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Stuff they should add/remove from the game.

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Kernell wrote:
Also, native custom builders, yeah it'd be difficult but it'd make things a lot easier for more people.

What does this mean?

Like, an in-game complete mode track builder. Where you'd build the image in game instead of importing one from paint.net
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
POW dodge glitch. The screen nuke shouldn't just not work 20% of the time

Also, native custom builders, yeah it'd be difficult but it'd make things a lot easier for more people.

Lastly, it'd be nice to see what the stats for custom characters are instead of just having a slider. It's frustrating to lower one stat, then find out that raising another one isn't legal. The worth of each stat atleast should be displayed.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fluffin wrote:
remove me from the game

Mods! You know what to do
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
If anything there should be an easier way to doge Blue Shells like in the other Games. Currently, the only easy way is to Fall Off or (If Your Lucky) Spin out from something else (Which requires lots of timing), a Mega Mushroom, or a Star.

"Like in the other games" you mean, like 1(2) of the other games? Because the whole point of the blue shell was always to be an undodgeable impedement to 1st place.

jokes for mkpc

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
ima quit mkpc cuz i have some sucking to do is our second daily joke

What did bro say he has to do?
Anyway, Lely is right. Me personally, my jokes are just like my cooking: extremely flat.

I have beaten every* Mario and Luigi game in the last few months

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
*excluding the original Superstar Saga which I have played many times before and the remake Bowser's Inside Story which isn't much different.

Yeah - I played through them all. Before doing this I had only already played Superstar Saga a couple times and most of Partners in Time (I gave up around Star Hill due to being really underleveled). They're damn good games, and if you're thinking of playing any of them, please do! I might at some point do reviews on this topic but no guarantee. I know most people on the site aren't gonna care too much but that's why this is in Various Discussions. The reason I actually did this is the announcement of the TTYD remake. Even though I don't know the release date, I want to complete every Mario RPG before it's out, and I'm planning on taking on the Paper Mario games next. I have already played 64, TOK and TTYD but not SPM. I will not be playing Sticker Star or Colour Splash, I like my video games remotely enjoyable.

Opinions on Paper Jam?(hold)

Better than partners in time, feel free to end my life

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
*excluding the original Superstar Saga which I have played many times before and the remake Bowser's Inside Story which isn't much different.

Yeah - I played through them all. Before doing this I had only already played Superstar Saga a couple times and most of Partners in Time (I gave up around Star Hill due to being really underleveled). They're damn good games, and if you're thinking of playing any of them, please do! I might at some point do reviews on this topic but no guarantee. I know most people on the site aren't gonna care too much but that's why this is in Various Discussions. The reason I actually did this is the announcement of the TTYD remake. Even though I don't know the release date, I want to complete every Mario RPG before it's out, and I'm planning on taking on the Paper Mario games next. I have already played 64, TOK and TTYD but not SPM. I will not be playing Sticker Star or Colour Splash, I like my video games remotely enjoyable.

Opinions on Paper Jam?(hold)

[Fanfic] - MKPC Archipel (2024 Season)

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Anyway this should go without saying but this was an April Fools Joke, obviously, I would never willingly share any of my fanfiction with anyone, especially not the ones involving you guys. Well, I say "ones" but there's only one, & even then it's just personalities & no names are used, but it's pretty.....ero, & I like having friends actually, so you're not gonna be seeing that
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I think Krazey should be allowed to write an episode, and then Lely can immediately make it non-canon the moment it comes out

I was planning to specify that it was an AU in the first place.

Wouldn't want to mess with Lely's suicide loop writing, would I?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
@NotThatKrazey oh no you're not. I am not asking anyone anytime soon and even if I did it would be everyone but you πŸ’€

Keep in mind, everyone, that today is April 1st. He could be lying:p

You all should be very scared right now;)
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
VC wrote:
Lely wrote:
Btw this is on hiatus cause my phone is broken and this one is small so for now no episode upcoming :(

Okay fellas, since Lely is MIA, I'll be writing the next episode
First, I need to drop some content warnings, so there's no complaining or confusion when the episode drops.

The next content posted to this particular topic will include*:
1: Hebephilia
2: Anti-LGBT dialogue
3: Racial paraphrasing
4: Potentially upsetting images
5: Blatant references to real life sex offenders and/or serial killers
6: Generally de-motivating diagolue that could lead to suicidal thoughts
7: colour brown species monkey
8: Religious content
9: Unorthodox fantasies/headcanons held by the writer
10: Unauthorised use of 3rd party characters, also based on real people

*: this list is subject to change at anytime

Don't worry, development has already begun, expect it sometime tomorrow!

