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The MK Hype™

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
So you are telling me you think SNES Mario Circuit is worse than Ghost Valley?
And Choco Mountain worse than Banshee Boardwalk? And Wario Shipyard worse than Cheep Cheep Lagoon?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Ranking all the soundtracks (SNES N64 GBA GCN DS WII 3DS WIIU TOUR)

9 - SNES
8 - GBA
7 - N64
6 - DS
5 - TOUR
4 - GCN
3 - WII
2 - 3DS
1 - WIIU

What does N64 have over GBA? & GCN over TOUR? In your opinion.
I get that GBA is very 32 bit, but what about GCN?

To me, GCN is over Tour. Like the circuit theme is very catchy and classic, Peach Beach/Daisy Cruiser sounds very chill and tropical, Baby Park sounds like a carefree chaos etc. The city music is really good too, the Rainbow Road, the forest theme as well. While for Tour, it's not so bad. Some of them are good and I really love Vancouver Velocity... While Singapore Speedway sounds horrible to my ears, and Los angeles Laps is even worse. I'm also not a fan of Sydney Sprint.

I can understand Singapore for some people, but Sydney?
Also, Bowser's Castle & Dry Dry Desert are pretty bad in GCN. Tour's lows are higher than GCNs.

Yeah they are pretty bad. But that's still better than weird people shouting or "singing" horribly in Los Angeles Laps' one, or hearing chipmunks with a horrible nightclub sound in the background.

So basically, your problem is the voices?

So people from Singapore sound like Chipmunks?
And there is another version of the song.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Ranking all the soundtracks (SNES N64 GBA GCN DS WII 3DS WIIU TOUR)

9 - SNES
8 - GBA
7 - N64
6 - DS
5 - TOUR
4 - GCN
3 - WII
2 - 3DS
1 - WIIU

What does N64 have over GBA? & GCN over TOUR? In your opinion.
I get that GBA is very 32 bit, but what about GCN?

To me, GCN is over Tour. Like the circuit theme is very catchy and classic, Peach Beach/Daisy Cruiser sounds very chill and tropical, Baby Park sounds like a carefree chaos etc. The city music is really good too, the Rainbow Road, the forest theme as well. While for Tour, it's not so bad. Some of them are good and I really love Vancouver Velocity... While Singapore Speedway sounds horrible to my ears, and Los angeles Laps is even worse. I'm also not a fan of Sydney Sprint.

I can understand Singapore for some people, but Sydney?
Also, Bowser's Castle & Dry Dry Desert are pretty bad in GCN. Tour's lows are higher than GCNs.

Yeah they are pretty bad. But that's still better than weird people shouting or "singing" horribly in Los Angeles Laps' one, or hearing chipmunks with a horrible nightclub sound in the background.

So basically, your problem is the voices?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Ranking all the soundtracks (SNES N64 GBA GCN DS WII 3DS WIIU TOUR)

9 - SNES
8 - GBA
7 - N64
6 - DS
5 - TOUR
4 - GCN
3 - WII
2 - 3DS
1 - WIIU

What does N64 have over GBA? & GCN over TOUR? In your opinion.
I get that GBA is very 32 bit, but what about GCN?

To me, GCN is over Tour. Like the circuit theme is very catchy and classic, Peach Beach/Daisy Cruiser sounds very chill and tropical, Baby Park sounds like a carefree chaos etc. The city music is really good too, the Rainbow Road, the forest theme as well. While for Tour, it's not so bad. Some of them are good and I really love Vancouver Velocity... While Singapore Speedway sounds horrible to my ears, and Los angeles Laps is even worse. I'm also not a fan of Sydney Sprint.

I can understand Singapore for some people, but Sydney?
Also, Bowser's Castle & Dry Dry Desert are pretty bad in GCN. Tour's lows are higher than GCNs.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
Ranking all the soundtracks (SNES N64 GBA GCN DS WII 3DS WIIU TOUR)

9 - SNES
8 - GBA
7 - N64
6 - DS
5 - TOUR
4 - GCN
3 - WII
2 - 3DS
1 - WIIU

What does N64 have over GBA? & GCN over TOUR? In your opinion.
I get that GBA is very 32 bit, but what about GCN?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
16Bits wrote:
Am I the only one that doesn't like Ninja Hideaway's music

No, I don't know anyone else besides you, but someone must not, that's how things work. I know a couple people more attached to the Tour version, but they are fine with this version. Tour music is awesome, you should listen to all of the Tour OST.
Though to be fair, your opinion is yours. I know I'm the kind of person who listens to the 30m rips on Youtube the whole way through, but if you don't like it, that's up to you.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
16Bits wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
16Bits wrote:
Is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe worth getting if I have the Booster Course Pass?

Wouldn't having the Booster Course Pass be useless without 8DX?

