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How the fuck do you beat Night 6 on Five nights at Freddy's 2?!
On 2024-03-10 at 00:08:54
ah yes night 6 on the 2nd worst game in the franchise (in my opinion)
When you say worst, what do you mean? Difficult, or just plain bad?
Difficult but for FNaF 2 its both
Fair enough, and I assume the more difficult game is FNAF 4?
On 2024-03-09 at 23:51:04
ah yes night 6 on the 2nd worst game in the franchise (in my opinion)
When you say worst, what do you mean? Difficult, or just plain bad?
On 2024-03-09 at 23:32:22
Finally, a chance to plug TheBones5's channel
He's got a guide to every single max difficulty mode in the mainline FNAF games.
No matter which classic FNAF you're looking for, he's got a comprehensive guide for the Max Difficulty strat. The videos are also really funny & informative.
The first thing I'd ask is if you are buffering your mask release? If you hold your mouse over where the mask button is during an attack, it will auto-drop it on the first available frame. That sounds good on paper, & it isn't too bad on Night 6 compared to 10/20, but still not the best.
He's got a guide to every single max difficulty mode in the mainline FNAF games.
No matter which classic FNAF you're looking for, he's got a comprehensive guide for the Max Difficulty strat. The videos are also really funny & informative.
The first thing I'd ask is if you are buffering your mask release? If you hold your mouse over where the mask button is during an attack, it will auto-drop it on the first available frame. That sounds good on paper, & it isn't too bad on Night 6 compared to 10/20, but still not the best.
Hate message to every animatronic in FNaF 2
On 2024-03-11 at 02:13:56
Andrew has already moved on to FNAF3, so there's no point in answering to this topic.

On 2024-03-10 at 21:03:37
Fuck you, and everything you ever wanted, Shut the fuck up with your bullshit quotes. Toy Freddy, you are fat as fuck. And get better at gaming bro - You can't beat the easiest game in the world! I mean come on! It fucking has 3 cameras!! And Bonnie, Get some plastic surgery mate! You look like a fucking karen girl you see in high school! 'Umm, Nooo! That's like so cringggeee "bruv"' Chica. Ngl you kinda hot- Withered Freddy. Get the fuck out of my office bro! You look like a Grandpa or an Ipad kid who doesn't know the wifi password! Toy Foxy, You can burn in hell. WHEN TF WILL YOU DECAY BRO Same thing for you BB. 'New and shiny mode' YOU BRING FOXY'S AI LEVEL FROM 0 TO 13!!!! DD, You and I are throwing hands tonight bruv. 'Oh, HoW UnfOrTuNaTe!, UuHh-OoHh, HoW uNfOrTuNaTe!' shut your goddamn mouth bro. Just Fuck everyone In the FNaF series!
DD is not even FNAF 2, wtf?
Anyway, if you do Minus 3 Strat you won't have to worry about any of the Withereds for the entire night.
On 2024-03-10 at 21:01:22
Hey, JJ has done nothing. You leave her out of this!
going for Gold-en Freddy mode.
On 2024-03-10 at 14:08:05
10/20 mode, on five nights at Freddy's two. The only main threats are Foxy, BB, W. Bonnie,W. Chica, Toy Freddy, and W. Freddy.{'W.' stands for withered, BTW}.
Does he know?
Fellas, I don't think he knows
I didn't remember to tell you this last night, that video I sent is really outdated, there's a newer one that makes things way easier.
Skip to the "Minus 7" Strategy. You don't need to do Minus 7 btw, Minus 3 is way easier.
Funny that you should mention BB...
Goodbye Akira Toriyama / Aurevoir Akira Toriyama
On 2024-03-09 at 01:35:42
I know that there are a lot people who don't care about DBZ, so I guess it's worth bringing up the fact that the only reason Mario looks the way he does now is because of Toriyama's work? Confirmed by Miyamoto himself a couple years back. Like, if that helps somebody appreciate him more, you know.
And also the only reason for both Tanooki & Wing Cap Mario
Also Cloud from FFVII, the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog 1 intro, some of Kirby's Copy Abilities(Cutter, Crash), Kirby's House is Goku's(although everybody knows that), Mega Evolution & Z-Moves, Booyah Bomb from Splatoon 2, realistically I could keep going. Add onto that the effect that DQ had on RPGs as a whole & yeah, you start to understand why he was so special.
And also the only reason for both Tanooki & Wing Cap Mario
Also Cloud from FFVII, the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog 1 intro, some of Kirby's Copy Abilities(Cutter, Crash), Kirby's House is Goku's(although everybody knows that), Mega Evolution & Z-Moves, Booyah Bomb from Splatoon 2, realistically I could keep going. Add onto that the effect that DQ had on RPGs as a whole & yeah, you start to understand why he was so special.
