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[Fanfic] MKPC Gore (Current: MKPC Revival)

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
MKPC Revival: Episode 2

Max: Kris!
Kris: HELP!!!
Max: Luq, get onto the back on my me h suit. Toady, I’ll just hol-
Toady: Weeeeeeeeeeee
Max: Or just bounce on ahead… Anyway, LETS GO!!!
Master: SSOORRRRYY!!! Kris is ours. I need him for a choco lake at our base
Luq: So we aren’t the only ones with a base
Master: NNNNNOOOOOPPPPPEEEEE!!! We all have a base
Max: We are trying!
Luq: It looks like we need to move up to avoid crashing into that mountain
Toady: Weeeeeeeeeeeee
*As he said that, he bounced into Master, and fell directly onto Max, causing an electricity overflow, shutting down the suit*
Luq: He need to head after them
Max: But how? I can’t use my mech suit due to the electricity overflow, which let me say burns quite a bit
Toady: I’ll bounce over to him, and use one of my portals over there. Oh yeah, and I will leave this portal here. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Max: So it’s just us two now
Luq: So we just have to wait…
Tyshawn: Please could you play with me? I have nothing else to do now that I’ve dealt with Nudge, so I hope you say yes
Max: Nudge is here?
Luq: Where is he?
Tyshawn: He is just up there
Max: It looks like there is quite an open space up there
Tyshawn: Not when he’s playing with the Chain Chomps
Nudge: AAAAAHH!!!
Luq: He sounds terrified. What exactly is going on there
Tyshawn: All I did is let him play with them. Have no idea why he is terrified
Max: Now that we are looking at it, it doesn’t look scary at all…
Luq: So you’re scared of dogs…
Tyshawn: No idea how he is scared of dogs, but it makes him quite easy to deal with. Let’s just ignore him and climb to the top of the cliff
Max: I’m not just gonna leave him!
Luq: Max, I don’t think you really can help him from that situation
Max: NO! I’m going to help him!
Tyshawn: Are you suggesting saving a villain?
Max: He isn’t a villain. He has been brainwashed into starting a war with your group, and so are you and the other light spirits
Tyshawn: Are you considering ME the villain. I think I’ll just play Luq and leave you out
Max: Go ahead, because I care about my friends
Luq: I’ll stay back to stop Tyshawn from sabotaging you
Tyshawn: Yay. Let’s go play at the top of the cliff
Max: That was a quick mood change…
Max: sorry for getting distracted. Anyway, you should be able to escape now that I’m holding this chain chomp
Nudge: Thank you. NOW JUST DONT LET GO!!!
*As, said that, Max lost grip and let go, but Nydge barely dodged in time*
Nudge: I JUST SAID DONT LET GO!!!Anyway, I’m gonna catch some breath quickly
Max: You do that

Tyshawn: So, what would you like to play?
Luq: How about catch
Tyshawn: Ok. I’ll get out my basic ball
Luq: Basic ball?
Tyshawn: Yeah. I have loads of different balls as my special item
Luq: Ah, so if you needed a poisonous ball, you could
Tyshawn: Yeah, but every time I try throwing one at Nudge, he dodges it. I hope I manage to hit him at some point
Luq: I don’t think murder is the right strategy…

Nudge: Anyway, time for the thing I came here for: that T-Rex
Max: Why do you want a T-Rex?
Nudge: Because I have an item which can change the size of anything
Max: Why didn’t you use it om the chain chomps?
Nudge:Because I was too terrified!
Max: Ok, but how do you plan on using it on the T-Rex?
Nudge: So I can shrink and grow it whenever I like, and when it is small, I can carry it around, granting me a portable T-Rex
Max: The fact that you thought of this is both unsurprising, but also a bit startling…
Nudge: Anyway, it’s time to get on it. Max, you wanna join?
Max: I think I’ll just stick to the side

Luq: You seem to be quite good at this
Tyshawn: Thanks. I’m quite experienced with children’s games, so finding someone who can beat me at this is quite rare, but you’ve managed it a cou-
Luq: What was that?!
Nudge: Tyshawn, did you really think your plan would work? Because unfortunately for you, but the only thing that will succeed for you is the end of you life
Tyshawn: Aaahhh!!! Leave me alone!
*After that, the T-Rex lunged in for an attack, and mauled Tyshawn*
Luq: You… horrible being! That death was permanent, you know!
Max: What! If I had known you would have done that, I wouldn’t have saved you
Nudge: One of us we’re gonna die anyway, so it might as well have just been me
Max: You sacrafised yourself to end the killing game, so that people could be revived, but you kill someone anyway?
Nudge: Don’t worry, I’m only killing those pesky light spirits.You and the other dark’s are fine
Toady: Hi, I’m back
Nudge: Hi back
Toady: Hey Nudge… why do you have a dinosaur?
Nudge: Because I can shrink it. See?
Toady: That’s so cool
Luq: Anyway, let’s go. Let’s leave this monster who used his T-Rex to kill for no reason
Toady: Ok. To the desert
*They all ran down to the portal. Max jumped in first, then Luq, then Toady, but as it was closing, Nudge also jumped in with him tiny T-Rex*


Prepare yourself to see a lot of cute puppies in MKPCverse :p

This is giving me "villain watched the previous episodes to beat the protagonist" vibes.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
Where do I said I wanted to end the killing game :(
I'm unhappy because Nudge killed himself because he killed me before, I just wanted me to be alive,

You might have wanted to live, but your character was willing to scrafise himself. He is a hero.

