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The MK Hype™

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Max-Bros wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
Off topic: we defeated meme of the day! The Mk hype (now has 682 messages) Meme of the day (680 Messages)
People that helped me accomplish this:
Especially @TheNudgyHampter, He was a big part in this whole topic! thanks for helping everyone!

1: up to Bowser still has more, and it can be our new goal
2: Why am I not in this list
3: You spelled @8bit_toad2012's username incorrectly

1.) and it’s better anyway
2.) because you are always forgotten

2.) Why

Because you just are.




Do I need to revive my YouTube channel just to make a video about why since clearly you don’t understand?


Alright. I’m going start working on the YouTube video


https://youtu.be/SHRAEqxoN0c I’ve released the video

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I hate you

Why would you click on that lmao
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Toad2012 wrote:

Uh, okay...
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
I wish Mario Kart 7 had DLC... :(

It’s too old to have DLC.

That's why I said had

You can make your own BCP on the site with all the Mario Wiki maps, or make your own tracks through CTGP. Or just download the ones you want. Not official, but still fine.

I'm talking about actual MK7, not MKPC. And I don't know how to mod the game

You're really out of luck then lol
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:
Quorzel wrote:
I wish Mario Kart 7 had DLC... :(

It’s too old to have DLC.

That's why I said had

You can make your own BCP on the site with all the Mario Wiki maps, or make your own tracks through CTGP. Or just download the ones you want. Not official, but still fine.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I think it's a NS Track.

Again, we'll have to wait & see how it's listed. I'm 90% sure it will be listed as a Tour course but eh, it doesn't matter, it's planned for Tour first but releases in 8DX first, similar to Roy in Melee.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Quorzel wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
There is in fact a completely simple way to settle this.
All the tracks in both 8DX & Tour are named internally beginning with the platform code(wii,ds, etc.) at the start. If SHS begins with "mob" internally in 8DX then it's a Tour track. Simple, civilized way to handle this.
Surely we can all agree that DEVS can't be WRONG, right? You can't call the devs wrong.

It's still technically a Wii U track, but according to Mario Wiki it will be remade in Tour

I was saying we should wait to see how the track is listed internally, that would show which the devs think it is first.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
There is in fact a completely simple way to settle this.
All the tracks in both 8DX & Tour are named internally beginning with the platform code(wii,ds, etc.) at the start. If SHS begins with "mob" internally in 8DX then it's a Tour track. Simple, civilized way to handle this.
Surely we can all agree that DEVS can't be WRONG, right? You can't call the devs wrong.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Uh, Sky-High Sundae is clearly a Tour track.

no it is MK8 Track, look at it again it has gravity, mkt doesn't. yknow what im talking about

You meant ANTI-gravity, right?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Uh, Sky-High Sundae is clearly a Tour track.

no it is MK8 Track, look at it again it has gravity, mkt doesn't. yknow what im talking about

Do you consider Roy a Smash character or a Fire Emblem character?
Melee was his first appearance, but his actual game came out months later. Same idea here, except it's barely a week. It is a Tour track. Stop trying to say otherwise, please & thank you .
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Uh, Sky-High Sundae is clearly a Tour track.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
good point. MKDS Boswer Castle Is Best

We're not doing this again are we?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
Probally, but that was probally a once in a lifetime thing

and it might just go back to mkt new track alert

I don’t think so. I think every wave will end with a new track/ tour non-city track

Yes, every wave probably. To add to this, I think that the waves will come out with the tracks; Samurai Tour brought back Ninja Hideaway the week after Wave 1, we are fairly certain that the 2nd Tour of Summerfest is the Ice Cream Tour bc of the DLC & the Mii Suit. Holiday Tour usually has Merry Mountain as well, I think it's a good calculation. We know for a fact that they're two city tracks every cup now, why not 6 Tour originals as well?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I didn't notice that they included Kalmari Desert 2 as well lol, they really did put effort into it.
Worried about the lack of Gamecube tracks, but Tour only has 2 to use anyway so whatever.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
Wave 2 has been anounced and it might have revealed more patterns
Cup 1:

