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[Fanfic] MKPC Gore (Current: MKPC Revival)
On 2022-09-15 at 00:04:35
Does "light" mean Wing Cap Tower? Bc that starts midair & Tyshawn would fall to his death.
On 2022-09-14 at 23:58:13
Nudge: Congratulations toad. You’ve successfully gotten yourself killed
*Lely passes out*
Gamerlion: We need to help Lely
Nudge: No we don’t. You need to investigate the crime scene
Gamerlion: We cant just leave him. We need to do something
Nudge: Ok sure. I’ll do 2 things.
1.) I’ll go down the slide since I have need to let other people have importance (and I need to sleep)
2.) I’ll take Lely with me so that you shut up
Max: I’ve finally managed to fit through the chimney. So, where is toad… Oh. WHO DID IT?!?!?!
Luq: Can’t have been someone in whomps fortress, so that means it wasn’t Nudge, Ralsei, Toady or Gamerlion
Max: Gamerlion?
Ralsei: Gamerlion decided to join us in whomps fortress since he had finished his areas in Jolly Rodger Bay and he felt like we were the most in danger. Makes sense though, since none of us can be trusted
Toady: I can confirm for you that this is a lie
Luq: The only lie that was said was what you just said
Toady: That was what I was saying. What I said was a lie
Yascamer: That not make sense
Toady: By the way, what was that loud noise?
Luq: Please don’t change the subject
Lemon: Actually, I think we understood what was going on with the whomps fortress thing. The noise should be able to clear my group, since the only way in and out of Bob-omb battlefield was through a super load teleportation that can be heard all throughout peaches castle
Luq: I can confirm that I only heard this twice, though shouldn't this be saved for the class trial?
Max: Class trial?
MonoBoiiiii: Did I forget to mention this or did you just forget? There will be a class trial for every murder that happens. I’m the trial, you will have to figure out who the murderer, also known as, the blackened is. If you are wrong, then the blackened escapes and you all get executed, but if you catch the blackened, then only he gets executed
Max: You forgot and how did you know about this Luq?
Luq: Because this is too similar to Danganronpa
Max: Oh ok. Now, who else could be the killer?
Luq: Me, You, Lely, Tyshawn, Parakoopa, Jey, Yascamer, Bj and Toad
Kris: How could toad be the killer, he is the literal victim
Ralsei: Probably killed himself lol
Max: Ralsei, don’t joke about that. This is a very serious thing
Ralsei: I’m sorry for having an idea. Should I also do my idea?
Max: NO!!! Now, I think we should move some people around to different places. We will go in pairs, plus one 3. I will stay here with Yascamer, and Luq can protect Nudge and Lely at the bottom. That leaves 10 people for 5 more places
Bj: Me and master can investigate jolly Rodger bay
Jey: I guess I can go to the secret slide with Gamerlion
Ralsei: I will investigate outside in Cool Cool mountain with Toady
Lemon: I think it would be better for Toady to go with me in the secret aquarium, and Kris with you
Ralsei: Fine
Parakoopa: That leaves me and Tyshawn in the light
Max: So, now that everyone has left, let’s start with the body
Yascamer: The mushroom is off, and it no have blood
Max: Strange. I would have expected more than just a removed mushroom. However, I have noticed that part of the wood contains a hole
Yascamer: The killer probably struggled with the victim. The hole would be good search place
Max: There seems to be a big rock in there. Maybe this was meant to be the murder weapon
Yascamer: Probably. These seems to be lack of evidence now
Master: It seems like Jolly Rodger Bay doesn’t have evidence
Jey: The slide is useless
Toady: With that evidence, we can come to the conclusion that Bj did it
Ralsei: The only info here is the chimney that broke when max went through it
Tyshawn: I guess i got scared for no reason
Monoboiiiii: DING!!! DONG!!! It is time for you to head over to the entrance door, and go through it
Nudge: So, any good evidence?
Toady: Bj did it
Bj: Why the random accusation?
Lely: Please stop arguing and just head through the door
They all went through the door, and discovered that it was an elevator to the Class Trial Court
I'm with Ralsei, dude killed himself.
In all seriousness, you'd have to be a fucking genius to sneak a rock into CCM without being spotted. Everyone is goona die. R.I.P.

On 2022-09-11 at 14:30:14
Nudge: So, where are we meant to sleep?