He is also bad at writing English apparently.

Because he is French. It’s not even a big deal

Sorry, I was just trying to point it out. Ended up sounding not funny. My bad.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Where do I said I wanted to end the killing game :(
I'm unhappy because Nudge killed himself because he killed me before, I just wanted me to be alive,

You might have wanted to live, but your character was willing to scrafise himself. He is a hero.

He is also bad at writing English apparently.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
Episode 14 (part 2):Explosion, aftermath

Max: Nudge! Oh no. Someone sabotaged his secret area
Toady: What happened? And how are you here first
Ralsei: Because he killed Nudge
Toady: So, how did you get here first?
Max: I finished searching early, so I came here to attempt to find out what was in his secret room, but then the explosion happened
Kris: What happened?
Luq: It would appear that someone has been blown up
Max: Nudge has
Luq: I suppose we now need to wait for Lely
Max: I’ll go get him
Ralsei: Go ahead. The least that will happen is that he will kill you
Ralsei: Yes he would
RalseiWhat makes you s-
Luq: Be quiet, Ralsei
Ralsei: Fine…
Max: Anyway, I’ll go get Lely now
Ralsei: Have fun dyi-
Luq: Silence
Toady: Anyway, any ideas on who put the bombs there?
*20 minutes later*
Kris: Another one?
Ralsei: I guess Lely did kill him… or maybe it’s the other way round. Whoever did it, must be responsible for the explosion
Luq: I said, silence about that, didn’t I
Ralsei: Sorry…

*They went up stairs, but on the final floor, they saw shards of metal everywhere*

Kris: Why are there metal shards everywhere?
Luq: No idea. I think we should check the staircase

*As they walked in, they discovered the horrifying sight of a mysterious figure, standing next to the dead body of Lely*

"The next death will be the first death I planned" so you delayed my death 9 times. How expected. Anyways I'm kinda sad, I would have liked to appear in Season 2 as well if there is one, but I should be glad I survived that much.
If Max killed me, I'm reporting this fanfic :p

I didn't know you could report topics even if you're a corpse.

I'm not a corpse. How am I typing if I was a corpse.
Let's not tell them, but I'm reincarnated. I'm ready to kill y'all secretly and you won't heard about it. No just kidding. (danganronpa context, so the 10 year old kiddos won't say stupidities)

I don't think I've ever seen stupidity in the plural. Thank you very much, but the first part is sketch imo. What do they do if a dead person comes back from the afterlife? Surely that's happened atleast once?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Episode 14 (part 2):Explosion, aftermath

Max: Nudge! Oh no. Someone sabotaged his secret area
Toady: What happened? And how are you here first
Ralsei: Because he killed Nudge
Toady: So, how did you get here first?
Max: I finished searching early, so I came here to attempt to find out what was in his secret room, but then the explosion happened
Kris: What happened?
Luq: It would appear that someone has been blown up
Max: Nudge has
Luq: I suppose we now need to wait for Lely
Max: I’ll go get him
Ralsei: Go ahead. The least that will happen is that he will kill you
Ralsei: Yes he would
RalseiWhat makes you s-
Luq: Be quiet, Ralsei
Ralsei: Fine…
Max: Anyway, I’ll go get Lely now
Ralsei: Have fun dyi-
Luq: Silence
Toady: Anyway, any ideas on who put the bombs there?
*20 minutes later*
Kris: Another one?
Ralsei: I guess Lely did kill him… or maybe it’s the other way round. Whoever did it, must be responsible for the explosion
Luq: I said, silence about that, didn’t I
Ralsei: Sorry…

*They went up stairs, but on the final floor, they saw shards of metal everywhere*

Kris: Why are there metal shards everywhere?
Luq: No idea. I think we should check the staircase

*As they walked in, they discovered the horrifying sight of a mysterious figure, standing next to the dead body of Lely*

"The next death will be the first death I planned" so you delayed my death 9 times. How expected. Anyways I'm kinda sad, I would have liked to appear in Season 2 as well if there is one, but I should be glad I survived that much.
If Max killed me, I'm reporting this fanfic :p

I didn't know you could report topics even if you're a corpse.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Episode 14 (Part 1): The return

Lely: 9 people dead, and 1 person missing. All that’s left is… us 6
Max: Don’t cry. We just need to have hope
Lely: B-but, how am I mean to to have hope, when my friends are constantly killing eachother?
MonoBoi: Do whatever. Anyway, I’m going to leave you fools
Toady: Thank god he’s gone
MonoBoi: What are you doing in here?
Nudge: Isn’t it obvious? I’m finding out the secrets to the killing game

Lely: Nudge?!
Nudge: No. I need to reveal the secrets to the killing game
MonoBoi: The you leave me with no choice. SELF DESTRUCT ACTIVATED!!!

