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/!\ Advent Calendar 2024

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Now I see why You never choose My Challenges. You guys hate Me. You hate everything I make and think it's boring and bad.

Main character syndrome
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
when will you make an official CTGP From the website
It's time to run on Christmas tracks

This is not the time or place for that bro

How Many Mario Kart Games Have You Played?

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
All but Super Circuit & 64 at some point

And also not the Arcades or Live Home Circuit

I'm so goated, RE

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Y'all really love Decavitator huh

Nice clips

Cool Update Ideas.

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Kartist_IC wrote:
Here's my update idea:
Spoiler [ShowHide]
(unused powerup alert 8) ):

The Giga Mushroom

- 1.5x as speedy as the Mega Mushroom
- Makes player bigger than Mega Mushroom
- Stuns others for longer
- Larger Hitbox
Cons and counterbalance:
- Lasts shorter
- Rarer
- Fake Item blocks end effect instantly
- As slow as a poison-mushroomed user when riding on offroad.


I like the idea of using unused items, but this is really pointless. Respect for the reference tho!
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
Okay besides the "Skill Issue" Ones just forget about those Crappy FiX tHe CpU Ideas. Besides those, what is your opinion on these Ideas?

2 is good, the rest are eh...
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Again on point 7: skill issue

You don't need RD to beat any cup
What you do need to do is snake/bag

Did POW block got removed???

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MinusOne wrote:
no. no it did not.

Did you happen to see the multiple posts above you saying the exact opposite?

Ds shoulder buttons sticking

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
You buy a 3DS and keep playing all of your games

Being for real, I don't know.

I wouldn't mess with any buttons. Have you tried looking it up?

Don’t play, listen! (Topic de musique de jeux vidéos)

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
That's really good! Although I thought that you'd mention that Psychomeddler is a remix of Alivel Mall.

Also the part where they didn't use Green Greens once in the entire game to show that it really is a new world.(Except the House Replica, of course) This is especially noticeable in the final boss theme, because the past 4 games have Triumphant Return in them.

Something you HATE a lot

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
lely thought she could do damage. 💀💀

Lely is not a girl, I'm assuming you guessed that solely because of his kpop pfps, which is admittedly a kinda girly obsession, so I don't blame you for thinking he's a girl because of his pfp choice.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
I hate gay people.

It's fine, we hate you 😊

Well, guess it's all good then.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
i despise of gay people though, why would i "be nice" to it?

Listen, allow to tell you from experience: you do not want to start this argument on this website. This place is like the Splatoon community. There are some things you keep to yourself.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I hate gay people.

Wrong website to say this
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
I hate what's happening with my boy best friend. We tease each other until it becomes serious.

He's talking, I'm repeating. He pulls my hair, I scar his hand.

He's making fun of me, I bite back. He's deleting lots of my work, I press alt+F4 (shit was already saved though so dw)

And aside from that, our relationship is as unstable as PrimeTime's movement in early August. (No hate PT we love you 🐐) We are too much for each other. He's laughingly telling me he's pissed off. He's been babbling shit for the past hour while I'm struggling to sing as strongly as I can. I ask him why, he's just saying "you cannot understand, this just pissed me off".

I proceed to call him out for the first time and I tell him he's complaining for the sake of complaining. He then starts getting mad at me and in the end tells me to shut up while he was the one whining like a baby in the first place.

Context : he wasn't calm and all, he was laughing like a b- and chit-chatting while disturbing people in the process.

And he had been complaining for a while. Me on the other hand had been standing there for the same amount of time, and didn't complain 1% of how much he did.

We are mocking each other. We are tearing this relationship apart. We can't even stand to look at each other anymore. He just gives out the lowkey slvtty vibes to me. Twerking randomly, sticking out his lips while doing a choreo in the middle of the class.

We had a class representative formation the other day... first thing we did was a Chinese portrait. First thing he says is "if I was a flower I'd be a rose because I'm so pretty and everyone admires me".

You could think everybody gave him the side eye. Nah they laughed. Bahahahahhaa, you are SO funny ! This whole situation made the mean girls movie look cheap asf I'm telling you.

