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Stop asking for more

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
FieryToad wrote:
For those guys who think that “PLS ADD N64 GCN WII 3DS” Read this. People have already made those tracks, so why bother Wargor about it? And for characters, THE CUSTOM CHARACTERS EXIST. I cannot believe I have to actually say this. Same goes for battle courses. Gliders won’t work in a 2D Game for 2 reasons. 1. MKPC is retro styled. 2. How would you control it in a 2D environment?

I think asking for a way to simplify choosing customs is valid, but everything else is correct.

Pray for Hiku-chan

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
The rapist was knocked out cold and they are currently out of the rapist place!

Sounds like now is a good time to have a mother tbh
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Do we finally have enough to convince the bobbies something sus is going on or no?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Killulely wrote:
Killulely wrote:
I think everyone's just jealous I have like 3 gfs

Having 3 girlfriends isn't something to be proud of, you should choose one and be loyal to her. Anyways, that is another topic, and I hope those pyschopaths are getting in jail. What they're dooing is crazy and nobody deserves that. i'm praying for them to be okay and for the crazy guys to get owned or something because the amount of bullshit they're making us dealing with is incredibly too much and undeserved.

i know right stick to one because it could betray someones heart...

I completely agree, however his romantic feelings and relationships are none of our business. Let's get back to the topic.

okay, back to it. well, does anyone have any ideas on how to stop ALL this?:s

How does everyone feel about arson?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Oh phew...
That murderous psycho's finally behind bars...


How do you continuously get involved with this stuff?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
I find it unfair how God just decided to make your life miserable for no reason

Well, he hasn't lived most of his life yet, the rest could be perfectly fine. Not something nice to consider at the moment, but highly likely a couple rough turns here & there only account for 10% of his total time on Earth.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

At first I was kinda jealous abt how you're to get gfs so freakin' fast, but holy shit, everything is so messed up for them. Hopefully the police are good at their jobs, right?


Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
YO DADDY 8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)

3 things:
1) Welcome to the site

2) If this is about Among Us, please make it about the game & not just memes.

3)What the ever-loving hell does this even mean?

Worst track in Mario Kart (In my opinion)

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

You can skip a solid chunk of each lap to shorten it.

Would a newbie, or someone playing casually, know of or even think about performing the skip?
Besides, aren't "Ultra Shortcuts" like that kinda hard to do? It may skip a bit, but if it's like, 100x harder, it doesn't matter

If you're on this site, I assume you are slightly more than a casual*[
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Mario100 wrote:
Ok, hear me out, N64 Rainbow Road (the original, not the 8 one) is one of the worst tracks in Mario Kart. First, It is a big track, and you have to do 3 FULL LAPS of it. Second, it gets rid of the main thing that makes a Rainbow Road track a Rainbow Road track, FALLING OFF!! They add rails on this track to get rid of falling of, so, in my opinion, N64 Rainbow Road is one of the worst tracks in Mario Kart. (Also, Change My Mind)

You can skip a solid chunk of each lap to shorten it. And atleast the music is alright.

Why is Waluigi Pinball in Mario Kart 7 but not Waluigi himself?

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Aside from that, he's also irrelevant. He doesn't have a major role in any game, ever. Mario Sports/Kart/Party games don't have a canon winner, & that's about everything he has. Why add him if not Toadette or Birdo or Diddy or Dry Bones? It wouldn't make any sense.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Why is Waluigi Pinball in Mario Kart 7 but not Waluigi himself snif?
Because Waluigi Pinball is a good track, Nintendo like it, but Waluigi is don’t that… Liked by Nintendo.

He’s considered like a meme, so he’s in not that much games…

Mario Kart 7 :
1. Not Waluigi
2. Honey Queen (What ?)
3. Metal Mario (Is he very useful ? *[)
5. Wiggler (… What ?)

1. Yes
2. They added the battle course & it would've been the most recent game (SMG1&2) at the time.
3. He's a classic part of the franchise & deserves it.
4. Except Green has always been an enemy since the beginning. Red is a completely different character
5. Every Nintendo game has a certified "goofy asf" pick. Wiggler fills it nicely, don't ya think?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Why is Waluigi Pinball in Mario Kart 7 but not Waluigi himself snif?

Moo Moo Farm is in 64 & the cows aren't playable.
Boo Lake-no King Boo
Shy Guy Beach-no Shy guy in Wii

It's normal for the series, &  just like DS, they had less roster space to work with. They did realy well with it all things considered: kept the essential 9, the other major characters, & a bunch of new faces & some new permanent essentials like Lakitu & Shy Guy. Please do not paint the situation like it's a Waluigi problem only.

Why Waluigi was unable to participate in Smash Brod or Mario Kart 7

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Shu_N wrote:
Why was Waluigi unable to enter the Smash Bros or Mario Kart 7?

Smash Bros. is a celebration of gaming, supposed to be filled with icons from all over gaming's history. I'm sorry to say it, but your Mario Tennis character ISN'T a gaming icon. Neither is Geno. Other characters that were cut from prior games like Dixie Kong, are icons. Waluigi doesn't meet that requirement.