Lely:How about we sleep in… I don’t know. We should search different paintings
Nudge: I’m going to check whomps fortress with Ralsei and Toady
Max: Lely and I will be checking cool cool mountain
Toad: I’ll check the slide there
Yascamer: Me will check jolly Rodger bay with Jey and gamerlion
Lemon: I guess I will stay here with Kris and Master
luq: I guess I’ll check the light in the main hall
Parakoopa: I’ll be checking the slide
Tyshawn: Aw man. I wanted to check the slide
Parakoopa: Well it would be a good place for me so I can check up high. Actually, what is in the light?
Luq: It seems to be the sky
Max: Logic
Parakoopa: Wouldn’t it make more sense for me to be in the sky since I can fly?
Max: Logic
Ralsei: Shut up max
Lely: Don’t tell max to shut up for no reason
Nudge: He was being annoying, like you on a daily basis
Lely: Leave me alone. What did I do to you?
Nudge: Be a human unfortunate enough to be in my life
Lely: What do you have against humans? You’re literally half human.
Nudge: Half humans, aren’t full humans, so a half human, half bunny like me doesn’t count
Lely: #TousHumains
Nudge: #NonHumains
Max: Could you two stop fighting?
Lely: We aren’t
Nudge: nO. We aREn’T fIgHTiNg. Stop saying that every time. And max, you are the one who caused this fight so shut up
Lely: Don’t blame max for what you did
Nudge: Nice joke. Max caused the argument, Ralsei responded to what he said and you answered back at him, turning it into an argument. In no way did I cause it.
Luq: Nudge, we get it. You think your a great person…
Ralsei: Self centered Hampter
Lely: Nudge, please stop, and Ralsei, what do you mean by Hampter?
Ralsei: Nudge told me that it is the combination of a rabbit and a hamster. So he is half human, quarter rabbit, and quarter hamster
Bj: So he’s mainly human
Nudge: HEY!!! NO I’M NOT!!!
Bj: I’m not stupid, I can tell that it means you are mostly human
Bj: I’m sure this will be a waste of time, but fine
Lely: No thank you
Nudge: I care more about the buzzy beetle’s opinion than your’s, so let me explain.
It all started when a rabbit had sex with a hamster
Lely: too much information
Nudge: Be quiet, no one asked for you to speak. Then, my dad, a human, had sex with the hampter
Lely: Me and max will be going now, since I don’t like this conversation
Max: It’s not even that bad but ok
Nudge: Now for the part why I hate humans, which is because my dad ate my mum (Before someone asks, both my parents are actually still alive)
Bj: Sorry but I really don’t care. I think I’m just going to go to the aquarium
Parakoopa: I’m going to go into the light now
Tyshawn: That means I can check the slide
Jey: My group will be heading off now. Bye
luq So that leaves me checking that room in the corner… Wait, it’s locked
Nudge: Just wait in here and make sure nobody leaves there area
Luq: Sounds good
Toady: I guess mine and the other group shall start checking now. See you later
Kris: Might as well, since there is no point standing around in here
Master: Who put glue on the door?
Kris: Probably Toady, knowing him
Lemon: So, how will we get in?
MonoBoi: It would appear that someone asked a question I have an answer to
Master: What is the answer?
MonoBoi: Teleportation. I will teleport you in, and then teleport you out when you want to. Sadly, it does make a really annoying noise that can be heard all around the castle, but if you ignore it, things should be fine
Kris: This sounds stupid, but it’s the best thing we’ve got
*1 hour of investigating later*
Lely: So did anyone find a place to sleep, so that we don’t have to kill each-other?
Gamerlion: Before that, shouldn’t we wait for toad?
Nudge: What about looking for him? That would be better since it would take into account the potential chance of him being murdered
Luq: That seems a bit early for a danganronpa character.
Lely: there is no way he would be dead. Maybe he just got lost
Max; We still need to check, since even if he is alive, at least we know he is safe. He said we was going to the cool cool mountain slide, so let’s go there
Lely: We’ve made it here, so I guess he should just be down there trying to find a way out?
Nudge: Stop being optimistic. Im going in to see if he is dead.
Lely: Leave me alone
They all jumped down, and witnessed, the true horror, of looking at a dead body
The only problem I have? No LBLJ, 0/10.
And sleeping in JRB? Questionable.
On 2022-09-10 at 01:19:31
Prediction : Max will end me
I think you got that backwards
I'm not killing anyone, or else I'm leaving
I was just joking. Even if you did, it'd probably be an accident. Like Max tried to kill you but he was so slow that you had time to defend yourself & decapitated him in fear. I don't know, I've never played the games. I didn't even know a show existed.