I was tired of all this. Bro whines because he got 17/20 which is 85/100. And even my girl best friend encouraged that by saying "and Lely had 18 !! (90)". He pretended he didn't care. Oh yes you did, who else would be boo hooing like a Karen because you only got a very good grade ?? Istg even Max sounds less ridiculous than this.

My girl best friend told me I was annoying. I tried to fix that. I tried to fix my behavior, my stress-triggered actions, I tried. But it seems like that's not enough.

Yeah this relationship is about to fall apart and yet we have to produce a song together. Yikes.

And you'd think that not focusing on relationships would be good to get my body on a better shape. Y'know, getting abs and stuff. Acro/muscle strengthening would be perfect for that, but the sport teacher is absent due to health problems. Honestly that's not his fault, but that's not a good thing too.

I feel overwhelmed by work. I don't even feel like I want to do anything sometimes. I want to lay down in bed and listen to music. But I can't.

And the other day we all laid down in the school yard, watching the blue sky and the sun. We had fun, we didn't care about anything, and people didn't care about us. It seemed so perfect, so relaxing. But right now it feels like this friendship is on the edge.

I can't do more than what I'm doing. It's the same anxiety as in April 2023 : can't do homework until the last minute, feeling unmotivated to the core and not wanting any social contact... I'm just stronger than last year is all. I can't do the homework until I have to do it. I know the consequences will be big if I don't do it, but my body doesn't want to quit procrastination.

I want to lie down in bed. Not even doing fun things. I want to lock myself in a room where I'll be able to be alone and only have online contact which is far less overwhelming. I want to hug with my stuffed toys. I want to listen to peaceful music. I want to cry the hell out of me. I want to cuddle someone and just think about it. Think about the present. But right now my mind is focused on the past. What I did. What I didn't do. What I shouldn't have done, what I should have done. And on the future. What I will need to do. What I should do. What I will do.

I have reached an unstable point. At times like this afternoon I feel good, and at other times I'm overwhelmed and stressed. But to the point where my mind logs out. And then I feel disconnected. I feel blank, I feel empty. I feel like the world's collapsing before my eyes, but I feel like that does nothing to me. It's a survival state, which I had never lived before. And it's horrible.

I can't deal with this anymore. And this explains why I've been more inactive on there.

Damn, Lely in some deep shit. Do you mind if I steal this copypasta layout?

Sonic Movie 3(And 4(IYKYK))

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Oh, be careful if your scrolling through the comments of any pre-Unleashed or Gens music. There's alot of "you know why you're here" comments on certain tracks.

this is why I listen on the official uploads there's no comments

I was about to recommend this. Those -Topic channels are a godsend

Thing is, those comments would be fine if it was, like, "Filler Gameplay No Lore Zone #5", but when it's "Iconic Final Boss Fight With Mr. Bad Guy(Usually ft. Vocals)" there isn't much room for imagination.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MysteryMan wrote:
Is it weird that I'm always hyped for new character reveals when I know I'm not gonna watch the movies anyway?

No, ppl watch smash reveals all the time even though they don't play smash
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Oh, be careful if your scrolling through the comments of any pre-Unleashed or Gens music. There's alot of "you know why you're here" comments on certain tracks.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yes, I know that it's really fricking early for this topic

Since the yapping topic has been removed, I gotta ask here if anyone here has seen Sonic 3 yet(no spoilers for the peeps who haven't watched it yet) & to hear your opinion on it.
(Also if you're excited for Sonic 4 in 2027(already confirmed, not a spoiler, look it up) & the characters that'll be in it(IYKYK))

Funnily enough I coulda sworn that literally did this exact same topic idea for Sonic 2, I don't see that topic tho so maybe I hallucinated it

Again, don't spoil for the others pls, that'd be very uncool.

Also, how far do want to see them take this? Would you still be interested in a Sonic 9 or 10 down the line?(ignoring that they aren't enough games left to create that many films off of right now)
Which boost era(Unleashed & onwards) games would you wanna see, or...not see...(Forces)?

The one eShop that ABSOLUTELY SUCKS.

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
There's a lotta slop on Switch Eshop
Some games have AI boxart and stuff

The music really isn't a problem tho.

Hop3fully they improve the speed next time.

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