As for MK7, there were the console limitations. He wasn't even considered, lookig at the datamines. Nor Toadette & Diddy, who were much more impactful on the scale. If they were ignored, then he certainly wasn't even on the table in the first place.

Predicte courses for the 4th wave of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass!

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Amsterdam Drift
DK Summit
Waluigi Stadium
Yoshi Island
Singapore Speedway
Riverside Park
Airship Fortress
Los Angeles Laps

accuracy>copium picks
fight me
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
ItzD4rk wrote:
VLX wrote:
Bathroom Blast:

You start in front of the sink, then some turns into the toilet, then you come out of the plumbing gliding, a few more turns, then a half-pipe on either side of the sink, then you're back at the start

But what if someone goes to the toilet to take a dump because they ate too much Taco Bell

Then they design the room the same way & put in a country where fast food is eaten like normal food.

[Fanfic] MKPC Gore (Current: MKPC Revival)

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
What happened? I know I said war path, but that was a joke. How many deleted messages did I miss?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Max-Bros wrote:
MKPC Revival: Episode 4

Max:So we have arrived at the lake
Kay: Thought it would be bigger, but the size is still good
Toady: Be careful of the liquid, since it is lava, and can burn you
Kay: K. I’ll make sure to touch the water

Luq: What are you up to Nudge?
Nudge: This
*At that moment, The T-Rex flung Luq of of it, onto wooded kingdom, but then the lost grip of the inverted pyramid and fell*
Luq: Whatevwr he’s up to, seems to have gone wrong

Lely: *crying* I guess this is over. The only company I have is you guys, and you can’t even talk to me. The place I’m in is terrifying, and I just don’t think it’s worth living anymore. Goodbye pets
Lely: What was that? Company?
*He went over, just to see what was there, only to see a T-Rex*
Lely: A-another one?
Nudge: AAAAHH!!!
Lely: Nudge? Where is he? And… where did my chain chomp go?
Lely: He sounds scared…
Lely: I should go find him
*It wasn’t long until he found him, but as much as he wanted to save him, the light spirit on the outside of him refused*
Nudge: HELP ME!!!
Lely: I want to, b-but I-I c-can’t
Lely: I want to help you, but t he re is something preventing me
*At that moment, another T-Tex came and squished the Chain Chomp*
Nudge: Thank goodness. Now to just… escape from here
Lely: How?
Nudge: Why should I tell you? I don’t need you anymore, you useless fool
Lely: Why do you hate me?
Nudge: Because you are a horrible light spirit which doesn’t deserve to exist
Lely: Please, help me out
Nudge: I think I’ll just let the T-Rex’ deal with you
Lely: You h-horrible person

Max: So, who will check where?
Kay: I’m I’ll quickly check everywhere
Toady: Oh yeah, he is speed
Max: Anyway, I’ll get ready to head over to that giant dome over there
Toady: Got it

Nudge: Ah ha. Now I just need to put this nut into one of the seed pots, and a vine will grow
Lely: There is one over there
Nudge: Thank you victim
Lely:  L-leave me alone. I want to talk to nice Nudge, rather than you
*after that he just walked off, then climbed the vine he just grew*
Nudge: Nice. I’ve made it back.
Now I just need to be quiet so Luq doesn’t notice me

*He snuck over to the wooden maze, where he places a vine bellow it*
Lely: Question: what is that vine for?
Nudge: Oh, so you decided to follow me. Guess I’ll have to demonstrate in you
*He proceeded to wrap it around Lely’s neck, and pushed him off, before barely making his way back onto the inverted pyramid*
Lely: h-h-e-e-e-l-l-p


Permaban incoming
Max is on the war path
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Invu wrote:
MKPC Revival: Episode 3

Max: Now that we’ve made it to this desert, where should we go now?
Toady: Let’s go to the town and ask for information on this place
Nudge: You can do that. I have somewhere else to go, so bye
Luq: Hurry up. We don’t want to be around a killer like you
Nudge: Ok. But one question, why do you only care about Tyshawn’s death, and not any of the deaths during the killing game?
Luq: During the killing game, we were pressured to do it. But here, there is NO excuse
Nudge: Anyway, I’ll get going now
Max: Anyway, to the town

???: have you heard that the inverted pyramid is being invaded
???: yes. it’s all over the news dispute only starting an hour ago
Max: What’s going on?
???: Basically, the inverted pyramid over there has started levitating and seems like it is being used for some sort of travel
Toady: I’m gonna assume it’s being used by the dark spirits
???: Dark spirits?
Luq: Basiaccly, 16 unlucky people were invited to a killing game at peaches castle. There were 6 killers, 6 victims, and 4 survivors. The killers got turned into dark spirits, and the victims became light spirits, however, the victims and the killers are at war for no reason
???: So there were multiple killing game groups?
Max: Huh?
???: I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Kay
Toady: Ok, now what was that thing about another killing game?
Kay: You see, I was put into the exact same situation as you lot, however, the round 2 didn’t go very well. It is said that there are a few survivors, but I haven’t found any of them yet
Max: I feel sorry for you… We are right now in the process of trying to revive our friends, but I will also try to help you re-unite with the missing survivors
Kay: Thanks. I will also join you, but sorry if I get in the way
Max: Trust me, you won’t get in our way. Any form of help for success in our mission is helpful
Kay: So, what’s the plan at the moment?
Toady: Right now we are searching for spirits in the desert
Kay: The only sprite I’ve seen are the ones on the pyramid, however I will quickly double check just in case
Luq: I’ll go after the ones on the pyramid. You two can stay here[/colod]
[color=teal]Max: Ok