Did lely say you could write the next episode? (genuinely curious, if a bit worried)

VC, the Europeans are hours ahead of us. It was already April 1st over there
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
PokeGD wrote:
PokeGD wrote:
PokeGD wrote:
Lely wrote:
Btw this is on hiatus cause my phone is broken and this one is small so for now no episode upcoming :(

Okay fellas, since Lely is MIA, I'll be writing the next episode
First, I need to drop some content warnings, so there's no complaining or confusion when the episode drops.

The next content posted to this particular topic will include*:
1: Hebephilia
2: Anti-LGBT dialogue
3: Racial paraphrasing
4: Potentially upsetting images
5: Blatant references to real life sex offenders and/or serial killers
6: Generally de-motivating diagolue that could lead to suicidal thoughts
7: colour brown species monkey
8: Religious content
9: Unorthodox fantasies/headcanons held by the writer
10: Unauthorised use of 3rd party characters, also based on real people

*: this list is subject to change at anytime

Don't worry, development has already begun, expect it sometime tomorrow!

yay no death which means no one dies!

What do you think "Religious content" means?


Bro has not read the bible & it shows

In any case, there's already a Death Warning on these fanfics, why would I do a second one?

actually im a christan so shut up b@#$%^

There are a shit ton of Christians who have not really read the bible. They know the most important verses by heart, to be sure, but most nowadays aren't cover-to-cover legends like my Grandmas are.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
PokeGD wrote:
PokeGD wrote:
Lely wrote:
Btw this is on hiatus cause my phone is broken and this one is small so for now no episode upcoming :(

Okay fellas, since Lely is MIA, I'll be writing the next episode
First, I need to drop some content warnings, so there's no complaining or confusion when the episode drops.

The next content posted to this particular topic will include*:
1: Hebephilia
2: Anti-LGBT dialogue
3: Racial paraphrasing
4: Potentially upsetting images
5: Blatant references to real life sex offenders and/or serial killers
6: Generally de-motivating diagolue that could lead to suicidal thoughts
7: colour brown species monkey
8: Religious content
9: Unorthodox fantasies/headcanons held by the writer
10: Unauthorised use of 3rd party characters, also based on real people

*: this list is subject to change at anytime

Don't worry, development has already begun, expect it sometime tomorrow!

yay no death which means no one dies!

What do you think "Religious content" means?


Bro has not read the bible & it shows

In any case, there's already a Death Warning on these fanfics, why would I do a second one?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
PokeGD wrote:
Lely wrote:
Btw this is on hiatus cause my phone is broken and this one is small so for now no episode upcoming :(

Okay fellas, since Lely is MIA, I'll be writing the next episode
First, I need to drop some content warnings, so there's no complaining or confusion when the episode drops.

The next content posted to this particular topic will include*:
1: Hebephilia
2: Anti-LGBT dialogue
3: Racial paraphrasing
4: Potentially upsetting images
5: Blatant references to real life sex offenders and/or serial killers
6: Generally de-motivating diagolue that could lead to suicidal thoughts
7: colour brown species monkey
8: Religious content
9: Unorthodox fantasies/headcanons held by the writer
10: Unauthorised use of 3rd party characters, also based on real people

*: this list is subject to change at anytime

Don't worry, development has already begun, expect it sometime tomorrow!

yay no death which means no one dies!

What do you think "Religious content" means?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Btw this is on hiatus cause my phone is broken and this one is small so for now no episode upcoming :(

Okay fellas, since Lely is MIA, I'll be writing the next episode
First, I need to drop some content warnings, so there's no complaining or confusion when the episode drops.

