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Fun Facts

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Did you know that some players with over 40k vr do not reverse drift

If I have a phone and I cannot rd then that means that I might be able to compete against players who are better than me if I play properly without rd

Phone will always lose to controller/mnk. There's no chance.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Twilight wrote:
World Wide Noise mainly uses samples from Zero-G Datafile One and AMG Coldcut's Kleptomania

I have no clue what any of those things are, but cool!
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun Fact:

The largest desert in the world is Antartica.

A desert just means a place with less than 10 inches of rain a year.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun Fact:

The Kirby Series has always had Sound Test/Jukeboxes, but the composers have never been listed directly.(until very recently the song titles weren't listed either) This is probably for immersion

However, there is a way to know who composed what music(post Triple Deluxe)

The notes are color coded to represent different composers(some of their works listed below):

Blue: Hirokazu Ando(Kirby Adventure Boss Theme, every modern game main theme & Final Boss theme, a bunch of other stuff, he's essentially the lead composer nowadays)

Red/Magenta: Jun Ishikawa(the entirety of Kirby Dreamland 1 & 3,every song that reminds you of Float Islands but isn't exactly Float Islands, Studying the Factory, Egg Engines, Moonlight Capital, Sky-High & Smitten, Hyness' Themes, the entirety of Wondaria in Forgotten Land, he's the OG composer basically)

Yellow: Yuuta Ogasawara(Heroes in Another Dimension(Star Allies), main theme of Forgotten Land, Sword of the Surviving Guardian, Roar of Dedede, Northeast Frost Street, one of the two newer composers of the main games selection(more on that later))

Green: Yuki Shimooka(Every map theme in Forgotten Land, Masked & Wild: D.D.D, the "And Here We Are" song(if you want to call it that), "And Here We Are Part 2: Electric Boogaloo -oo -oo -oo", Chaos Elfilis Version of Roche Limit, Doomer Flock from Magolor Epilogue, the other new composer, newest one as far as the main series goes)

I thought that was it but apparently Kirby Dream Buffet(you know, that one F2P racing-ish game) has 3 more composers recognized in it's jukebox, who have been here basically all along for the most part, but primarily in the spinoffs. I assume that some of them will be making the jump over come next game(and by some I mean one of them)

All 3 of them are also the composers for the arrangements that played in the Anniversary concerts as well:
Orange: Megumi Ohara((woman spotted)Anniversary concert arrangements & Drawcia Remix from Dream Buffet(which means she's goated, she's also kinda fine lookin' she's also really new & really young, expect to hear(get it?) more from her in the future)

Purple: Shogo Sakai(RETIRED from HAL 2 years ago)(A lot of the 25th anniversary music, & also some Air Ride songs, including the only one you know, you frauds...as well some of the Smash Remixes)

Indigo(gotta round out the whole rainbow, I guess): Tadashi Ikegami(Green Tree Memories(there's not much on him but this alone is really goated & worth the respect) & Pinball Land(all of it, hence why he's credited in Dream Buffet's jukebox))

Also if you ever see any white notes, those are 3rd party composers who don't work with HAL, the only one of any note is Kiyoshi Hazemoto(the guy who made the Ordeal theme from Kirby Clash and Grand Doomer theme from Magolor Epilogue)

And lastly Dream Buffet has LGBTQ+ Rainbow(I'm not color coding that bro) notes for the HAL band(the anniversary performers, which is over 30+ people and will not be listed here)

This has been a very long fun fact, but it's nice to be able to put names to music without having to look it up!(like I just spent the last half hour of my life doing...)
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
The Wii's Mario Kart looks less colorful to Mario Kart Double Dash, because it uses two different color layers for your screen. This is because of the hazy filter Mario Kart Wii has. It kinda looks like melting cereal imo.

Go to 41:08

Is that why MKWii is so damn ugly compared to other Wii games? That explains a lot. Also, do any other Wii games do this?

Maybe The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Mario Galaxy.

Wonder what they did to make Galaxy look good & Mario Kart look awful if that's the case...
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
The Wii's Mario Kart looks less colorful to Mario Kart Double Dash, because it uses two different color layers for your screen. This is because of the hazy filter Mario Kart Wii has. It kinda looks like melting cereal imo.

Go to 41:08

Is that why MKWii is so damn ugly compared to other Wii games? That explains a lot. Also, do any other Wii games do this?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun Fact

Nintendo saw what we did...



This isn't a mirage, right?

First off, this Custom Track creator didn't make Desert Bus, Desert Bus is OLD
Second, that's just how some parts of the US look(hence why Desert Bus is Desert Bus - it's inspired by that)

I guess it's possible to predict t that the game might be more inspired by realistic environments(which is what they did in Tour & GameFreak has been doing for Pokemon towns/cities since Gen 5), what with the proper circuit and the desert stuff, but


It's not confirmed. It's not a fact.

Also what in particular are we supposed to be looking at in the Astro screenshot? You didn't explain.

It's the fact that all the pictures have vast deserts in them. Mario Bros. Circuit and Astro's Crash Site almost have the same color.

Well yeah, that's how some deserts look. They aren't all the stereotypical yellow-ish sand like in Mario games. Take the Outback/Senorah for example, which look more orange.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun Fact

Nintendo saw what we did...



