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Stop stealing tracks (you know who you are)

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Listen, if we as a community release nothing but shit tracks for the rest of 2024, the number of thieves will decrease. Trust. I'm doing my part; can y'all do yours already?
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I'm glad my tracks are so mid they'll never get stolen.;)

Ban Wargor

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

Wargor Own This Website He Just the owner so he cannot ban himself.

Yes he could. He doesn't need to be logged in to update the game. His account is very much bannable, just like everyone else.
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Baer wrote:
puxelss is gsay

Somebody get this man a TRUE
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Better idea: Delete the website

My Easter 2024 PFP :)

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
What has bro done to Baby Peach
I feel very disturbed by this

Still, happy Easter!


Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Dietsoda wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Color brown Species website

this is very funny. evertime i post a topic, you say ''color brown species ____'' like its funni. Yes it is! osc-omb? more like osc-funni

Colour brown. Species monkey.

You called?

Why Furries are bad attempt 2

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Are you all this desperate that you're having e-porn on a Mario Kart Forum?

Ban nudgy hampter

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

It is because both accounts are under the same IP address (they are brothers, they live together, I just heard their mother shout at baer yesterday and it sounded like he was crying). However, I wouldn't call them alts, as there have been multiple cases where I've played against baer and coolmonkey at the same time online.

"They live together" Yeah, I have a brother too, & that mf doesn't have any of my courses, & I don't have any of his either so.

Have you checked that both of your devices aren't under the same IP or that your brothe hadn't contacted Wargor to remove the tracks? *[

The only person my brother contacts is this one girl who sells meth. Also, fair enough, I thought sharing an IP was impossible outside of companies.
I mean, there's IP collision, sure, but, uh...
The router should've fixed that by now.
Or IP conflict, whatever.
Or that's intentional because they're literal children & their parents set it up that way
Or....their the same guy

Is there any way I can get contact with her? It's totally like I'm not going to by meth, but i kinda wanna buy some meth

Nah, she only works with "trustworthy & local clients". You'd have to come down here. And be trustworthy. I don't know what that second part entails. I think it's some school pride BS.

she trusts me or I send a nuclear missile to her house

Yep. Definitely not trustable.
Anyway, you live in a 1st world country, surely you have dealers up the wazoo.

Idk man she seems extremely trustworthy to me

Uh uh, don't wanna hear it. Country-man bias.
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

It is because both accounts are under the same IP address (they are brothers, they live together, I just heard their mother shout at baer yesterday and it sounded like he was crying). However, I wouldn't call them alts, as there have been multiple cases where I've played against baer and coolmonkey at the same time online.

"They live together" Yeah, I have a brother too, & that mf doesn't have any of my courses, & I don't have any of his either so.

Have you checked that both of your devices aren't under the same IP or that your brothe hadn't contacted Wargor to remove the tracks? *[

The only person my brother contacts is this one girl who sells meth. Also, fair enough, I thought sharing an IP was impossible outside of companies.
I mean, there's IP collision, sure, but, uh...
The router should've fixed that by now.
Or IP conflict, whatever.
Or that's intentional because they're literal children & their parents set it up that way
Or....their the same guy

Is there any way I can get contact with her? It's totally like I'm not going to by meth, but i kinda wanna buy some meth

Nah, she only works with "trustworthy & local clients". You'd have to come down here. And be trustworthy. I don't know what that second part entails. I think it's some school pride BS.

she trusts me or I send a nuclear missile to her house

Yep. Definitely not trustable.
Anyway, you live in a 1st world country, surely you have dealers up the wazoo.
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

It is because both accounts are under the same IP address (they are brothers, they live together, I just heard their mother shout at baer yesterday and it sounded like he was crying). However, I wouldn't call them alts, as there have been multiple cases where I've played against baer and coolmonkey at the same time online.

"They live together" Yeah, I have a brother too, & that mf doesn't have any of my courses, & I don't have any of his either so.

Have you checked that both of your devices aren't under the same IP or that your brothe hadn't contacted Wargor to remove the tracks? *[

The only person my brother contacts is this one girl who sells meth. Also, fair enough, I thought sharing an IP was impossible outside of companies.
I mean, there's IP collision, sure, but, uh...
The router should've fixed that by now.
Or IP conflict, whatever.
Or that's intentional because they're literal children & their parents set it up that way
Or....their the same guy

Is there any way I can get contact with her? It's totally like I'm not going to by meth, but i kinda wanna buy some meth

Nah, she only works with "trustworthy & local clients". You'd have to come down here. And be trustworthy. I don't know what that second part entails. I think it's some school pride BS.
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

It is because both accounts are under the same IP address (they are brothers, they live together, I just heard their mother shout at baer yesterday and it sounded like he was crying). However, I wouldn't call them alts, as there have been multiple cases where I've played against baer and coolmonkey at the same time online.

"They live together" Yeah, I have a brother too, & that mf doesn't have any of my courses, & I don't have any of his either so.

