Wuhu tracks and Rainbow Road

8Dx : Rainbow Road (3 ones), but all those of this game are god so...

I was given a warning on this awesome website

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
connor7068 wrote:
connor7068 wrote:
connor7068 wrote:
Lely wrote:
Well you reacted negatively to a message that said racism was bad (between other things) plus you're saying ther most frightening part of children being here is that the website is french. Calling it racism is a bit harsh, but your warning is 100% deserved lmao


And don’t be angry that someone said it’s deserved because it rightfully is. You supported someone that was a menace to society (talking about chuck) and you put a thumbs up down on a post about racism. And you quadruple posted…you are a bad omen.

I see now you're merely hurling insults at me for you know that I am right. Chuck was not a menace to society, yall just didn't understand his culture (perhaps you guys are the racist ones) and the thumbs down wasn't for the racism part of the message, it was just a silly message. I had to post 4 times because I need to defend myself.

Well posting 4 times in a row is against the rules, and I’m not throwing insults at you because I know you’re right. It’s because you ARE a bad omen. Ever since Chuck came along you’ve been acting like a simp for him. And I tell you what, Chuck literally made an alt and called Dark the r word.


Seriously though, I don't appreciate all of this SLANDER. I don't know what the "r word" is (rooster?) but do you even have proof that the account was owned by the legendary chucks?

Oh my god here goes the chuck simp
I don't even understand what culture he had, is simping and obession a culture ? Then I'll gladly come out as a man that follows Kokichi, Todoroki, -more people that you don't wanna know- cultures. On a more serious note, you're calling BowserJr03's message silly but you don't have arguments for it ; you're calling chucks legendary for absolutely NO REASON, he's just breaking the rules lmfao. WHy do you try to defend him so hard while he's clearly the one in the wrong, and you know that. What is the point of defending chucks blindly, without any reason ? Come up with arguments. Btw we're not throwing insults, unlike Chuck's alts.

Edit : @connor7068 seriously ? yes, I capitalize God if I'm saying his name (btw I don't follow any religions) but saying oh my god can be done without the G capitalized... anyways stop criticizing my spelling and go listen criticism instead of nitpicking like an idiot.
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
connor7068 wrote:
Lely wrote:
Well you reacted negatively to a message that said racism was bad (between other things) plus you're saying ther most frightening part of children being here is that the website is french. Calling it racism is a bit harsh, but your warning is 100% deserved lmao


What is wrong in what I said ? How is a french website necessarily weird ?
Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Well you reacted negatively to a message that said racism was bad (between other things) plus you're saying ther most frightening part of children being here is that the website is french. Calling it racism is a bit harsh, but your warning is 100% deserved lmao

Mario Kart PC Kart

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
KirbyBoy wrote:
This will be about Various MK PC Users.

I understood what it was, but could you be more precise next time ? It was quite
unclear ; the "kart" part hints towards a multicup, but you don't mention it's a multicup. Please do so next time.
Anyways, someone already does that

Wargor a changé le fond d'écran mais...

Messages 10077 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Y a aucun article du règlement générale concernant le forum de MKPC qui en parle. Donc c'est pas illégale ce que je fais.

Okay, ce n'est pas illégal, mais franchement, c'est possible de juste réagir au message avec la réaction :mario_shrug: par exemple, ou écrire un message un peu plus constructif. Btw les règles n'ont pas été mises à jour depuis longtemps, il n'y avait pas les réactions à l'époque.

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