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Proposition : créer ses propres défis

Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Super! Je suis pour!

[FanFic] Les aventures de Balouney6

Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Neemo wrote:
Voici le premier épisode des aventures de Balouney6 (qu'on va appeler Balouney)

PS : Wargor est jésus


Balouney : D'accord Wargor, merci de m'avoir accepté, plus jamais je ne parlerai à Satan, ou on peut aussi l'appeler : Celui Dont On Ne Doit Pas Prononcer Le Nom ou aussi, plus communément appelé, :$, themaster

Wargor : Oh, seigneur, ne l'appelle pas comme ça !! Voyons dont !

Balouney : Oh oui c'est vrai facepalm:)     J'espère qu'il va crever ce Satan :}:}

Wargor : Euh, il est immortel.....

Balouney : Ah oui c'est vrai x)

Balouney : Bon je vais aller voir Neemo, j'espère qu'il va me pardonner, pour avoir tué ses parents :P

Wargor : Bon, moi je dois y'aller, un certain  Veethan23 a encore victimisé mee6 qui lui aussi s'est convertit à nôtre belle religion qui est le MKPCisme ! hap

D'accord.....     Un peu bizzare aussi, mais...   d'accord.....

Remaking every singe Mario Kart Track (Again)

Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Aluigi1300 wrote:
Obviously Rainbow Road. Just rotate the image so the starting line points up.:D

DS Rainbow Road is a bit awkward because of the loops and corkscrew

Retro Track Contest

Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
‹.‹ @JamBurgur ou @NoelBurger, c'est quand le prochain circuit à faire...
Ta oublié de noté mon circuit : Bord de l´etang par ZeKiRio ( remake par ByoT (mwa :))

Ok, je vais noté ton circuit à demain et le prochain circuit aussi ^^
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
ZK Bord de l'Étang - by Zoidberg

How close is it to the original?
5/10 - I'll give you credit for using the map as a base - I hadn't thought about that - however, it isn't really what I would class as a remake as usually it would involve redrawing the map completely.

How well have you implemented new features?
5.5/10 - I like the addition of more water, and therefore more bridges, however there seems to be a hole in the middle of the bridge that sets you back a checkpoint. As well as half of the track being in off-road.

How well-working is it?
0.00001/10 - I can't get any laps to count.

Score: 10.50001/30
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Zoidberg wrote:

Sorry, I haven't done this before. Can you just give me brief instructions. Thank you if you can.

How know how the last 4 Mario Kart games have ha retro tracks? Well, what you have to do is recreate a track (this round is Bord de l'Étang) as best as possible.You'll get points on how good the recreation is.
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
The next track is
Bord de l'Étang by ZeKirio
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
L-T-8 Paradis Gelé d'Harmonie - by ByoT

How close is it to the original?
9/10 - You kept the shape well.

How well have you implemented new features?

How well-working is it?
5/10 - I think there should be a little more difficulty with the other split path, since it is quicker than the other one. Also the grey section doesn't define well which way to go.

Score: 20/30
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Zoidberg wrote:
May I join?

You’re in. The deadline dir the current track (  Paradis Gelé d’Harmonie by Link-Triforce-8 ) is on Monday, however you don’t have to do that one if you don’t want to.
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
L-T-8 Paradis Gelé d'Harmonie - by ZeKirio

How close is it to the original?
9/10 - You kept the shape really well.

How well have you implemented new features?

How well-working is it?
10/10 - It looks wonderful.

Score: 27/30
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
YTMK7 Mariotropolis - by ByoT

How close is it to the original?
9/10 - You kept the shape really well.

How well have you implemented new features?
8/10 - You have added the new textures in a great way.

How well-working is it?
6/10 - It looks fine, however lacking further decoration. Also I don't really understand why the Chateau de Bowser 3 background is there.

Score: 23/30
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
YTMK7 Mariotropolis - by MSBT07

How close is it to the original?
10/10 - It's.......    very close to the original

How well have you implemented new features?
0.0001 - You haven't added anything.

How well-working is it?
6/10 - It works like a regular track tbh.

Score: 16.0001/30
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MSBT07 wrote:
I would like to regigster

Ok, you're in. The deadline for the current track (YTMK7 Mariotropolis) is for Monday but you don't have to do that one if you don't want to.
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
YTMK7 Mariotropolis - by ZeKirio

How close is it to the original?
10/10 - The shape of the track is right on with yours.

How well have you implemented new features?
8.5/10 - You have changed the textures for it, which certainly looks good.

How well-working is it?
9/10 - The track looks great and works well.

Score: 27.5/30
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
ZeKirio wrote:
My track : https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=7247

(Neo Bowser City in French is Koopapolis)

I understand. Same with the "drome"s.
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
NoelBurger wrote:
Remake the track:
The following people have been put in a wheel:

- JamBurger (myself)
- Neemo
- ZeKirio
- YTMK7Racing
- ByoT
- Link-Triforce-8
- Cluckopolis
- MasterGobou764


was picked out!

The track picked out was...


Original track here

Good luck!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you can come up with! ^^

Si la roue tombe sur moi, previens moi avant, parce que je ne joue pas les lundi, les mardi (tres rarement les mardi soir) les mercredi matin (il aura quel que mercredi après-midi que je ne suis pas la“, les jeudi (tres rarement les jeudi après-midi), lex vendredi (je ne suus tres rarement pas la les vendredi soir et les samedi matin):s

Pas de problème
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
ZeKirio wrote:
I find it a little nil to have to modify tracks on quick mode.
I would have preferred circuits in complete mode.
But it does not matter ;) (Google Translate8))

Look what I did to RYU Circuit Misterskin.
Messages 508 - Mario Mario
vs21437 pts ★ Legend
battle6577 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom

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