Have you checked that both of your devices aren't under the same IP or that your brothe hadn't contacted Wargor to remove the tracks? *[

The only person my brother contacts is this one girl who sells meth. Also, fair enough, I thought sharing an IP was impossible outside of companies.
I mean, there's IP collision, sure, but, uh...
The router should've fixed that by now.
Or IP conflict, whatever.
Or that's intentional because they're literal children & their parents set it up that way
Or....their the same guy
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Pixelss wrote:
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

It is because both accounts are under the same IP address (they are brothers, they live together, I just heard their mother shout at baer yesterday and it sounded like he was crying). However, I wouldn't call them alts, as there have been multiple cases where I've played against baer and coolmonkey at the same time online.

"They live together" Yeah, I have a brother too, & that mf doesn't have any of my courses, & I don't have any of his either so.
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
coolbaer wrote:
coolmonkey is my bro and we work together in the coolmaer gang so...

Okay, he's your brother. Why do you have the same tracks then?
Also gangs don't have 2 people.

Song Contest

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
AVEOPdev97 wrote:
Pixelss wrote:
YoshiLOVER wrote:
OK OK OK OK OK I KNOW I made this because I like moosic- I mean Music so it is not a TBC it is more like a create a song contest
Spoiler [ShowHide]
]Use this app https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker - wait.. https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker

If this doesn't win, I'ma kill a pigeon with a pigeon.

Hey now, murder is bad
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Welp, even with the 16 bar limit, I tried to do something anyway. And I was cooking, I can assure you that, but then I had to restart my computer, & I lost everything, & became incredibly demotivated. So here, take this half-assed rendition on the song.
It's called "Final Quarter?"
It sounds generic, but that was kinda unavoidable with the inspiration(s).
Which are the Hotwheels Unleashed games, if you were wondering for some reason.
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I have no name for this, i just laid random notes together and accidentally made this banger https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/5495739827486720

It's uncanny how much this genuinely sounds like a Pikmin song, & you made it by complete accident?
Godlike musician
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
YoshiLOVER wrote:
OK OK OK OK OK I KNOW I made this because I like moosic- I mean Music so it is not a TBC it is more like a create a song contest
Spoiler [ShowHide]
]Use this app https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker - wait.. https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker

I was kinda interested in this, but then there's literally no rules.
And THEN we also have to use...that...thing

why not lets come back

Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Max-Bros wrote:
Coolmonkey wrote:
jamestown wrote:
Coolmonkey wrote:
so i was board and i decided to come back. bravo to the people who predicted the future, anyways yep im back and uhh, lets just have fun

Pretty lame excuse if you ask me! *[ Saying "I was bored" is not going to cut it. Either you stay, or touch grass! I'm sick of this pathetic nonsense!

its not an exuse, i had nothing to do at all. shut up, your not me, you cant say something thats a lie, i was bored, yo dont have my brain,you dont know whats goin on. you cant just say that something is an exuse when you not myself,we have different brains, you dont kno that, i know if its an exuse or not, and its not, shut up  your not me, use a modal verb like 'this MIGHT be an exuse, not just say that its an exuse when its not

Well, statistically speaking, this is probably an excuse. This isn't the first time someone's said "I'm leaving" & then not gone anywhere.
In any case, we don't have the same brais, true, but we're all veritable children. This isn't a convo between adults or anything, our brains are still at that stage where everything about us is pretty cookie-cutter.
So it is entirely possible to accurately predict what's going on up there. Still, I apologize for jumping to that conclusion.

You know what fuck it I'm done with this shit MODS

Blud, it's 10:30PM in France
90% of the Mods are NOT awake rn

you forgot the fact that 95% of time i'm not sleeping until midnight lmao (anyways wtf is happening lol)

Not online = asleep
Sorry, I don't make the rules
Messages 3128 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Coolmonkey wrote:
jamestown wrote:
Coolmonkey wrote:
so i was board and i decided to come back. bravo to the people who predicted the future, anyways yep im back and uhh, lets just have fun

Pretty lame excuse if you ask me! *[ Saying "I was bored" is not going to cut it. Either you stay, or touch grass! I'm sick of this pathetic nonsense!

its not an exuse, i had nothing to do at all. shut up, your not me, you cant say something thats a lie, i was bored, yo dont have my brain,you dont know whats goin on. you cant just say that something is an exuse when you not myself,we have different brains, you dont kno that, i know if its an exuse or not, and its not, shut up  your not me, use a modal verb like 'this MIGHT be an exuse, not just say that its an exuse when its not

Well, statistically speaking, this is probably an excuse. This isn't the first time someone's said "I'm leaving" & then not gone anywhere.
In any case, we don't have the same brais, true, but we're all veritable children. This isn't a convo between adults or anything, our brains are still at that stage where everything about us is pretty cookie-cutter.
So it is entirely possible to accurately predict what's going on up there. Still, I apologize for jumping to that conclusion.

You know what fuck it I'm done with this shit MODS

Blud, it's 10:30PM in France
90% of the Mods are NOT awake rn

5% in England is probably sleeping as well

Really? I figured that Nudge was a little more terminally online than that...

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