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Mario is dead ? Mario est mort ?
On 2023-02-22 at 14:16:51
rassurez-vous , rien est vraiment arrivé à notre plombier préféré ! 
Mais il arrive que quand je clique sur la cloche pour voir les news de mes défis ( ci joint à droite )
on m'affiche un mario mort

Le plus étrange , c'est que ce bug ne se produit QUE quand je clique sur un défis validé

Mais il arrive que quand je clique sur la cloche pour voir les news de mes défis ( ci joint à droite )

on m'affiche un mario mort

Le plus étrange , c'est que ce bug ne se produit QUE quand je clique sur un défis validé

don't worry, nothing really happened to our favorite plumber! 
But it happens that when I click on the bell to see the news of my challenges (attached on the right)
they show me a dead mario

The weirdest thing is that this bug only happens ONLY when I click on a validated challenge

But it happens that when I click on the bell to see the news of my challenges (attached on the right)

they show me a dead mario

The weirdest thing is that this bug only happens ONLY when I click on a validated challenge

Oui, j’ai déjà vu ça, mais moi, c’était parce qu’un décor prenait trop de place :/
Quand j’ai vu le titre du topic, je me suis dit que c’était pour parler du 31 Mai, le jour où Mario « meurt » (c’est juste une rumeur)

je connaissais déjà ce bug mais je sais pas pourquoi il se produit QUE dans certains cas , mystère ...
Je me suis trompé

Mario « meurt » le 31 Mars, et non le 31 Avril

Bref, il meurt le 31 Mars (2021, mais il y a des anniversaires de mort), car c’est LE jour où plusieurs jeux Mario ne sont ni en ventes physiquement, ni sur le Nintendo eShop (surtout Super Mario 3D All-Stars et Super Mario Bros. 35).
D’ailleurs, revenons au sujet principal du topic, je pense que ce « bug » ne se fait qu’avec certaines manipulations, comme le message d’erreur de la Switch (The software was closed because an error occurred.)
Addendum: They stopped 3D All Stars production on the 31st, & purchasing digitally. You could still get it physical for a few months after that. They're definitely all gone by now tho.
The lack of animaions and sounds in MKPC
On 2023-02-17 at 22:01:21
VO would also ruin the whole SNES era everything ELSE already has. And we certainly wouldn't want Earthbound textbox sounds in their place.

