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How to Art???

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Help? All the tracks I make look fine, but also really vanilla, and making good looking characters in this game is a complete mess unless you're a pixel art god.

I'm back

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Hi. Welcome back.

Warning: Do not place ramps on the start near a gap in quick mode tracks!

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
jamestown wrote:
The reason is because, once you fall down the gap, you will be respawned at the starting line. Once you drop down onto the ramp you will immediately jump off of it and fall onto the gap again, basically creating a softlock.

Fall down on this track here to see what I mean by that.

I'm not sure that it's a softlock if you can get out of it...

I'm a failure

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
HiImAndrew wrote:
ayo bruv you is not a failure, who cares about friends, I don't really have any irl.

This is not the right mindset, you have a future as bright as the sun. That's what my mum told me before she passed

so don't be down, aright? Be happy.

Jeezus, you dropped that so casually...
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently fuck Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ass guy you aren't my friends
Yep Unless you have met them in real life then they are your friends but you really shouldn't ever trust anyone you meet online cause it could be some 40 year old man trying to get your address and shit

Again, he's not wrong.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
skymin wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently fuck Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ass guy you aren't my friends

Sorry, you're doing what to all those people???

I can confirm, I can confirm...

I didn't really want confirmation, but thanks
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

Never find friends on the internet? Alright well apparently fuck Lely, Dietsoda, K, xrunner, Max, Nodac or anyone else because apparently according to this random ass guy you aren't my friends

Sorry, you're doing what to all those people???
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

its FRICKING mkpc no one gives a sh1t about you because its the internet you will never find friends on the internet but you will irl
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besides me have online friends but u don't!

He's outta line, but he's right. The internet is a brutal place. It's easy to pretend that this site is somehow different, because it's 90% kids. But he's right. Most people you meet aren't gonna care  about how you feel, unless you give them a reason to care, which is easier said than done. I'd tell you how to do that if I knew how to do it. Maybe somebody else can take over here.  I'd say to give it time, too. You've only been here for half a year.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

I didn't get any of that, but don't be so hard on yourself.  If people call your work average, or if they love it, or if they hate it, it doesn't matter as long as you're proud of it. If it does bother you, then maybe you should look for ways to improve it.

Time Trials Scoring

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
How are the points for Time Trials calculated?

@Senko can tell you, he knows everything about the game and website

But he's not online rn:(
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
cooloaziz wrote:
How are the points for Time Trials calculated?
150cc or 200cc?

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
How are the points for Time Trials calculated?

goodbye. sorry. :(

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
"Sea of goodness" may be a stretch, but they're right. That being said, it's your decision: only you can make it.

[Fanfic] - The Dark Ages of MKPC - TW : Violence

Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Invu wrote:
Well this fanfic is gonna be put on hiatus. It might sound very weird but I prefer to wait to really enjoy writing for this fanfic isntead of forcing and pushing it. I have other ideas in mind.

New drinking game: take a shot every time Lely puts a fanfic on hiatus and never returns to it. I'll start:

This one is gonna be finished. Promise.

They always say that...
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Well this fanfic is gonna be put on hiatus. It might sound very weird but I prefer to wait to really enjoy writing for this fanfic isntead of forcing and pushing it. I have other ideas in mind.

New drinking game: take a shot every time Lely puts a fanfic on hiatus and never returns to it. I'll start:
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
guys I have an idea

Entity plush in...
...SEASON 2?!?!!?

There'll be a season 2 but with the same cast I think. And please submit a good character... I may remind you that all the cast here is human, not a fucking brain or idk what else y'all could be thinking about


Anyways entity plush could be one of those villians.

Aren't you making your own fanfic? Y'know, the one you said would last 6 years?
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
-69 Trillion out of 10

Stop asking dude, it's not gonna make a difference.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
Invu wrote:
Fiery wrote:
skymin wrote:
Leadgaming wrote:
Can I please be in chapter three

Please read everything, Lely said that he wouldn't add anyone else for now

He is part of the fanfic though

Oh damn then @Leadgaming you'll probably be in when you're relevant to the plot

I actually planned to give him lines in Chapter 2 but they were cancelled out. They will be in Chapter 3 instead.

Why did you change your username? @lely

Bc neurodivergency. (Not really)
Bc he can. He's running out of ideas tho, cuz he's used this one before.
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
Lely wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
Lely wrote:
Prologue : Dystopia

MKPCverse, Government Building.