The next content posted to this particular topic will include*:
1: Hebephilia
2: Anti-LGBT dialogue
3: Racial paraphrasing
4: Potentially upsetting images
5: Blatant references to real life sex offenders and/or serial killers
6: Generally de-motivating diagolue that could lead to suicidal thoughts
7: colour brown species monkey
8: Religious content
9: Unorthodox fantasies/headcanons held by the writer
10: Unauthorised use of 3rd party characters, also based on real people

*: this list is subject to change at anytime

Don't worry, development has already begun, expect it sometime tomorrow!
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
PokeGD wrote:
ill join

personelity: bassicly Zoink but better in every way at geometry dash, lanquid
weight:250 pounds help
species: roblox guy
freind: Ben, Eli, or Max
enemy: Chuck
color: red with black eyes and braces

why the fuck would I be your friend I don't even know who you are hap

Why does your username sound exactly like a football player
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Invu wrote:
Lely 11

Nudge 8

Eli 7

Alice 6

Max 5
Ben 5

Krazey 4
Noob 4

VC 2

Dayzi 1
Choco 1
James 1
Angrybird 1

That line distribution was a bit tougher. But anyways this means the fanfic is restarting !!

Restarting? Man, somebody has to keep count of how many reboots we've had from Lels by this point.

Ah no I just meant I would start writing for this again. Dw it's steady for now.

Emphasis on "for now", right?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Lely 11

Nudge 8

Eli 7

Alice 6

Max 5
Ben 5

Krazey 4
Noob 4

VC 2

Dayzi 1
Choco 1
James 1
Angrybird 1

That line distribution was a bit tougher. But anyways this means the fanfic is restarting !!

Restarting? Man, somebody has to keep count of how many reboots we've had from Lels by this point.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Lely wrote:
Chapter 3 : Rush

