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It’s all over
On 2023-02-12 at 12:37:15
The forum looks like the aftermath of a warzone, but a win is a win y'know?

Would you actually live here (Mario Kart Edition)
On 2022-12-08 at 22:58:50
What would you do if you lived next to this?

Maybe, if the rides were for older people (The track is literally called BABY Park)
The mansion in the back doesn't look like a kids ride tbh. The wiggler coaster definitely isn't.

On 2022-12-07 at 14:50:49
Would you live in Snow Land?
Yes, they have a badass king.

On 2022-12-06 at 17:08:37
Question: Would you want to live in this version of New york?

Yes. I'd make a ton of money for selling sunglasses because of how bright it is, or invent a helicopter car to give people a way to drive outside the city.
How to react about DDos attack, reaction to the attack, discussion about it
On 2023-02-12 at 03:18:20
Since everybody else seems to have gotten that message, what's a haker? Is it a sex thing or something????
On 2023-02-12 at 02:02:56
if the sight goes down then maybe the bots will be forced to stop?????

On 2023-02-12 at 02:01:23
Anybody here know if it's possible to, like, reverse hack this guy? Like joining that discord, obtain his IP address & get his ass?

On 2023-02-12 at 01:59:30
I can only imagine waking up as a mod & have 1000+ notifications.
Some of the bots haven't even posted a single message. This is crazy.
Some of the bots haven't even posted a single message. This is crazy.

so.. someone is botting and spreading propaganda on the forums
On 2023-02-12 at 01:54:06
So long story short this guy named George decided to make Nazi Germany Great again by going to MKPC, started botting and spamming Nazi Germany and pretty much made the report forum to a Propaganda machine
No no not quite. His nickname is George Floyd couldn't breath. He's probably doing an immature form of protesting about the death of George Floyd. I think Floyd was something of a drug addict who being high on drugs resisted arrest and a police officer put him in a hold in which the officer put a knee in his back. Floyd suffocated, either because of the knee in his back or because of the drugs in his blood, or both. So a lot of Americans got REALLY MAD because we have a strange thing called "systemic racism" over here. They assume the police officer killed Floyd on purpose (and it seems he was pretty negligent) and it kicked off rioting like all over the country.
Yeah but that was like, 3 years ago. Is he like 6? He could have done it ages ago. Or to a bigger site where it would actually do something, like Twitter.
On 2023-02-12 at 01:49:46
This is ridiculous. He's setting the record for most messages tho.

¡Mario kart 8 Deluxe Booster course pass wave 4 official sneak peek trailer !
On 2023-02-11 at 19:40:59
Firsty it needs to be in Tour
Secondly this Toad is a very specific Toad, the colours are not him but normal Toads. The Yoshis & Birdos are just the species( Mario World's Yoshi is a completely dd
Ifferent one from the Yoshi's Island one), Toad is completely separate from the other Toads. You can tell because his vest is the wrong colour(Compare to Red Toad in Mario Sluggers). Captain & Pit Crew suits would be alts, but the colours are standard Toads.
It doesn't need to be in Tour, Shroom Ridge isn't in Tour yet and Snow Land was in 8DX before we even knew it was coming to Tour. Just because it isn't in Tour now doesn't mean it won't be
It doesn't mean it won't be, but so far it isn't. We can't account for a future that hasn't happened yet. Not to mention the Toadette colours are PM only, & not our main Toadette. The same thing applies to them. Shroom Ridge is a generic add-on they could do whenever the hell they feel like, & Tour's courses are season based, so they actually HAD to wait until Winter to drop it. It's not comparable to alts which could literally be a tree or a bird or anything, really. And even though it was first, it's clearly the Tour version first & foremost, regardless of release date.
On 2023-02-11 at 19:11:08
Firsty it needs to be in Tour
Secondly this Toad is a very specific Toad, the colours are not him but normal Toads. The Yoshis & Birdos are just the species( Mario World's Yoshi is a completely dd
Ifferent one from the Yoshi's Island one), Toad is completely separate from the other Toads. You can tell because his vest is the wrong colour(Compare to Red Toad in Mario Sluggers). Captain & Pit Crew suits would be alts, but the colours are standard Toads.
On 2023-02-10 at 16:21:16
The Release Tour will release in August 2023. Empty your excitement-----okay I won't finish that sentence.
On 2023-02-10 at 13:43:13
I wonder if they'll call it the Toilet Tour, Loo Tour, Whiz Tour, Sponge Tour, Bubble Tour, Towel Tour or the Gotta Go Tour???

On 2023-02-10 at 13:39:59
bet its going to be added to tour 3 minutes after it releases.
It's more like a week realistically. All the non-city nitros are set to come out in the BCP the week before they're back in rotation. Since they can't use "Easter", due to religion(???), they have the Yoshi Tour, which is close enough, at that time.
On 2023-02-09 at 15:04:47
Finally!!! Birdo Returns!!! Now We have someone better than Poop Gold Screach. My new Nickname for Pink Gold Peach.
You do realize that they have basically run out of new charscterd to add to the series right? If Metal Mario is fine, then PGP is fine too.

I've been warned for doing nothing...😭
On 2023-02-10 at 19:19:02
Ik I'm reviving the trend
Ask me anything, but try not to ask for personal information like my name or address
Ask me anything, but try not to ask for personal information like my name or address
this is just another useless forum topic. move along people, nothing to see here.

Credit me for editing
Credit Spriters Resource for the original sprite sheet
Coin :

Credit me for editing
Credit Spriters Resource for the original sprite sheet
Piantas :

Credit me for editing
Credit Spriters Resource for the original sprite sheet
Absolutely terrible, the gif has some weird things going on with it. but ok and dooable. but the goomba looks bad
not to mention scratch...
That isn't proof
It literally is dude, undeniably so in fact.

On 2023-02-10 at 13:35:57
I only have half-brothers
They all live in California
What's the point of doing this ??? Nice, you just wasted our time with another prank. 'Guess I was right after all.
Bold of you to assume you know yourself

I never said that, I just said this prank was useless
I know, I was just saying that he probably doesn't know what's going on in his own mind either.

On 2023-02-10 at 00:56:27
I only have half-brothers
They all live in California
What's the point of doing this ??? Nice, you just wasted our time with another prank. 'Guess I was right after all.
Bold of you to assume you know yourself

On 2023-02-10 at 00:34:32
I only have half-brothers
They all live in California
What's the point of doing this ??? Nice, you just wasted our time with another prank. 'Guess I was right after all.
Well, every time he pranks, he's got one less way to trick us in the future. He might run out of logical sounding stuff.....eventually.