On 2023-02-17 at 21:56:48
You'll also find that this site is kinda of a pro-player-try-hard-made place, & some inconsequential stuff like item SFX is deprioritized.
Not saying they wouldn't add any of that, but it's not at the top of the to-do-list, if you get what I mean.
Not saying they wouldn't add any of that, but it's not at the top of the to-do-list, if you get what I mean.
On 2023-02-17 at 21:54:17
I like MKPC but I must say that there are a few things that really displease me, especially the lack of graphic animations and sounds
What do I mean by graphic animations?
Little graphic details that beautify a game. For example a black fade between screen transitions (insead of just instantly switching from a screen to another, in the track selection for example), or sizing up a button when you draw your mouse over it, or an animation for drifts instead of a simple static image... The cup selection menu also feels like it has been done very quickly without the intention of making it nice-looking
And what do I mean by sounds?
Small sound effects, which triggers when you click a button, or item noises for shells for examples, or a small noise when a banana is dropped, or even sounds to Goombas walking...
These are little details that don't impact gameplay, but they could make the game so much cool-looking to be honest
I honestly feel like MKPC is a sort of "unfinished" game, there are so many missing things that could be added to make it so much nicer (such as stuff I mentioned before)
Although as I say before, I like MKPC! It has a interesting gameplay, despite a huge lack of cool little details
What do you guys think about it? Am I just the only guy who thinks about details?
What do I mean by graphic animations?
Little graphic details that beautify a game. For example a black fade between screen transitions (insead of just instantly switching from a screen to another, in the track selection for example), or sizing up a button when you draw your mouse over it, or an animation for drifts instead of a simple static image... The cup selection menu also feels like it has been done very quickly without the intention of making it nice-looking
And what do I mean by sounds?
Small sound effects, which triggers when you click a button, or item noises for shells for examples, or a small noise when a banana is dropped, or even sounds to Goombas walking...
These are little details that don't impact gameplay, but they could make the game so much cool-looking to be honest
I honestly feel like MKPC is a sort of "unfinished" game, there are so many missing things that could be added to make it so much nicer (such as stuff I mentioned before)
Although as I say before, I like MKPC! It has a interesting gameplay, despite a huge lack of cool little details
What do you guys think about it? Am I just the only guy who thinks about details?
J'aime beaucoup MKPC mais je dois avouer qu'il y aquelques petits trucs qui me déplaisent, particulièrement le manque d'animations graphiques et le manque d'effets sonores
Qu'est-ce que je veux dire par animations graphiques ?
Des petits détails graphiques qui embellissent un jeu. Par exemple, un fondu noir entre chaque transition d'écran (au lieu d'une simple "téléportation" des écrans, par exemple dans la sélection des coupes et circuits), ou simplement grossir un bouton quand on fait passer la souris dessus, ou bien une animations pour les dérapages plutôt qu'une simple image statique... Et aussi, le menu de sélection des coupes me semble très vide, comme s'il avait été fait en 2 secondes sans l'intention de le rendre joli
Et qu'est-ce que je veux dire par effets sonores ?
Des petitss "sound effects", qui se jouent quand on clique sur un bouton par exemple, ou des petits bruitages pour les carapaces ou quand une banane touche le sol, ou bien un petit bruit quand un Goomba marche etc...
Globalement j'aime bien MKPC ! C'est un jeu avec un gameplay vraiment intéressant, malgré un gros vide en terme de détails visuels et sonores
Vous en pensez quoi ? Je suis le seul à penser aux détails ?
Qu'est-ce que je veux dire par animations graphiques ?
Des petits détails graphiques qui embellissent un jeu. Par exemple, un fondu noir entre chaque transition d'écran (au lieu d'une simple "téléportation" des écrans, par exemple dans la sélection des coupes et circuits), ou simplement grossir un bouton quand on fait passer la souris dessus, ou bien une animations pour les dérapages plutôt qu'une simple image statique... Et aussi, le menu de sélection des coupes me semble très vide, comme s'il avait été fait en 2 secondes sans l'intention de le rendre joli
Et qu'est-ce que je veux dire par effets sonores ?
Des petitss "sound effects", qui se jouent quand on clique sur un bouton par exemple, ou des petits bruitages pour les carapaces ou quand une banane touche le sol, ou bien un petit bruit quand un Goomba marche etc...
Globalement j'aime bien MKPC ! C'est un jeu avec un gameplay vraiment intéressant, malgré un gros vide en terme de détails visuels et sonores
Vous en pensez quoi ? Je suis le seul à penser aux détails ?
Imagine If the Characters Could Talk Too!
You mean using actual Mario character’s voice lines? Yeaaaah, that’s not very legal.
What? Why would it be ilegal?
Maybe Nintendo Would Try to Take This Down? Although Nintendo Hasn't Done Anything (That I Know of) To MKPC Yet
I don't think they would do anything to MKPC, they probably don't care about their SMK sprites being reused honestly, they mostly care about ROM hacks than fangames maybe?
Nintendo care about everything. The only reason this site is still up is because they haven't found it yet. They don't actively go searching through the internet for something every single day, but on the off chance they spot something they'll be all over it :like white on rice".
Either way, illegal is illegal. Falls under unauthorized usage of their intellectual property, & that's just for starters.
The other things are possible, but unless we get someone to do the VO, voices are a no.
On 2023-02-15 at 23:57:00
Cuz you need to vote if I should leave
There are 2 ways to vote:
1: comment yes if you want to or no if you don't
2: emoji thumpsup if yes and thumbsdown if no
most facepalmed post in mkpc history?
Idk. I thought for sure chucks had a message with more than this, but his highest is actually just 18. Collectively, he's in the stratosphere, but I think this one currently holds the record.
Stress par rapport à Flora Piranha
On 2023-02-11 at 00:39:50
J'ai une bonne nouvelle et une mauvaise nouvelle me concernant.
La bonne nouvelle, c'est que je suis très heureux que Nintendo ait annoncé des persos supp dans Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, alors que ça faisait 1 an que j'attendais ça depuis l'annonce du DLC.

La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est que je stress par rapport à si Flora Piranha, mon perso préféré, va faire son retour ou non. En effet, le circuit Ruines Plantes Piranha de Mario Kart Tour pourra faire son retour dans la vague 5 ou 6 et vu le nb de référence à Flora là-dedans, il y a des chances qu'elle revienne. Aussi, comme elle a fait son retour dans MKT le mois du 20ème anniv de Mario Sunshine, où elle a vu le jour, il est possible qu'elle soit jouable dès la vague 5, qui sera en été (saison de l'anniv de SMS), mais même avec ces logiques, j'ai bien peur que Nintendo ne l'ajoute pas.