The stadium of MKPC Archipel was an architectural prowess. Not only it was huge to begin with, but it was also beautiful. The flag of the archipelago was flying proudly over a huge crowd that was cheering and applauding loudly. The spectators were doing all sorts of things, the wave thing, throwing paper planes, they were very enthusiastic.
Chuck : Hello everyone ! As you see, the 13 competitors have now arrived to the stadium and the platforms are emerging. You might be confused about what is going on yet. Well, this is not your classic football match for sure. But for now, I will let the 13 competitors introduce themselves.
Well. Everything has to start with Nudge.
Nudge : Hi everyone. I'm Nudge. I'm smart, probably the only one worth of that title in this group. I was there in 2022... yeah that's it. Oh and I won't hesitate to murder people on the set if it means winning ? Why ? Because i just, very simply feel like it.
Some people were mocking his braggy, nerdy appearance. Mario100 was fumbling at his words. Nudge just left, and the crowd cheered quite loudly, but he didn't care much about that anyways. Next was Max.
Max : Well hello everyone, I'm a kitsune, I'm Max. Some people call me a furry but I'm not, I'm just naturally a fox. Oh, i'm quite nice, and I was there in 2022 too ! That's it for me, bye ^^
Well, the crowd started debating whether Max was a furry or not : they didn't even cheer until some point where some clapped out of politeness and pity. Next was Lely, looking quite relaxed.
Lely : Hello everyone ! I'm Lely. Don't worry, I grew up a lot since last time, I'm not spewing that cute bullshit anymore. That's probably for the better. I was there in 2022. A lot of things changed ! I hope they're for the better, I'm looking forward to competing again !
The crowd didn't seem very passionate, but still clapped. Some screamed "well he still looks so gay and dumb!" which earned some dark glares from Mario100 and Alice. Next was VC.
VC : Well, I thought we might continue the OG streak. I was here in 2022 too and I was... probably not the most noticed contestant. I never was much at the front. I hope this season gives me a chance to shine !
People cheered and clapped loudly, seemingly appreciating VC's simple but optimistic speech. VC, not expecting that, smiled shyly and left. Next was Dayzi.
Dayzi : Hey. Well, I'm another introvert OG. I'm not too interesting, you'll see. But I still wanted to participate, even if it's to be at the short end of the stick.
Some cheered. Not too loudly, but they were still there. A bit like Dayzi, in a way. Next was Choco.
Choco : Hey everyone. If you thought the previous 2 were introverts, then you're in for a ride lol. I prepared this speech but I never talk aside from that. And now that's it, bye !
The crowd smiled, some mocking him and mimicking his shy behavior. But he didn't mind. Lely was tilting his head though, not understanding. Next was Ben.
Ben : Hello everyone ! I participated in this because every show needs a big bad boy like me. Yeah 😎 have you seen my six-pack ? I'm gonna throw my shirt so that you can see it... *throws his shirt to the crowd* there ! I'm rippled ! And I'm doing this for one girl... she id everything to me. But look at my physique, I think I'm gonna get her ! No diff ! Yah. πŸ₯΅
The crowd cheered really loudly. Many thirsty kpop fans were drooling and taking maby pictures of his torso. Ben was bragging, showing off and winking at the audience. At some point, Noob had enough of whatever this was and decided to go next.
Noob : These days, that guy gets his only attention from having the same name as Ben Shapiro... well. Big fail for him. You cheer, you cheer, but in fact, not much to cheer for. He is a simp, an insecure teenager that simps for Andrew Tate and the big Alpha males because... because what ? Guess. Because that's what he's not. What he's wearing is silicone. *Alice and Lely lift off the costume to show a regular physique* See ? He's showing off plastic. It's giving Ken. Oh well. About me ? I had enough of him. That's it. Personnally I came here to discover new experiences to grow as an individual because I did see this trip as a perfect opportunity to grow up.
The crowd booed and cheered. They booed Ben's silicone costume, the fact he was pretending to be a big man while Noob, according to them, was the true big man. Ben was just there, humiliated. Lely would have felt bad if Ben wasn't bragging. Next was James.
James : The architectural job of this stadium ! This is a prowess ! This is the work of a whole life ! This is something ! I love it ! I can't even form a long sentence ! I don't care what we're doing. Playing there is already enough for me. I'm James ! Bye !
The crowd just laughed. James didn't give a fuck about his introduction, he just let his random thoughts bubble out of his mouth. Oh well. That was appealing to some. Next was Angrybird.
Angrybird : Hello everyone, I'm Angrybird. Don't worry about my name, I'm a kind person. That's... about it.
The crowd had nothing to say about his personnality, so they talked about his name and laughed loudly. They clapped, but not because they liked it, but because they laughed. Next was Krazey.
Krazey : Hello everyone, I'm your local pervert. I'm a pervert, a nerd and a weirdo. It's kinda odd for me to be surrounded by innocent kids, but I got used to it eventually. Well. Every place needs someone chill but a bit weird on the sides, y'know. Well that gotta be me, I guess.