This isn't a mirage, right?

First off, this Custom Track creator didn't make Desert Bus, Desert Bus is OLD
Second, that's just how some parts of the US look(hence why Desert Bus is Desert Bus - it's inspired by that)

I guess it's possible to predict t that the game might be more inspired by realistic environments(which is what they did in Tour & GameFreak has been doing for Pokemon towns/cities since Gen 5), what with the proper circuit and the desert stuff, but


It's not confirmed. It's not a fact.

Also what in particular are we supposed to be looking at in the Astro screenshot? You didn't explain.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun fact:

The Right Stick in MK8DX can actually be used for accel/braking, just like how it works in Gran Turismo

This is a good alternative for people who's hands might get cramped with holding the A/Y button for too long.

I'd also like to bring up how weird it is that Accelerate in these games isn't on the right shoulder like most racing games. Not something I want changed, just worth pointing out.

Also we should get controller re-mapping this generation, Or at least do like Wii where you can see every button's function when you pause(although the UI for that would look like a nightmare now, it kinda only worked because Wii barely had any buttons on it's controllers)
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
AlexRed21 wrote:
Fun Facts: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is all playing than Super Mario Kart

What does this even mean?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun Fact: While Pokemon can not be shiny in Generation 1, it's possible for a Pokemon caught in Generation 1 to become shiny when traded over to Generation 2, since shininess is determined by IVs(DVs) in Gold, Silver & Crystal.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
UraniumMan wrote:
Twilight wrote:
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is one of the only sentences to contain every letter of the alphabet


Not a sentence. Sentences must have more than one word, unless it's an expression like saying crap all by itself.

Fun ? Fact : In France at least, a sentence needs to have at least one verb but doesn't have requirement (except one obviously) for words, which means the shortest French sentence is "Va", which means "Go". There's also this thing with simple and complex sentences, with simple sentebces having one verb and complex sentences having two (basically).

I mean, "Go" is also kind of an expression, but that's still pretty cool!
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
UraniumMan wrote:
Twilight wrote:
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is one of the only sentences to contain every letter of the alphabet


Not a sentence. Sentences must have more than one word, unless it's an expression like saying crap all by itself.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Trimming The Herbs confirmed TAS by the creator
Super Mario Maker 1 has officially been 100%ed!
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Fun fact: There is currently only 1 unbeaten level in Mario Maker 1: Trimming the Herbs, by Ahoyo.
As you all know, the game shuts down next month along with the rest of the WiiU & 3DS library.
There are only a few days left until Mario Maker 1 has been beaten! Although...

Unfortunately, it seems like the creator might'ved TASed it...
Meaning this will either mean that Mario Maker 1 has been beaten...
this will be the only Mario Level ever created that will never be beaten! Stay tuned for the conclusion.
Here is the level btw

The culmination of Team 0%'s work is approaching!

Think the SMM community will forever hate trimming herbs

Worse will probably show up when Mario Maker 2 is about to go down
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun fact: There is currently only 1 unbeaten level in Mario Maker 1: Trimming the Herbs, by Ahoyo.
As you all know, the game shuts down next month along with the rest of the WiiU & 3DS library.
There are only a few days left until Mario Maker 1 has been beaten! Although...

Unfortunately, it seems like the creator might'ved TASed it...
Meaning this will either mean that Mario Maker 1 has been beaten...
this will be the only Mario Level ever created that will never be beaten! Stay tuned for the conclusion.
Here is the level btw

The culmination of Team 0%'s work is approaching!
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Did you know that coffee has cat poop in it. but they will lie.

Well that's not that surprising, since in Indonesia they drink coffee made from the shit of the luwak (a weasel-like creature that eats coffee pods and essentially farts out the beans)

I've tried it and it doesn't even smell of weasel poop

Oh yeah and in Mongolia we drink soured horse milk as an alcoholic beverage soooo

Oh! I was under impression that it was mostly just anal juices being scrapped out. I never thought about poop being down there too. The more you know, I guess
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Did you know that Nintendo tried to erase baby Bowser and donkey Kong Jr from existence

Not true. You mean that they refuse to acknowledge their existence.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
lance4-_ wrote:
did you know that diddy kong has a hot wheels toy despite not being in the base game of mk8

Specifically it was the Pipe Frame. Actually....those things came in 2019, pretty sure. Guess Mattel leaked the shit out of the BCP.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fun Fact:
As most know Nintendo has this habit of using strange codenames to refer to their consoles internally. They are as follows(confirmed ones only)
SFX-Super Famicom
Project Reality-Nintendo 64
Project Cafe-WiiU
Nitro Dual Screen-Nintendo DS

What most people don't know is that individual games also have codenames,& you could only make a guessing game out of this.
For example, RedStar for Mario Odyssey, NitroKart for Mario Kart DS, K4 for Kirby 64(Switch Online). Some of the names have like thought out meanings. Hell, even the controllers are named.

Just thought I'd mention it because people usually stop at just the console names. Also because they're insanely goofy, like, if I asked you to tell me what game you thought "Elsa" was, you'd be like, "What?" Like actually, there's no shot any of you get's that without looking it up, it makes 0 sense

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