Cup 2:
Not in tour
New (or non city tour)

it told yall it was gonna happen especially to kraze

First of all, I never said it wasn't, I said the tomorrow crap was getting annoying, and second, the DLC doesn't come out until the 4th of August, aka next week, & just as I said, they gave Xenoblade 3 some breathing room before the DLC so there.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lmao what they didn't know how to put the 3 LA Laps together so they used Sydney 3 early lol
Also Sky-High Sundae is next Tour anyway
And Mario Circuit 1 was so boring that they chose Mario Circuit 3
I'll take 5/8 honestly(whole pack) was not expecting Snow Land
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
But back to the topic, This wave 2 stuff is getting old. i feel like if people stop playing on switch (including me) they would send out wave 2.

That's not how that works, 100 million+ people won't just stop playing a console bc 100,00 want some DLC, especially when you consider regions with more people like Asia.

you know what i agree with lely, you defend nintendo on EVERYTHING. And Hell, You might even Love a track that is a FUCKING CIRCLE.

Lol, I don't care if you think I defend Nintendo on everything or not, they're the only reason I'm here, have irl friends & made my childhood, I'll defend them if I feel they're in the right, like with copyright striking ppl who just reupload their music on YT. Or, more relevantly to the topic, being unpredictable with how they market their games, which is a very Nintendo thing to do. Even if you don't agree with me saying that I'm not a Nintendo-stan(Stan?? idrk) then you should atleast be able to see that unpredictably is very common for them & shouldn't(theoretically) be a problem.

And how striking music is a good thing ?
If they care so much about their business, well they should be aware that it just offer them publicity... More people know them... If someone likes a music then he will be interested by the game...

That isn't necessarily the case. I know a bunch of people who only like the music & not the rest of the game bc of the genre like Splatoon, if they can listen to the OST & never buy the game, they'd gladly do it, & the composers don't really get anything out of it. They're known better? Yes, 100%, it's good exposure. Does it benefit them directly in any other way? No, & that's all they care about. It isn't hurting them, but it isn't helping either, & so isn't any better for them. And we're dealing with NoJ here, they're notoriously overprotective.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
But back to the topic, This wave 2 stuff is getting old. i feel like if people stop playing on switch (including me) they would send out wave 2.

That's not how that works, 100 million+ people won't just stop playing a console bc 100,00 want some DLC, especially when you consider regions with more people like Asia.

I agree with you, but if Nintendo doesn't release Wave 2 by the end of August, then...
To be honest, I stopped playing since I lost my favorite games and I'm tired of waiting for wave 2.

"Imagine not liking Xenoblade, can't relate"
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
But back to the topic, This wave 2 stuff is getting old. i feel like if people stop playing on switch (including me) they would send out wave 2.

That's not how that works, 100 million+ people won't just stop playing a console bc 100,00 want some DLC, especially when you consider regions with more people like Asia.

you know what i agree with lely, you defend nintendo on EVERYTHING. And Hell, You might even Love a track that is a FUCKING CIRCLE.

Lol, I don't care if you think I defend Nintendo on everything or not, they're the only reason I'm here, have irl friends & made my childhood, I'll defend them if I feel they're in the right, like with copyright striking ppl who just reupload their music on YT. Or, more relevantly to the topic, being unpredictable with how they market their games, which is a very Nintendo thing to do. Even if you don't agree with me saying that I'm not a Nintendo-stan(Stan?? idrk) then you should atleast be able to see that unpredictably is very common for them & shouldn't(theoretically) be a problem.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
But back to the topic, This wave 2 stuff is getting old. i feel like if people stop playing on switch (including me) they would send out wave 2.

That's not how that works, 100 million+ people won't just stop playing a console bc 100,00 want some DLC, especially when you consider regions with more people like Asia.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
How often have those lawsuits worked anyway in the first place lol, there is still over a year for them to drop 40 tracks, which they could do in a week if they wanted to. Just chill.

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