I don't have either one. I'm asking if they're worth getting (I have MK8 and all the DLC for it)

Well, I would think so. Unless you'd rather wait until 2024 for the next console & MK.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Feedback of Wave 1' tracks in MK8DX

Paris Promenade : quaint and not so bad, except the garden part which is disgusting, as a French players I appreciate the details

Toad Circuit : The life of the track and the skybox are cool and nice, while the textures are horrible. The grass ans the sand looks like they did plastic surgeries.

Choco Mountain : ripped off yet music is cool

Coconut Mall : Amazing remake

Tokyo Blur ,: okay track with nice gimmicks and okay graphics

Shroom Ridge : not beautiful but gameplay is good and shortcuts rocks

Sky Garden : good revamp. It just needs a better layout and antigravity.

Ninja Hideaway : awesome

What is Choco Mountain ripped off of?

From Tour
It has same layout, same graphics etc. It even has those weird brown lines to show a limit that looks tourish.

But all of the tracks come directly from Tour,all of them are ripped. They didn't change anything on any of them, except the Sky Garden road colour & the leaves are kind of weird.

I know but some of them sounds more changed, Choco Mountain really sounds the same

Sound? You mean the music?


Oh, probably not Ninja Hideaway either, or Coconut Mall all things considered, but the rest do look a lot better. It's probably because Choco Mountain is kinda empty detailwise, minus the cave.
Atleast the Tour version made it look like chocolate, unlike the N64 version which looks like poo.

Tokyo Blur : widened
Paris Promenade : Road is better
Ninja Hideaway : pretty obvious, more life and a better color palette (fixed shades)
Shroom Ridge : we didn't got the circuit in MKT yet (even if it was in the files of Tour)
Coconut Mall : same as Shroom Ridge
Toad Circuit : better color palette for the sky setting imo (it's clearly sunsetish in MK8DX version, but it looks like 2PM in the MKT version. Confettis on the start, more detailed road, MKTV car and some audience in the tunnel.
Sky Garden : way better color palette (it has a better and more cool road, more complex shading on the clouds, better sky (the MKT sky was ugly), and there is even some grass on the road. Also the leaves are way better in this new version.  
Choco Mountain : lightened up with more textures

Actually it's either Tokyo or Choco Mountain to me.

I mean, those are pretty normal things to change for 8DX.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
16Bits wrote:
Is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe worth getting if I have the Booster Course Pass?

Wouldn't having the Booster Course Pass be useless without 8DX?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Feedback of Wave 1' tracks in MK8DX

Paris Promenade : quaint and not so bad, except the garden part which is disgusting, as a French players I appreciate the details

Toad Circuit : The life of the track and the skybox are cool and nice, while the textures are horrible. The grass ans the sand looks like they did plastic surgeries.

Choco Mountain : ripped off yet music is cool

Coconut Mall : Amazing remake

Tokyo Blur ,: okay track with nice gimmicks and okay graphics

Shroom Ridge : not beautiful but gameplay is good and shortcuts rocks

Sky Garden : good revamp. It just needs a better layout and antigravity.

Ninja Hideaway : awesome

What is Choco Mountain ripped off of?

From Tour
It has same layout, same graphics etc. It even has those weird brown lines to show a limit that looks tourish.

But all of the tracks come directly from Tour,all of them are ripped. They didn't change anything on any of them, except the Sky Garden road colour & the leaves are kind of weird.

I know but some of them sounds more changed, Choco Mountain really sounds the same

Sound? You mean the music?


Oh, probably not Ninja Hideaway either, or Coconut Mall all things considered, but the rest do look a lot better. It's probably because Choco Mountain is kinda empty detailwise, minus the cave.
Atleast the Tour version made it look like chocolate, unlike the N64 version which looks like poo.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Feedback of Wave 1' tracks in MK8DX

Paris Promenade : quaint and not so bad, except the garden part which is disgusting, as a French players I appreciate the details

Toad Circuit : The life of the track and the skybox are cool and nice, while the textures are horrible. The grass ans the sand looks like they did plastic surgeries.

Choco Mountain : ripped off yet music is cool

Coconut Mall : Amazing remake

Tokyo Blur ,: okay track with nice gimmicks and okay graphics

Shroom Ridge : not beautiful but gameplay is good and shortcuts rocks

Sky Garden : good revamp. It just needs a better layout and antigravity.

Ninja Hideaway : awesome

What is Choco Mountain ripped off of?

From Tour
It has same layout, same graphics etc. It even has those weird brown lines to show a limit that looks tourish.

But all of the tracks come directly from Tour,all of them are ripped. They didn't change anything on any of them, except the Sky Garden road colour & the leaves are kind of weird.

I know but some of them sounds more changed, Choco Mountain really sounds the same

Sound? You mean the music?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
Feedback of Wave 1' tracks in MK8DX

Paris Promenade : quaint and not so bad, except the garden part which is disgusting, as a French players I appreciate the details

Toad Circuit : The life of the track and the skybox are cool and nice, while the textures are horrible. The grass ans the sand looks like they did plastic surgeries.