*BANG!!! The wall slid open and Nudge came flying out*
Lely: NUDGE!!! Not again!!!
Nudge: D-don’t worry. I’m f-fine
Luq: You don’t seem fine, but I can’t think of any way to heal you
Ralsei: I can
Max: NO!!! That is far too dangerous!
Ralsei: Fine. I’ll just leave Nudge to die from his injuries
Lely: NO!!! Please, save him
Nudge: You… guys are b-being way too dram-matic about… this
Kris: No, we aren’t. We can tell you are badly injured, and just want to help you
Nudge: I-I mean I guess I… will go, since it w-will make things easier
Max: But is it a good idea to let Ralsei take care of you?
Lely: YES!!! It is. Even if there is a chance of danger, Nudge needs healing
Max: But… Oh they’ve already left us…
Kris: I suppose we should get going too
Lely: Let’s go check the new area

Toady: So, it seems like the new area is a staircase to a painting. Let’s go inside
MonoBoi: Ding Dong.  It is now 10pm, so painting date no longer usable
Toady: So he decided to pre-record all the night time announcements
Lely: Let’s go to sleep now

MonoBoi: Ding Dong. It is now, 7am, so access to the paintings is now re-allowed
Lely: Let’s go investigate the new paintings
Nudge: Ok. I’ll check the one on this floor
Kris: There’s one on this floor?
Nudge: Yep. There is one on every floor, though the basement does kind of have 3, being the cage, a water area, and a bowser room, and floor 2 has none
Max: I’ll check the bowser room in the basement
Lely: I’ll go check the one up top
Ralsei: I’ll check the haunted house
Toady: Same
Luq: So that leaves me and Kris in the water area

*After the search, an explosion could be heard in Bob-Omb Battlefield*

What even is this show?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Episode 13: Mystery of the Clock

Lely: W-where’s Nudge?
MonoBoi: Why does that matter? You need to solve the murder, not solve where Nudge isn
Lely: But nudge is our friend. We can’t just leave him
MonoBoi: Anyway. Trial! BEGIN!!!
Luq: We can already narrow it down to 5 suspects.

Lely: We can eliminate max because-
Luq: This is about the power of our brains, not friendship. I know you want to believe in Max, but we still need to consider him a suspect
Lely: But-
Ralsei: Please, no bullshit
Max: What did you say about Lely?
Ralsei: To stop with the bullshit
Max: DONT!!!
Ralsei: Fine. If it will get you to shut up
Lely: Leave max alone!
Ralsei: Anyway, let’s talk about Toady
Toady: What about me?
Ralsei: How you and Parakoopa are the only known people to enter Tick Tock Clock before the incident
Toady: I promise I’m innocent
Bj: I can confirm he is
Kris: How?
Bj: Because I did it
Kris: WHY? What did Parakoopa do to you?
Bj: Nothing. The truth is, I was trying to confuse MonoBoi by killing myself
Max: YOU WHAT!?!?!?
Bj: I was hoping that killing myself would make MonoBoi see you as killers and let you all escape, but my plan failed when I ended up killing Parakoopa myself
MonoBoi: Hey! I haven’t split you in half yet

MonoBoi: Hey! You still need to debate. We can’t have a boring trial like this
Lely: We don’t care about how boring the trial is, and do not want to debate
MonoBoi: Hey! This trial isn’t about you
Max: This trial isn’t about you either
MonoBoi: You know what, let’s just end this trial, since you guys ruin EVERYTHING!!!
Bj: No, you ruin it for us, and cause us to murder like I did

MonoBoi: Bj, just die before I get EVEN MORE ANNOYED AT YOU!!!
Bj: Mo hesitation. You just want me dead. So, where is my cave?
MonoBoi: Just in there
Bj: It is time to get out of here. Goodbye people, and isn’t let another murder happen.
*After he said that, we walked into the cave and under a falling rock, getting crushed*

Bro, what a legend. Absolute GOAT.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Episode 9: Investigation in the igloo

Kris: LEMON!!! Why did you have to die? I-I wanted to survive with you. I-I will m-make sure your murderer gets caught!
*However, the only thing he saw as he exited was Tyshawn’s dead body*
Kris: ANOTHER ONE!!! W-where are the others? I-I will avenge both of you