Kay: K, I’m back, and I only saw spirits on the pyramid
Toady: That was quick
Kay: That’s due to my special item. It allows me to run around super quick, since I’m the ultimate speed runner
Max: Nice. That skill will come to be quite handy in finding your friends and the spirits
Kay: Thanks. Now, where now?
Max: There seems to be a giant rock structure in the distance. Let’s head over there
Kay: K but how?
Toady: Using his mech suit that got overcharged with electricity
Max: Don’t worry, it works now
Kay: K, but how does this work?
Toady: Could you please find a better word to start most of your sentences other than your name?
Kay: K
Toady: We can’t just turn this into a comedy show…
Max: Anyway. Kay, get into my back. Don’t worry, you will be able to strap yourself in, since we aren’t in a rush
Kay: K, got it
Max: Toady, you can get strapped in infront
Toady: Cool. Also, why does it feel like I’m going to die?
Kay: Domt worry, you have that giant mushroom on your head to prevent you from slipping out
Toady: Yes but, don’t tell anyone, it’s just a hat
Max: So your not a real toad…

This one was pretty fun, it was mostly discussions but it ain't a problem xD, just stating what I noticed. Also sorry for the late response, but someone banned me from the website by accident, so I couldn't post, I couldn't even react. Anyways, 5/5

Shortest ban ever?

A toxic player insulted Jey's fanfic on the community account, so Max decided to use the IP ban on this account,
but since I logged in, I got banned from the website after that

So your besty indirectly caused your temporary ban. Top 10 anime betrayals

Canon MKPC Lore?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MKPC Revival: Episode 3

Max: Now that we’ve made it to this desert, where should we go now?
Toady: Let’s go to the town and ask for information on this place
Nudge: You can do that. I have somewhere else to go, so bye
Luq: Hurry up. We don’t want to be around a killer like you
Nudge: Ok. But one question, why do you only care about Tyshawn’s death, and not any of the deaths during the killing game?
Luq: During the killing game, we were pressured to do it. But here, there is NO excuse
Nudge: Anyway, I’ll get going now
Max: Anyway, to the town

???: have you heard that the inverted pyramid is being invaded
???: yes. it’s all over the news dispute only starting an hour ago
Max: What’s going on?
???: Basically, the inverted pyramid over there has started levitating and seems like it is being used for some sort of travel
Toady: I’m gonna assume it’s being used by the dark spirits
???: Dark spirits?
Luq: Basiaccly, 16 unlucky people were invited to a killing game at peaches castle. There were 6 killers, 6 victims, and 4 survivors. The killers got turned into dark spirits, and the victims became light spirits, however, the victims and the killers are at war for no reason
???: So there were multiple killing game groups?
Max: Huh?
???: I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Kay
Toady: Ok, now what was that thing about another killing game?
Kay: You see, I was put into the exact same situation as you lot, however, the round 2 didn’t go very well. It is said that there are a few survivors, but I haven’t found any of them yet
Max: I feel sorry for you… We are right now in the process of trying to revive our friends, but I will also try to help you re-unite with the missing survivors
Kay: Thanks. I will also join you, but sorry if I get in the way
Max: Trust me, you won’t get in our way. Any form of help for success in our mission is helpful
Kay: So, what’s the plan at the moment?
Toady: Right now we are searching for spirits in the desert
Kay: The only sprite I’ve seen are the ones on the pyramid, however I will quickly double check just in case
Luq: I’ll go after the ones on the pyramid. You two can stay here[/colod]
[color=teal]Max: Ok

Kay: K, I’m back, and I only saw spirits on the pyramid
Toady: That was quick
Kay: That’s due to my special item. It allows me to run around super quick, since I’m the ultimate speed runner
Max: Nice. That skill will come to be quite handy in finding your friends and the spirits
Kay: Thanks. Now, where now?
Max: There seems to be a giant rock structure in the distance. Let’s head over there
Kay: K but how?
Toady: Using his mech suit that got overcharged with electricity
Max: Don’t worry, it works now
Kay: K, but how does this work?
Toady: Could you please find a better word to start most of your sentences other than your name?
Kay: K
Toady: We can’t just turn this into a comedy show…
Max: Anyway. Kay, get into my back. Don’t worry, you will be able to strap yourself in, since we aren’t in a rush
Kay: K, got it
Max: Toady, you can get strapped in infront
Toady: Cool. Also, why does it feel like I’m going to die?
Kay: Domt worry, you have that giant mushroom on your head to prevent you from slipping out
Toady: Yes but, don’t tell anyone, it’s just a hat
Max: So your not a real toad…

You read my bio & didn't link a breezeless tutorial smh
I really like this so far. I might actually emulate try out one of the games after this.

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