Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
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What was your first Mario Kart?
On 2022-05-08 at 17:58:12
You need to be warned.
On 2022-09-12 at 00:59:31
Living in 1st/2nd world countries must suck.
SWITCH_User and XBOX_User - Ask us anything
On 2022-09-10 at 18:53:00
Why do you have separate accounts? I'm pretty sure that you can log in on both.

On 2022-09-04 at 18:13:56
Do you prefer Switch or Xbox X/S more?
Alert maaaaa Inc is back (I know it's usless)
On 2022-09-11 at 18:45:47
Of all the days he came back, it had to be today.
What do you mean?
American tragedy.
Sounds suspicious enough.
Between Inc & TDAD, we're going to have a lot message & track spam. Brace yourselves.

il l'é enfin de retour / es finally back
On 2022-09-11 at 18:47:16
rayman WHAT
What does this message mean?
On 2022-09-11 at 14:41:50
regardé cette vidéo
watch this video
ma réaction
my react
sa fe sais très longtemps que j'attend que rayman fais de retour
that was a long time i waiting for rayman return
This'll be his last appearance for 20 more years, you better buy the game.
What is your favourite Mario Kart game?
On 2022-09-10 at 14:06:56
My rough ranking (since I haven’t played 7, 64, DD and SC (sort of) properly.
8.)64: Boring tracks that are designed poorly, like rainbow road and choco mountain (just to name a couple)
7.)DS: Like 64, has a load of boring tracks, like Waluigi Painball, and figure 8 circuit
6.)7: Don’t have anything to say.
5.)SMK: The original, yet has some interesting tracks, and on multiplayer it even adds amps to all the tracks to increase challenge
4.)SC: A step up from the original, adding many new track themes to 2D MK, like desert and Sky, while still keeping the tracks fun
3.)DD: The best out of the games I haven’t played, and has my favourite soundtrack in the series, including bangers like Baby Park and Bowser’s Castle. I may have put it higher if I had actually played it though
2.)Wii: My first Mario kart game, and I know I had a lot of fun trying out all the shortcuts. Haven’t payed it for a while though, but I do plan on playing it again. Also, YOU’VE JSUT BEEN COCONUT MALL’D
1.)8: Renegade Roundup
8.)64: Boring tracks that are designed poorly, like rainbow road and choco mountain (just to name a couple)
7.)DS: Like 64, has a load of boring tracks, like Waluigi Painball, and figure 8 circuit
6.)7: Don’t have anything to say.
5.)SMK: The original, yet has some interesting tracks, and on multiplayer it even adds amps to all the tracks to increase challenge
4.)SC: A step up from the original, adding many new track themes to 2D MK, like desert and Sky, while still keeping the tracks fun
3.)DD: The best out of the games I haven’t played, and has my favourite soundtrack in the series, including bangers like Baby Park and Bowser’s Castle. I may have put it higher if I had actually played it though
2.)Wii: My first Mario kart game, and I know I had a lot of fun trying out all the shortcuts. Haven’t payed it for a while though, but I do plan on playing it again. Also, YOU’VE JSUT BEEN COCONUT MALL’D
1.)8: Renegade Roundup
We can't be Coconut Mall'd because you spelt it wrong.

What's with the 7 disrespect?
Where did I spell it wrong?
You've jsut been Coconut Mall'd
On 2022-09-10 at 13:49:42
In any case:
15. Arcade GP VR
14: Arcade GP
13: Live Home Circuit
12: Super Mario Kart
11: Arcade GP 2
10: Arcade GP DX
9: Super Circuit
8: Mario Kart DS
7. Mario Kart 64
6: Mario Kart Double Dash
5: Mario Kart 8
4: Mario Kart Wii
3: Mario Kart Tour
2: Mario Kart 7
1: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
15. Arcade GP VR
14: Arcade GP
13: Live Home Circuit
12: Super Mario Kart
11: Arcade GP 2
10: Arcade GP DX
9: Super Circuit
8: Mario Kart DS
7. Mario Kart 64
6: Mario Kart Double Dash
5: Mario Kart 8
4: Mario Kart Wii
3: Mario Kart Tour
2: Mario Kart 7
1: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
On 2022-09-10 at 13:45:27
My rough ranking (since I haven’t played 7, 64, DD and SC (sort of) properly.
8.)64: Boring tracks that are designed poorly, like rainbow road and choco mountain (just to name a couple)
7.)DS: Like 64, has a load of boring tracks, like Waluigi Painball, and figure 8 circuit
6.)7: Don’t have anything to say.
5.)SMK: The original, yet has some interesting tracks, and on multiplayer it even adds amps to all the tracks to increase challenge
4.)SC: A step up from the original, adding many new track themes to 2D MK, like desert and Sky, while still keeping the tracks fun
3.)DD: The best out of the games I haven’t played, and has my favourite soundtrack in the series, including bangers like Baby Park and Bowser’s Castle. I may have put it higher if I had actually played it though
2.)Wii: My first Mario kart game, and I know I had a lot of fun trying out all the shortcuts. Haven’t payed it for a while though, but I do plan on playing it again. Also, YOU’VE JSUT BEEN COCONUT MALL’D
1.)8: Renegade Roundup
8.)64: Boring tracks that are designed poorly, like rainbow road and choco mountain (just to name a couple)
7.)DS: Like 64, has a load of boring tracks, like Waluigi Painball, and figure 8 circuit
6.)7: Don’t have anything to say.
5.)SMK: The original, yet has some interesting tracks, and on multiplayer it even adds amps to all the tracks to increase challenge
4.)SC: A step up from the original, adding many new track themes to 2D MK, like desert and Sky, while still keeping the tracks fun
3.)DD: The best out of the games I haven’t played, and has my favourite soundtrack in the series, including bangers like Baby Park and Bowser’s Castle. I may have put it higher if I had actually played it though
2.)Wii: My first Mario kart game, and I know I had a lot of fun trying out all the shortcuts. Haven’t payed it for a while though, but I do plan on playing it again. Also, YOU’VE JSUT BEEN COCONUT MALL’D
1.)8: Renegade Roundup
We can't be Coconut Mall'd because you spelt it wrong.