Max: Finally. We escaped. Now to find where Ralsei ran off to
*As he said that, Kris came running in crying*
Max: What’s wrong?
Nudge: Lemme guess. Another death?
Kris: Y-yes
Max: Where?
Kris: I-igloo
Nudge: Then let’s go to the igloo
Ralsei: Hi guys
Max: Where have you been?
Ralsei: That doesn’t matter. Nudge said we need to go to the igloo, so let’s get going

Max: Poor Tyshawn…
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. A dead body had been discovered. Please head over to the igloo
Kris: Th-that’s not all
Ralsei: OOH! A double kill
Nudge: So Lemon is also dead
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. A dead body had been discovered. Please head over to the igloo
Kris: Y-yes
Nudge: Can somebody get Toady? I want to ask him soemthing
Max: What do you want him for?
Nudge: I want to ask him about this string by Lemon’s body
Max: Ok. I’ll go get him
Ralsei: I think it is obvious what the murder weapon for both of them are
Kris: Th-the knifes?
Ralsei: Yep
Yascamer: Why… two announcements?
Kris: T-two dead bodies
Lely: Two dead bodies?!
*Lely then faints*
Luq: It seems like we will have to solve two different murders at once
MonoBoi: Actually, you only have to solve who commuted the first one
Nudge: So the second murderer gets away with no punishment?
MonoBoi: Yep. However, they also can’t make use of there murder to escape
Ralsei: So one of these deaths were completely worthless
Kris: D-don’t say that about a-anyone
Ralsei: Who cares?
Parakoopa: I care
Bj: Just ignore Ralsei
Ralsei: Committing that crime has severe consequences
Nudge: Attention Seeker
Ralsei: Who are you calling attenti-
Max: You. Also, I can’t find Toady
Nudge: Then we will have to ask him in the trial
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. Please head over to the entrance, so that we can start our third class trial
Luq: Clearly, there is nothing else to investigate

Max: Before we go in, I want to say that me and Nudge are innocent, since we were in the volcano together
*After he said that, they all got into the elevator, ready for the third lass trial*

It looks like Lely can be relied on to go down everytime.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Episode 8 (Part 1): Additional house space

MonoBoi: Now that Master is dead, it is time for your talents.
Nudge, you are the ultimate mathematician.
Lely, you are the ultimate animal protector.
Yascamer, you are the ultimate racer.
Luq, you are the ultimate protector.
Bj, you are the ultimate caver.
Tyshawn, you are the ultimate park designer.
Parakoopa, you are the ultimate pilot.
Lemon, you are the ultimate gardener
Jey was the ultimate game developer
Toad was the ultimate royal servant.
Kris, you were the ultimate mayor
Max, you have no talent. The only reason you came is because Lely begged for peach to let you come

Max: I’m here because Lely begged me?
Lely: I did?
Ralsei: So max is a talentless loser. Surprised he has made it this far
Lely: Leave him alone!
Ralsei: You aren’t related to me so don’t boss me around!
Lely: So I should just let you be annoying?
Ralsei: Yeah. I can do what you want, so if you don’t want to get involved, then piss of
Max: Why are you like this
Toady: He probably wants to steal the attention I get from my pranks
Ralsei: HEY!!! I’m not an attention seeker!
Nudge: Let’s go back to our rooms. I’m tired
MonoBoi Already? It’s only 6:00pm. You still have 4 hours until you need to sleep
Nudge: Well I certainly will
MonoBoi: Well then, I guess I best tell you that I have opened up an extra room for each of you under your rooms. They also have an extra room for personal stuff
Nudge: I’ll make sure to check that out before I go to sleep
Ralsei: Honestly, same
Kris: Before we go, please may I say something?
Lemon: What would that be?
Kris: About how I was the ultimate mayor
MonoBoi: That’s because you got tired of everyone going to you for help, so you resigned
Ralsei: That doesn’t sound like a very good mayor to me
Kris: Wait, so if I no longer am that, then why was I invited?
MonoBoi: Since the population in the castle is significantly smaller
Parakoopa: Me, Bj, and Tyshawn will be investigating the new floor while you do that

Ralsei: Have fun checking your rooms everyone. I’m going to make sure to find a good weapon to deal with mr. talentless
Max: Why do you want to kill me?!
Ralsei: Because talentless people like you don’t belong here
Lely: Learn respect for once
Ralsei: Last time I tried that I fell asleep for a while week
Luq: Max, I want to speak to you later.
Max: Ok

Max: So, what did you want to speak to me about?
Luq: It’s about how your ‘talentless.’ While I might not be right, I feel like that was a lie to make sure another murder happens
Max: What do you mean?
Luq: It’s an attempt to mentally weaken you, making you susceptible to an attack, which will keep the killing game alive
Max: Honestly, the only problem I have with being talentless is Ralsei
Luq: Also, i have an idea to help prevent a murder
Max: What would that be?
Luq: We need to get everyone to reveal what there secret item/s are
Max: Ok. For me, it was just filled with snorlax statues
Luq: I had close ranged weapons[/colod]
[color=teal]Max: I’m going to try getting Lely to join. See you next time

