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On 2023-11-12 at 15:46:27
Days like these make me miss when millenials were the leading demographic. Look how far the world has fallen.

On 2023-11-12 at 14:29:43
Name: Krazey
Talent: Speed.
Personality: Tries to be the smart and sane one, but usually fails(doing everything fast means you have no time to process things if your brain isn't fast as well
Talent: Speed.
Personality: Tries to be the smart and sane one, but usually fails(doing everything fast means you have no time to process things if your brain isn't fast as well

On 2024-04-02 at 23:02:32
Guys i have something to say...
Sorry but April Fools actually ends on April 1st at 12pm
Sorry but April Fools actually ends on April 1st at 12pm
BREAKING NEWS: Time zones exist.
BREAKING NEWS: He lives in the same country as us
BREAKING NEWS: No one time zone can contain the whole US
BREAKING NEWS: A decently sized chunk of the mkpc community is from the United Kingdom, which is all within a single timezone. This aforementioned chunk includes Fiery, pixel and Coolmonkey.
BREAKING NEWS: I don't notice the flags on profiles
BREAKING NEWS: Chilli thought all of us were American

Okay, but did you answer yes or no?
Are you asking me to say yes or no to confirm or deny the question in the image or are you asking me yes or no to answer the question 'yes or no?' or are you asking me to say yes or no to the question mentioned above of if I had answered the question?
Yes or no as in can he lick your butt?
On 2024-04-02 at 21:48:37
Guys i have something to say...
Sorry but April Fools actually ends on April 1st at 12pm
Sorry but April Fools actually ends on April 1st at 12pm
BREAKING NEWS: Time zones exist.
BREAKING NEWS: He lives in the same country as us
BREAKING NEWS: No one time zone can contain the whole US
BREAKING NEWS: A decently sized chunk of the mkpc community is from the United Kingdom, which is all within a single timezone. This aforementioned chunk includes Fiery, pixel and Coolmonkey.
BREAKING NEWS: I don't notice the flags on profiles
BREAKING NEWS: Chilli thought all of us were American

Okay, but did you answer yes or no?

On 2024-04-01 at 15:17:14
anyone here have a crush on chun li
anyone here have a crush on Pixelss
Would, next question

On 2024-04-01 at 15:02:41
anyone here have a crush on chun li
How about Li Fen instead?
On 2024-04-01 at 03:35:49
I just want to know which one of you discord tryhard mfs pitched this idea for April Fools instead of BRINGING BACK PURPLE SHELL SMH?
On 2024-04-01 at 03:21:07
Anyway, it would be cool if Wargor actually did a stat rebalance/introduce a new stat, so we could have more stat variety. Even MK8DX did it(5 years into the game)
On 2024-04-01 at 03:17:10
It's April 1st in them white people;s countries
This shit is not real
your not real
Correct! You're the first one to figure it out! What reward do you want for being so smart?
me and u make a collab fanfic called total drama mkpc
Sorry! I cook alone. Try again.
(Also I'm pretty sure that's the name of a show(or based off of one) & I have no idea what even happens on those shows so I don't know how to write something based off of them)
On 2024-04-01 at 03:00:39
It's April 1st in them white people;s countries
This shit is not real
your not real
Correct! You're the first one to figure it out! What reward do you want for being so smart?
On 2024-04-01 at 02:42:45
For all the NA people
It's April 1st in them white people;s countries
This shit is not real
It's April 1st in them white people;s countries
This shit is not real

Minecraft pets
On 2024-02-22 at 18:04:24
I have a pet dog but it once almost died due to a witch entering my house using a creeper hole, and I was so afraid it'd get hurt again so I made it sit down and it didn't move again.
What a lovely story, 10/10 storytelling.
Super Mario Wonder Related Tracks (possible collab?????)
On 2024-01-26 at 23:37:44
get forgetton idiot
who is the most cringe
On 2024-04-03 at 17:07:27
I'm pretty high on that list, if I may so myself.
Good day to anyone except ____
On 2024-04-03 at 20:41:56
Oh so now we have people walking out there and declaring they're racist on public forums like it's nothing...
As a person who is born in a country that my current country colonized... It's annoying when people who got colonized are going at you. Like, I'm all against colonization personnally. I really find it terrible. But why would you attack someone random just because they lives in the country that colonized you ? I'm sorry but Illu has nothing to do with old Irish colonization, I have nothing to do with old French colonization... Because these happened centuries or at least decades ago, so the current citizens of said country can't really do much except apologize all over the hell again...
If you want to go at someone, go at the government. Not some poor girl on a MK forum.
Anyways L move Krazey, you are completely in the wrong for everything and whatever you've done here, initiating a fight out of absolutely nothing, and proceeding to continue it. You are also the one who brought a lot of politics to the table, the topic was supposed to insult cringe nya catgirls, ddlc youtubers, and so goes on, but you have to make it about this.
And you also admitted to being transphobic, invalidative and racist. The mods will probably not even do anything to you but this is at least ban worthy... You're admitting to basicaly being an asshole publicly and shamelessly, as if it was normal, well no.
As a person who is born in a country that my current country colonized... It's annoying when people who got colonized are going at you. Like, I'm all against colonization personnally. I really find it terrible. But why would you attack someone random just because they lives in the country that colonized you ? I'm sorry but Illu has nothing to do with old Irish colonization, I have nothing to do with old French colonization... Because these happened centuries or at least decades ago, so the current citizens of said country can't really do much except apologize all over the hell again...
If you want to go at someone, go at the government. Not some poor girl on a MK forum.
Anyways L move Krazey, you are completely in the wrong for everything and whatever you've done here, initiating a fight out of absolutely nothing, and proceeding to continue it. You are also the one who brought a lot of politics to the table, the topic was supposed to insult cringe nya catgirls, ddlc youtubers, and so goes on, but you have to make it about this.
And you also admitted to being transphobic, invalidative and racist. The mods will probably not even do anything to you but this is at least ban worthy... You're admitting to basicaly being an asshole publicly and shamelessly, as if it was normal, well no.
What do you want me to do? Lie? I have. Should I be like "it wasn't that bad", or something?
I never said that, but you should definitively shut up for once. How is it Illu's fault ?? And stop creating drama. Saying "I am the problem here, say it already" doesn't fucking matters if you don't actually try to be better. You don't care about being the problem. You just blame yourself, so that you can then say "Oh but I acknowledged it." You are just hella toxic, talking about politics, colonization, blaming someone that can't do anything about it, and initiating fights. And you admitted to being racist. Honestly how worse can you get ?
I apologized for it already. And I admitted that I don't really care to change my behavior, which is very stupid of me, but it's the truth. And that's not why I apologized, I apologized to just get it over with. But you know what? Go off. I don't care anymore. I'll take the ban.
And before I go, I'll have you know, I can be quite a bit worse than this.