What's with the 7 disrespect?
the dark corruption (story)
On 2022-09-09 at 22:49:00
Well, it only seemed like it. In reality, the missing character (Jigglypuff in this case) had become corrupted by, well I don't know.
Also I forgot to mention the whole SSBM cast was there (minus Dr. Mario, and 11 more.)
So the panic continued. They were afraid the corrupted character would remove them from existence. The "Corrupters" cast was using the Glow Baby Yoshi to make more corruption versions and put them in the real thing.
There are 39 characters remaining. Together, they will save Nintendo from destruction!
If it's the Nintenhub, EVERY Nintendo character would be there or nearby.
Ok, I have a question.
On 2022-09-09 at 22:40:37
@TheNudgyHampter, @Ralsei, @Lely or @MaxBros, but just as a relatively big part of the community? I want your honest answer.
Do you guys consider me a legitimate part of the community? Not on the same level as, for example, I mean, yeah. Better than some of the older members like TDADFELKER who is currently at it again on ANOTHER alt account.

A warning
On 2022-09-09 at 22:16:11
1. WHy are you telling those guys MKPC exists ? 
2. They can't know our color skin
3. What does VC have to do with perverts

2. They can't know our color skin
3. What does VC have to do with perverts
I mean, they can guess bc of what someones pfp is. That's usually a good representation of what you like, & it's pretty easy to guess from there.
I understand why people missed me for a girl, I just used girl pfps lol
Also, if the person is Korean-racist, I'm basically in shit xD
I'll ask Penis. (sorry)
Hey, let's lock this topic and stop talking about it. You wanred us, people are now aware and reacted, it's now useless and pretty disgusting
Lely triggered by a single word? Yes I know it's disgusting but

On 2022-09-09 at 22:12:13
1. WHy are you telling those guys MKPC exists ? 
2. They can't know our color skin
3. What does VC have to do with perverts

2. They can't know our color skin
3. What does VC have to do with perverts
I mean, they can guess bc of what someones pfp is. That's usually a good representation of what you like, & it's pretty easy to guess from there.

On 2022-09-09 at 22:08:42
1. Why did you tell him
2. How did even encounter this guy
3. He's not gonna be able to know anyone's skin color irl unless he knows someone personally, or jumps to conclysions based on the country flag we have up.
there two diffrent people. the perv is Salam. And I found him on the laziest moderation site ever...
The racist whoever still can't tell what colour our skin is, unless your flag is a dead give away, like mine.
He says he is from philly, and he is white. Oh great, Who knows he may be a Cracke*
Also most onlines games have a bunch of toxic players. You should be more careful in the future.
On 2022-09-09 at 22:06:38
1. Why did you tell him
2. How did even encounter this guy
3. He's not gonna be able to know anyone's skin color irl unless he knows someone personally, or jumps to conclysions based on the country flag we have up.
there two diffrent people. the perv is Salam. And I found him on the laziest moderation site ever...
The racist whoever still can't tell what colour our skin is, unless your flag is a dead give away, like mine.
On 2022-09-09 at 22:03:54
1. Why did you tell him
2. How did even encounter this guy
3. He's not gonna be able to know anyone's skin color irl unless he knows someone personally, or jumps to conclysions based on the country flag we have up.
I need an idea
On 2022-07-08 at 21:00:09
I haven't clicked on it, but I can tell you right now, you'll need to be creative to make this fit any track.
Track Contest
On 2022-08-26 at 14:38:40
You can't give points to no one, just scrap the whole thing.

Mario Kart Quiz
On 2022-06-23 at 23:53:59
Who exactly is asking the question again?