On 2024-03-08 at 17:12:37
I don't care about Dragon Ball tbh, it's mid af
But his character design work in both Dragon Quest & Chrono Trigger were really something special, literally the groundwork for every JRPG ever
Not to mention the basis of a ton of media like Super Sonic
RIP to the Goat
But his character design work in both Dragon Quest & Chrono Trigger were really something special, literally the groundwork for every JRPG ever
Not to mention the basis of a ton of media like Super Sonic
RIP to the Goat
People who reverse drift online don't play fair
On 2024-03-07 at 20:52:35
Here's a tip for everyone who can't reverse drift:
Second place exists
You don't NEED to come first to get points
And also bagging exists
And also you could just DC once you see the name, I do it all the time(when it's only 2-3 people in the lobby, & I'm the only one who can't do it)
Second place exists
You don't NEED to come first to get points
And also bagging exists
And also you could just DC once you see the name, I do it all the time(when it's only 2-3 people in the lobby, & I'm the only one who can't do it)
On 2023-12-13 at 20:47:35
Suck it up and take a lower position
Just DC lmao, I do it all the time. Just don't feel like losing 237 points because I've played for longer than them but they're better, y'know.
What does DC stand for?
Disconnect. Learn the usernames & dip whenever they join. Or race with them & when it becomes clear that you can't beat them, leave. It's very disintuitive & cowardly but it's an option.
On 2023-12-13 at 18:47:11
Other than improving, they are two easier ways to deal with reverse drifters:
Suck it up and take a lower position
Just DC lmao, I do it all the time. Just don't feel like losing 237 points because I've played for longer than them but they're better, y'know.
Suck it up and take a lower position
Just DC lmao, I do it all the time. Just don't feel like losing 237 points because I've played for longer than them but they're better, y'know.
On 2023-12-13 at 18:39:05
Their is an exploit in this game called Reverse Drifting. It is a technique people use to gain speed. That is great in all, but people who uses the technique online gets a great advantage and is so in the lead people can't catch up. This alone ruins the race for everyone who's trying to get first place. Is it really worth it to just reverse drift when people are literally just starting Mario Kart PC?
They're playing a game based off of an official series known for having bullshit mechanics up the wazoo. If they don't know that it's kinda on them.
Also with or without it they will have 0 chances of winning. They'll still be outdriven, outplayed, outclassed by the pros. The only way to change that is to improve at the game itself, not complain about it.
On 2024-03-04 at 13:50:58
Yes. It's called a toilet. There should be atleast 2 of them in your house.
If someone had to start their own YouTube channel, what advice would you give them?
On 2024-03-04 at 22:47:34
My advice is to wake tf up & realize that you will get nowhere. No one will watch, you won't be making any money, your content will be generic because you're a kid & you'll make content exactly like the content you already watch, & you'll be wasting your time, if you want internet fame & respect go become an e-book author who writes stories that are allegories for real world shit that people will actually be interested in. And guess what else?
And if you were so soft that you didn't even read through the spoiler, I don't think that Youtube is for you, atleast not "Stardom". If you're going to break into the sphere, your going to have to create unique & interesting content, which is hard enough as is. If you have some niche that you know nobody else has capitalized on fully(like how Game Theory loved unrealistic theorizing), it'll help you break through, atleast to the few who are interested in it.
And if you listened to this & became disheartened immediately, your ass does not have what it takes in the first place, you're far too soft & unsure of yourself to make it, I'd genuinely give up then.
And if you were so soft that you didn't even read through the spoiler, I don't think that Youtube is for you, atleast not "Stardom". If you're going to break into the sphere, your going to have to create unique & interesting content, which is hard enough as is. If you have some niche that you know nobody else has capitalized on fully(like how Game Theory loved unrealistic theorizing), it'll help you break through, atleast to the few who are interested in it.
/!\ Advent Calendar 2023
On 2023-12-01 at 20:08:38
Me personally, challenge one was really easy. Just gotta line yourself up with the snowmen. I did it second try too.
I know that tomorrow is gonna be less easy...
I know that tomorrow is gonna be less easy...
On 2023-12-01 at 00:57:58
Now that a year has passed, I hope I can break 9 challenges!

Share your BCP hot takes here
On 2024-03-03 at 15:16:07
Sydney Sprint should've replaced LA Laps in the new credits, yes, it doesn't fit well, but I don't fucking care. LA is not good enough.
Did You Forget LAL Has Bah Bah It Its Music
The Tour version, yes. And it sucks, which is why the replaced it. I admire the uniqueness of that version, but I'd rather not hear it ever again, thank you.
On 2023-11-10 at 01:53:04
3DS Rosalina's Ice World was some banger music although replaced Piranha Plant Pipeline (I like that one too)
It didn't replace Pipeline. It replaced Mushroom Bridge, and Daisy Circuit replaced Pipeline. When you think about it that outcome makes a lot more sense
That kinda falls apart when you realize that Daisy Circuit’s internal number was revealed to be 66, and RIW is 67
Yes I’m serious
Which one is 62 then???
Maple Treeway. It was known as far back as the music leak
Oh yeah. But what filled the space? Waluigi Stadium had to be delayed, so something got cut. And there can't be an ID missing...
On 2023-11-10 at 01:35:59
3DS Rosalina's Ice World was some banger music although replaced Piranha Plant Pipeline (I like that one too)
It didn't replace Pipeline. It replaced Mushroom Bridge, and Daisy Circuit replaced Pipeline. When you think about it that outcome makes a lot more sense
That kinda falls apart when you realize that Daisy Circuit’s internal number was revealed to be 66, and RIW is 67
Yes I’m serious
Which one is 62 then???