9:29PM. There is an ongoing reunion in the government general quarter to decide what to do about the current state of the land. No violence has yet been observed, but a lot of tension has filled the air.

Wal68 : Since Peacegor has retired, I am required to be the president. But I really don't know what to do for the tension to stop. I don't believe we can reduce the tension in like, every city. That is impossible.
Max : I don't know either. This situation is way too much for me to handle.
Wal68 : We need to do something though. The citizens are getting angry at us, I'm pretty surprised no attack has been done yet--

As he says that, a huge bomb is seen flying towards the building. It breaks a window and ends up in the reunion room. A countdown starts.




Max : Oh my God... RUN ! GET OUT OF THIS PLACE !


Security guy : Hey ! I heard something-- A BOMB ??


Max : Hurry up and get out while you still can!






Wal : runs towards the computer and grabs it


Max : HURRY UP !!!!


Wal : runs back and gets out along with Max


Max : TO THE GROUND !!!!



9:29PM. Lely is the only one cooking for the night as a lot of employees got sick. He is panicking and almost messing out some meals, but manages to make all of them correctly anyways.

Lely : has a breakdown in the kitchens I can't do this... all the customers are so picky... how do you make sushi without rice ? How do you do a lactose free ice cream ? Let's try to continue... wait, who the hell put oil on the stove ? IT'S GOING TO--

As he says that, the oil touches the fire, burning down a whole part of the kitchen. The fire alarm is triggered and water falls from the ceiling. In every room, though. So water falls on the customers. The boss of the restaurant arrives.

Lely : I-I can't be in both the k-kitchen and in the waiting room at the s-same time... I'm truly sorry, I don't know who did this...
Boss : YOU. ARE. FIRED !!!

Lely is left sobbing alone, as a customer approaches him.

Miles : Hey... it's okay. You should check the security cameras. They'll tell you who dunnit.

Track Making Factory.

9:29PM, the employees are about to go home because their shift ended.

Babymario : We are making really good progress ! Cheep Cheep Cavern should be done soon, we just have to check the lighting of the track.
Blobby : For the lighting, it should be quite low, except on the outside of the cavern where it should be regular. The lighting in the cavern should be dim and natural, like with torches ?
Oscar : That's a really good idea ! What you're saying is really interesting.
SM7 : Who wants to test the track ? I could do it if you want--

As he said that, the racetrack they made started to break apart. Several bombs fell on the work of one whole month, and it broke apart slowly.

Blobby : I don't know... but we should get out, it seems dangerous.

Suddenly, a bigger bomb fell and it was slowly counting down.

Oscar : RUN !


SM7 : OUR TRACK !! NO !!


Babymario : There's no time !!


Blobby : RUN !!!


MKPC Mall.

9:29PM. Dudzi, working as a cashier in this huge mall, was ending the day with several customers that hurried their carts at him.

Dudzi : Would you like to pay by card, or by cash ? Man, I hate this job. What ? No, I didn't say anything. You must be dreaming. If only I could do something that I like... what ? No I still didn't say anything. You can go, someone else is waiting to collect their items. Man their voices are so useless I can't even hear what they're saying.
Customer : If you hear this, RUN.
Dudzi : I should probably get out of this place- Excuse me what?

Suddenly, a wall in the mall started breaking apart, seemingly because someone was hammering it. And the whole mall started tearing apart, falling down on itself slowly. Everybody started running.

Dudzi : Ah, finally some action. Wait, I might need to get out of here.

Dudzi started running out of the mall, reaching the exit in a few seconds. The mall crumbled on itself. A few people died in the remains. The police arrived, as well as some detective.

David : Yeah, they're dead ! Just like the dmps characters. Man, I love when people die. It makes my life useful and a little bit more exciting. Now I have to find out who did it. Let's accuse a random guy... yeah,you over there smirks while looking at Dudzi


Policeman : Excuse me, but you have to come with us. We will have some explaining to do. This is terrorism.

David : aw man, people are so gullible.

MKPC's Hospital

9:29PM. Fiery is running through the hallways, completely overworked.

Fiery : Man I literally just need to use the bathroom, but I have no time for that. I have been waiting 3 hours, enough is enough. I'm taking a break.

As he entered the bathrooms, he noticed something odd.