11037 moment
Don't know what that means, but okay.
Its a reference to the first case, where the killer (11037) kills the victim after the victim tries to kill them. I’m not saying who the actual characters are, incase you want to play the game, but what you described is like that (although why would max try to kill Lely? Wouldn’t he be the one person garunteed who wouldn’t)
I said Max kill Lely bc that's what Lely said originally. I can't really see Max dying, dudes a Pokemon.
On 2022-09-09 at 22:55:42
Oh no, he's back at it...
Who? Toadboiii?
On 2022-09-09 at 22:41:51
Prediction : Max will end me
I think you got that backwards
I'm not killing anyone, or else I'm leaving
I was just joking. Even if you did, it'd probably be an accident. Like Max tried to kill you but he was so slow that you had time to defend yourself & decapitated him in fear. I don't know, I've never played the games. I didn't even know a show existed.
11037 moment
Don't know what that means, but okay.
On 2022-09-09 at 22:37:42
Prediction : Max will end me
I think you got that backwards
I'm not killing anyone, or else I'm leaving
I was just joking. Even if you did, it'd probably be an accident. Like Max tried to kill you but he was so slow that you had time to defend yourself & decapitated him in fear. I don't know, I've never played the games. I didn't even know a show existed.
On 2022-09-09 at 22:24:58
Prediction : Max will end me
I think you got that backwards

On 2022-08-19 at 16:00:48
EDIT: I apologize for mentioning you know what but I can't think of a single other social deduction game, & saying that sounds incredibly boring.
No its based on dangonronpa, a game where 16 students are trapped in a school and the only way to get out is to get away with murder
On 2022-08-19 at 15:26:10
Is this the Ace Attorney Among __ mix game?
EDIT: I apologize for mentioning you know what but I can't think of a single other social deduction game, & saying that sounds incredibly boring.
EDIT: I apologize for mentioning you know what but I can't think of a single other social deduction game, & saying that sounds incredibly boring.
Make more tracks MKPC
On 2023-01-05 at 12:49:35
Please make more tracks and styles for tracks. So far the only tracks are from Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart Super Circuit, and Mario Kart DS. I know it's probably file size but that doesn't count. Make more game styles or I will be bored of the game already.
That's what Complete Mode is for. Quick mode can't be quick with overconfused 3D maps like N64 & GCN ones. At that point, you should just use complete mode. It's not overly difficult.

Do You think the Nintendo GameCube was a Bad Console?
On 2023-01-10 at 00:08:31
Turns out Kirby Air Ride was developed in 4 months. It feels weird to compare this & Melee's dev time to something like Kirby GCN, which was delayed for, what, 11 years? Lol
h u h ?
Return to Dreamland? That game? Yeah, it took a while.....
No, air ride
Oh, I thought you meant the 11 years thing. My bad.
Air Ride is a surprising solid game for 4 months though. I hope Sakurai continues to tell us things we shouldn't know on Youtube.
On 2023-01-09 at 23:57:25
Turns out Kirby Air Ride was developed in 4 months. It feels weird to compare this & Melee's dev time to something like Kirby GCN, which was delayed for, what, 11 years? Lol
h u h ?
Return to Dreamland? That game? Yeah, it took a while.....
On 2023-01-09 at 21:48:49
Turns out Kirby Air Ride was developed in 4 months. It feels weird to compare this & Melee's dev time to something like Kirby GCN, which was delayed for, what, 11 years? Lol
On 2023-01-09 at 01:44:06
1: Some fine games like Metroid Prime, Luigi Mansion, Double Dash, Melee, Sunshine, PIKMIN
2: Released the most Toxic fanbases in Nintendo history(TTYD, Melee)
3: Sold like shit & killed off a bunch of old stuff like F-ZERO in the process.
I'd say it was primarily bad, because you can play basically ALL GCN games on your Wii, which was a much better console, & didn't have as many toxic fans tied to it.
Bad Gamecube, good 1/2 Wii
Yeah the selling was addressed in the original topic though and saying Luigi’s Mansion is a fine game is a understatement. Other than that I agree
I used fine to describe all the games, not individually.