Luq: I’ll try getting Yascamer, to make our group ‘The French Preventers’

Lely: Hi max. So, what to you want to talk about?
Max:  A group me and Luq made named ‘The French Preventers’ where we do what we can to prevent a killing from happening
Lely: Yes please. What do I need to do?
Max: Check everyone’s secret room
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. It is now 10pm. Paintings will no longer be usable unless leaving an area or going to bob-omb battlefield
Lely: Of course that got in our way… but anyway, isn’t that an invasion of privacy?
Max: In situations like this, we need to make exceptions
Lely: Then I guess I’m in
Luq: Glad that you accepted it. I managed to get Yascamer, though he being quite quiet
Lely: I suppose I should say what is in my room. In there, is a giant animal cage filled with the cutest animals
Yascamer: Me… have… race… maps…
Luq: Yascamer, I just want to say something. I know the death of your 2 best friends hurts a lot, but I’m the situation we are in, we have to adapt. We can’t spend our entire lives here depressed. We have to move last thisendeaths, and make them mere memories
Yascamer:Oh… ok
Lely: Anyway, let’s go to sleep

You messed up the letter color near the end? (Luq & Max)
F for Max the Talentless.

L for Mr. Talentless

(Insert 12th letter of the alphabet here)
As someone who knows nothing about the show or the games(or any anime)how much sense will the ending make?

The ending should make some sense, since it will follow up into a season 2 (won’t reveal what it is about yet)

The ending makes sense without a 10 minute explanation? Finally, something that doesn't make me feel stupid.

It should make sense to where ou don’t need a 10 minute/hour/day explanation

On behalf of other "dumb" people, much appreciated.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Episode 8 (Part 1): Additional house space

MonoBoi: Now that Master is dead, it is time for your talents.
Nudge, you are the ultimate mathematician.
Lely, you are the ultimate animal protector.
Yascamer, you are the ultimate racer.
Luq, you are the ultimate protector.
Bj, you are the ultimate caver.
Tyshawn, you are the ultimate park designer.
Parakoopa, you are the ultimate pilot.
Lemon, you are the ultimate gardener
Jey was the ultimate game developer
Toad was the ultimate royal servant.
Kris, you were the ultimate mayor
Max, you have no talent. The only reason you came is because Lely begged for peach to let you come

Max: I’m here because Lely begged me?
Lely: I did?
Ralsei: So max is a talentless loser. Surprised he has made it this far
Lely: Leave him alone!
Ralsei: You aren’t related to me so don’t boss me around!
Lely: So I should just let you be annoying?
Ralsei: Yeah. I can do what you want, so if you don’t want to get involved, then piss of
Max: Why are you like this
Toady: He probably wants to steal the attention I get from my pranks
Ralsei: HEY!!! I’m not an attention seeker!
Nudge: Let’s go back to our rooms. I’m tired
MonoBoi Already? It’s only 6:00pm. You still have 4 hours until you need to sleep
Nudge: Well I certainly will
MonoBoi: Well then, I guess I best tell you that I have opened up an extra room for each of you under your rooms. They also have an extra room for personal stuff
Nudge: I’ll make sure to check that out before I go to sleep
Ralsei: Honestly, same
Kris: Before we go, please may I say something?
Lemon: What would that be?
Kris: About how I was the ultimate mayor
MonoBoi: That’s because you got tired of everyone going to you for help, so you resigned
Ralsei: That doesn’t sound like a very good mayor to me
Kris: Wait, so if I no longer am that, then why was I invited?
MonoBoi: Since the population in the castle is significantly smaller
Parakoopa: Me, Bj, and Tyshawn will be investigating the new floor while you do that

Ralsei: Have fun checking your rooms everyone. I’m going to make sure to find a good weapon to deal with mr. talentless
Max: Why do you want to kill me?!
Ralsei: Because talentless people like you don’t belong here
Lely: Learn respect for once
Ralsei: Last time I tried that I fell asleep for a while week
Luq: Max, I want to speak to you later.
Max: Ok

Max: So, what did you want to speak to me about?
Luq: It’s about how your ‘talentless.’ While I might not be right, I feel like that was a lie to make sure another murder happens
Max: What do you mean?
Luq: It’s an attempt to mentally weaken you, making you susceptible to an attack, which will keep the killing game alive
Max: Honestly, the only problem I have with being talentless is Ralsei
Luq: Also, i have an idea to help prevent a murder
Max: What would that be?
Luq: We need to get everyone to reveal what there secret item/s are
Max: Ok. For me, it was just filled with snorlax statues
Luq: I had close ranged weapons[/colod]
[color=teal]Max: I’m going to try getting Lely to join. See you next time

