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MK Hype™ V2.0

Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
RobloxDude wrote:
Max-Bros's profile

General stats
Followers31 followers +Follow
Following74 following
VS39433 pts - Legend[?] - 24th
Battle11669 pts - Champion[?] - 36th
Challenges359 pts - 202 challenges won - 71st
Forum messages1450 messages - Golden MarioGolden Mario[?]
177 created circuits - 35 cups
14 challenges created
1 shared character
902 comments on circuits
10 records in time trial
118 topics followed

Description :

Flemme de faire une description poussée...
Et puis non voilà enfin une vraie description !

Salut, je suis Max-Bros, je suis présent sur Scratch (et d'autres sites divers et variés) et j'ai découvert MKPC en février 2022 :D

Je crée des circuits en simplifié (Mario Kart : Max Speed, Mario Kart 54,et Mario Kart DSi), et en mode complet (Max Kart : Quicklete Fusion et Max Kart World)

Sinon que voulez vous que je vous dise ?

Je suis très actif sur le forum, et j'ai un bon score en online (j'ai même débloqué tous les personnages, je suis trop fort :p)...

Et c'est tout (en gros je suis un membre random, mais pas trop hap)

Ah et sinon mes
profils Scratch : https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Max-Bros/

Mes principales multicoupes en mode simplifié (les logos sont cliquables) :
(Logos par @Jey64)

Un topic où je dis des trucs en vrac :

Si vous voyez un compte supprimé du nom de MisterCoolSkin, ben c'était un compte sur téléphone qui a existé du 01/06/22 au 27/07/22

Mes amis :

Ils font des circuits cools :

Des gens sympas :

@Wargor, le créateur du site !
Registered since 10/02/2022
Last connection: 17/08/2022

Ignore Max-Bros
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Last messages on the forum :
Today at 16ordi24 in MK Hype™ V2.0
RobloxDude wrote:
Rules: No spamming
          No multiposting
So start by following your own rules
Today at 15super58 in Le bazar de Max-Bros

Bon Ahmad va me démonter après mais offciellement je l'ai battu plusieurs fois sur des circuits qui ne sont pas de moi

(Et sinon j'ai terminé un défi de Mudky qui m'a permis d'avoir cette Senko-19 yay)
Today at 15:08:40 in Mario Kart 8 for MKPC
Knoah wrote:
Bjthebuzzybeetle wrote:
It sounds cool
Me Too
My fault, I made a topic on the subject
See all their messages
Best created circuits :
star0star0star0star0star0comments 31 star0star0star0star0star0star1comments 23 star0star0star0star0star0star1comments 33 star0star0star0star0star0comments 12 star0star0star0star0star0star1comments 8
See all their circuits
Best created challenges :
100 dans l'espace, 1 seul vainqueur ! (Le tout en tombant moins de 5 fois)
Melody Starpark : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, with 100 participants, by falling at most 5 times
Medium Medium
Invasion de Chomps
GBA Battle Course 3 (Remake) : Survive more than 1:00 without losing any balloons
With 8 participants, no teams
Easy Easy
Bataille de pièces
Barry Castle Battle Version : Collect all coins in less than 1:30
No teams
Easy Easy
See all their challenges
Last circuit comments :
Ah ok, yet I had calculated and for my it was a 3/5
Thanks :D
comments In Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium today at 15dodo55
Merci à tous, et en plus le 3/5 a disparu yay
comments In Max Kart World - Snorlax Stadium today at 15:08:17
Excellent, rien a dire
5/5, ne supprime pas ça, même si tu fais une meilleure version
comments In Toad Circuit today at 13:59:51
See all their comments
Last completed challenges :
Maybe Senko has the COVID-19 ???
UMK ✯ Senko Circuit / Circuit Senko : Finish in the 1st position in VS mode, without touching any Senko, by performing 45​ Mini-Turbos, in less than 1:15
Difficult Difficult
Sonic Driftless
Sonic Drift ~ Labyrinth Act 3 : Complete the track in less than 1:00 in Time Trial mode, without drifting, without making stunts
Medium Medium
Let them Work
SNES - Mario Circuit 3 (Remake) : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode, with Mario, without touching any Goomba, in less than 23s, without falling
Difficult Difficult
See all completed challenges
Best scores in time trial :
Rank Class Circuit Character Time
10th 200cc Luigi's Mansion
29th 200cc Riverside Park
44th 200cc Figure 8 Circuit
See all their scores
Last followed topics :
/!\ Report / Signalements
Last message by Crusher09 at 14:30
Messages 996
The Nintendo Hype
Last message by 8bit_toad2012 at 11:33
Messages 19
Fêtez les anniversaires des autres ic...
Last message by KrazeyKay at 1:59
Messages 602
[Gameshow] TheNudgyClassic
Last message by TheNudgyHampter at 22:56
Messages 117
Ready, Set, Build
Last message by TheNudgyHampter at 22:30
Messages 60
🎖The Parakoopa Track Contest🎖
Last message by 8bit_toad2012iphoneaccount at 21:09
Messages 49
See all followed topics
Mario Kart PC © 2010-2022 | Designed and developed by Wargor

