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Good day to anyone except ____

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Teon5072 wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

This doesn't seem like a square to me

Sorry, my bad. It's a rectangle.

the curve on the top right corner just doesn't exist i guess

The image is literally a rectangle tho, open it up in another page, you'll see what I mean

Ah yes because we're talking about the aspect ratio and not the track itself

If he was talking about the track itself, why didn't he use the BCP minimap or the Tour one? Those aren't literal rectangles.
The mall itself is still going to be a rectangle as well, so there's that too

Because this was the easiest one I could find

Yeah, and it's a rectangle.

If it were to make you happy, here:

That took way too long
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Teon5072 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

This doesn't seem like a square to me

Sorry, my bad. It's a rectangle.

the curve on the top right corner just doesn't exist i guess

The image is literally a rectangle tho, open it up in another page, you'll see what I mean

Ah yes because we're talking about the aspect ratio and not the track itself

If he was talking about the track itself, why didn't he use the BCP minimap or the Tour one? Those aren't literal rectangles.
The mall itself is still going to be a rectangle as well, so there's that too

Because this was the easiest one I could find

Yeah, and it's a rectangle.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

This doesn't seem like a square to me

Sorry, my bad. It's a rectangle.

the curve on the top right corner just doesn't exist i guess

The image is literally a rectangle tho, open it up in another page, you'll see what I mean

Ah yes because we're talking about the aspect ratio and not the track itself

If he was talking about the track itself, why didn't he use the BCP minimap or the Tour one? Those aren't literal rectangles.
The mall itself is still going to be a rectangle as well, so there's that too
If you're trying to prove that it's not a rectangle, then don't use the actual rectangle?
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
here wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

the song is good though

The song is good, but that doesn't equate to much because almost every song in the series is ALSO good. There are a few stinkers, but it's not like the rest of the music is so bad that it get's a pass off of the good music alone.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

This doesn't seem like a square to me

Sorry, my bad. It's a rectangle.

the curve on the top right corner just doesn't exist i guess

The image is literally a rectangle tho, open it up in another page, you'll see what I mean
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Teon5072 wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

This doesn't seem like a square to me

Sorry, my bad. It's a rectangle.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Chilli3564 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
good day to everyone except the person above me and the person below Fiery's message

So you're telling me to have a great day? Thanks

Yeah you deserve a good day stop being so hard on yourself it's not good at all

Nah, I deserve a better day than Chilli though

Yeah, I deserve a horrible day tbh

Factual. Bad days build resilience.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Invu wrote:
Invu wrote:
Why is everyone like "nooooo we deserve a good night" while you could just call him a bitch and wish him a bad night too ? :D

Jokes on you, I have bad nights anyway.
Anyway y'all are far too soft.

Where was I soft there

I was talking to them.

Oops my bad, I always feel targetted

Yeah, you have a victim complex, we get it.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Invu wrote:
Why is everyone like "nooooo we deserve a good night" while you could just call him a bitch and wish him a bad night too ? :D

Jokes on you, I have bad nights anyway.
Anyway y'all are far too soft.

Where was I soft there

I was talking to them.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Invu wrote:
Why is everyone like "nooooo we deserve a good night" while you could just call him a bitch and wish him a bad night too ? :D

Jokes on you, I have bad nights anyway.
Anyway y'all are far too soft.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Honestly, goodnight to none of you, you all deserve a horrible night

Nah thanks, I've spent too much time ill-wishing myself so I hope I have at least an okay night, and everyone here deserves a good night too

Hey, downplaying yourself is a terrible thing to do

Let somebody else do that, like me!
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Honestly, goodnight to none of you, you all deserve a horrible night

What did we do


ye well you hurte my feelingss nowww i'm going to do xtremely rele crying!!!!!!

waah waah waah waah raah

Don't worry, suffering builds character
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Honestly, goodnight to none of you, you all deserve a horrible night

What did we do

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Honestly, goodnight to none of you, you all deserve a horrible night
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

Ban Limey

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I Causht Limey Saying Inappropriate Stuff In Online Races:
Evidence: https://ibb.co/mCd5qCH

C;mon Alear, what eever happened to your sense of humor?

(Re)bonjour MKPC!!!

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Jey78 wrote:
Je suis de retour!!!

mais je sais pas quoi faire donc donnez-moi des idées sur ce topic jsp.

edit : ce n'est pas un poisson d'avril je suis vrmt de retour cette fois

re edit : @Senko unban moi du discord please

Hello Niggaz! 🤓☝️

Yo, whassup cracker?

whos the main now?

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Still Daisy, since this update will only be here for 24 hours.

Wait. 24 hours?

It's April 1st in White People Continent

Remember Purple Shell last year? This is like that. Look at the timing. Ain't no way a serious update happens at this time.

I don't remember a Purple Shell since I first played MKPC on October last year bit I know what you're saying now. Just one quick question. Does weird things happen on April Fools day in MKPC?

Yep. My first year here(2022), they added Aluigi to the main roster
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Still Daisy, since this update will only be here for 24 hours.

Wait. 24 hours?

It's April 1st in White People Continent

Remember Purple Shell last year? This is like that. Look at the timing. Ain't no way a serious update happens at this time.

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