Luq: I’ll try getting Yascamer, to make our group ‘The French Preventers’

Lely: Hi max. So, what to you want to talk about?
Max:  A group me and Luq made named ‘The French Preventers’ where we do what we can to prevent a killing from happening
Lely: Yes please. What do I need to do?
Max: Check everyone’s secret room
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. It is now 10pm. Paintings will no longer be usable unless leaving an area or going to bob-omb battlefield
Lely: Of course that got in our way… but anyway, isn’t that an invasion of privacy?
Max: In situations like this, we need to make exceptions
Lely: Then I guess I’m in
Luq: Glad that you accepted it. I managed to get Yascamer, though he being quite quiet
Lely: I suppose I should say what is in my room. In there, is a giant animal cage filled with the cutest animals
Yascamer: Me… have… race… maps…
Luq: Yascamer, I just want to say something. I know the death of your 2 best friends hurts a lot, but I’m the situation we are in, we have to adapt. We can’t spend our entire lives here depressed. We have to move last thisendeaths, and make them mere memories
Yascamer:Oh… ok
Lely: Anyway, let’s go to sleep

You messed up the letter color near the end? (Luq & Max)
F for Max the Talentless.

L for Mr. Talentless

(Insert 12th letter of the alphabet here)
As someone who knows nothing about the show or the games(or any anime)how much sense will the ending make?

The ending should make some sense, since it will follow up into a season 2 (won’t reveal what it is about yet)

The ending makes sense without a 10 minute explanation? Finally, something that doesn't make me feel stupid.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
Episode 8 (Part 1): Additional house space

MonoBoi: Now that Master is dead, it is time for your talents.
Nudge, you are the ultimate mathematician.
Lely, you are the ultimate animal protector.
Yascamer, you are the ultimate racer.
Luq, you are the ultimate protector.
Bj, you are the ultimate caver.
Tyshawn, you are the ultimate park designer.
Parakoopa, you are the ultimate pilot.
Lemon, you are the ultimate gardener
Jey was the ultimate game developer
Toad was the ultimate royal servant.
Kris, you were the ultimate mayor
Max, you have no talent. The only reason you came is because Lely begged for peach to let you come

Max: I’m here because Lely begged me?
Lely: I did?
Ralsei: So max is a talentless loser. Surprised he has made it this far
Lely: Leave him alone!
Ralsei: You aren’t related to me so don’t boss me around!
Lely: So I should just let you be annoying?
Ralsei: Yeah. I can do what you want, so if you don’t want to get involved, then piss of
Max: Why are you like this
Toady: He probably wants to steal the attention I get from my pranks
Ralsei: HEY!!! I’m not an attention seeker!
Nudge: Let’s go back to our rooms. I’m tired
MonoBoi Already? It’s only 6:00pm. You still have 4 hours until you need to sleep
Nudge: Well I certainly will
MonoBoi: Well then, I guess I best tell you that I have opened up an extra room for each of you under your rooms. They also have an extra room for personal stuff
Nudge: I’ll make sure to check that out before I go to sleep
Ralsei: Honestly, same
Kris: Before we go, please may I say something?
Lemon: What would that be?
Kris: About how I was the ultimate mayor
MonoBoi: That’s because you got tired of everyone going to you for help, so you resigned
Ralsei: That doesn’t sound like a very good mayor to me
Kris: Wait, so if I no longer am that, then why was I invited?
MonoBoi: Since the population in the castle is significantly smaller
Parakoopa: Me, Bj, and Tyshawn will be investigating the new floor while you do that

Ralsei: Have fun checking your rooms everyone. I’m going to make sure to find a good weapon to deal with mr. talentless
Max: Why do you want to kill me?!
Ralsei: Because talentless people like you don’t belong here
Lely: Learn respect for once
Ralsei: Last time I tried that I fell asleep for a while week
Luq: Max, I want to speak to you later.
Max: Ok

Max: So, what did you want to speak to me about?
Luq: It’s about how your ‘talentless.’ While I might not be right, I feel like that was a lie to make sure another murder happens
Max: What do you mean?
Luq: It’s an attempt to mentally weaken you, making you susceptible to an attack, which will keep the killing game alive
Max: Honestly, the only problem I have with being talentless is Ralsei
Luq: Also, i have an idea to help prevent a murder
Max: What would that be?
Luq: We need to get everyone to reveal what there secret item/s are
Max: Ok. For me, it was just filled with snorlax statues
Luq: I had close ranged weapons[/colod]
[color=teal]Max: I’m going to try getting Lely to join. See you next time

Luq: I’ll try getting Yascamer, to make our group ‘The French Preventers’

