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Retro Tracks for Mario Kart 9
On 2022-04-18 at 01:13:14
What? These are the some of the most reasonable predictions I've ever seen on the internet!
Usually everyone is just putting stuff like Mushroom Gorge, Waluigi Pinball & Maple Treeway in the same cup...
Also, I think Tour is 9 for Nintendo, so this would probably be called 10 or X
If Tour isn't 9, then I would prefer 2 from each game.
Ghost Valley 3
Mario Circuit 4
Wario Stadium
Frappe Snowland/Banshee Boardwalk(The retro DS ones: We just got Tick Tock Clock & Choco Mountain)
Sunset Wilds
Yoshi Desert/Peach Circuit(don't ask why)
Mushroom City
Bowser's Castle
Mario Circuit
Rainbow Road
Toad's Factory/Dry Dry Ruins
DK Summit/Moonview Highway
Wario Shipyard/Daisy Hills
Rock Rock Mountain/Shy Guy Bazaar
Shy Guy Falls/Ice Ice Outpost
Usually everyone is just putting stuff like Mushroom Gorge, Waluigi Pinball & Maple Treeway in the same cup...
Also, I think Tour is 9 for Nintendo, so this would probably be called 10 or X
If Tour isn't 9, then I would prefer 2 from each game.
Ghost Valley 3
Mario Circuit 4
Wario Stadium
Frappe Snowland/Banshee Boardwalk(The retro DS ones: We just got Tick Tock Clock & Choco Mountain)
Sunset Wilds
Yoshi Desert/Peach Circuit(don't ask why)
Mushroom City
Bowser's Castle
Mario Circuit
Rainbow Road
Toad's Factory/Dry Dry Ruins
DK Summit/Moonview Highway
Wario Shipyard/Daisy Hills
Rock Rock Mountain/Shy Guy Bazaar
Shy Guy Falls/Ice Ice Outpost
Remakes of MKPC tracks
On 2022-04-18 at 18:52:29
Okay. If I add more enemies, jumps etc. then it is okay?
On 2022-04-18 at 18:16:11
Once and for all, I need to know. Are you allowed to remake the tracks from MKPC without making changes? Because there must be 500 remakes up by now.
Unrevealed Tour tracks in MK8DX
On 2022-04-16 at 02:06:04
DK's Snowboard Cross, Koopa Cape, Moonview Highway, And Toad's Factory. ( For Turnip Cup.) Now For Propeller Tracks! Shy Guy Beach, Sunset Wilds, GBA Mario Circuit, And GBA Rainbow Road.
Uhh...this topic is about Tour city tracks.
Even then, those cups are literally one game each. Just saying.
On 2022-04-16 at 00:07:25
I heard about the Amsterdam & Bangkok Tour datamine, but I hope that we get at least 1 city from every continent.
Madrid would be nice, but I can't think of any South American cities.
And Buenos Aires ? Or even Brasilia ?
I was reasoning that for most of the tracks the second part of the name had to start with the same letter (eg. Paris Promenade, Berlin Byways(yes Tokyo Blur does exist but still) so that it sort of rhymed, but it would appear that Amsterdam threw that out the window... I couldn't think of anything for those, especially Rio de Janeiro, that made sense. Partly because I don't know much about any of them.
On 2022-04-15 at 23:51:32
Another USA track? Sure. Just hope they get around to the other 2 continents more afterwards.
On 2022-04-15 at 19:51:02
On 2022-04-03 at 17:16:56
I heard about the Amsterdam & Bangkok Tour datamine, but I hope that we get at least 1 city from every continent.
Madrid would be nice, but I can't think of any South American cities.
On 2022-04-03 at 02:24:59
I am still surprised there's no Rome themed track in Tour.
Yeah, I just realized that makes no sense.
On 2022-04-03 at 02:18:50
With the DLC for 8 Deluxe slowly coming out, and the "datamined" number of new Tour tracks that haven't been revealed yet in it, which cities or other new nitro track ideas would you like to see?
Changes that you hate in MK 8 Deluxe
On 2022-04-13 at 19:37:46
I personally don't care what the game looks like as long as it functions. Complaining about how grass and walls look in a racing game seems a little overboard to me.
I also don't quite understand. Were they supposed to completely invalidate Tour? Does the DLC even play badly?
Also, Shroom Ridge clearly looks better than on the DS.
I also don't quite understand. Were they supposed to completely invalidate Tour? Does the DLC even play badly?
Also, Shroom Ridge clearly looks better than on the DS.
On 2022-04-13 at 16:17:03
What exactly is wrong with the graphics? Could someone tell me? They look fine.
Its like people have forgotten what the Tour originals looked like...
Its like people have forgotten what the Tour originals looked like...
Best 3D Mario game?
On 2022-04-01 at 19:55:09
They are all pretty good.
I'd probably say Galaxy 1 & 2 because I played them first
I don't like how the controls in them are different yet still have some issues though...
I'd probably say Galaxy 1 & 2 because I played them first