He left and his personnality appealed to a lot, making a lot of people laugh, and a few disgusted, surprisingly. Next was Eli.
Eli : Hello everyone ! I'm Eli. I'm pretty chill, calm, and even caring most of the time. But. There is always a but. If I ever see any of you mocking my cousin, not cheering for her, or even making her feel bad, then you'll hear about for me. Be sure and aware of that.
Some of them started mocking Eli, which earned some dark glares from him. Next was Alice.
Alice : Hey everyone ! I'm Alice. I am the cousin in question : indeed, we are very protective when it comes to our loved ones. That's our common point. Guess it's family thing ! Well anyways, I'm not too mean, I'm even really kind and caring, and a shoulder to cry on. But just one thing : don't mess with us. Anyways, that's it ^^
Some people mocked Eli and Alice, some cheered. Well, Chuck was ready to start the match anyways.
Chuck : Well, let's--
Ben : Wait ! I need to use the bathroom.
Ben ran to the other side of the stadium, while Chuck wqs confused. People decided to follow him to see what he was up to.
In the bathrooms...
Noob : Awww you gonna cry ?
Lely : Well. I'm sorry, I feel bad. But you bragging is insufferable. Maybe this was a good lesson. I am truly sorry that you had to learn it the hard way.
Ben : Yeah but now a whole huge crowd hates me ! I have no shirt ! My brain is about to burst out from panic !
Krazey : The other thing that is bursting right now is my bladder. Get out, I need to piss.
Nudge : Well me too.
Eventually, they all entered the bathrooms and left Ben alone in the middle. He was crying, sobbing, and locked himself in a a shower.
When they all got out, including Ben...
Ben : Doesn't anyone have abs ? That way you give me your shirt and you can show off...
Lely : Me personnally no. And the whole crowd is waiting for us. I think at this point they're getting mad either way, so keep a composure, a cool face, and I don't think they'll look at you for long. But if we stay in there, it'll generate havoc. Considering how braindead most of this crowd is, some of them might be really annoying to deal with when they're in cat rampage mode.
Nudge : Extremely rare Lely W
Max : Whoo ! This day needs to be saved in history !
Krazey : Yay fellas. We did it. Whoops. Got carried away. Anyways, if Ben really is insecure, they must have got jerseys somewhere. They weren't dumb enough to made only 13 of them ?
Eli : Oh I got some. But he doesn't deserve them. He needs to learn to be a true man, to own up for his stupidities and that is a good lesson.
Lely : Quit being an asshole and give me these shirts.
Eli : Why the hell are you talking to me like that ? Asshole yourself ! Why tf are you giving him these shirts ! It only makes him repeat what he did...
Lely : We don't have a lot of time. I can be a prick, but not for too long. I couldn't be shirtless in front of that audience neither. So now HAND IT TO ME.
Eli : What the hell ? Then go be shirtless. That would be a lesson too. *tries to grab Lely*
Lely : Just because you were showed in poolsuit at the national info doesn't mean everybody has the same confidence. Now hand these shirts to me Eli, I am NOT in the mood for this.
Lely : You failed at being intelligent and at getting common sense. Now hand me these shirts.
Alice : Lely, he is right. That would be a lesson.
Max : If we're playing this stupid game I stand by Lely. It was his lesson. Was. Now it's enough. Are you just straight out of kindergarten or how's it going ?
Nudge : Never thought we'd get a Lely W and a Max W in the same day. Man this brings the best in both of you.
Eli : W ? More like L to me. Are we using letters instead of words ? Sure.
Alice : Hey, hey. Eli is right. Now stop. Y'all, this is the last warning. I am fire. Never forget that.
Lely : Last warning ? Oh for sure, and you are getting on my last nerve now. So just stop. Quit being delusional and biased. This is not Alice in Wonderland.
Krazey : Oof. I would have hated that.
Alice : I like you, Lely. But this is too far. You are a dumbass. A gay, edgy dumbass with bad music taste.
Lely : Bahahaha you can speak
Alice : Yeah that's freedom of speech. I will forever use my voice.
Noob : She really thought she ate πŸ’€ No, but, fr, seriously. What the hell is going on.
Alice : Yeah well at least I wasn't adopted ! My mom liked me when she gave birth ! Yours didn't even want to see your ugly face.
Noob : Am I dreaming ? Did she really say that for real ? πŸ’€
VC : It's crazy how we argue over nothing. If you had handed these shirts... also that insult was foul. Really, that was the worst thing you could say. Big L from you
Max : No you did not just say this.
Nudge : She did.
Max : Shut up it's horrible and immoral !
Nudge : I agree, for once.
Krazey : You know what's funny ? His biological parents probably didn't want him, but his adoptive parents did. Well. At least he has a better childhood.
Nudge : I agree with that aswell
Lely : You know what. I liked you both. I had faith and trust in you. But you are really way too excessive sometimes. And this was the bitch move of the century. But anyways,
I'll take this shirt *proceeds* and here. Ben, you have a shirt. Now let's go, they're waiting for us.

