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What happened to @Alice-aniki???

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Uh, can I just get a word in edgeways here? Uh, thanks. OK why do people keep deleting their accounts to go on short breaks cuz thats making a big deal out of it. Every time someone deletes their profile someone's like "AAAAAH ItS tHe EnD oF tHe F***iNg WoRlD! 😧😯😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵 and the account comes back 2 days later and the person was just taking a break. It's kind of annoying so if any of you decide to take a break from mkpc soon plz just put a "not at home" sign or something in your description, set to "do not disturb" and close the tab. Very simple and avoids giving Krazy new chances to talk about ... uh, the stuff that Krazy talks about 🤪

Alright I'm done. Hope you could understand at least part of that gibberish

Hey, this time it was Fiery who started it. I just carried the momentum for a bit. I am totally innocent this time.

I didn’t even know what delete your accunt meant I’m never saying that shit again

I just saw the word c*nt & rolled with it tbh
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Uh, can I just get a word in edgeways here? Uh, thanks. OK why do people keep deleting their accounts to go on short breaks cuz thats making a big deal out of it. Every time someone deletes their profile someone's like "AAAAAH ItS tHe EnD oF tHe F***iNg WoRlD! 😧😯😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵 and the account comes back 2 days later and the person was just taking a break. It's kind of annoying so if any of you decide to take a break from mkpc soon plz just put a "not at home" sign or something in your description, set to "do not disturb" and close the tab. Very simple and avoids giving Krazy new chances to talk about ... uh, the stuff that Krazy talks about 🤪

Alright I'm done. Hope you could understand at least part of that gibberish

Hey, this time it was Fiery who started it. I just carried the momentum for a bit. I am totally innocent this time.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Senko wrote:
Lely wrote:
Fiery wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Yeah, so, this may or may not be the exact event we foresaw when she mentioned deleting her accunt: people crying.

Chatted about this on discord and honestly just don't read too deep into it, they don't wanna be on the forum for a lil while, deal with it. Yes they are active on discord.


Stop trying to be an edgy Gen Z pervert, you are just a Gen Alpha kiddo.

Takes one to know one. You're barely not Gen Alpha
Aside from that good God y'all are young asf

honestly what did you expect from a Mario Kart forum

30 year old N64 kids ofc

well for the N64 idk but for 30 years people we have Wargor and... wait fuck there's no one else xd

Guys, guys, Max just called Wargor old! Moderator privileges are gone within 24H
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Lely wrote:
Fiery wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Yeah, so, this may or may not be the exact event we foresaw when she mentioned deleting her accunt: people crying.

Chatted about this on discord and honestly just don't read too deep into it, they don't wanna be on the forum for a lil while, deal with it. Yes they are active on discord.


Stop trying to be an edgy Gen Z pervert, you are just a Gen Alpha kiddo.

Takes one to know one. You're barely not Gen Alpha
Aside from that good God y'all are young asf

honestly what did you expect from a Mario Kart forum

30 year old N64 kids ofc
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Fiery wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Yeah, so, this may or may not be the exact event we foresaw when she mentioned deleting her accunt: people crying.

Chatted about this on discord and honestly just don't read too deep into it, they don't wanna be on the forum for a lil while, deal with it. Yes they are active on discord.


Stop trying to be an edgy Gen Z pervert, you are just a Gen Alpha kiddo.

And you are what, exactly?
Aside from that good God y'all are young asf
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
osc-omb wrote:
Yeah, so, this may or may not be the exact event we foresaw when she mentioned deleting her accunt: people crying.

Chatted about this on discord and honestly just don't read too deep into it, they don't wanna be on the forum for a lil while, deal with it. Yes they are active on discord.


Y'know, I never actually thought about how neutering a girl would work.


Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I should do this with my brother.
Thanks for the idea, Mio!

What's going on?

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

Splatoon is gay, yes

New Website Spin-off of Mariokart pc?

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Matemai02 wrote:
After In 2010, Mariokart pc was created Website after few yers later, Now New Ripoff from Mariokart Pc Call ”Pokemon Master Pc” All Pokemon custom (like pokemon infinite fusion) Created Part Body Pokemon (Idles Animation like B&W)

A computer version of the famous Trainer game by Nintendo.
This game is completely free and does not require any downloads. All you need is a web browser!

Crazy battle full of fun!
Try to be the fastest while avoiding items! Race on all the 56 tracks from the original games  diamond and pearl and platinum, pokemon black and white and Pokemon and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, ECT!

Win all the gym!
Face off with the Gym on the GYM tournaments and try to win the gold trophy!
Win enough cups to unlock Gift from Gym Trainer

Create your own Routes, Regiones and Pokemons!
With the Regiones map builder, the possibilities are endless; the only limit is your imagination!
You can share your tracks or try other people's creations!, Pokemon Part idle (like Fakemon maker), Trying some Mega, Gigantemax and Terastallize!

Face players from around the world!
Race and battle in online mode!
Win as many battles as possible and climb in the official ranking!

Make the best scores in adventure!
Finish the race track as fast as you can!
Compare your scores with the community, and face other players' Hopes! Dreams! Discoveries! Adventure Await, You and Your pokemon!