I don't like how the controls in them are different yet still have some issues though...
Why I Hate Mario Kart Wii
On 2022-04-10 at 02:11:46
That's a really good game yup, but it has its flaws, like the horrible controls, some bland retro tracks, and the overbugged races. I'm tired of seeing insane shortcuts in TAS.
That's honestly the most interesting thing about the game though, gameplay wise. The shortcuts done are signs of a dedicated community who want to push a game to its limits, and if stuff like this is possible, then I'm all for it. But take those away, and what's left? The gameplay is far less appealing to me, and it's a game left carried by its admittedly well-aged visuals and good tracks. But I'm someone who prefers the actual meat of a game, not the plate, and I see a dull game with poor balancing and jank everywhere
tbh when you see the 6848595th shortcut you be like : idc. Also yeah the Community is dedicated but most of that is due to CTGP r
Nah, not really, I always enjoy seeing new discoveries on tracks. And yeah I can't exactly deny that the game's only alive because of CTGP, but that furthers my point. What would've happened if it didn't exist? The game wouldn't be as overrated as it is now
The game still sold 39 million copies, so yes

In any case, there's CTGP for MK7 & MK8. CTGP isn't just a MKW thing, so that can't be the WHOLE reason. I always see people mention CTGPR when CTGP7 and CTGPU exist and are doing pretty well.
The only thing about CTGPR is that the hacking makes a crazy game even crazier. the whole point of MKW was to "flip" the series from a pattern that was becoming a little stale. The overratedness is just from the fact that it's a Wii game, and a super popular one too. A ton of people bought a Wii and played Wii Sports. It stands to reason that atleast for 10-20 more years after Wii Sports that a lot of people grabbed the latest Wii game. It's not necesarily a bad game either. Every Mario Kart game has it's problems. The console was to bring casual, everyday people into videogames, and to forget about the "Dolphin" crowd, who shouldn't complain when Nintendo's newest games aren't to their liking. (You guys literally have one of the best lineups in Nintendo's history, stop whining

Highest sales =/= the best game, look at MK8DX. The point I was making is that the game is very much kept alive by CTGP-R, while the same isn't exactly said for MK7 and 8. They're successful yes, but the game's longevity doesn't revolve around it.
As for the pattern becoming stale, I'm a firm believer of "don't fix what isn't broken", and even then I don't believe that the MK formula was getting stale. Each game was different in its own right and not a blatant copy-paste of the last one. Especially with the more recent titles, such as Double Dash having the mechanic of two characters and being able to switch out items at will, and DS expanding upon the character + kart concept.
Lastly, no. It's not a bad game, for sure. But it's still one of the weaker titles in my opinion, if we're talking BASE GAME. While I'll admit I'm now seeing a lot of the MKs through a competitive lens, it's still a valid point to be made.
I wasn't saying stale as in the games were the same, they're definitely not. I just meant that the 8 racers and small numbers of vehicles to choose from, among other things, was keeping the series back, although it looks like the DS games were initially going to be bigger than they ended up being.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe technically is the best game glitch/shortcut wise from Nintendo's point of view, whether you like it or not. It certainly has more bulk to it than any other game in the series. As for sales not equating to the best game, I'm saying that MKW was more influential to the series' future than the older games. Had it not sold so well, we probably wouldn't have had as much effort put into the newer games.
Mechanics wise, bikes and stunts have stuck around more than other mechanics like the ones from DD. While the game is janky and wonky, it would be easier for someone NEW to get into than MKDS.
As for CTGP, CTGPR is just an acknowledgement that the game is fun to a lot of people and they enjoy making it more "fun". You could also say that the old games are kept alive by Time Trials. The difference is that the old games aren't really going to change/attract new players(unless they really like that game), whereas as Wii is a pick-up-&-play sort of game.
I think Wii just has a lot of negativity surrounding it because it was "poorly balanced". I for one prefer for Mario Kart to be chaotic: it's a party racing game, just like how Smash is a party fighting game.
On 2022-04-10 at 00:02:31
That's a really good game yup, but it has its flaws, like the horrible controls, some bland retro tracks, and the overbugged races. I'm tired of seeing insane shortcuts in TAS.
That's honestly the most interesting thing about the game though, gameplay wise. The shortcuts done are signs of a dedicated community who want to push a game to its limits, and if stuff like this is possible, then I'm all for it. But take those away, and what's left? The gameplay is far less appealing to me, and it's a game left carried by its admittedly well-aged visuals and good tracks. But I'm someone who prefers the actual meat of a game, not the plate, and I see a dull game with poor balancing and jank everywhere
tbh when you see the 6848595th shortcut you be like : idc. Also yeah the Community is dedicated but most of that is due to CTGP r
Nah, not really, I always enjoy seeing new discoveries on tracks. And yeah I can't exactly deny that the game's only alive because of CTGP, but that furthers my point. What would've happened if it didn't exist? The game wouldn't be as overrated as it is now
The game still sold 39 million copies, so yes