But why?

Bienvenue, Melvinno

Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Crusher09 wrote:
Bonjour à tous (y comprit @Melvinno)^^! Aujourd'hui, on va expliquer divers choses au nouveau membres qui s'appelle @Melvinno. Donc @Melvinno, voici les recommandations sur les défis:                            
-Interdit les spam de défis, s'ils sont tous beaucoup trop similaires, ils seront tous supprimés.
-Il ne faut pas faire des défis ou le but est pour gagner des points. Il y a forte chance que l'équipe de modération le refusera.
En ce qui concerne le commandes, les voici:
Pour lancer la console des cheats, appuie sur 9
Les commandes sont les suivantes:
/give objet: Se donner un objet.
Ex:/give banane
Objets possibles:
-Fausse boîte à objets:fauxobjet
-Triple Banane:bananeX3
-Carapace verte:carapace
-Carapace rouge:carapacerouge
Carapace bleue:carapacebleue
                                Note que cheats ne fonctionne pas en mode Grand Prix, en mode Contre-la-montre, dans les défis, en mode en ligne et dans certain events officiels (comme le calendrier de l'Avent). C'est de la triche sinon. :P                                        
PS: Si tu lance la console des cheats en mode course VS ou en mode bataille, il sera automatiquement en ''échoué".
En ce qui concerne l'éditeur de décor, tu peut y accéder en faisant un circuit en mode complet. Si tu veux y participer, parle-en sur ce topic
En ce qui concerne les circuits/arènes, voici des conseils:
Pour créer un bon circuit:
-Met des décors et objets.
-Vérifie que ton circuit qu'il a les tours que tu choisies réalisable et que les ORDIS ne se perdent pas.
Pour créer une bonne arène:
-Ne bloque ni toi ni les ORDIS.
-Vérifie qu'après ta création, si est possible d'éliminer tout le monde et si les ORDIS ne se perdent pas.
En ce qui concerne les signalements, c'est un topic qu'il est le but de signaler des trucs. Si tu dois signaler une chose illégal, signale-le sur le topic officiel .                                          [left]Note: dans la catégorie Topics officiels, tu y trouveras toutes les annonces et informations officielles de Mario Kart PC. Il est obligatoire de lire ces topics avant de poster un message sur le forum. Voici le lien:
Bonne visite.:) Plus de détails sur la catégorie.

If it was for just that 1 person, you could have private messaged them, just saying.

The MK Hype™

Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

Could ya grow up? Your account will get banned y'know.
Shortest ever MKPC account record probably.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
MysteryMan wrote:
Did you actually legally trademark it? How would you find the time to do all that?

Well, the topic had a lot of messages, and I had some time to trademark it, so I did. And I did legally trademark it. Plus, someone might dedicate it to there selves, as KrazeyKay said a long time ago:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
The admin here are Koopafan and KrazryKay

No, please don't make me admin.
A) Irresponsible
B) Won't be online often
C) I just can't
D) I don't know if this topic is going to attract many people anyway, because they'll probably make their own dedicated topics or something

So now you understand why I trademarked it, right?