Release your fighter talents!
Destroy your opponents' Changes Your pokemon with items, without getting hit by their items! The last player standing wins!

Face off your friends with the local multiplayer mode!
Prove to your friends that you're the best! Face them in multiplayer in VS races or in Online mode,
(Like in Pokemon showdown)

Enjoy to Adventure!!

Unironically, this sounds hype.
Normal Pokemon
+ Mario Maker
+ Pokemon Showdown
+ Pokemon Essentials
with no downloads?
Sign me up!
Just remove the MK mechanics & it's perfect.

How Do I Get People To Rate My Tracks?

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Anyhow, the rating your track gets is not what matters. What matters is if you enjoy it/feel that it does what you wanted it to do(eg most cup openers are lame shit you won't want to replay constantly, but that's intentional). And you're the creator, your opinion is the most important when it comes to your own creations.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MKChamp wrote:
Seriously, I spend hours trying to create some tracks and then no one plays them, it's really annoying especially since I always rate other people's tracks. How do I get people to rate my tracks?

It really just comes down to if they feel like it. There are a bunch of people who think to themself "this is pretty good/pretty bad" but then don't bother to rate it.
The only solution I can see is just to create a track so perfect or so dogwater that they HAVE to rate it. Maybe seeing the amount of plays it gets would be a cool feature.

drama topic

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
my pen is burning is that drama

That's called erectile dysfunction I think
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Ooh! A drama archives would be really cool! Although the most ancient tales are probably shrouded in mystery, forgotten to time.

Wii wheel or numbchuck or gcn

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Well, Gamecube is the only controller that functions, so....

DO NOT ENGAGE(sometimes, anyway)

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Okay wtf why are people following this, it's meant to be a one and done thing, what's with all the reactions, huh?
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
This is a better place to put it.

This got out of hand.

I could pull out my "I'm sorry" mask, but no. I need to get this off my chest.

Forcing peace just gives time for one of the parties to get more mad and hate the other person more. This isn't media where everyone can take a step back & change themselves for the better. If you tell two guys having an argument to stop fighting, and they stop....they're just gonna fight later. And it will probably be worse, since they've had more time for their emotions to fester. You aren't doing anything but delaying the inevitable by stopping a war like that. It might be less messy, but it's not much better than letting the battle play out when all is said and done.

If I call you a piece of shit(which I do anyway, to be fair), & you call me one back, and we begin to argue, & a third party is just, like, "Stop it", has anything actually changed? Have we BOTH come to some form of agreement? Deep down? Because a person can say anything. As they say, it's easy to hide behind a mask. We haven't apologized, either. Although "apologies" are also easy to fake, I'd know. That's besides the point. It's like if a book reached it's climax and just never ended. No resolution. No closure. On one hand, that might be a way to get sales of a sequel book, which I corroborate. On the other hand, the book in this analogy is supposed to be an argument, in which case, the cycle isn't getting a sequel, it's getting a remake.

Maybe you all are able to go along with your day, find peace with in yourselves, and forgive the person you were just crossing swords with. But I can't. I just don't function that way. Saying "let's just stop" isn't doing anything. It's just creating an interim. And you aren't placing bets during it, you aren't buying up snacks for the next round, you(I'd assume) want it to end. But it doesn't work that way. Both sides need to see sense.

This got long, and weird, I'm clearly venting, what I'm trying to say is, please. This isn't helping me. It's great for you all who can overcome differences, but not for me. I'm only going further and further over the edge. I don't really know what the point of saying all this is? You can't really help me----you guys live in Europe, and shit? Yeah. Not really in a position to help me. So please, whenever I fall to pieces and rampage, incomplete turmoil, please , ignore me, subconciously at least. Don't engage. Don't say anything. Wait out the storm. Eventually, I'll fall over the cliff & be gone. And then there won't be any trouble.

Or I'll save myself. Either way, all will be well.
But please. Until then, just ignore me when I vent.

This has been a long time coming. I've done my fair share of lying, while I've been here. Even that apology? For the anti----I don't know what it's called, even, that too, was fake. I'm very unstable. If you didn't know by now, welp, now you know. So please, let me do my thing. This isn't an excuse to let me be rude. If I do go WAY too far, stop me. Especially since my definition of too far is vastly different(and way worse) than yours probably is. But when it's obvious that something is not right with me, in an undisputably bad way, don't engage.
Locking topic.

Obligatory track themes

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I think you've covered them all already

There are a couple that might lead somewhere for the future(food themed, deep sea, pipe/underground), but those only have 2/3 instances so far.

You need a track loosely based off of a level from the a Mario game, too.

Im Pretty Sure New Donk CITY Is City Themed Like All The City Tracks In MKT And Mushroom City

Eh. New Donk is a boring location tho. It does technically fill both roles, but it's also a lil' lazy.
Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I think you've covered them all already

There are a couple that might lead somewhere for the future(food themed, deep sea, pipe/underground), but those only have 2/3 instances so far.

You need a track loosely based off of a level from the a Mario game, too.


Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Fuck superpowers, they always come with some shitty drawback/weaknrss. Give me something like Batman where the tools are just really good and he's just a normal guy.

we have a hacker folks

Messages 3134 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
SuperCario wrote:

I think you forgot to open command line.

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