In any case, there's CTGP for MK7 & MK8. CTGP isn't just a MKW thing, so that can't be the WHOLE reason. I always see people mention CTGPR when CTGP7 and CTGPU exist and are doing pretty well.
The only thing about CTGPR is that the hacking makes a crazy game even crazier. the whole point of MKW was to "flip" the series from a pattern that was becoming a little stale. The overratedness is just from the fact that it's a Wii game, and a super popular one too. A ton of people bought a Wii and played Wii Sports. It stands to reason that atleast for 10-20 more years after Wii Sports that a lot of people grabbed the latest Wii game. It's not necesarily a bad game either. Every Mario Kart game has it's problems. The console was to bring casual, everyday people into videogames, and to forget about the "Dolphin" crowd, who shouldn't complain when Nintendo's newest games aren't to their liking. (You guys literally have one of the best lineups in Nintendo's history, stop whining

On 2022-04-09 at 23:27:34
I can see why people don't like it, but it was made to be a casual, chaotic entry for the series. It still added some stuff of value (tricks). While the game is pure jank(I agree), those of us who grew up on it(other people as well) like it. A lot of people here probably wouldn't be here if they didn't have a game growing up to love the series, and for some of us it was MKW.
Also, the item distribution is bad, but I don't have any problem with it(usually) Most that I find trouble with is TCs. It's more of a last lap come-from-behind game than lead-from-the-front.
I don't think the character unlocks are any problem (except Mii B) but I did multiplayer with my brother, so it took a while.
Also, the item distribution is bad, but I don't have any problem with it(usually) Most that I find trouble with is TCs. It's more of a last lap come-from-behind game than lead-from-the-front.
I don't think the character unlocks are any problem (except Mii B) but I did multiplayer with my brother, so it took a while.
If you could add tracks to MK8DX...
On 2022-04-09 at 23:45:47
For me, Luigi circuit (MKWII), because it's a good headstart for Mario Kart beginners and is very colourful
Other than GBA Luigi Circuit, I don't think we'll see any of the others because 3DS Toad Circuit is also an intro track(First in the Mushroom Cup, also very easy, good for beginners etc).
On 2022-04-09 at 20:20:19
WII Moonview Highway, just for "fun".
Koopa Vs Skelerex
On 2022-03-31 at 20:53:52
Dry Bones/Skelerex, but Koopa is okay
Also Skelerex is a cool name, wish it was his name in English
Also Skelerex is a cool name, wish it was his name in English
Viable characters in MKPC
On 2022-04-09 at 20:41:15
I already know that Daisy is #1, but I was wondering if there are other good characters that are close to her, or if this is just a "Brawl Metaknight" situation where all the rest need some sort of cheese to beat Daisy.
It's sort of a Brawl MK situation.
The other characters in the cast can be split into two different categories:
1. The characters with high enough handling to snake/reverse drift. All these characters are invalidated by Daisy for one reason or another. Peach is outclassed/equal to Daisy in every stat. Birdo is outclassed in every stat barring weight, which is probably the least relevant stat especially when bumps do so much anyways. And Toad/Toadette are outclassed in every stat by Peach, which clearly doesn't help their case.
2. The characters who do not have the necessary handling to perform either of these techniques (without glitches but that's extremely unsustainable anyway), and thus are immediately invalidated.
Is it possible to beat Daisy with other characters? For sure, if the player in question has very unrefined lines with snaking and you get good item luck then it's possible. But if not, no character stands a chance.
Okay, thx. Kinda wish more were usable though.