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how to get all characters
On 2022-12-18 at 15:26:48
So, basically:
Gold in every base cup
Gold in a bunch of custom track cups.
Gold in every base cup
Gold in a bunch of custom track cups.

Favorite Mario Kart stage
On 2022-05-14 at 15:00:42
SNES: Bowser Castle 3
N64: Choco Mountain
GBA: Cheeseland
GCN: Dino Dino Jungle
DS: Mario Circuit
Wii: Toad's Factory
3DS: Neo Bowser City
WiiU: Shy Guy Falls
Tour: Vancouver Velocity
N64: Choco Mountain
GBA: Cheeseland
GCN: Dino Dino Jungle
DS: Mario Circuit
Wii: Toad's Factory
3DS: Neo Bowser City
WiiU: Shy Guy Falls
Tour: Vancouver Velocity
music sharing
On 2022-10-22 at 20:01:44

He's Back...
On 2022-12-05 at 20:07:41
And even if he has yor location & stuff like that, & threatened it, & you have a lot of proof.... how long would he go to jail? It depends on the laws where you live I guess. He'd probably get fined for the personal info access for sure, but if he hasn't attempted anything physical/in person thing yet, they'd probably brush it off as idle threats & close it. I hope the Irish police system is better than mine. Hope you 2 get through this.
Probably like 2 MONTHS IN JAIL
I struggle to think what else he can do...

Okay, I take that back. If he is actually serious about that then yeah. They'd probably believe things more if it's a multi-person report. Maybe an over agressive mother to make them want to get it other with, if you have any on hand. A community effort, if you will.
How did you even meet this guy again? Does he live nearby or something? He sounds a tad deranged.
He IS deranged, but he doesn't live near me.
And as for his mother, apparently she slaps his siblings but treats him LIKE GOLD EVEN TO THE POINT OF BEING OBLIVIOUS TO HIS ACTIONS.
I didn't mean his mother, I meant that if one of you(group) has one of those stand-by-you family members who can get the police to take you seriously, pr overly irritate them in the process so they look into it.
Still don't think he would get life for that, but maybe a couple years will do him some good.
On 2022-12-05 at 18:49:13
And even if he has yor location & stuff like that, & threatened it, & you have a lot of proof.... how long would he go to jail? It depends on the laws where you live I guess. He'd probably get fined for the personal info access for sure, but if he hasn't attempted anything physical/in person thing yet, they'd probably brush it off as idle threats & close it. I hope the Irish police system is better than mine. Hope you 2 get through this.
Probably like 2 MONTHS IN JAIL
I struggle to think what else he can do...

Okay, I take that back. If he is actually serious about that then yeah. They'd probably believe things more if it's a multi-person report. Maybe an over agressive mother to make them want to get it other with, if you have any on hand. A community effort, if you will.
How did you even meet this guy again? Does he live nearby or something? He sounds a tad deranged.
On 2022-12-05 at 16:33:32

Good Lord... Prayin' for yeh.
And also FieryToad68 is right. The police are there to help, death penalty or no, they can stop this person.
Yeah, but I'm just thinking about the fact that nobody believed me at first...
If my own friends didn't, then how can I expect the police to?
I understand you know
And this isn't a case of Stockholm's Syndrome
Why would I think you could cope when a guy has your IP?
I'm not saying that
It's just I've got to try to do something at least
He won't go down without a fight
Also, the police in my area don't get ANYTHING FUCKING DONE AT ALL.
Those police really need to do something, it's just fucking bullshit, just call the police! It's for your safety
Nah, I'm being serious though. There was a serial killer in my area and the police did NOTHING.
Those police sound extremely useless. If they don't do anything about a serial killer then there is no chance of anything happening over a stalker threatening rape and murder. I hope the justice system stamps people like this out and locks them away for life. Make sure your parents and family know of this though.
Do people get life in jail for threatening someone in Europe? He hasn't exactly attempted anything physical, just being rude & intimidating. And hacking, which is probably a small fine at most.

On 2022-12-05 at 13:38:50
Kinda sounds like a police thing, but if the police in Europe are incompetent, I have no clue what's gonna happen here.
And even if he has yor location & stuff like that, & threatened it, & you have a lot of proof.... how long would he go to jail? It depends on the laws where you live I guess. He'd probably get fined for the personal info access for sure, but if he hasn't attempted anything physical/in person thing yet, they'd probably brush it off as idle threats & close it. I hope the Irish police system is better than mine. Hope you 2 get through this.
And even if he has yor location & stuff like that, & threatened it, & you have a lot of proof.... how long would he go to jail? It depends on the laws where you live I guess. He'd probably get fined for the personal info access for sure, but if he hasn't attempted anything physical/in person thing yet, they'd probably brush it off as idle threats & close it. I hope the Irish police system is better than mine. Hope you 2 get through this.
What is your favourite video game? (other than Mario)
On 2022-12-05 at 13:21:17
Well, personally,
KOF11 on Sundays
Triple Deluxe on Mondays
Splatoon 3 on Tuesdays
Galaxy 2 on Wednesdays
Ultimate on Thursdays
Metroid Fusion on Fridays
Tropical Freeze on Saturdays
Xenoblade 3 when I'm in trouble, or will be in a few minutes.
KOF11 on Sundays
Triple Deluxe on Mondays
Splatoon 3 on Tuesdays
Galaxy 2 on Wednesdays
Ultimate on Thursdays
Metroid Fusion on Fridays
Tropical Freeze on Saturdays
Xenoblade 3 when I'm in trouble, or will be in a few minutes.

