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So about Nintendo's music crisis

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
If you want me to write a song for a track you made I can be more than welcome to. Let's just stop using Nintendo's music because they're just gonna terminate the channel you got the source from within a month or two.

Apart from Nintendo is Square. I also found many Final Fantasy VII uploads getting removed too. What does that say for all other companies at this time?

Due to not being able to send audio files in forums, song requests are only accepted on Discord in the official MKPC server.

Very unfortunate, although I have no idea what channels people use to get their BGMs anyway since the ones I use seem to be fine.

Vos music préférés de Mario kart

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Toad99 wrote:
dojo ninja

I hear that the bass & guitar go harder in the Tour version, but this is still good anyway.
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yascamer wrote:
Salut j ai cree un topic pour vous dire ces quoi vos music mario kart préfère poster vos video music mario kart préfère ;)

I prefer Tour music, Tour has a good OST

Aside from Tour, I like the music from MKW/MK7, since those are my childhood games.

What is your favorite Mario game for the Nintendo Wii?

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Mario Galaxy 1/2

Mario Kart Tour is the best game ever CHANGE MY MIND!!

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I still maintain that Tour is a fun time. Even if it takes no skill, thats basically every Mario Kart game. L,R,A and control Stick. Pretty much no skill either(casually, which is the whole point of a Nintendo game).
Even if the visual effects don't do anything(to you), they look cool.

Aesthetic is important. People will get bored if we just race on the ground and do nothing interesting.

Also who cares about ultras, there just a confirmation that your game is buggy as f*ck
That shouldn't be a good thing.
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Third_Bit wrote:
MH_osc-omb wrote:
Third_Bit wrote:
First off MKDS is the best mario kart game It introduced retro courses dry bones as a character guest characters and internate play. the single player content can last you weeks. dk pass waluigi pinball airship fortress and wario stadium are great courses from this game overall its a great game

Pretty sure that's, y'know, EVERY game.

what do you mean not every game has a single player challenge mode and not every mario kart game has the great tracks that Mario Kart DS has also i was saying it introduced dry bones retro tracks guest characters and online play also you can make your emblem  

Most games have there share of good tracks tho.
Also just because it introduced something doesn't automatically mean that it was done well. Yeah, first time for online but you couldn't play all the tracks on it in the first place.
What do you mean by guest characters? R.O.B.?
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I like Tour personally.
Its not awesome, but everybody seems to be forgetting that its a mobile game. Its supposed to last for as long as necessary, not be good.
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Gold_Bug wrote:
Mindopolis wrote:
Prove to me that why there are other games that are better than MKT and i'll reconsider.
It RUINED Sunset Wilds. I say no more!


Les glitch MKPC

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
You guys have found some crazy stuff.
The most I've gotten myself is a fake item box that spun around me.(Don't ask how, idk)
It was online(i think). I had triple greens and a FIB(thats how you say it, right?) second. The only guess I have about it is that someone hit my last shell the second I used it and the game let me us my next item, and there it was. I tried to screenshot it, but I lost it to somebody a few seconds later.
Probably just lag.

Mario Kart 64 sucks, am I right ?

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I don't think it's that bad(minus the rubberbanding AI(I suck at the older games)) but to each their own.

Les théories iconues sur Pikmin

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I can't help you because I've never beaten a single Pikmin game(the first boss always creeps me the f*ck out & by the second one I'm kinda scared of the rest of the game & just stop).

Do you mean a Pikmin 1 Iceberg? That sounds cool.

Add one, remove one race track edition

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Remove RMX Choco Island 2 and add Amsterdam River from Mario Kart Tour

You mean Amsterdam Drift
Also, I realized that Berlin Byways 1 doesn't exist, so replace it with Berlin Byways 2.
Remove 3DS Mario Circuit and add Singapore Speedway
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Remove Waluigi Pinball and add 3DS Neo Bowser City
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Remove test circle and add SNES Ghost Valley 2
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Remove Tour Sky Garden and add Berlin Byways 1
Remove Figure 8 Circuit and add DK Jungle Parkway
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Remove Desert Hills and add Wii Toad's Factory
Remove N64 Moo Moo Farm and add 3DS Rock Rock Mountain.

Quick mode track spams are becoming a little bit too much

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Mindopolis wrote:
z_Waluigi wrote:
Staff is actually working on this already - we are deleting all of the generic square tracks that we see - so if you see any, feel free to report them to me via the direct message functionality in MKPC in the members area.

There have already been suggestions for a filter for quick mode tracks which could possibly be something that is coming in the near future, if Wargor adds it.
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/circuit.php?id=74905 There's this

That's pretty bad
I am hopeful that the spam will stop. Eventually.

If you could add one update to this game, what would it be?

Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Background Editor. That's all.

That seems reasonable enough to me(for complete mode anyway), as long as the image isn't inappropriate/makes the track extremely laggy
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Gold_Bug wrote:
Add 3d. Enough said.

And glider.

Can't you just place a blue ramp and stick a cannon over it?*[
Messages 3144 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I can't think of anything I want except actual track pieces in quick mode, custom music etc.
Maybe a built in character maker(I don't know how difficult this is, not my area), circle jumps, multiarena for track builder, or be able to merge cups and arenas so it feels like an actual game.
Also, give us highlight reels for no reason;)
Again, I have no clue how this stuff would work, so please tell me which of these you think is the most practical currently.

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