Lely: Hi max. So, what to you want to talk about?
Max:  A group me and Luq made named ‘The French Preventers’ where we do what we can to prevent a killing from happening
Lely: Yes please. What do I need to do?
Max: Check everyone’s secret room
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. It is now 10pm. Paintings will no longer be usable unless leaving an area or going to bob-omb battlefield
Lely: Of course that got in our way… but anyway, isn’t that an invasion of privacy?
Max: In situations like this, we need to make exceptions
Lely: Then I guess I’m in
Luq: Glad that you accepted it. I managed to get Yascamer, though he being quite quiet
Lely: I suppose I should say what is in my room. In there, is a giant animal cage filled with the cutest animals
Yascamer: Me… have… race… maps…
Luq: Yascamer, I just want to say something. I know the death of your 2 best friends hurts a lot, but I’m the situation we are in, we have to adapt. We can’t spend our entire lives here depressed. We have to move last thisendeaths, and make them mere memories
Yascamer:Oh… ok
Lely: Anyway, let’s go to sleep

You messed up the letter color near the end? (Luq & Max)
F for Max the Talentless.

L for Mr. Talentless

(Insert 12th letter of the alphabet here)
As someone who knows nothing about the show or the games(or any anime)how much sense will the ending make?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Episode 8 (Part 1): Additional house space

MonoBoi: Now that Master is dead, it is time for your talents.
Nudge, you are the ultimate mathematician.
Lely, you are the ultimate animal protector.
Yascamer, you are the ultimate racer.
Luq, you are the ultimate protector.
Bj, you are the ultimate caver.
Tyshawn, you are the ultimate park designer.
Parakoopa, you are the ultimate pilot.
Lemon, you are the ultimate gardener
Jey was the ultimate game developer
Toad was the ultimate royal servant.
Kris, you were the ultimate mayor
Max, you have no talent. The only reason you came is because Lely begged for peach to let you come

Max: I’m here because Lely begged me?
Lely: I did?
Ralsei: So max is a talentless loser. Surprised he has made it this far
Lely: Leave him alone!
Ralsei: You aren’t related to me so don’t boss me around!
Lely: So I should just let you be annoying?
Ralsei: Yeah. I can do what you want, so if you don’t want to get involved, then piss of
Max: Why are you like this
Toady: He probably wants to steal the attention I get from my pranks
Ralsei: HEY!!! I’m not an attention seeker!
Nudge: Let’s go back to our rooms. I’m tired
MonoBoi Already? It’s only 6:00pm. You still have 4 hours until you need to sleep
Nudge: Well I certainly will
MonoBoi: Well then, I guess I best tell you that I have opened up an extra room for each of you under your rooms. They also have an extra room for personal stuff
Nudge: I’ll make sure to check that out before I go to sleep
Ralsei: Honestly, same
Kris: Before we go, please may I say something?
Lemon: What would that be?
Kris: About how I was the ultimate mayor
MonoBoi: That’s because you got tired of everyone going to you for help, so you resigned
Ralsei: That doesn’t sound like a very good mayor to me
Kris: Wait, so if I no longer am that, then why was I invited?
MonoBoi: Since the population in the castle is significantly smaller
Parakoopa: Me, Bj, and Tyshawn will be investigating the new floor while you do that

Ralsei: Have fun checking your rooms everyone. I’m going to make sure to find a good weapon to deal with mr. talentless
Max: Why do you want to kill me?!
Ralsei: Because talentless people like you don’t belong here
Lely: Learn respect for once
Ralsei: Last time I tried that I fell asleep for a while week
Luq: Max, I want to speak to you later.
Max: Ok

Max: So, what did you want to speak to me about?
Luq: It’s about how your ‘talentless.’ While I might not be right, I feel like that was a lie to make sure another murder happens
Max: What do you mean?
Luq: It’s an attempt to mentally weaken you, making you susceptible to an attack, which will keep the killing game alive
Max: Honestly, the only problem I have with being talentless is Ralsei
Luq: Also, i have an idea to help prevent a murder
Max: What would that be?
Luq: We need to get everyone to reveal what there secret item/s are
Max: Ok. For me, it was just filled with snorlax statues
Luq: I had close ranged weapons[/colod]
[color=teal]Max: I’m going to try getting Lely to join. See you next time

Luq: I’ll try getting Yascamer, to make our group ‘The French Preventers’

Lely: Hi max. So, what to you want to talk about?
Max:  A group me and Luq made named ‘The French Preventers’ where we do what we can to prevent a killing from happening
Lely: Yes please. What do I need to do?
Max: Check everyone’s secret room
MonoBoi: Ding Dong. It is now 10pm. Paintings will no longer be usable unless leaving an area or going to bob-omb battlefield
Lely: Of course that got in our way… but anyway, isn’t that an invasion of privacy?
Max: In situations like this, we need to make exceptions
Lely: Then I guess I’m in
Luq: Glad that you accepted it. I managed to get Yascamer, though he being quite quiet
Lely: I suppose I should say what is in my room. In there, is a giant animal cage filled with the cutest animals
Yascamer: Me… have… race… maps…
Luq: Yascamer, I just want to say something. I know the death of your 2 best friends hurts a lot, but I’m the situation we are in, we have to adapt. We can’t spend our entire lives here depressed. We have to move last thisendeaths, and make them mere memories
Yascamer:Oh… ok
Lely: Anyway, let’s go to sleep