On 2024-04-03 at 20:31:18
Oh so now we have people walking out there and declaring they're racist on public forums like it's nothing...
As a person who is born in a country that my current country colonized... It's annoying when people who got colonized are going at you. Like, I'm all against colonization personnally. I really find it terrible. But why would you attack someone random just because they lives in the country that colonized you ? I'm sorry but Illu has nothing to do with old Irish colonization, I have nothing to do with old French colonization... Because these happened centuries or at least decades ago, so the current citizens of said country can't really do much except apologize all over the hell again...
If you want to go at someone, go at the government. Not some poor girl on a MK forum.
Anyways L move Krazey, you are completely in the wrong for everything and whatever you've done here, initiating a fight out of absolutely nothing, and proceeding to continue it. You are also the one who brought a lot of politics to the table, the topic was supposed to insult cringe nya catgirls, ddlc youtubers, and so goes on, but you have to make it about this.
And you also admitted to being transphobic, invalidative and racist. The mods will probably not even do anything to you but this is at least ban worthy... You're admitting to basicaly being an asshole publicly and shamelessly, as if it was normal, well no.
As a person who is born in a country that my current country colonized... It's annoying when people who got colonized are going at you. Like, I'm all against colonization personnally. I really find it terrible. But why would you attack someone random just because they lives in the country that colonized you ? I'm sorry but Illu has nothing to do with old Irish colonization, I have nothing to do with old French colonization... Because these happened centuries or at least decades ago, so the current citizens of said country can't really do much except apologize all over the hell again...
If you want to go at someone, go at the government. Not some poor girl on a MK forum.
Anyways L move Krazey, you are completely in the wrong for everything and whatever you've done here, initiating a fight out of absolutely nothing, and proceeding to continue it. You are also the one who brought a lot of politics to the table, the topic was supposed to insult cringe nya catgirls, ddlc youtubers, and so goes on, but you have to make it about this.
And you also admitted to being transphobic, invalidative and racist. The mods will probably not even do anything to you but this is at least ban worthy... You're admitting to basicaly being an asshole publicly and shamelessly, as if it was normal, well no.
What do you want me to do? Lie? I have. Should I be like "it wasn't that bad", or something?

On 2024-04-03 at 17:14:35
The only person to blame for this debacle is very much me & I am sorry. My sorries don't mean very much when they keep on stacking up without any improvement, but they haven't invented a suitable word for that yet. If one of you comes up with one, please let me know. I will be it's strongest advocate.
I do have to say that arguing was kinda the point of the topic tho, especially with the underscores for quick & easy word insertion.
I do have to say that arguing was kinda the point of the topic tho, especially with the underscores for quick & easy word insertion.
On 2024-04-03 at 17:09:16
damn these forums are sad
Tbh this topic itself should've been locked far sooner... sorry for once again being the problem 😔
I know this is a triple post but you are NOT the problem in this situation. You know who is. Fuck, everybody knows who it is. Can one of you just fucking say so already?
Takes two people to argue though does it not? So by default yes I am at least part of the problem
But you arguing back is justified. Me instigating this whole thing & harassing you into a natural reaction isn't your fault so much as it is just human nature.

On 2024-04-03 at 17:05:36
damn these forums are sad
Tbh this topic itself should've been locked far sooner... sorry for once again being the problem 😔
I know this is a triple post but you are NOT the problem in this situation. You know who is. Fuck, everybody knows who it is. Can one of you just fucking say so already?

On 2024-04-03 at 17:03:49
I've already been blatantly invalidative, perversive and transphobic. Is racism really that far off? I'd assumed that we'd already past that, for a while now, but I guess not?