Je lui ai envoyé un mail pour le remercier d'avoir annoncé des persos supp et je lui ai proposé comme idées Flora Piranha s'il ajoute Ruines Plante Piranha (en expliquant les références à Flora) + Diddy, Funky et Dixie Kong, ainsi que Pauline.
Il va me répondre dans 1 semaine à peu près. Bon ben il n'y a plus qu'à attendre qu'il me réponde et laisser faire le temps.
P.S. : quand je pense à Flora Piranha dans MK8DX, j'ai la musique des Ruines Plante Piranha en tête + Bowser Jr. qui fait un caprice dans Mario Strikers Battle League Football (je crois que c'est son animation de défaite, enfin je n'y joue jamais).
1. Why is Petey a girl in French?
2. If you mean you sent Nintendo an email, you should know that they don't respond to stuff like that, in fact I doubt they even look at it most of the time. In other companies, maybe the receiver might respond in a less harsh way of saying no, like that guy who wanted Rayman in Smash, but you'd have to be pretty lucky to even get a response.
The answer? Either wait 6 months to find out, play Tour only or go download a mod from Gamebanana.
In french, Petey Piranha is female, as his french name is Flora Piranha, Flora being a female french name. Also, offering is not imposing.
Who said anything about "offering" or "imposing"? No company answers requests like that, unless you're lucky enough to get someone who does. Either way they'll add whoever they feel like, regardless of suggestions & requests sent out by fans.
On 2023-02-10 at 23:48:36
J'ai une bonne nouvelle et une mauvaise nouvelle me concernant.
La bonne nouvelle, c'est que je suis très heureux que Nintendo ait annoncé des persos supp dans Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, alors que ça faisait 1 an que j'attendais ça depuis l'annonce du DLC.

La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est que je stress par rapport à si Flora Piranha, mon perso préféré, va faire son retour ou non. En effet, le circuit Ruines Plantes Piranha de Mario Kart Tour pourra faire son retour dans la vague 5 ou 6 et vu le nb de référence à Flora là-dedans, il y a des chances qu'elle revienne. Aussi, comme elle a fait son retour dans MKT le mois du 20ème anniv de Mario Sunshine, où elle a vu le jour, il est possible qu'elle soit jouable dès la vague 5, qui sera en été (saison de l'anniv de SMS), mais même avec ces logiques, j'ai bien peur que Nintendo ne l'ajoute pas.

Je lui ai envoyé un mail pour le remercier d'avoir annoncé des persos supp et je lui ai proposé comme idées Flora Piranha s'il ajoute Ruines Plante Piranha (en expliquant les références à Flora) + Diddy, Funky et Dixie Kong, ainsi que Pauline.
Il va me répondre dans 1 semaine à peu près. Bon ben il n'y a plus qu'à attendre qu'il me réponde et laisser faire le temps.
P.S. : quand je pense à Flora Piranha dans MK8DX, j'ai la musique des Ruines Plante Piranha en tête + Bowser Jr. qui fait un caprice dans Mario Strikers Battle League Football (je crois que c'est son animation de défaite, enfin je n'y joue jamais).
1. Why is Petey a girl in French?
2. If you mean you sent Nintendo an email, you should know that they don't respond to stuff like that, in fact I doubt they even look at it most of the time. In other companies, maybe the receiver might respond in a less harsh way of saying no, like that guy who wanted Rayman in Smash, but you'd have to be pretty lucky to even get a response.
The answer? Either wait 6 months to find out, play Tour only or go download a mod from Gamebanana.
Merry St. Valentines Years!
On 2023-02-15 at 13:22:03
Did I Get the Name Wrong?
Yes, it's called St. Valentine's Day. I know some places unofficially extend it as a week-long celebration, but who on Earth would convince you that it's a whole YEAR?

what are your thoughts on the Nintendo switch Gameboy and Gameboy advence
On 2023-02-12 at 23:27:31

The Pokemon games will likely be announced on Pokemon Day during their presentation. Nintendo was never going to show them.
Every 2D Metroid on 1 console is good enough for me, so I wasn't worried about the launch. The only other thing I could want would be Nightmare in Dreamland.
Goodbye Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Eshops. :( ):
On 2023-02-15 at 13:35:11
In fact, I just reread your original post. PRIME VIDEO? Who do think this is, AMAZON? Seriously?
I will say, the Miiverse stage in Sm4sh probably killed any ideas of having anything like Miiverse for a while. Good riddance, you guys will just have to play Splatoon forever.
I will say, the Miiverse stage in Sm4sh probably killed any ideas of having anything like Miiverse for a while. Good riddance, you guys will just have to play Splatoon forever.