on behalf of chucks, id like to say i am sorry/
On 2022-12-06 at 14:47:32
What have I missed? Genuinely confused.
A message from chucks.
On 2022-12-06 at 17:10:58
Whatever his thread is, I hope it's an apology for...whatever he did on Discord.
Otherwise it'll make a great copypasta.
Otherwise it'll make a great copypasta.
On 2022-12-06 at 17:03:54
See you soon

Why is he announcing his return? Is his ban ending soon or something?
This reads like a TV villain message, personally.

Mario Movie 2nd Trailer Reaction
On 2022-12-05 at 13:27:35
As usual, the French voices are messed up and out of character, but Toad's voice in English is adorable, Peach's voice is surprisingly strong, it's nice to see she's finally standing up for herself.
Peach’s voice can be better on Rosalina.
It looks like Rosalina’s voice in Mario Kart Wii/Super Mario Galaxy.
Apparently, Daisy, Rosalina, Wario and Waluigi will not appear in the movie
I am pretty sure Charles is cameoing, & since there is a desert right there & apparently a Daisy name drop in the film suggests Wario will be there atleast.
And yeah Rosa won't be here, that's another timeline(s) completely.
Exactly, Charles Martinet’s voice will appear in the movie at a moment. Nintendo says it in the Nintendo Direct of the Movie.
Poor Rosalina… She appears in so much games… But maybe the Illumination studios make a Cameo
Look at this image :
Do you see a Mario character except Mario and Luigi ?
No ?
So, look at that now :
You see ?
Yes, it is Pauline, with her Mario Odyssey outfit.
She’s talking to a real person.
She looks like a Disney Princess
It is the origin story after all, no surprizes there. I said no Rosa because G2 is a just a story book & the universe literally ended in G1, she probably had to sack herself & the Lumas to bring it back. Aka she died.
I didn't notice Pauline though, thx for that, still a cool reference.

On 2022-12-04 at 13:30:19
As usual, the French voices are messed up and out of character, but Toad's voice in English is adorable, Peach's voice is surprisingly strong, it's nice to see she's finally standing up for herself.
Peach has always been like that tho.......
On 2022-12-04 at 13:29:18
As usual, the French voices are messed up and out of character, but Toad's voice in English is adorable, Peach's voice is surprisingly strong, it's nice to see she's finally standing up for herself.
Peach’s voice can be better on Rosalina.
It looks like Rosalina’s voice in Mario Kart Wii/Super Mario Galaxy.
Apparently, Daisy, Rosalina, Wario and Waluigi will not appear in the movie
I am pretty sure Charles is cameoing, & since there is a desert right there & apparently a Daisy name drop in the film suggests Wario will be there atleast.
And yeah Rosa won't be here, that's another timeline(s) completely.
On 2022-11-27 at 23:31:08
this forum should be shown to the entire world so they can know people do this stuff to people and make them feel unsafe.
It would also get the entire site shut down. Just saying.
Also, those things don't really reach as far as one might think, since there happening about every 11 seconds, multiple places on the planet, simultaneously.
I am officially the first person to
On 2022-11-17 at 22:35:30
Watch the entire Flintstones series
No shot, that's literally impossible.
Well im doing it
im almost at the 1st season finale
Your gonna get burned out pretty fast I bet.
On 2022-11-17 at 15:18:03
Watch the entire Flintstones series
No shot, that's literally impossible.

FIFA World Cup - Qatar 2022
On 2022-11-24 at 13:14:12
We've got alot of underdog wins off the bat this time. The other countries starting to catch up, just like ICC...
Still think Brazil's got this one in the bag though.
Still think Brazil's got this one in the bag though.
On 2022-11-21 at 19:48:57
Y'know, I want Croatia to win this time. Must be nice to be able to support your home country though. I don't get why Brazil has a free pass group, but eh, whatever.
¡Mario kart 8 Deluxe Booster course pass wave 3 official trailer! !!!
On 2022-11-27 at 13:41:40
encontré un clip de 1 segundo de un gameplay de merry mountain de la wave 3 en Youtube Video call Mario kart 8 Deluxe Wave 3 gameplay snippet.
Why would anyone do that as a video? The JP sight has the 18s gameplay trailers for each track. Sounds like a free clickbait video.