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A Online cup
On 2024-09-19 at 01:00:45
Just checked in, it's going about how you'd expect it to
Mario Kart PC Emulator
On 2023-06-20 at 16:43:55
1. They are NOT missing any "market value", no one in their right mind is going to buy Mario Kart on a PC. It'd get stomped by Forza, Need for Speed, Asphalt & basically everything else because it stinks, because everyone already owns a Switch, they aren't gonna buy the same game twice with 0 improvements. The only reason that it even makes money on Nintendo consoles is 1) Mario, and 2) because everything else is literally unplayable from being downgraded to fit their system. It's a genius tactic. All incoming 3rd party games need to be butchered up to play, and since they build their games solely for themselves, they don't need to downgrade it, which is why they run great.
2. You need to download Yuzu or Cemu, both of which require a stacked PC, and a copy of the game ROM, in which case you could save yourself the trouble and just use the Switch: I hardly imagine you'd own the game but not the console...
You'd have to get it illegally otherwise, breaking the law no less, so...
3. Sharing information on where to actually download the ROMs directly is ALSO illegal, so you'd have to look it up yourself. 9/10 your PC won't be able to run the damn thing after all the trouble. I already had trouble downloading Brawl for Dolphin, I doubt it'd take less than double that time for Odyssey or Breath of the Wild.
4. I completely forgot that to even use Yuzu, you need to own a Switch in the first place, preferably an old /unpatched one, at which point, again, just play it normally. Wasting a lot of time, and for what? 60FPS? Seriously?
if you had trouble downloading a rom then it's your problem lol, it's so easy to find roms, and same for installing roms on emulators
there's plenty of tutorials about this on youtube

I meant the length of time it took to get Brawl. My PC is fairly average(I think), but it was still a while. And that was a Wii game, not a modern one.
On 2023-06-20 at 14:10:24
1. They are NOT missing any "market value", no one in their right mind is going to buy Mario Kart on a PC. It'd get stomped by Forza, Need for Speed, Asphalt & basically everything else because it stinks, because everyone already owns a Switch, they aren't gonna buy the same game twice with 0 improvements. The only reason that it even makes money on Nintendo consoles is 1) Mario, and 2) because everything else is literally unplayable from being downgraded to fit their system. It's a genius tactic. All incoming 3rd party games need to be butchered up to play, and since they build their games solely for themselves, they don't need to downgrade it, which is why they run great.
2. You need to download Yuzu or Cemu, both of which require a stacked PC, and a copy of the game ROM, in which case you could save yourself the trouble and just use the Switch: I hardly imagine you'd own the game but not the console...
You'd have to get it illegally otherwise, breaking the law no less, so...
3. Sharing information on where to actually download the ROMs directly is ALSO illegal, so you'd have to look it up yourself. 9/10 your PC won't be able to run the damn thing after all the trouble. I already had trouble downloading Brawl for Dolphin, I doubt it'd take less than double that time for Odyssey or Breath of the Wild.
4. I completely forgot that to even use Yuzu, you need to own a Switch in the first place, preferably an old /unpatched one, at which point, again, just play it normally. Wasting a lot of time, and for what? 60FPS? Seriously?

Big festival !!!
On 2024-09-17 at 23:29:55
With a score of 500-370-0, Team Past wins Grand Festival!
A sad day for the OtH stans, but we pulled it out in the end.
Now I have an apology letter to write to my brother for choosing my Splatfest team without permission
Well done everyone it was awesome but the game is dead 🥲
Yeah, it's not getting any new content. Still, that's not a reason to stop playing or anything.

On 2024-09-16 at 04:22:52
The results are in...
With a score of 500-370-0, Team Past wins Grand Festival!
A sad day for the OtH stans, but we pulled it out in the end.
Now I have an apology letter to write to my brother for choosing my Splatfest team without permission
With a score of 500-370-0, Team Past wins Grand Festival!
A sad day for the OtH stans, but we pulled it out in the end.
Now I have an apology letter to write to my brother for choosing my Splatfest team without permission
On 2024-09-16 at 02:45:09
Well, Grand Fest is over. Now it's time for the fun part: to delete socials for at least a month
If any of y'all are on Twitter, I'd dip before the winner get's announced. It isn't 2016 anymore, but Leader Fest was still pretty damn bad
And may the best team win!
If any of y'all are on Twitter, I'd dip before the winner get's announced. It isn't 2016 anymore, but Leader Fest was still pretty damn bad
And may the best team win!