Noob : Does he even care ??
Nudge : He does. It's visible. Max will get tears tonight. But for now, he's holding it back. Hardly... but yes, he does care...

MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
Chapter 3

The end

"Appealing?" That's a new one.

What is wrong with my wording again 😭

Nothing. But "appealing" is interesting. I didn't know you sw me that way, is all.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Chapter 3 : Rush

The stadium of MKPC Archipel was an architectural prowess. Not only it was huge to begin with, but it was also beautiful. The flag of the archipelago was flying proudly over a huge crowd that was cheering and applauding loudly. The spectators were doing all sorts of things, the wave thing, throwing paper planes, they were very enthusiastic.
Chuck : Hello everyone ! As you see, the 13 competitors have now arrived to the stadium and the platforms are emerging. You might be confused about what is going on yet. Well, this is not your classic football match for sure. But for now, I will let the 13 competitors introduce themselves.
Well. Everything has to start with Nudge.
Nudge : Hi everyone. I'm Nudge. I'm smart, probably the only one worth of that title in this group. I was there in 2022... yeah that's it. Oh and I won't hesitate to murder people on the set if it means winning ? Why ? Because i just, very simply feel like it.
Some people were mocking his braggy, nerdy appearance. Mario100 was fumbling at his words. Nudge just left, and the crowd cheered quite loudly, but he didn't care much about that anyways. Next was Max.
Max : Well hello everyone, I'm a kitsune, I'm Max. Some people call me a furry but I'm not, I'm just naturally a fox. Oh, i'm quite nice, and I was there in 2022 too ! That's it for me, bye ^^
Well, the crowd started debating whether Max was a furry or not : they didn't even cheer until some point where some clapped out of politeness and pity. Next was Lely, looking quite relaxed.
Lely : Hello everyone ! I'm Lely. Don't worry, I grew up a lot since last time, I'm not spewing that cute bullshit anymore. That's probably for the better. I was there in 2022. A lot of things changed ! I hope they're for the better, I'm looking forward to competing again !
The crowd didn't seem very passionate, but still clapped. Some screamed "well he still looks so gay and dumb!" which earned some dark glares from Mario100 and Alice. Next was VC.
VC : Well, I thought we might continue the OG streak. I was here in 2022 too and I was... probably not the most noticed contestant. I never was much at the front. I hope this season gives me a chance to shine !
People cheered and clapped loudly, seemingly appreciating VC's simple but optimistic speech. VC, not expecting that, smiled shyly and left. Next was Dayzi.
Dayzi : Hey. Well, I'm another introvert OG. I'm not too interesting, you'll see. But I still wanted to participate, even if it's to be at the short end of the stick.
Some cheered. Not too loudly, but they were still there. A bit like Dayzi, in a way. Next was Choco.
Choco : Hey everyone. If you thought the previous 2 were introverts, then you're in for a ride lol. I prepared this speech but I never talk aside from that. And now that's it, bye !
The crowd smiled, some mocking him and mimicking his shy behavior. But he didn't mind. Lely was tilting his head though, not understanding. Next was Ben.
Ben : Hello everyone ! I participated in this because every show needs a big bad boy like me. Yeah 😎 have you seen my six-pack ? I'm gonna throw my shirt so that you can see it... *throws his shirt to the crowd* there ! I'm rippled ! And I'm doing this for one girl... she id everything to me. But look at my physique, I think I'm gonna get her ! No diff ! Yah. πŸ₯΅
The crowd cheered really loudly. Many thirsty kpop fans were drooling and taking maby pictures of his torso. Ben was bragging, showing off and winking at the audience. At some point, Noob had enough of whatever this was and decided to go next.
Noob : These days, that guy gets his only attention from having the same name as Ben Shapiro... well. Big fail for him. You cheer, you cheer, but in fact, not much to cheer for. He is a simp, an insecure teenager that simps for Andrew Tate and the big Alpha males because... because what ? Guess. Because that's what he's not. What he's wearing is silicone. *Alice and Lely lift off the costume to show a regular physique* See ? He's showing off plastic. It's giving Ken. Oh well. About me ? I had enough of him. That's it. Personnally I came here to discover new experiences to grow as an individual because I did see this trip as a perfect opportunity to grow up.
The crowd booed and cheered. They booed Ben's silicone costume, the fact he was pretending to be a big man while Noob, according to them, was the true big man. Ben was just there, humiliated. Lely would have felt bad if Ben wasn't bragging. Next was James.
James : The architectural job of this stadium ! This is a prowess ! This is the work of a whole life ! This is something ! I love it ! I can't even form a long sentence ! I don't care what we're doing. Playing there is already enough for me. I'm James ! Bye !
The crowd just laughed. James didn't give a fuck about his introduction, he just let his random thoughts bubble out of his mouth. Oh well. That was appealing to some. Next was Angrybird.
Angrybird : Hello everyone, I'm Angrybird. Don't worry about my name, I'm a kind person. That's... about it.
The crowd had nothing to say about his personnality, so they talked about his name and laughed loudly. They clapped, but not because they liked it, but because they laughed. Next was Krazey.