On 2023-02-15 at 13:31:02

There is absolutely no reason to panic. Everyone has already picked up the 3DS & WiiU games they wanted since 2017, when Samus Returns came out. The console has already been dead for 6 years. If you scrubs haven't already bought all the ames you could ever want from those consoles, T SUCKS TO BE YOU. You'll have to wait until they get ported, because they are gonna have to rework everything to run without the bottom screen. Should have had all the ones you want by now lol, that's on you.

On 2023-01-05 at 15:04:37

Definitely not cute, looks like one of THOSE Kirby characters. Ain't anything cute about it.
On 2023-01-04 at 22:04:15
They could also have delayed all the streaming stuff until they get these Universal movies out to get people to actually USE it, because no sane person is gonna use Netflix on their Switch, that's way to inconvenient, & the Switch's successor(if that exists right now). They'd add stuff if they got something out of it.
On 2023-01-04 at 21:56:49
It would be a better decision than Closing the Eshops. By the way, I Found out that The Nintendo 3DS has to be Manually Updated. Meaning that if You don't Update the 3DS after the Day the Eshop Closes, maybe, just maybe, the Nintendo 3DS Eshop might Survive.
That may not Work.
So I will miss the Eshops.

The opening is slightly misguided
Consoles generally die off after 7-8 years, they aren't people who grow on to live a normal life. Their life cycle is shorter.
Nintendo doesn't consider them "Garbage": 3DS did fairly alright for itself & literally carried them for 6 years. It's just that anybody who has a 3DS or WiiU has already grabbed all the games they want, & they're gonna pull the plug on dead stuff. Wii & DS had a giant install base & so they kept 'em up longer. 3DS & WiiU don't have that going for them, so it feels earlier.
But let's face it: anybody who has 3DS & WiiU already got all the Eshop games they could ever want DURING those 11-12 years. RIP to any kids who got one last year though lol
And no, there won't be a "Wii3" or "4DS", they always have one sequel for a successful console, & neither of those 2 qualify. Switch does though.
In any case, most newer TVs do that anyway, Switch doesn't really streaming stuff.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie Plumber Ad!
On 2023-02-14 at 14:32:56
The Plumber Ad Is Out!
Space for Anything. End of.
Not to mention you're 2 whole ass days behind my guy.
Useless topic.

February 11...
On 2023-02-13 at 20:52:38
Ik it's off topic, but have anyone noticed that on FEB 11, that MKPC got DDOS attacked again, the day references to 9/11
Oh, he's an Advance Wars guy. I get it now.
LandonAndEmma got banned, for pedophilia?
On 2023-02-12 at 18:20:26
Whatever you did you should've kept it to yourself, pedophilia is a thing you would want to keep hidden at all costs. Sort of like racism. Say/do something, get exposed. You said/did something, & guess what? YOU GOT EXPOSED. Deal with it.
What did he said in the first place? It would be nice to explain
I have no clue okay I just typed that paragraph to sound cool & smart can I please have this Lely
The moments passed, I'll stop imitating you now.

On 2023-02-12 at 18:14:01
Whatever you did you should've kept it to yourself, pedophilia is a thing you would want to keep hidden at all costs. Sort of like racism. Say/do something, get exposed. You said/did something, & guess what? YOU GOT EXPOSED. Deal with it.
What did he said in the first place? It would be nice to explain
I have no clue okay I just typed that paragraph to sound cool & smart can I please have this Lely

On 2023-02-12 at 18:01:25
Whatever you did you should've kept it to yourself, pedophilia is a thing you would want to keep hidden at all costs. Sort of like racism. Say/do something, get exposed. You said/did something, & guess what? YOU GOT EXPOSED. Deal with it.
On 2023-02-12 at 14:25:51
You qualify for "older adolescent" by the way. Sounds strange though, might be something you said. Maybe you shouldn't have said it online?