Honestly, extremely unpopular opinion alert, but I HATE Mario Sunshine. Given, I've only played it on Switch with Mario 3D All-Stars, but in that version I find the controls unintuitive (except the camera), the level design terrible and oh my god the DIFFICULTY! You could say "skill issue" but I've 100%'d Kirby forgor the land, Mario Odyssey, Galaxy, MK8D and Splatoon 3, which speaking of Splatoon is a very similar game to SMS. Literally Splat 3 has a boss fight from Sunshine. Yet I struggle way, WAY more over in Sunshine than I ever did in Splatoon 3 OR 2.
Anyway that took forever to type lol, what do you guys think about this?
I don't think Sunshine is a bad game, & most Gamecube games were very rushed. Melee was made in 18 months. I like the difficulty, although it's got some ugly bosses, which is what stops me everytime I try to play a PIKMIN game.
On 2023-01-08 at 20:07:37
The back-compat to Wii kinda killed it, although it was already dead anyway. And even though playing GBA games was a plus, you needed to own a GBA. You can't really count that as a Gamecube thing.
It's also interesting to note that EVERY direct sequel console undersells the prior one, so the lower sales isn't entirely a Gamecube/WiiU issue. Not one console has escaped this, & I doubt Switch 2 will be any different.
It's also interesting to note that EVERY direct sequel console undersells the prior one, so the lower sales isn't entirely a Gamecube/WiiU issue. Not one console has escaped this, & I doubt Switch 2 will be any different.
On 2023-01-08 at 20:04:00
1: Some fine games like Metroid Prime, Luigi Mansion, Double Dash, Melee, Sunshine, PIKMIN
2: Released the most Toxic fanbases in Nintendo history(TTYD, Melee)
3: Sold like shit & killed off a bunch of old stuff like F-ZERO in the process.
I'd say it was primarily bad, because you can play basically ALL GCN games on your Wii, which was a much better console, & didn't have as many toxic fans tied to it.
Bad Gamecube, good 1/2 Wii
Yeah the selling was addressed in the original topic though and saying Luigi’s Mansion is a fine game is a understatement. Other than that I agree
I used fine to describe all the games, not individually.
On 2023-01-08 at 19:59:06
GCN is both good & bad.
1: Some fine games like Metroid Prime, Luigi Mansion, Double Dash, Melee, Sunshine, PIKMIN
2: Released the most Toxic fanbases in Nintendo history(TTYD, Melee)
3: Sold like shit & killed off a bunch of old stuff like F-ZERO in the process.
I'd say it was primarily bad, because you can play basically ALL GCN games on your Wii, which was a much better console, & didn't have as many toxic fans tied to it. It was completely invalidated when Wii launched, which doesn't really happen in Nintendo's consoles often, not to this extent atleast.
Bad Gamecube, good 1/2 Wii
1: Some fine games like Metroid Prime, Luigi Mansion, Double Dash, Melee, Sunshine, PIKMIN
2: Released the most Toxic fanbases in Nintendo history(TTYD, Melee)
3: Sold like shit & killed off a bunch of old stuff like F-ZERO in the process.
I'd say it was primarily bad, because you can play basically ALL GCN games on your Wii, which was a much better console, & didn't have as many toxic fans tied to it. It was completely invalidated when Wii launched, which doesn't really happen in Nintendo's consoles often, not to this extent atleast.
Bad Gamecube, good 1/2 Wii

A topic about names
On 2023-01-08 at 13:15:15
Mine is a summer camp thing
The first year I went we had one of THOSE teachers.
She tried motivating us by getting us to find an adjective to describe ourselves that also started with whatever letter was the first in our name....
Turns out that Kind is the only K adjective the 3 of us K-s could think of, so we had to get crafty(she said she wouldn't start teaching until we all had our own) & there you have it. Kay isn't my full name admittedly, but who cares about that part?
The 68 is obv, & the DX is just deluxe.
The first year I went we had one of THOSE teachers.
She tried motivating us by getting us to find an adjective to describe ourselves that also started with whatever letter was the first in our name....
Turns out that Kind is the only K adjective the 3 of us K-s could think of, so we had to get crafty(she said she wouldn't start teaching until we all had our own) & there you have it. Kay isn't my full name admittedly, but who cares about that part?
The 68 is obv, & the DX is just deluxe.
¡Wii Rainbow Road coming to Mario kart tour !
On 2023-01-05 at 12:42:42
¡Wii Rainbow Road coming to Mario kart Tour
It was never in doubt. Now we can get so fricking battle courses, thank god it's over.