Krazey : Hello everyone, I'm your local pervert. I'm a pervert, a nerd and a weirdo. It's kinda odd for me to be surrounded by innocent kids, but I got used to it eventually. Well. Every place needs someone chill but a bit weird on the sides, y'know. Well that gotta be me, I guess.
He left and his personnality appealed to a lot, making a lot of people laugh, and a few disgusted, surprisingly. Next was Eli.
Eli : Hello everyone ! I'm Eli. I'm pretty chill, calm, and even caring most of the time. But. There is always a but. If I ever see any of you mocking my cousin, not cheering for her, or even making her feel bad, then you'll hear about for me. Be sure and aware of that.
Some of them started mocking Eli, which earned some dark glares from him. Next was Alice.
Alice : Hey everyone ! I'm Alice. I am the cousin in question : indeed, we are very protective when it comes to our loved ones. That's our common point. Guess it's family thing ! Well anyways, I'm not too mean, I'm even really kind and caring, and a shoulder to cry on. But just one thing : don't mess with us. Anyways, that's it ^^
Some people mocked Eli and Alice, some cheered. Well, Chuck was ready to start the match anyways.
Chuck : Well, let's--
Ben : Wait ! I need to use the bathroom.
Ben ran to the other side of the stadium, while Chuck wqs confused. People decided to follow him to see what he was up to.
In the bathrooms...
Noob : Awww you gonna cry ?
Lely : Well. I'm sorry, I feel bad. But you bragging is insufferable. Maybe this was a good lesson. I am truly sorry that you had to learn it the hard way.
Ben : Yeah but now a whole huge crowd hates me ! I have no shirt ! My brain is about to burst out from panic !
Krazey : The other thing that is bursting right now is my bladder. Get out, I need to piss.
Nudge : Well me too.
Eventually, they all entered the bathrooms and left Ben alone in the middle. He was crying, sobbing, and locked himself in a a shower.
When they all got out, including Ben...
Ben : Doesn't anyone have abs ? That way you give me your shirt and you can show off...
Lely : Me personnally no. And the whole crowd is waiting for us. I think at this point they're getting mad either way, so keep a composure, a cool face, and I don't think they'll look at you for long. But if we stay in there, it'll generate havoc. Considering how braindead most of this crowd is, some of them might be really annoying to deal with when they're in cat rampage mode.
Nudge : Extremely rare Lely W
Max : Whoo ! This day needs to be saved in history !
Krazey : Yay fellas. We did it. Whoops. Got carried away. Anyways, if Ben really is insecure, they must have got jerseys somewhere. They weren't dumb enough to made only 13 of them ?
Eli : Oh I got some. But he doesn't deserve them. He needs to learn to be a true man, to own up for his stupidities and that is a good lesson.
Lely : Quit being an asshole and give me these shirts.
Eli : Why the hell are you talking to me like that ? Asshole yourself ! Why tf are you giving him these shirts ! It only makes him repeat what he did...
Lely : We don't have a lot of time. I can be a prick, but not for too long. I couldn't be shirtless in front of that audience neither. So now HAND IT TO ME.
Eli : What the hell ? Then go be shirtless. That would be a lesson too. *tries to grab Lely*
Lely : Just because you were showed in poolsuit at the national info doesn't mean everybody has the same confidence. Now hand these shirts to me Eli, I am NOT in the mood for this.
Lely : You failed at being intelligent and at getting common sense. Now hand me these shirts.
Alice : Lely, he is right. That would be a lesson.
Max : If we're playing this stupid game I stand by Lely. It was his lesson. Was. Now it's enough. Are you just straight out of kindergarten or how's it going ?
Nudge : Never thought we'd get a Lely W and a Max W in the same day. Man this brings the best in both of you.
Eli : W ? More like L to me. Are we using letters instead of words ? Sure.
Alice : Hey, hey. Eli is right. Now stop. Y'all, this is the last warning. I am fire. Never forget that.
Lely : Last warning ? Oh for sure, and you are getting on my last nerve now. So just stop. Quit being delusional and biased. This is not Alice in Wonderland.
Krazey : Oof. I would have hated that.
Alice : I like you, Lely. But this is too far. You are a dumbass. A gay, edgy dumbass with bad music taste.
Lely : Bahahaha you can speak
Alice : Yeah that's freedom of speech. I will forever use my voice.
Noob : She really thought she ate πŸ’€ No, but, fr, seriously. What the hell is going on.
Alice : Yeah well at least I wasn't adopted ! My mom liked me when she gave birth ! Yours didn't even want to see your ugly face.
Noob : Am I dreaming ? Did she really say that for real ? πŸ’€
VC : It's crazy how we argue over nothing. If you had handed these shirts... also that insult was foul. Really, that was the worst thing you could say. Big L from you
Max : No you did not just say this.
Nudge : She did.
Max : Shut up it's horrible and immoral !
Nudge : I agree, for once.
Krazey : You know what's funny ? His biological parents probably didn't want him, but his adoptive parents did. Well. At least he has a better childhood.
Nudge : I agree with that aswell
Lely : You know what. I liked you both. I had faith and trust in you. But you are really way too excessive sometimes. And this was the bitch move of the century. But anyways,
I'll take this shirt *proceeds* and here. Ben, you have a shirt. Now let's go, they're waiting for us.

Noob : Does he even care ??
Nudge : He does. It's visible. Max will get tears tonight. But for now, he's holding it back. Hardly... but yes, he does care...

MKPC Archipel - 2024 Season
Chapter 3

The end

"Appealing?" That's a new one.

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