No, still quite unclear, personally.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Wait, I just released the leak is actually in the files lol, it can't be fake.
I feel so stupid
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Wario Shipyard
Because best Wario track
Or Dry Dry Ruins
Because best desert
Or GCN Rainbow Road bc best track ever
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Chiminie wrote:
Wave 1 rankings
8 - Toad Circuit (5/10)
7 - Sky Garden (6/10)
6 - Tokyo Blur (6/10)
5 - Choco Mountain (7/10)
4 - Paris Promenade (8/10)
3 - Shroom Ridge (8/10)
2 - Coconut Mall (9/10)
1 - Ninja Hideaway (10/10)
Average of the wave : 7,375/10

Wave 2 rankings
8 - Mario Circuit 3 (4/10)
7 - Waluigi Pinball (7,5/10)
6 - Kalimari Desert (9/10)
5 - Snow Land (9/10)
4 - Mushroom Gorge (9/10)
3 - New York Minute (9/10)
2 - Sky-High Sundae (10/10)
1 - Sydney Sprint (10/10)
Average of the wave : 8,4375/10

Average of the BCP so far : 15,8125/20 = 7,90625/10

Did you actually calculate that?
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
What's your favorite wave 2 track right now?

Seriously? Sydney clears everything, Snow Land is a good second, New York #3
Reason is all the other tracks are more or less the same(Waluigi Pinball, Mushroom Gorge, Kalimari Desert, Mario Circuit 3) as the last time they were remade & SHS is good but not as much as the other 3.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
We are near 1000 messages, help us accomplish that by chatting on here sometimes! thanks for helping!

Are you trying to encourage spam just to reach 1000 plus messages?
I still stand by my reasoning, Peach Garden was a terrible choice.


Okay, but it came off that way, personally.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MysteryMan wrote:

The remix is already going crazy, this is also criminally short.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
We are near 1000 messages, help us accomplish that by chatting on here sometimes! thanks for helping!

Are you trying to encourage spam just to reach 1000 plus messages?
I still stand by my reasoning, Peach Garden was a terrible choice.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Chiminie wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Chiminie wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Chiminie wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
As much as I hate you guys for putting this leak here, this just confirms for me that they're struggling to put LA together lol

You can't hate us about that. You weren't obligated to watch it

I've seen it already lol I thought it was a joke.
I'm saying that bc by sharing it you've basically killed off all the BCP Topics on the sight since there's nothing to do now until December
Also, Peach Gardens is an awful choice

Nobuddy killed nothing, who said it was official.

You really think it's fake then?

Yes I think it's fake... it's just a leak0

Not to take away from all the  SHS deliberation you guys are doing but
Your telling me that prefix guy is suddenly wrong?(yes I know this wasn't him but he brought it to light most)
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Chiminie wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Chiminie wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
As much as I hate you guys for putting this leak here, this just confirms for me that they're struggling to put LA together lol

You can't hate us about that. You weren't obligated to watch it

I've seen it already lol I thought it was a joke.
I'm saying that bc by sharing it you've basically killed off all the BCP Topics on the sight since there's nothing to do now until December
Also, Peach Gardens is an awful choice

Nobuddy killed nothing, who said it was official.

You really think it's fake then?
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Chiminie wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
As much as I hate you guys for putting this leak here, this just confirms for me that they're struggling to put LA together lol

You can't hate us about that. You weren't obligated to watch it

I've seen it already lol I thought it was a joke.
I'm saying that bc by sharing it you've basically killed off all the BCP Topics on the sight since there's nothing to do now until December
Also, Peach Gardens is an awful choice
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
As much as I hate you guys for putting this leak here, this just confirms for me that they're struggling to put LA together lol
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
The official Nintendo website says that SHS is a new track

They also had a glitch putting Shroom Ridge as 3DS, we need to wait & see how it's listed.

Looks like DS to me

Before it said 3DS(it was about the time of Wave 1 announcement), it was really depressing.
Also, we might have to wait until Tour's version for tge internal name....
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:
The official Nintendo website says that SHS is a new track

They also had a glitch putting Shroom Ridge as 3DS, we need to wait & see how it's listed.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
True or false: is the gap cut possible on mushroom gorge?

More importantly, does the 200cc Staff Ghost do it?
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Quorzel wrote:

Is this GP?

Yes. It's especially frustrating because I would've gotten 3rd in Bowser Castle if that crazy bullet bill wouldn't have propelled me off the track and made me get 6th

Like, just use Daisy.
Messages 3140 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:

Is this GP?

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