You messed up the letter color near the end? (Luq & Max)
F for Max the Talentless.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Is "begging" a typo, or just a  show thing?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Anyway, this probably has Scooby-Doo levels of random junk that make no sense a long the way but tuen works out at the vwry end or something, whivch I don't realy get.
Again with JRB, you can't sleep thete.

You perfectly described danganronpa and how the evidence only makes sense during the trial.
Also, who cares if you can’t sleep in Rolly Rodger Bay, it was worth a shot

It really is Ace Attorney huh
I guess they aren't many levels that are safe to sleep in anyway, except THI.
I'm gonna assume it's the person with the least dialogue.

How would they sleep on Tiny Huge Island when that’s later on in the castle (they only have access to the starting area) Also, @Lely, if you mean the SM64 Abbreviations, Then it’s jolly Rodger bay for JRB (and he was saying where could you sleep there?) and THI is Tiny Huge Island (Which is currently locked) and for the ‘light’ thing, that’s about how would Tyshawn not fall back down to peaches castle, and the other thing is about how the evidence doesn’t make sense until the case

LBLJ, Mips clip. You also didn't specify OG or DS, & there are about 5 different ways to upwarp from JRB to Bowser in the Sky. I'm not putting it past anyone at this point.

Just a reminder that they involve defying the laws of physics, which only Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and Wario are able to do (Modded characters don’t count)

I still woulsn't put it past anyone, as dumb as it is.
That kinda limits the normal ppl to the start area of basically every level, it'd be impossible yto reach the top of Whomp's or BBF, nowhere in JRB.
And Peach's Castle already defies the laws of physics obc entering the paintings is physically imposdible.
Anyway, I'll stop ruining your fun, although Toad is the only one having rn, somewhere, up there maybe, waiting for you guys to catch the killer.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lelyiren wrote:
I'm not getting any of what you guys are discussing about

Basically I don't know anything about this game, but applying flawed SM64 logic.
We can easily mark off Lely, if he fainted now he would've fainted when he killed him & would probably still be unconscious when they found Toad.

There is 1 more easy mark off, but for the other 7, wait until episode 4

Oh yea, Max can't even fit.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Anyway, this probably has Scooby-Doo levels of random junk that make no sense a long the way but tuen works out at the vwry end or something, whivch I don't realy get.
Again with JRB, you can't sleep thete.

You perfectly described danganronpa and how the evidence only makes sense during the trial.
Also, who cares if you can’t sleep in Rolly Rodger Bay, it was worth a shot

It really is Ace Attorney huh
I guess they aren't many levels that are safe to sleep in anyway, except THI.
I'm gonna assume it's the person with the least dialogue.

How would they sleep on Tiny Huge Island when that’s later on in the castle (they only have access to the starting area) Also, @Lely, if you mean the SM64 Abbreviations, Then it’s jolly Rodger bay for JRB (and he was saying where could you sleep there?) and THI is Tiny Huge Island (Which is currently locked) and for the ‘light’ thing, that’s about how would Tyshawn not fall back down to peaches castle, and the other thing is about how the evidence doesn’t make sense until the case

LBLJ, Mips clip. You also didn't specify OG or DS, & there are about 5 different ways to upwarp from JRB to Bowser in the Sky. I'm not putting it past anyone at this point.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Unless @Lelyiren is a good actor....
Anyway, enough of me disrupting/ruining your Fanfic. You guys(besides Nudge & Toadboiiii) may speculate in pieces, er, Peace.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lelyiren wrote:
I'm not getting any of what you guys are discussing about

Basically I don't know anything about this game, but applying flawed SM64 logic.
We can easily mark off Lely, if he fainted now he would've fainted when he killed him & would probably still be unconscious when they found Toad.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
Anyway, this probably has Scooby-Doo levels of random junk that make no sense a long the way but tuen works out at the vwry end or something, whivch I don't realy get.
Again with JRB, you can't sleep thete.

You perfectly described danganronpa and how the evidence only makes sense during the trial.
Also, who cares if you can’t sleep in Rolly Rodger Bay, it was worth a shot

It really is Ace Attorney huh
I guess they aren't many levels that are safe to sleep in anyway, except THI.
I'm gonna assume it's the person with the least dialogue.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Anyway, this probably has Scooby-Doo levels of random junk that make no sense a long the way but tuen works out at the vwry end or something, whivch I don't realy get.
Again with JRB, you can't sleep there.

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