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small country's
On 2020-10-30 at 01:06:31
Let's talk about small countries? do you know any fascinating small countries? I find them very interesting, especially their history. do you find them interesting?
I’ve been to Andorra and I have to say it is hands down the most beautiful country I’ve ever visited. The journey to and from there was a little long since it has no airport but even that is a wonder to look at. I could’ve stayed for ages.
Favorite Pokemon
On 2020-05-25 at 02:36:53
Drifloon or Gastly.
When are your join date Anniversaries?
On 2020-10-31 at 19:23:43
[If it was secomd year I would have joined in 2018. I joined in 2017 if I'm not mistaken, and that should be about 3 years ago if I can math correctly.
Your account says you joined in 2018.
On 2020-10-31 at 13:24:45
It's been 3 years since I've join Mario Kart PC, at least registered an account.
Really? I never knew you joined before me.
When did you guys join MKPC?
Somewhere around August 18th 2018..
How long have you been on the site for?
About two and a bit years.
EDIT: I did actaully register before you; tomorrow is your second-year anniversary, not your third :/
Anti-Gravity Sections?
On 2019-05-21 at 22:58:39
Gliders and anti-gravity can only work in 3D spaces.
Well, TECHNICALLY Mario Kart PC is 3D, but the areas aren't really. (Ex: Walls, Out of bound areas, etc.)
No, it's not. It uses sprites and layering. No models at all. There's a special program (I've forgotten it's name but it has '7' in it) that simulates depth in a 2D space.
On 2019-05-21 at 22:34:59
Gliders and anti-gravity can only work in 3D spaces.
Joke of the day!
On 2019-05-23 at 17:53:37
what did the Pirate say on his 80th Birthday?
nope I'm Eighty ( as in I Matey)
Never mind - that’s the worst joke of the century.
On 2019-05-22 at 18:28:39
Why couldn't the Praite learn the Alphabet?
what? speech 100
Why couldn’t the
On 2019-05-22 at 18:23:45
Why couldn't the Praite learn the Alphabet?
Because he doesn’t have an education
On 2019-05-22 at 17:20:25
What do you call Waluigi if he is Luigi's brother and Wario is Mario's brother
Waluigi and Wario?
Nob Luigiwa and Wa Mario
Worst joke of the century
On 2019-05-21 at 22:24:37
Stop Quoting me
You say whilst quoting him
I sense a hypocrite jam...
Me or her?
On 2019-05-21 at 20:59:20
Stop Quoting me
You say whilst quoting him
Crossover Circuit Contest
On 2019-09-10 at 19:38:06
Il vous reste deux semaines pour créer
Byot a déjà rendu son circuit ^^
Bonne création et bonne chance pour la suite
Byot a déjà rendu son circuit ^^
Bonne création et bonne chance pour la suite
You have two weeks left to create
Byot has already choosed his circuit ^^
Good creation and good luck for the future
Byot has already choosed his circuit ^^
Good creation and good luck for the future
Ok, I’m currently working on mine ^^
On 2019-08-31 at 18:12:03
It’s Pokémon Time!
i’d like to take part
i’d like to take part
To all the SSBU players...any thoughts on the latest patch?
On 2020-07-08 at 19:10:02
Almost a quarter of the cast, however, got buffed.
DiD pAcMaN gEt BuFfEd?
Comment avez vous découvert Mario Kart PC
On 2019-04-26 at 23:45:40
J'ai découvert MKPC en essayant de trouver comment créer un custom track sur Mario Kart et je suis tombé dans l'éditeur de circuit.
C’est mon histoire aussi
Changement de pseudos
On 2020-10-01 at 00:30:20
It’ll be very sad to lock this topic..after so many years.
Tournoi 😄
On 2020-04-28 at 12:00:34
Je participe; j'adore créer des circuits