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[Game] Mario's endless questions (Ended)
On 2022-05-04 at 02:11:28
My question: What are the items and characters that have been in Mario Kart the longest?
So basically everything in SMK?
On 2022-05-02 at 21:38:16
What is strange about MK 8 banana cup and ds leaf cup
Strange how?
On 2022-05-01 at 16:29:43
Which prankster comet type appears the least in Super Mario Galaxy 1?
Fast foes
Yes. Your turn.
On 2022-05-01 at 16:26:18
Which prankster comet type appears the least in Super Mario Galaxy 1?
On 2022-05-01 at 16:22:02
What is the name of the multi moon in the darker side in super Mario odyssey
Long Journey's End
On 2022-05-01 at 16:04:23
SNES Koopa Beach 1
GBA Shy Guy Beach
GBA Shy Guy Beach
On 2022-05-01 at 15:59:35
Which Mario kart track requires you to hop over an obstacle to move on
You mean like offroad?
On 2022-05-01 at 02:37:46
What is the peculiarity in all the retros cup (non dlc) of MKDS, MKWii and MK8 (I said basically only the Shell, the Banana, the Leaf and the Lightning)
They all have one N64 track in each of them?
Yeah you're right and sorry for the late answer... Ask another question !

Is it only MK7 Lightning Cup that breaks it?
Can't remember off the top of my head.
On 2022-04-30 at 00:05:54
(Not that hard, you can easily guess this one).
Dammit, I found a slightly more difficult one. I couldn't come up with anything else in time. The original question still stands.
Wendy O. Koopa
I think it's funny that a ton of people have Toad as a rival, but Toad only hates Koopa Troopa.
Also, nobody considers the 2 Rosalinas rivals lol.
Sorry about the easy question. Couldn't think of anything that fast.
I can just imagine all of Wendy's brothers fighting and she's just like

On 2022-04-29 at 23:59:26
Which koopaling in MK8DX doesn't have another koopaling as their rival?
(Not that hard, you can easily guess this one).
Dammit, I found a slightly more difficult one. I couldn't come up with anything else in time. The original question still stands.
(Not that hard, you can easily guess this one).
Dammit, I found a slightly more difficult one. I couldn't come up with anything else in time. The original question still stands.
On 2022-04-29 at 23:52:39
Same origin game
GBA Mario Circuit or Ribbon Road
On 2022-04-29 at 23:36:30
What is the statistically most popular Mario kart 8 deluxe track online (non booster course pass)
The answer is
Shy Guy Falls
because waterfall
Cheese Land
because cheese
because it's good? Unlike most of the other tracks
One of them is close
Close to the answer(similar aethestic/track/theme) or close to the answer(2nd,3rd etc)?
On 2022-04-29 at 23:33:00
What is the statistically most popular Mario kart 8 deluxe track online (non booster course pass)
The answer is
Shy Guy Falls
because waterfall
Cheese Land
because cheese
because it's good? Unlike most of the other tracks
On 2022-04-29 at 23:28:57
What is the statistically most popular Mario kart 8 deluxe track online (non booster course pass)
Oh God, not again
On 2022-04-29 at 23:27:01
I’ve edited my previous answer. That’s where it is
There it is.

Your turn.
On 2022-04-29 at 23:16:56
Sunshine shrines 120
Sunshine blue coins 240
Galaxy 1 121
Galaxy 2 medals 49
Galaxy 2 stars 242
3d land 285
3d world 380
Bowsers fury 100
Mario odyssey 880
Crap, I forgot it was 880 and not 999.

Your still a few off, but in a strange way(revisit 3D Land)
On 2022-04-29 at 23:08:05
Am I close?
Still a couple hundred off actually.
On 2022-04-29 at 23:06:09
On 2022-04-29 at 23:05:33
@TheNudgyBunny no and no.
I should also say that the Mario Odyssey Shop Moon glitch is not counted to keep the number reasonable.
I should also say that the Mario Odyssey Shop Moon glitch is not counted to keep the number reasonable.
On 2022-04-29 at 23:02:08
Do Luigi stars from Mario galaxy count again?
No, they don't.