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My Tracks Has Stolen

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
They probably got taken down, & we all know how much you steal.

Is it possible to Have 2 Different items circle around you like triple shells? And how?

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lowo_TV wrote:
When I was in an online race, I saw someone with a red shell and BOB-OMB circling them and I want to ask, Is it possible to do it? If so then how? If not then OK

That sounds like they were lagging really badly. I once had a Fake Item Box circling me bc of how bad the connection was on my end.

It was quite laggy that time, and I have another question, is it possible in offline mode like in single-player or with 2-players, anything that isn't online

I doubt it. Maybe multiplayer if you can get your device to move at 3FPS or something.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lowo_TV wrote:
When I was in an online race, I saw someone with a red shell and BOB-OMB circling them and I want to ask, Is it possible to do it? If so then how? If not then OK

That sounds like they were lagging really badly. I once had a Fake Item Box circling me bc of how bad the connection was on my end.

hello? :/

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
sjshkfjs wrote:
hello this is Landon has been banned yes ik how is he here well if my main is unbanned cool but if you admins could unban my main tho just cuz so yeah hi i will prob get banned again but whaterver so ya cya :)

Do you know why you were banned?

Favorite Video Game Song

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Raiden wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Parakoopa wrote:

The part from 27:56 to 28:30 is the best part

Not even checking, but
GCN>Wii>3DS music wise.

Wii is the best version IMO

I'd put it closer to Gamecube if it wasn't also partially Galaxy music.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Parakoopa wrote:

The part from 27:56 to 28:30 is the best part

Not even checking, but
GCN>Wii>3DS music wise.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
My favorite music is Maka Wuhu for Mario Kart 7 and Wuhuville (a area from Mario Kart 8/Deluxe).

So you mean the Wii Sports Resort theme?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Maple treeway
Wii browser Castle
3ds maka wuhu

You mean Wii Sports Resort
Some of mine:

Trying to find a link for the Moebius one from Xeno 3 from a channel that won't get taken down.

Why Mario kart 64 matters!!!!

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Master8 wrote:
Lely wrote:
Master8 wrote:
Anyhow... The game was Made right after Super Mario kart and before Super circuit. Some people believed that Super circuit was the 2nd game, however it was Mario kart 64 that came 2nd. Making Super circuit the 3rd game in the Mario kart franchise.

And who are those "some people" lol ? SC is worse than N64 for sure, yet it got released 5 years after 64..
Are you sure about that? Most people saw Super circuit as the best racing game on the GBA.

That's bc GBA racing games were a whole new level of trash. Super Circuit would easily be the best one.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
5072 wrote:
I never played the game but in videos getting hit looks like a instant loose so if i do play it I don't think ill like it but O respect your opinion.

From what I remember the main problems are track length & the rubberbandy AI which probably leads to the "instantly losing" that you are seeing.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
@TheNudgyHampter is probably right about the flat part though. @Master8, please, continue.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
Master8 wrote:
Anyhow... The game was Made right after Super Mario kart and before Super circuit. Some people believed that Super circuit was the 2nd game, however it was Mario kart 64 that came 2nd. Making Super circuit the 3rd game in the Mario kart franchise.

Who on earth thought Super Circuit was made 2nd? The game has 2001 on the title screen. And N64's console life finished before it even released. What?

People who didn’t play MK64 or Super Circuit… And if you think about it, it would make sense for people to assume that Super Circuit came before MK64 since they would think that MK64 ended flat mario kart

You don't need to know anything about the games if you know about the consoles they released on. It is logical to assume that a GBA game released after an N64 game, especially bc N64 died off before GBA came to light, minus Animal Crossing I think .
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Master8 wrote:
Anyhow... The game was Made right after Super Mario kart and before Super circuit. Some people believed that Super circuit was the 2nd game, however it was Mario kart 64 that came 2nd. Making Super circuit the 3rd game in the Mario kart franchise.

Who on earth thought Super Circuit was made 2nd? The game has 2001 on the title screen. And N64's console life finished before it even released. What?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
For the original question, the game matters bc it did well enough that they made more. Gauging the incentive to have a sequel is an important part of any game.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
I don't think it's fair to call it a bad game. Sure, it has it's issues, but it's not unplayable. I think that MKDS kinda sucks, but it's definitely not a bad game.
It's a bit personal, what counts as bad, & I'm happy for you if you manage to enjoy it!

Excuse me, but a game that sucks is exactly the same thing as a bad game.

A bad game for you. Not necessarily for someone else.
A bad game is one that is actually unplayable, bug ridden, has undisputably bad gameplay etc. Also a majority of negative reviews. A game like that is universally speaking, bad.
64 blows personally, but not everyone would say so.
Is it a weak game for me? Yes. Is it awful? No.
Bad is an opinionated term.

I never said the contrary lol. Stop coming at me like if I ever said my opinion was facts. Stop nitpicking. To some people, 64 is a masterpiece, to me its genuinely horrible. I don't need the game being universally liked to say it's bad, as long as I say this is only my opinion.
And what I was saying : you're saying MKDS kinda sucks, but for you it's not a bad game. Where's the sense lmfao ??? A game that sucks is a bad game.

A game that sucks is not necessarily a bad game, obviously.

wtf ??? That's the SAME THING

I don't see how. Something that "sucks" you hate, maybe even with a passing thought. Something that is "bad" has to actually be "bad, undisputable, unquestionably awful, which surely MKDS is not, even though I dislike it(I guess it's technically the controls & poo roster/retro tracks for me).

Why fight? MKDS And MK64 are both good games, stop fighting.
You have a good point, there both good games.

Good games for you, not for me.
@KrazeyKay this is nitpicking.
I can call this bad if I want, I won't change the way I use the word because you're nitpicking over it

You can say the game sucks, that's your opinion. But you can't say that something is bad when it actually isn't. That's not how the word works, where I live atleast. If you're gonna call something bad, it should actually be bad to most people. Not bc you don't like it.