On 2024-09-14 at 14:05:11
May the best team win! I am team present 🎉
May the best team win!(And also not get death threats/doxxed on Twitter)
[Liste] Fanfics de MKPC
On 2024-09-17 at 00:39:18
Love this topic.
Bro how tf are you evenfiding these random ass topics
Record for the Most Unread Messages.
On 2024-09-16 at 15:51:38
I had about 40 when I came back after my ban
Hello There
On 2024-09-16 at 04:29:04
We are pleased that you joined this website and we want to make sure you feel at ease in this community.
There's a what?
how do you get the start up boost at the beginning of a race
On 2024-09-15 at 20:58:25
Technically, there is no startup boost. I'm pretty sure it just gives you max speed from the getgo.
Another thing about this game that's a little weird.
Another thing about this game that's a little weird.

Why does nobody play online
On 2024-09-15 at 14:35:43
It mostly comes down to timezone differences. This game simply does not have the amount of active players that an online game needs to have ppl actually play online. Maybe it used to, back in 2016 or something, but it definitely hasn't since I joined. Unless someone really popular comes online & lots of people come to play with them(Fways, Senko etc.), hardly anyone plays. Not to mention everyone is at school again.
It's not like you could schedule a time for everyone to play either. Whatever time you choose will be awful for a lot of people. It just isn't feasible.
TLDR: Not enough players
It's not like you could schedule a time for everyone to play either. Whatever time you choose will be awful for a lot of people. It just isn't feasible.
TLDR: Not enough players

What happes when you beat the game
On 2024-08-21 at 03:05:35
Nothing. No credits, no message for doing so, nothing
wish there was a staff roll after completing the game, wargor might as well add it as an update feature
There's no staff to roll. Wargor is the only person who has ever worked on this game, to my knowledge.
Yeah, but this game has a lot of reused assets from other people, credited on the home page( It could include them.
Still, only around 4 or 5 names total would be credited, and they are all credited already on the home page. Not enough for a staff roll to make sense.
Oh, I agree, I'm just saying that it wouldn't necessarily be Wargor only.
On 2024-08-21 at 01:40:50
Nothing. No credits, no message for doing so, nothing
wish there was a staff roll after completing the game, wargor might as well add it as an update feature
There's no staff to roll. Wargor is the only person who has ever worked on this game, to my knowledge.
Yeah, but this game has a lot of reused assets from other people, credited on the home page( It could include them.

On 2024-08-21 at 00:27:13
Nothing. No credits, no message for doing so, nothing

How to Art???
On 2024-09-08 at 21:40:02
What does this have to do with drawing

On 2024-09-06 at 01:09:35
Also what canvas sizes do you all usually use?
On 2024-08-29 at 02:12:14
now i actually think something is fishy about this
im NS friends with Andrew, but recently, i saw someone named Josh, but, why would Josh be using all of his brother's old accounts?
im NS friends with Andrew, but recently, i saw someone named Josh, but, why would Josh be using all of his brother's old accounts?
are you seriously gonna believe a dumb kid who's faking cancer to seek attention? It's pretty obvious that he's been lying, you could've believed him at first but now it's so obvious you either have to be blind or naive to believe it
yeah, i was very, VERY naive
Anyway I hope that kid gets struck down by lighting as punishment
That's a bit excessive, but okay.
On 2024-08-28 at 15:31:15
*Creative Exercise starts playing*
For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)
if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad
For pixel art, start of by adding shading between the road and the offroad, some alternate routes or shortcuts, maybe some jump ramps, (ones that arent just one-color lines, but rectangles with arrows pointing forwards) etc. (ill add more later on)
if you want to use a different program, use Sketchpad
That isn't really what I was talking about. Like, how can I get a track that looks more like something Lely or Max or RHcks would put out and less like something you'd find in the bargain bin at your local department store?
As much as I'm not any of the three people you said, I kinda know how Max makes his Tracks (mostly because I made QM pieces of two of his Tracks trying to replicate the style). A thing I've seen was the usage of patterns for different stuff, like something made of bricks having brick pattern, grass having some "random" darker green pixels and water being wavy
Every track i've made in the last 2 years were using some predefined textures (the patterns you're talking about) that can be used in (NOT A WEBSITE) and I did some tries to make original textures but I still have a lot to learn from this app haha so yeah for me it was kind of easy
where are these textures?
I think he means these.

On 2024-08-23 at 14:51:20
I noticed this critique by hoppingicon on somebody's multicup. Basically, he said that their color selection is poor. How many colors is too many colors? Is it the number, or is it a contrasting colors thing?
I guess this question is mostly aimed at @hoppingicon.
I guess this question is mostly aimed at @hoppingicon.