Fiery : Why... is the stall... overflowing... I can't even use it. Ah, shit. Let's put the out of order sign before someone--

As he said that, the sink exploded and flooded the room. Since the door was still open, the water started running in the hallways, Fiery being dragged by the wave.

Fiery : AHHHH !!!

The hospital was eventually flooded, hundreds of people died because they drowned in the flow, some survived because they fel into the pond next to the hospital, including Fiery.

News Presentation General Quarter.

9:34PM. Five accidents have occured in the kingdom. Nobody knows who did it. The news presentator is now alerting the rest of the citizens.

UraniumMan : Hello dear MKPCians. Breaking news : five terrorist attacks just occured in the land. Nobody knows who did it, there is no evidence. The only detective available, David, accused Dudzi. But the police interviewed him and he doesn't seem realistically capable of being the culprit. So who is it ? I don't know. Nobody does. The attacks are : a huge bomb thrown on the government's general quarter, oil poured near fire in Mushrestaurant, several bombs thrown into the Track Making Factory, several hammer blows on MKPC Mall and the canalisations of MKPC's Hospital being destroyed by someone. I will now leave you to Miles, a survivor of the accident in Mushrestaurant, who works for us and is now interviewing two celebrities to know their point of view on the situation.

Miles : So here I am, with Leadgaming and Scorchy. So, what do you both think about the ongoing... terror in MKPCverse?
Leadgaming : I don't really care. It had to burst at some point. I was a car ambassador owning many of these beautiful jewels, I still am. Terrorist attacks never affected me and they never will. Be a leader and you won't get hurt.
Miles : That mindset is terrible- UH I meant to say particular. Now Scorchy, what's your point of view on the situation?
Scorchy : Well I think this is absolutely TERRIFYING, the land is in complete doom right now, and I think I am lucky to not be a victim of any of these accidents. I was performing one of my songs, as usual since I am a singer, and I saw five places blow up and crumble under the sunset's colors. All were lit up by the city lights. It was a terrifying scene. The tension has won over the peace.
Miles : Indeed, this was such a frightening experience.

UraniumMan : So this concludes our news presentation as for today. Goodbye !

VC's house.

9:34PM, VC is sitting alone at the table.

VC : Hahaha... I... I'm not insane ! But. But ! The tension... and now the apocalypse... they have taken over me. I will now... become what I always hoped I wouldn't be... a ghost... Hahaha...

And just like that, she became a ghost.

VC : Wow, this actually makes my mind feel... peaceful. I will be haunting the town now, just like they haunted my mind. Haha...

Peacegor Street.

9:34PM, Dietsoda and K are walking peacefully in the streets.

K : Have you heard about the five... attacks ?
Dietsoda : Yeah, of course I did.
K : It just... scares me. What if me, and what if you... ended up in danger ?
Dietsoda : I'm telling you right now, I am doing EVERYTHING to survive.
K : Me too. I want to protect my friends, and the innocents as well.  
Dietsoda : Hah... personnally, I just want to die in a glorious combat.
K : I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this.
Dietsoda : Oh, I've always had a bad feeling since two months... everything felt so tense, now it all broke down. I don't know if that's for the best, though..

Is it for the best ?

Or will it get worse ?

Find out in the next chapter...

The Dark Ages of MKPC

The end...

I liked my character in the plot, I hope Jason appears

Who... is Jason ?
But thank you anyways :)

jason from friday the 13th

I don't even know who that is, and no he won't appear

You've never heard of Jason Voorhees???
Messages 3127 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Moon : You will suffer 24 hours per day.

Now, this could be a typo, or a funny way of saying 24/7, but in case it's actually relevant, I've got the conversion rates for each planet in our solar system.
59 Earth Days = 1 Mercury Day
243 Earth Days = 1 Venus Day
1 Earth Day & 37 Earth Seconds = 1 Mars Day
9 Earth Hours & 56 Earth Minutes = 1 Jupiter Day
10 Earth Hours & 34 Earth Minutes = 1 Saturn Day
17 Earth Hours & 14 Earth Minutes = 1 Uranus Day
16 Earth Hours & 6 Earth Minutes = 1 Neptune Day
Which knocks out 4 planets(the Gas Planets). Venus is 100% uninhabitable, which leaves 2 planets: Mercury & Mars. Either Lely was going to get 37 seconds of rest every day or several months. A 50/50 gamble.
Would you take it?
Also Fiery announcing his arrival like some kind of DJ was incredible

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