Listen, you live your life and I live mine. We both got taught differently, so closed debate.

Yes, & based on the Tour music it won't be the last time either.
I apologize for making a problem out of how you use the word "bad".
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
I don't think it's fair to call it a bad game. Sure, it has it's issues, but it's not unplayable. I think that MKDS kinda sucks, but it's definitely not a bad game.
It's a bit personal, what counts as bad, & I'm happy for you if you manage to enjoy it!

Excuse me, but a game that sucks is exactly the same thing as a bad game.

A bad game for you. Not necessarily for someone else.
A bad game is one that is actually unplayable, bug ridden, has undisputably bad gameplay etc. Also a majority of negative reviews. A game like that is universally speaking, bad.
64 blows personally, but not everyone would say so.
Is it a weak game for me? Yes. Is it awful? No.
Bad is an opinionated term.

I never said the contrary lol. Stop coming at me like if I ever said my opinion was facts. Stop nitpicking. To some people, 64 is a masterpiece, to me its genuinely horrible. I don't need the game being universally liked to say it's bad, as long as I say this is only my opinion.
And what I was saying : you're saying MKDS kinda sucks, but for you it's not a bad game. Where's the sense lmfao ??? A game that sucks is a bad game.

A game that sucks is not necessarily a bad game, obviously.

wtf ??? That's the SAME THING

I don't see how. Something that "sucks" you hate, maybe even with a passing thought. Something that is "bad" has to actually be "bad, undisputable, unquestionably awful, which surely MKDS is not, even though I dislike it(I guess it's technically the controls & poo roster/retro tracks for me).

Why fight? MKDS And MK64 are both good games, stop fighting.
You have a good point, there both good games.

Good games for you, not for me.
@KrazeyKay this is nitpicking.
I can call this bad if I want, I won't change the way I use the word because you're nitpicking over it

You can say the game sucks, that's your opinion. But you can't say that something is bad when it actually isn't. That's not how the word works, where I live atleast. If you're gonna call something bad, it should actually be bad to most people. Not bc you don't like it.
In other words,
"sucks" for when you don't like it
"bad" for when it really stinks & most ppl can agree
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
To make it short:
Something that sucks is personal & not necessarily considered an actual problem to most people.
Something that is bad can be agreed upon by large numbers of people to be awful. For instance,
Some of you guys think Waluigi Pinball is overrated. To you all, it kinda sucks.
Is it actually bad tho? No. Definitely not.
Sucks does not equal bad.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
I don't think it's fair to call it a bad game. Sure, it has it's issues, but it's not unplayable. I think that MKDS kinda sucks, but it's definitely not a bad game.
It's a bit personal, what counts as bad, & I'm happy for you if you manage to enjoy it!

Excuse me, but a game that sucks is exactly the same thing as a bad game.

A bad game for you. Not necessarily for someone else.
A bad game is one that is actually unplayable, bug ridden, has undisputably bad gameplay etc. Also a majority of negative reviews. A game like that is universally speaking, bad.
64 blows personally, but not everyone would say so.
Is it a weak game for me? Yes. Is it awful? No.
Bad is an opinionated term.

I never said the contrary lol. Stop coming at me like if I ever said my opinion was facts. Stop nitpicking. To some people, 64 is a masterpiece, to me its genuinely horrible. I don't need the game being universally liked to say it's bad, as long as I say this is only my opinion.
And what I was saying : you're saying MKDS kinda sucks, but for you it's not a bad game. Where's the sense lmfao ??? A game that sucks is a bad game.

A game that sucks is not necessarily a bad game, obviously.

wtf ??? That's the SAME THING

I don't see how. Something that "sucks" you hate, maybe even with a passing thought. Something that is "bad" has to actually be "bad, undisputable, unquestionably awful, which surely MKDS is not, even though I dislike it(I guess it's technically the controls & poo roster/retro tracks for me).
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
I don't think it's fair to call it a bad game. Sure, it has it's issues, but it's not unplayable. I think that MKDS kinda sucks, but it's definitely not a bad game.
It's a bit personal, what counts as bad, & I'm happy for you if you manage to enjoy it!

Excuse me, but a game that sucks is exactly the same thing as a bad game.

A bad game for you. Not necessarily for someone else.
A bad game is one that is actually unplayable, bug ridden, has undisputably bad gameplay etc. Also a majority of negative reviews. A game like that is universally speaking, bad.
64 blows personally, but not everyone would say so.
Is it a weak game for me? Yes. Is it awful? No.
Bad is an opinionated term.

I never said the contrary lol. Stop coming at me like if I ever said my opinion was facts. Stop nitpicking. To some people, 64 is a masterpiece, to me its genuinely horrible. I don't need the game being universally liked to say it's bad, as long as I say this is only my opinion.
And what I was saying : you're saying MKDS kinda sucks, but for you it's not a bad game. Where's the sense lmfao ??? A game that sucks is a bad game.

A game that sucks is not necessarily a bad game, obviously.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
I don't think it's fair to call it a bad game. Sure, it has it's issues, but it's not unplayable. I think that MKDS kinda sucks, but it's definitely not a bad game.
It's a bit personal, what counts as bad, & I'm happy for you if you manage to enjoy it!

Excuse me, but a game that sucks is exactly the same thing as a bad game.

A bad game for you. Not necessarily for someone else.
A bad game is one that is actually unplayable, bug ridden, has undisputably bad gameplay etc. Also a majority of negative reviews. A game like that is universally speaking, bad.
64 blows personally, but not everyone would say so.
Is it a weak game for me? Yes. Is it awful? No.
Bad is an opinionated term.

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