Choco Mountain : ripped off yet music is cool

Coconut Mall : Amazing remake

Tokyo Blur ,: okay track with nice gimmicks and okay graphics

Shroom Ridge : not beautiful but gameplay is good and shortcuts rocks

Sky Garden : good revamp. It just needs a better layout and antigravity.

Ninja Hideaway : awesome

What is Choco Mountain ripped off of?

From Tour
It has same layout, same graphics etc. It even has those weird brown lines to show a limit that looks tourish.

But all of the tracks come directly from Tour,all of them are ripped. They didn't change anything on any of them, except the Sky Garden road colour & the leaves are kind of weird.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-BTS- wrote:
Feedback of Wave 1' tracks in MK8DX

Paris Promenade : quaint and not so bad, except the garden part which is disgusting, as a French players I appreciate the details

Toad Circuit : The life of the track and the skybox are cool and nice, while the textures are horrible. The grass ans the sand looks like they did plastic surgeries.

Choco Mountain : ripped off yet music is cool

Coconut Mall : Amazing remake

Tokyo Blur ,: okay track with nice gimmicks and okay graphics

Shroom Ridge : not beautiful but gameplay is good and shortcuts rocks

Sky Garden : good revamp. It just needs a better layout and antigravity.

Ninja Hideaway : awesome

What is Choco Mountain ripped off of?
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
16Bits wrote:
Why does everyone think SNES Rainbow Road is hard? In MK8DLC I can actually lap Hard CPU on that course in 200cc even though I'm not a super pro at it (the only other course I can do that on is GBA Mario Circuit)

Because you've played the easiest version of it? The one on this site is pretty narrow.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
16Bits wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
You know... I think i know why they made MK8DX booster course pass. Because They Are Trying To Stop The CTGP Mod games, Like CTGP-7, Or CTGP-Wii! It Makes Sense Now! But I'm Still Happy They Made MK8DX Booster Course Pass Though! :D

I'm fairly certain that the pass is to have some form of the Tour tracks in a permanent way, because they'd become unplayable whenever Tour shuts down.

You might be right. I was pretty sure that it was made to make MK8DX have original courses, but the problem is, they're all retro.

That's not a problem. Retro courses make more sense because they are nostalgic. For all the hate Tour gets, most of the Tour tracks keep the feeling of the originals. I know they apparently messed up the GBA tracks, but I never played SC so they seem fine to me. Everything else feels the same, slightly worse, or better, although it could just be that many are ported over from 7 so they're basically 1 to 1.
And having new tracks would kill the next game.
Also, they have to put their hard work from Tour playable in some way, & I know you guys would have 500 different reasons to complain if the next MK was all of the Tour courses, might as well live through it now.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
tendokiddo wrote:
You know... I think i know why they made MK8DX booster course pass. Because They Are Trying To Stop The CTGP Mod games, Like CTGP-7, Or CTGP-Wii! It Makes Sense Now! But I'm Still Happy They Made MK8DX Booster Course Pass Though! :D

I'm fairly certain that the pass is to have some form of the Tour tracks in a permanent way, because they'd become unplayable whenever Tour shuts down.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Koopafan wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Koopafan wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
mememo wrote:
wii has the best rainbow road

Hard disagree, GCN is best. Wii is 3rd behind 3DS.
Both WRONG. DS is best with Wii behind and behind Wii is 3DS

DS Bowser's Castle is pretty standard, and Wii is glitchy. N64 is normal, SNES & GBA are flat, which doesn't make a lot of sense. GCN is also glitchy, and WiiU is too short. 3DS wins, it has the best music too.
Rainbow road, not bowser castle...

The logic applies for both, except that GCN Rainbow Road feels like you accomplished something, especially with the all cup tour.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Koopafan wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
mememo wrote:
wii has the best rainbow road

Hard disagree, GCN is best. Wii is 3rd behind 3DS.
Both WRONG. DS is best with Wii behind and behind Wii is 3DS

DS Bowser's Castle is pretty standard, and Wii is glitchy. N64 is normal, SNES & GBA are flat, which doesn't make a lot of sense. GCN is also glitchy, and WiiU is too short. 3DS wins, it has the best music too.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
mememo wrote:
wii has the best rainbow road

Hard disagree, GCN is best. Wii is 3rd behind 3DS.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Koopafan wrote:
KrazeyKay wrote:
Oh btw
Would you guys rather have Nintendo add content to MK8DX(ie a second BCP, Character Pass, Item Pass) for another 5 years or take a new Mariokart with as many tracks as 7?
A new Mario kart game? That is nice because we haven't had 1 in 8 years!

Yes, but it would feel off because it would be smaller than 8DX. Like going back to Brawl sizes after Ultimate.

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